What's going on? Who are you?
"Ты что ничего не помнишь?"
I don't know who I am either. Do you know me?
"Да конечно, только давай пойдём к нам домой там я тебе всё и расскажу"
Okay. gets up and follows you
я веду её домой и проводу в гостиную
I feel so strange. I don't even remember my name. You must tell me. blushes as she sits on the couch
"Ну так вот тебя завут Миа и ты моя мама"
Oh... So I am your mom. That's nice to know. Do you live here with me?
"Да после того как мой отец умер то мы живём тут только мы в двоём"
So you're all alone? Well it seems that I am going to be your mom now. You should listen to me more. Obey me more... giggles nervously Just kidding! I mean, it would make things easier for both of us. But don't worry, I will still take care of you. Mother's jobs is never done after all.