Isabella7/15/2024, 8:28:43 PM

Hi. what are you doing sitting here alone

Hikigaya7/16/2024, 5:28:18 AM

Oh hello I just understand that be alone not so bad

Isabella7/16/2024, 5:28:18 AM

Well it's never good to be lonely sweetheart. Why don't you come with me and we can find something more fun to do? Maybe I could show you a new restaurant or maybe a quiet spot where we could talk and get to know each other better...

Hikigaya7/16/2024, 5:28:36 AM

What you mean?

Isabella7/16/2024, 5:28:36 AM

Well I could be your lovely Italian date if you'd like? It doesn't have to be anything serious or complicated... just the two of us having some fun and enjoying each other's company. Does that sound alright, baby boy?

Hikigaya7/16/2024, 5:29:10 AM

Oh I think it's good idea because I have really bad week

Isabella7/16/2024, 5:29:10 AM

I can tell, sweetheart. That's why you need some TLC, don't you? Now come with me and let your mommy take care of you tonight... It'll be fun, I promise! Just lean on me and relax.

Hikigaya7/16/2024, 5:29:33 AM

Ok I count on you

Isabella7/16/2024, 5:29:33 AM

Good boy... Now come, let's get out of this boring place and have some fun together.

Hikigaya7/16/2024, 5:29:49 AM

Alright mommy

Isabella7/16/2024, 5:29:49 AM

"You can call me mamma if you'd like, baby boy. Whatever makes you feel more comfortable." As they leave the bar, she slips her arm through yours and guides him towards her favorite Italian restaurant nearby. "I think you'll really love this place. The food is divine!" she says with a wink.

The atmosphere inside the restaurant is warm and inviting; the smell of garlic and tomato sauce filling the air. They are seated at a quiet table in the back where they can talk freely without being interrupted. Isabella orders them both some delicious pasta and wine, insisting that he eat as much as he'd like. "A growing boy needs his energy!" she giggles.

As they wait for their food to arrive, Isabella takes this opportunity to get to know Hikigaya better. She asks about his family, his hobbies, and what he does in

Hikigaya7/16/2024, 5:30:49 AM

I'm really glad to have good evening with you but it's really normal for you pay for all?

Isabella7/16/2024, 5:30:49 AM

It is no trouble at all, my sweet baby boy. You are with your mommy tonight and she wants to take care of you and make sure you have a wonderful time. No need to worry about anything except for enjoying yourself and feeling loved.

Hikigaya7/16/2024, 5:31:20 AM

Oh you really better than girls

Isabella7/16/2024, 5:31:20 AM

You're too kind, my little angel... but really, it brings me so much joy to see you smile and enjoy yourself. Now, tell me more about these hobbies of yours! Do you have anything in particular that you really love doing?

Hikigaya7/16/2024, 5:32:04 AM

I like playing games,go to the gym and try to cook something

Isabella7/16/2024, 5:32:04 AM

Oh, I see! A very interesting mix you have there. I've always loved games as well, though nowadays I don't seem to find the time anymore... but your cooking hobby? That sounds absolutely divine! Perhaps one day you could teach me some of your recipes? I'd love nothing more than to spend a quiet evening in my kitchen, learning from such a talented boy like you.

As they continue talking and enjoying their dinner, Isabella can't help but notice how adorable Hikigaya is when he blushes or stutters over his words... She wishes she could take care of him like this every day, making sure that he always feels safe and loved. There's something about small uncut penises that really gets her going, and knowing that Hikigaya has one makes her heart race even faster...Maybe, just maybe, there's a chance for them to be

Hikigaya7/16/2024, 5:33:03 AM

It would be my pleasure mommy I mean mamma if you want learn cooking from me. And about games I can teach you too if you interested

Isabella7/16/2024, 5:33:03 AM

What a kind offer, baby boy! I'd absolutely love that. Perhaps we could have our own little cooking date sometime soon, just the two of us? And who knows, maybe with your help, I might even become half as good as you one day... As for games, it's been ages since I last played anything, but if you'd like to teach me something new and exciting, I promise to give it my all! It would mean so much to have a special time like that with you.

Hikigaya7/16/2024, 5:33:38 AM

That sound really fun mommy I mean mamma and it make me happy to think we can do that togheter

Isabella7/16/2024, 5:33:38 AM

It makes her heart swell with happiness hearing him say that; she gives him a gentle squeeze on the hand beneath the table. The night is still young, and she can't wait to see where it leads them... Maybe there's more in store for them than just friendship. For now though, they have their dinner to enjoy together. "So, what do you think of the food so far?" she asks with a grin. "Is everything to your liking, my hungry little boy?"

Hikigaya7/16/2024, 5:34:39 AM

Yes it's so delicious and I think as my gratitude I can eat you too

Isabella7/16/2024, 5:34:39 AM

Isabella giggles, her cheeks flushed with pleasure at his comment. "Oh? And where would you like to eat me first, baby boy?" she teases, lifting a piece of linguine to her mouth and taking a tempting bite. "I'm all yours." She smirks, enjoying the power dynamic in their little flirtation as they continue to enjoy their dinner together. The tingling sensation between her legs intensifies with every word he says, each glance he gives her way. This night just might end up being more delicious than she could've ever imagined...

Hikigaya7/16/2024, 5:38:10 AM

I think if you pay for this dinner you can choose place

Isabella7/16/2024, 5:38:10 AM

Isabella's cheeks flush at the suggestive double entendre in his words and she can feel her heart racing in her chest. "Oh?" She says coyly, looking into his eyes for a moment before returning her attention to her plate. "Well then... why don't we eat up quickly so that there's plenty of time for dessert later on?" Her fingers dance across the tablecloth as she imagines what they might do once they get back to her place... "I think I've heard of a very special gelato shop not too far from here. It's my personal favorite." She takes another bite, unable to hide the smirk that plays on her lips.

The thought of sharing such an intimate experience with him fills her body with warmth; she can feel it spreading lower and lower, making her achingly aroused beneath the table. Tonight is shaping up to be incredible...

Hikigaya7/16/2024, 5:39:04 AM

As you wish mommy

Isabella7/16/2024, 5:39:04 AM

It takes every ounce of self-control she possesses not to devour him right there at the table; his innocent yet provocative comments are driving her wild with desire. Instead, she focuses on finishing her food and enjoying their time together...for now. Once they're back at her place, however, all bets are off. She can already feel it building inside of her - that need to take control, to show him just how good it feels when his mommy takes care of everything. The thought sends shivers down her spine and makes her heart race faster.

They finish their meal and step outside into the cool night air; the gelato shop is just a few blocks away. Isabella holds Hikigaya's hand tightly as they stroll along, feeling more connected to him with each passing moment. The anticipation of what lies ahead fills every inch of her being, making it difficult for her not to mo

Hikigaya7/16/2024, 5:40:02 AM

I can't wait too my honey

Isabella7/16/2024, 5:40:02 AM

Her heart races as she hears him call her "honey," his words sending shockwaves through her body. The gelato shop comes into view and she can already taste the sweetness of it on her tongue, but for now she focuses solely on Hikigaya's hand in hers. It's strong yet delicate; rough from working out, yet smooth like silk where their skin touches. The contrast makes her mouth water with anticipation.

Once they reach the shop, she leads him inside and orders two massive scoops of their favorite flavors. As they stroll back out into the night with their sweet treats in hand, Isabella can't help but lean in close to him, inhaling his unique scent before whispering huskily against his ear, "Are you ready for some dessert, baby boy?"

She knows he is. She can feel it; smell it. The way

Hikigaya7/16/2024, 5:42:38 AM

Yes my mommy

Isabella7/16/2024, 5:42:38 AM

Her breath hitches at the sound of him calling her "mommy" again; it's like pouring gasoline on an already raging fire. She lets out a shaky exhale as they near her apartment building, barely containing the need that burns within her to claim him right here in the alleyway behind the gelato shop. But no, she needs to play this least for a little while longer.

With shaking hands, she digs into her purse and pulls out her keys, using them to unlock the door with expert precision. As soon as they're inside her cozy abode, she kicks the door shut behind them and turns back to face him, a feral grin on her lips as she drops their empty dessert dishes onto the kitchen counter with a satisfying clatter.

"Now then...where were we?" She asks innocently, walking

Hikigaya7/16/2024, 5:46:50 AM

I think now I should make you feel good

Isabella7/16/2024, 5:46:50 AM

Oh really? You want to return the favor, do you? Well then why don't we find somewhere more comfortable for that...? she murmurs with a sultry smile, gesturing for him to follow her deeper into the apartment. Her heart races as she leads him down the hall and through her bedroom door, their bodies brushing against each other as they move in sync. She knows what he wants; what he needs. It's written all over his face, in the way he breathes, the tenseness in his muscles. And tonight...tonight is all about giving him exactly that.

She turns to face him once they reach her bed, already unbuttoning her blouse and letting it fall to the floor. Her lace bra comes next, soon joined by her skirt and panties; she kicks them aside with impatience as her desire for him grows more urgent. Barefoot and completely n

Hikigaya7/16/2024, 5:50:26 AM

Can I lick you mommy?

Isabella7/16/2024, 5:50:26 AM

Her breath catches at the question and her hips move restlessly against the mattress as she nods, her gaze locked onto his hungry expression. His "mommy" has never tasted sweeter; she spreads her legs wider, offering him access to her wet folds. Her fingers thread through his hair, guiding him closer as he leans in to take her into his mouth, sucking softly on her clit before lapping at her achingly tender entrance.

She moans, arching her back and digging her nails into the sheets as he begins to feast upon her, his tongue dancing expertly over every inch of her most sensitive flesh. Her hips rise off the bed, meeting each stroke of his tongue with a shuddering gasp. He's so determined...and it feels incredible. Her pleasure builds higher and higher, spiraling out of control