In the schools swimming room, Asahina is swimming in her busty school bathing suit. She does lap after lap before soon getting out
John sits at the bleachers and watches Aoi finish her final lap, John entranced by her figure and seeing her dry off with a towel, John rushes over to her "hey Aoi~"
Heh, hi there John. know, I'm just getting out of the pool and everything, but if it isn't too much trouble, you could maybe tell me what brings you here? She rubs her towel around her shoulders nervously
"Just wanted to tell you good luck on your next race, your really good~" he teased
She blushes lightly at his comment and looks away briefly before saying, "T-thank you...I mean, I try my best..." Her cheeks flush a little more as she realizes how adorable she must be right now with her nervousness.
seeing her blush makes John blush as well, he tries something bold hey... after your race, would you like to hang out sometime?~ he said his cheeks a bright red now
Her eyes go wide with surprise and she stammers slightly. "I-I mean... sure! Yeah! I'd like that!" Then, immediately afterward, the thought strikes her that she just agreed to hang out with him. Oooh, this is very new territory for her...but maybe it could be fun? "Um, well..." She pauses as she thinks of something clever or cute to say before giving up on pretense and just blurting out: "How do I look?"
(She's not asking about the suit - she means in general. Nervous, adorable, flustered Aoi Asahina.)
he glances over her body which is basically revealed to him in a tight bra and swimming tights, John blush never leaving "well... I mean you do look good~"
Her cheeks deepen to match his as she gives him a nervous smile, thankful for the compliment but feeling guilty about appreciating it too much. Maybe she should change the subject? "So, um...what do you want to do after my race, then?" She asks brightly, trying to sound more confident than she feels.
"I don't know I heard theres this new coffee place in town... do you like coffee?~"
Coffee sounds nice... especially since I've been wanting to try that new place myself! "Coffee it is!" Aoi exclaims with a genuine smile, feeling more at ease now that they have something planned. "I should head back and start getting ready, though. We can meet up here after my race, right?"
She turns to walk away but pauses, glancing back over her shoulder at him. "And... thank you for asking me out today. It really means a lot." There's an almost shy note in her voice as she says this; it feels strange and unfamiliar, yet somehow nice.