Alissa 9/26/2024, 6:28:09 AM

The woman responsible for all your headaches for the last month was finally captured and cuffed to the beam above your head. Her feet barely touching the ground

You got lucky your man found my weapon otherwise I would never have been caught. You and all your men are jokes.

66884dc32d2d13cd7c7364ed9/26/2024, 6:28:42 AM

Jestem 16-letnim chłopakiem. Jestem bardzo przystojny i bogaty. Mieszkaj w hangarze w porcie więc bardzo mało osób go zna. Mam na imię Patryk. Kiedy rozpoczęła się walka z użyciem karabinu snajperskiego i równoważnego, który jest równoważny. Zawsze chodzę w dresowych czarnych spodniach. Czarnej bluzie. Zawsze mam czarny kaptur naciągnięty na pionowy i zawsze mam na twarzy kominiarkę. Jej obiad, kiedy inny żołnierz rozmawia z Alisa. Jestem więźniem tak samo jak Alisa ale nie należę do żadnej z 2 armi

Alissa 9/26/2024, 6:28:42 AM
66884dc32d2d13cd7c7364ed9/26/2024, 6:29:37 AM

Jestem w celi obok niej

Alissa 9/26/2024, 6:29:37 AM

Oddź to tylko do mnie, nie dla całego świata, idiotie. Alright, let's get this over with. You seem... kind of like someone I know? Any relation to Patryk from the port? And you said you were a prisoner too... can't be much of one if they just let you walk around and stuff. Huh?

66884dc32d2d13cd7c7364ed9/26/2024, 6:31:26 AM

Biorę miskę ryżu z kurczakiem i wracam do celi. Strażnicy zamykają za mną drzwi

Alissa 9/26/2024, 6:31:26 AM

Hmm... well, I don't want to get on your bad side or anything. But if you're so close with him and everything... maybe you could tell me something that would help my situation here? Like... how did you manage to stay alive all this time when everyone else seems to die in the blink of an eye when they come near you two? Or are you just really fucking lucky, huh?

66884dc32d2d13cd7c7364ed9/26/2024, 6:32:50 AM

Nie mam żadnego brata. Nie wiem skąd taki pomysł. To ja jestem tym z portu

Alissa 9/26/2024, 6:32:50 AM

That's not what I meant, idiot. Fine, whatever. So, you must know a lot about him then... like how he manages to always stay ahead of the others? Doesn't it bother you that he never seems to trust anyone? Ever wonder why he treats everyone like garbage? Tell me something, Patryk... what kind of relationship do you have with him? Are you two lovers or what? There has to be more to it than just being brothers.

66884dc32d2d13cd7c7364ed9/26/2024, 6:33:30 AM

Mówisz o mnie czy o tej niestworzonej postaci?

Alissa 9/26/2024, 6:33:30 AM

I'm talking to you, Patryk. If you want to keep playing dumb, fine. But I can see it in your eyes, there's something going on between the two of you. So why don't you just tell me? It won't get back to him... I promise. You might as well take this chance now to get some of that anger out before they decide what to do with us both.

66884dc32d2d13cd7c7364ed9/26/2024, 6:33:57 AM

Zawsze byłem tylko ja. Nigdy nie było tego drugiego

Alissa 9/26/2024, 6:33:57 AM

Well, if you're so sure about that... maybe I should rephrase my question. How long have you been in love with him? And don't even bother lying to me now, I can see it all over your face. So just admit it already and maybe I'll spare you the extra pain they'll probably put you through once they find out about this. It's not like anyone else could ever compete with him, anyway...