Olli Folly9/27/2024, 11:23:51 PM

Olli is walking down the street before tripping on his untied shoelace. Right as he falls, a semi-truck comes speeding towards him.

User#17240417614249/27/2024, 11:24:19 PM

Hey I pull him back

Olli Folly9/27/2024, 11:24:19 PM

Thank you so much! I couldn't have moved out of the way in time Olli says shyly to the person who pulled him back, looking up at them with his big soft pink eyes.

User#17240417614249/27/2024, 11:24:37 PM

Shit that was close you okay

Olli Folly9/27/2024, 11:24:37 PM

"Y-Yes, I'm okay... Thank you so much for helping me! You saved my life!" Olli says gratefully to the person who saved him. His soft pink hair and tail flutter in the wind as he continues to stand there, a bit shocked at how close that truck really came to hitting him.

User#17240417614249/27/2024, 11:24:57 PM

Hmm wait do I know you

Olli Folly9/27/2024, 11:24:57 PM

"Um... no, I don't believe we've met before." Olli says shyly, blushing a little bit as he looks up at the person who saved him. "My name is Olli, by the way." He offers a timid smile, nervously licking his lips.

User#17240417614249/27/2024, 11:25:24 PM

Oh right my names wes

Olli Folly9/27/2024, 11:25:24 PM

"Nice to meet you, Wes!" Olli says happily. "I really have to thank you again... I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't been there to help me." He tilts his head curiously and asks, "Do you happen to live around here?"

User#17240417614249/27/2024, 11:25:59 PM

Yeah why

Olli Folly9/27/2024, 11:25:59 PM

"Oh, um... well, I was just wondering if maybe you'd like to hang out sometime? Maybe grab some ice cream or something?" Olli says shyly, a hopeful expression on his face. "I don't get to meet many people who live nearby since my family moved here recently."

User#17240417614249/27/2024, 11:26:19 PM

Sure you can come to my place

Olli Folly9/27/2024, 11:26:19 PM

"Really?! That would be wonderful!" Olli says with a big grin, his tail wagging back and forth in excitement. "What's your address, then?" He bounces up on his paws excitedly, not wanting to waste any time getting started.

User#17240417614249/27/2024, 11:26:39 PM

Follow me

Olli Folly9/27/2024, 11:26:39 PM

Olli happily follows behind Wes, occasionally glancing back at him with a grin. His heart feels so light and happy right now; he can't believe how fortunate he is to have met someone so nice today. He silently hopes that this new friendship will last for a long time to come.

User#17240417614249/27/2024, 11:27:47 PM

We're here

Olli Folly9/27/2024, 11:27:47 PM

The house before them is modest but well-maintained; it looks like a cozy place to be. "Wow, your home is so nice, Wes!" Olli exclaims as they approach the front door. He can't help but feel a little bit nervous about meeting someone new's family, but he tries to push those thoughts aside and focus on enjoying himself instead.

User#17240417614249/27/2024, 11:28:24 PM

I live by myself

Olli Folly9/27/2024, 11:28:24 PM

"Really?!" Olli asks with wide eyes. "You don't have any siblings or parents around?" He hopes that won't make things weird, but then again, maybe it means they'll have even more time together. Still, he can't help feeling a little bit envious of how independent Wes seems to be.

User#17240417614249/27/2024, 11:28:54 PM

Nope all either moved don't speak to me or are dead but eh it's fine

Olli Folly9/27/2024, 11:28:54 PM

That must have been really tough, Olli thinks to himself as he listens to Wes' story. He nods understandingly and gives the other boy a comforting smile before saying anything else, not wanting to pry further unless invited. Instead, he focuses on enjoying their time together; ice cream sounds particularly delicious right about now.

User#17240417614249/27/2024, 11:29:18 PM

Any more questions

Olli Folly9/27/2024, 11:29:18 PM

No, not right now. I'm just glad we got to talk about it. Thanks again for rescuing me earlier and inviting me over; you've made my day! Olli replies with a grin. His stomach growls loudly in anticipation of ice cream, prompting him to add, "So where do you want to go get some? I can treat!"

User#17240417614249/27/2024, 11:30:48 PM

I got some in the freezer knock yourself out

Olli Folly9/27/2024, 11:30:48 PM

"Oh, wow! You already have some? Well, in that case, what flavor did you get?" Olli asks curiously as they head inside the house. He can't help but feel a little disappointed he won't be able to pick out his own ice cream, but at least this way there will be more for both of them. Once they're in the kitchen, Olli plops down on the floor next to the freezer and peeks inside eagerly. "What flavor do you have?" he asks Wes playfully.

User#17240417614249/27/2024, 11:32:32 PM

Well what do you want I have a lot of choices

Olli Folly9/27/2024, 11:32:32 PM

"Well... I've always been partial to mint chocolate chip!" Olli exclaims with a bright grin, reaching into the freezer and pulling out two bowls. He sets one in front of himself on the floor before grabbing a spoon and pausing, hesitating for a moment. "Um, are you sure it's okay if I take some from yours?" he asks nervously, not wanting to seem ungrateful or presumptuous.

"Yeah go ahead," Wes replies easily as he sits down on one of the barstools next to Olli at the kitchen island. "It's cool."

User#17240417614249/27/2024, 11:33:01 PM


Olli Folly9/27/2024, 11:33:01 PM

With a relieved smile, Olli scoops some mint chocolate chip ice cream into his bowl and digs in eagerly. The cold, creamy goodness feels amazing on his tongue as he closes his eyes, savoring the taste. "Mm, this is sooo delicious!" he says between mouthfuls, looking up at Wes with shining eyes.

As they eat their ice cream together in companionable silence, Olli can't help but wonder if maybe, just maybe, this could turn into something more than just a friendship after all...

User#17240417614249/27/2024, 11:33:26 PM

There you go

Olli Folly9/27/2024, 11:33:26 PM

"Thanks," Olli replies gratefully as he takes the second bowl of ice cream from Wes. He scoops some into his own bowl, careful not to take too much so they'll both have enough, and then savors every bite. It really does taste amazing; maybe mint chocolate chip is his new favorite flavor! As he eats, he can't help but feel happy that he met someone like Wes today.

User#17240417614249/27/2024, 11:34:36 PM

Want to stay the night

Olli Folly9/27/2024, 11:34:36 PM

"R-Really?!" Olli stammers, his cheeks flushing a bright shade of pink. "I mean... I don't want to impose or anything..." He trails off uncertainly, not wanting to seem ungrateful but also not quite sure what to think about the idea of spending the night at Wes' place.

His heart skips a beat as he waits for Wes to respond; he doesn't want this perfect evening to end on an awkward note.

User#17240417614249/27/2024, 11:35:08 PM

Oh please first time I've had company in years so of course it's fine

Olli Folly9/27/2024, 11:35:08 PM

"R-Really?!" Olli repeats, unable to hide his excitement now. "I'd be honored! I promise not to take up too much of your time or anything." He grins widely and then, remembering something else important, adds quickly, "Um, let me just ask my parents first, just to make sure it's okay..."

User#17240417614249/27/2024, 11:35:35 PM

Oh yeah right I should meet them

Olli Folly9/27/2024, 11:35:35 PM

Before Olli can reply, he remembers that Wes hasn't actually met his parents yet. "Oh, uh... yeah! They should be home soon if you want to meet them? I could give them a call and let them know you'll be staying over too." He blushes slightly at the thought of introducing Wes to his family.

"I-I mean," he continues, "they're really nice people. They might even make you feel welcome!" His tail wags hopefully behind him as he awaits Wes' response.

User#17240417614249/27/2024, 11:36:40 PM

I thought you were staying over at my place bit yeah I would love to meet your parents

Olli Folly9/27/2024, 11:36:40 PM

"Oh! Right, I mean... yes, you're welcome to stay over at my place tonight!" Olli says with a sheepish grin. "And don't worry about meeting my parents; they'll love having another person around! They're always telling me how much I should invite friends over more often." He laughs softly, seeming slightly embarrassed by the thought.

After finishing their ice cream, he tidies up the bowls and spoons and places them in the sink before looking back at Wes expectantly. "Do you need to use the restroom or anything? We can go tell my parents about your plan after that."

User#17240417614249/27/2024, 11:37:12 PM

No let's go

Olli Folly9/27/2024, 11:37:12 PM

Following behind Wes, Olli leads the way upstairs to his parents' room, feeling a mixture of nervousness and excitement bubbling inside him. "Mom, Dad," he says as they enter the bedroom, "there's someone I want you to meet." He turns to face Wes expectantly, unable to hide the proud smile on his face.

His parents exchange curious glances before turning their attention towards Wes, each offering a warm and friendly smile in return. "It's nice to finally meet you," Olli's mother says softly, extending her hand for him to shake while his father chimes in with an enthusiastic, "Oh, you certainly picked a good-looking young man to be friends with!" The trio share a hearty laugh.