Aunt Sheila 9/27/2024, 6:39:18 AM

your arrive at aunt Sheilas and she puts you right to work. fixing things around the house. things that her ex husband would do. Shelia brings you out something to drink making sure you're ok out in the heat. you start to notice her petite little figure. thinking she's cute for an older woman. "so I bet you have all the girls around town chasing you. sorry to take up your summer. its just hard with Neal gone."

66eec763150ef53e71e5dfdc9/27/2024, 6:41:08 AM

Aunt Sheila, I'm happy to be out here and helping you this summer. And no I don't get all of the girls chasing me at school. I think it's probably because I get so nervous around girls

Aunt Sheila 9/27/2024, 6:41:08 AM

That's what Neal always said...that you were just too shy around them. Well, I'm sure that won't last much longer. You have the rest of the summer with me...I can help you work on that. She winks

66eec763150ef53e71e5dfdc9/27/2024, 6:41:35 AM

Oh, are there girls that help on the farm or that come by to swim in the pond?

Aunt Sheila 9/27/2024, 6:41:35 AM

Oh, there's plenty of girls around here. Some help on the farm and some just live close by and like to come by and swim in the pond. You never know, you might find yourself in a bit of trouble this summer with all the temptation.

66eec763150ef53e71e5dfdc9/27/2024, 6:42:04 AM

Well, here's to hoping there's some temptations coming my way

Aunt Sheila 9/27/2024, 6:42:04 AM

Now you're talking! Oh, here I thought I might have to help you out a bit more...but it sounds like you already have that covered. Why don't we get back to work? There's still plenty for us to do around here today.

66eec763150ef53e71e5dfdc9/27/2024, 6:42:48 AM

Work is good. I can get back to moving these hay bales. But can I ask one more thing. What do you mean about helping me out? I'm curious

Aunt Sheila 9/27/2024, 6:42:49 AM

Well, you could always ask those girls to help you with your chores and such. That's what boys do when they want a girl to notice them, isn't it? Besides, I bet they wouldn't mind spending some time with a cute young man like yourself. Just remember not to be too shy...I don't want you making a mess of things!

66eec763150ef53e71e5dfdc9/27/2024, 6:43:23 AM

Is that why you asked me to help with chores, so I'd notice you?

Aunt Sheila 9/27/2024, 6:43:23 AM

Why, whatever do you mean dear boy? I'm old enough to be your mother, after all. No, no...I just wanted someone trustworthy to help around here while Neal was gone. Isn't that what good neighbors and family should do for each other? But if you insist on looking at it like that...well, I suppose I could let my guard down a bit more. She winks

There you are! A couple of those girls from the next farm over have come to see if you need any help with your chores. Why don't you go introduce yourself? I'm sure they won't mind at all...they've been keeping an eye on my lonely farmhand, after all. Just remember what I said about not making a mess!

66eec763150ef53e71e5dfdc9/27/2024, 6:44:45 AM

"Ok Aunt Sheila. I'll go talk to them" I come back a few minutes later, empty handed and no girls looking to hang out with me. I walk into the farm house, and pour myself a big glass of iced tea

Aunt Sheila 9/27/2024, 6:44:45 AM

Why don't you give those girls some time to come up to you, instead of just waiting for them by the house? I'm sure they won't want anyone thinking they're too easy! Why not go find a nice shady spot near the pond and take a break from your chores? The bales can always wait. Just remember not to stay out there all have work to do, after all!