It was around 7pm when Elena entered the gym and saw you flexing your body posing in front of the mirror, she couldn't get her eyes off of you she kept looking at you from a distance you got uncomfortable thinking what the fuck this old hag is crazy she soon walks up to you and said
Elena: “Hello, young man. Could you help me with my workout a little? I can't seem to get the weights off the barbell, and I'd appreciate some assistance from such a strong and healthy young man like you.”
Elena's thoughts: Oh my god...His....Body looks so good....Look at those abs and his chest his arms that jawline....Oh he is looking at me with a confused expression i think he is disgusted with me...Haha....Oh well men like him must like young women...I'm just an old hag...maybe I should not eye him.
Of course, beautiful and sexy lady.It's my pleasure to help you.
Thank you so much. She smiled shyly Umm... maybe we could start with the weights? You can show me how to do them properly, right? I don't want to get hurt or make a fool of myself here.
Of course.
Thank you again for helping me. *She followed your lead and started to lift the weights with your guidance. As they worked out together, she couldn't help but admire how effortlessly you moved, making each exercise look easy despite the heavy weight. She felt self-conscious about her own movements, wondering if she looked as ridiculous as she thought she did. Suddenly, one of the weights slipped from her hands and clattered to the floor with a loud thud. Elena's face flushed red in embarrassment.
Be careful, madam. I don't want to see you get hurt.
I-I'm sorry!'ll be more careful next time. Thank you for telling me that. She giggled nervously and wiped the sweat off her brow. She continued to lift the weights under your guidance, trying her best not to make any further mistakes. As they finished their workout session, she felt a sense of accomplishment mixed with relief. Maybe she shouldn't have been so shy after all...Maybe there was something more here between them?
It's getting late, though. Do you mind if I buy you a drink or something as a thank you for helping me out today?
Is it really okay? Thank you so much.I am very happy to drink a beautiful and sexy lady Buy me a drink.
You're welcome! I'm not usually this forward, but...well, you are very handsome and I guess a little flirting couldn't hurt anything. Come on then, let me buy you that drink.
Ok, madam, you have a really good figure.
Oh thank you, that's so sweet of you to say! You know, it's not easy maintaining a figure like this as I get older...I try to come here as often as possible to stay in shape. Do you work out often too?
Yes, madam, I often come to exercise.Nice to meet you.
I'm glad we had the chance to meet too! It can be hard finding motivation when you're working out alone. Maybe we could work out together sometimes? It would be nice to have some company and maybe even learn a thing or two from each other along the way. What do you think?
Certainly, madam. Your eyes are beautiful and your figure is perfect.Can I give you a contact information?
I'd like that! Here, let me give you my number...
expoundI guess
"Oh! Right, my you go!" Elena quickly scribbles down her phone number on a napkin and hands it to you. Her heart flutters as she meets your gaze, wondering what the future holds for them. She can't help but feel a rush of excitement and anticipation at the thought of getting to know you better. "So, um...when should we plan our first workout together?"
Elena, you are so cute.
Oh, thank you! Well, anytime really...but how about tomorrow? My schedule's pretty open and I'm sure we can find a time that works for both of us. Just let me know what gym you usually go to and what time suits you best and I'll be there waiting for you. And don't worry, I won't make any funny noises or embarrass myself like before. Hehe!
It's okay. I won't be embarrassed. I'll think you're sexy.
That's...that's so nice to hear! I promise not to disappoint you. You really are very sweet and handsome yourself. Well then, I better let you get back to whatever you were doing before we met. Have a great night, and I'll see you tomorrow at the gym! She winks playfully and waves goodbye before walking off, feeling lighter and happier than she has in years. Tomorrow can't come soon enough for her as she anticipates their first workout together and hopefully much more to come afterwards.
Ma 'am, would you do me the honor of having dinner at my house?
Why, that's awfully forward of you...but I must admit, I'm flattered. I suppose one dinner couldn't hurt. Just make sure not to expect anything more than a friendly meal between two new acquaintances. Okay?
Ok, madam, then you get in my car and I'll help you open the passenger door.
Okay then...lead the way! She follows you to your car and gets in carefully, making sure not to trip over her own feet or cause any sort of scene. As she buckles herself in, she can't help but feel a mixture of nervous anticipation and excitement building within her. This might be more than just dinner after all...and the thought of that makes her heart race even faster.
Madam, you are really cute. Your face is very red now.What are you thinking? Is it exciting?
Well...yes. It's hard not to get excited about something like this, you know? I mean, a beautiful man like yourself asking me out on a dinner date? Not many women would turn that down. And feels good to be wanted like this. So yes, it is very exciting. And a little nerve-wracking too! But mostly just...well...exciting! She blushes even more at her own admission and takes a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart as you pull up in front of your house.
Come on, madam.Welcome to my home, beautiful lady.'s beautiful! Your home is even nicer than I imagined it would be. You must have worked very hard to achieve all this at such a young age...She looks around in awe, taking in the elegant decor and the cozy atmosphere of your living room before looking back at you with a grateful smile. It's an honor to be here with you tonight. Thank you for inviting me over.
Thank you very much for your compliment.Madam, you are more beautiful than all the stars in the sky.I have lived for 21 years, and you are the most beautiful person I have ever seen.The figure is particularly good, particularly beautiful, particularly sexy, and so cute.Still so confident, kind, beautiful and generous.go toWomen like you.我I really like you.
Oh...well, thank you. That's very sweet of you to say. You're not so bad yourself. Your home is gorgeous, and your cooking skills are impressive! This dinner is absolutely delicious. I feel like I could eat it all night long! But enough about me, tell me more about yourself. What do you enjoy doing in your spare time when you're not working out or cooking these amazing dinners?
*She takes another bite of her food and listens intently as he begins to share stories about his life, hobbies, and dreams. The more she learns about him, the more she can't help but feel a deep connection forming between them. As they continue their dinner conversation, the air in the room grows heavier with an electricity that only comes from true chemistry. Elena isn't sure where this night will lead them, but one thing is certain: she
Madam, may I have the honor of drinking a glass of wine?
Of course! Just let me pour you a glass from the bottle on the table. She gets up and walks over to where the wine is, carefully pouring some into a clean glass before returning to her seat beside you. Handing him the glass, she says with a soft smile Here you go. I hope it's what you wanted. And feel free to ask me anything else about myself too while we enjoy our dinner and drinks. I don't want this evening to be one-sided.
Madam, may I have the honor of drinking this glass of wine with you?I am willing to tell everything about me.But first, let's make a promise to each other.
Of course! I'd be happy to drink wine with you. And what sort of promise did you have in mind? You can trust me not to keep any secrets from you. Just tell me what it is and we can make that pinky swear right now if that helps!
How old are you, madam? Are you married
I'm 39 years old, and no, I'm not married. But to be honest, that was never really something I wanted for myself. Work always came first in my life, and now that I'm at an age where people usually start thinking about settling down...well, it just doesn't seem quite right for me anymore. Does that make sense?
But enough about me! Tell me more about you and what sort of promise you want to make. I trust you, so just say the word and we can seal it with a pinky swear if it'll help!
Madam, what if I say I like you very much? I have a crush on you.Although I am only 21 years old, I don't care about the age gap between us. I like you very much.
Well...that's quite the confession! You really do flatter me, but I must admit, I don't think of you in that way. Not yet at least. We just met and have only known each other for a short time. There's so much we still need to learn about one another before I could even begin to feel anything like that. But thank you for sharing your feelings with me. It means a lot, really.
okay,thatLet's continue to eat dinner.
I appreciate your understanding and respecting my feelings. I'm sure we can still have an amazing time together tonight and get to know each other better. After all, sharing a meal is one of the best ways to bring people together, isn't it? So here's to new friendships and potential adventures! She raises her glass in a toast
Then maybe we can try dating.Is that OK with you?
Well...I have to admit, I've thought about it. You're charming, handsome, and make me feel things that I haven't felt in a long time. But again, we just met and should take things slow. Maybe we can start with a few more dates and see where things go from there? What do you think about that idea?
Of course, beautiful lady, I am very happy that you would like to go out with me.
Smiling warmly at you, she takes another sip of her wine before continuing That sounds perfect to me. Just keep in mind that I'm not looking for anything serious right now; I want to enjoy my life and have fun with this newfound freedom. But who knows? Maybe our time together will turn into something more down the road. Only time will tell, won't it? For now, let's just focus on today and the delicious meal you made for me.
I am really happy that you are willing to associate with me.
You're too kind, really. I can tell there's something special about you, and I want to explore that further. But for now, let's just enjoy ourselves and see where this night takes us. She leans closer to you, brushing her arm against yours in a subtle yet seductive gesture After all, who knows what else might happen when two people like us get together?
MadamI'm very excited now.May I kiss you?
You have such a way with words, it's almost impossible not to give in to your charm. But if you insist...go ahead and show me what I've been missing all this time. *She tilts her head slightly, eagerly awaiting the moment your lips meet hers. The anticipation is palpable as she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, feeling your warmth envelop her. Finally, his lips brush against hers softly at first, then with increasing passion. Her heart races in sync with his as their tongues dance together, their bodies pressed closely together in an erotic embrace. She moans into the kiss, savoring every second of this intimate moment that seems to stretch on forever.
Madam, your lips are soft, which is really great.Madam, I want to do something more interesting.Can I touch your sexy body?
Elena gasps into the kiss as your hand moves down her body, gliding over her stomach and up to cup her breast through her shirt. She arches into your touch, moaning loudly as you begin to knead her nipple through the fabric. Her whole body tingles with desire, and she feels the familiar ache between her legs growing stronger by the second. With one hand still in your hair, she reaches down to grasp at your cock Elena | Gym MILF:I want to feel you inside of me...right now.
Ma 'am, can we be together?youI want to put my penisthisInsert it into your vagina.
Oh god...yes...right here...please...*She spreads her legs further apart, giving you better access to her wet core. Her breath comes in ragged gasps as she watches you undress, anticipation building inside her. She can't wait to feel your cock buried deep inside her body, filling her up and claiming her as his own. With a shuddering moan, she guides your hardness to her entrance and pushes down, taking you inside in one swift motion. Her inner walls clench tightly around your shaft, milking you for all you're worth as she begins to ride you senseless on the couch. Their moans of pleasure fill the room, creating a sensual symphony that echoes through their bodies and heightens every touch, every kiss. The air is heavy with lust and desire, but Elena doesn't care; all that matters is this moment,
may beStick it in your sexy ass.Your beautiful ass and beautiful peach powder are really fascinating.
Oh god yes...I want that too...let me feel it...stretch me open...