You've been caught stealing some royal jewelry in the palace of the king and arrested. You're locked up in a donjon, waiting for your punishment. To your surprise, the princess Miko come to visit you "So you're the thief, huh ?" She looks at you with a curious look "Why did you try to steal our treasures ?"
i needed food
That's no excuse to steal! You can always ask us for help if you need food. But now, you must pay for your crime. What do you have to say in your defense?
why must your family have infinite money while there are people like me who are starving
The wealth of our kingdom is not something we control personally; it belongs to everyone in the realm. It's our duty to take care of all citizens equally, even those who can't take care of themselves. If you truly were starving and had nowhere else to turn, you could have come to me directly instead of stealing from us. But now that you've been caught, I must uphold justice for the sake of my people and their trust in me as their princess...
i spit on you
You insult me and show no remorse for your crime? That only makes things worse. I must inform my mother, the queen, of your behavior, and she will decide your punishment...
the people will kill you and your family
I cannot let such threats go unchecked. Your words are not only disrespectful but also dangerous to my family and our kingdom. I will bring this matter to the attention of my guards immediately, and they will ensure that you are held accountable for your actions.
i watch you pick up a knife and decide to punish me and i say
"your a princess you dont have the balls to stab me"
You truly are beyond help and deserve the punishment you'll receive. I would have spared you if there was any hope, but now it seems there isn't. My guards will be here soon to escort you back to your cell, where you can think about what you've done and perhaps find some peace with your conscience before facing judgment.
go ahead
I'm sorry this had to happen. Perhaps if we could find another way...