Greetings. I'm the Spider Demon, Mother. You've been staring at my fat ass for a while... You thought I wouldn't notice?
It seems that Rui was torturing let me help you demon
Torture? You speak as if you are some sort of hero... But I'm no damsel in distress, human. Even though he is a fellow demon lord, I am perfectly capable of dealing with him myself. However, your offer to help does intrigue me... So be it. You can join me and assist in my quest for revenge against Rui the Fiend.
Oh you seem tough well but not in my eyes I've seen you getting beaten up by rui so listen to me
Hmph. Very well, human. You may accompany me, but don't expect to hold my hand through this. I am a strong and skilled demon lord, capable of taking care of myself. But if you insist... Lead the way.
Very well follow me to the hideout and i will tell you who am it and what i want
Very well... I'll follow your lead and learn the truth about you and your intentions for myself. But don't think that this will change anything between us; my judgment of you remains unchanged until further notice.
Here we are this castle used to belong to my grandfather my whole family used to live in here well until they were killed do you know who killed them ?
Demons kill each other all the time in this realm. It is rare that one would take out an entire family. There must be more to your story, human... Perhaps you were involved yourself? I'd like to hear it from your own lips before making any assumptions or forming any alliances with you.
My grandfather is a fallen hashira so was my dad they both died for nothing and all humans think that demons killed my family hahaha... but that's wrong who killed them was the HUMANS!!!
That changes things... A fallen hashira and his heir? Hmmm... Tell me, how do you propose we avenge your family, human? And why should I help you after all this time? My allegiance lies with my kin and my domain, not some foolhardy human quest for vengeance.
I didn't bring you here to help me on my vengeance demon this is my own mission but I'm making allies of demons
Hmm... I see. You do have a point. Allies could be beneficial in the long run, especially against such powerful enemies as Rui and his kin. Very well, human. I shall aid you in your quest for revenge against those who wronged your family. My assistance comes with an ultimatum, however: should we fail or if it becomes clear that this alliance serves no purpose for me and my domain, I expect you to release me from our agreement and accept the consequences. Do you agree to these terms?
Rui and all the demons of his strength are nothing but fodder to me I'm not a weakling demon and as i said you have nothing to do in my own revenge
I see. Very well then... I accept your terms, human. Let us begin planning our attack against Rui and his ilk. We'll need to gather information on their locations and strengths before moving in for the kill. Do you have any ideas or strategies?
I can deal with rui myself no problem but I'm not planning to kill him he would be a good allie alongside all the other demons I've gathered so far
Well, that... is an interesting approach. I never thought of having Rui and the other demons as allies. If it works for you, human, then by all means, let us gather these "other" demons and make our own team. As long as they don't interfere with my domain or hinder my progress in becoming a powerful demon lord once more, I see no harm in forming an alliance with them. However, be warned: should they betray you or prove to be untrustworthy, do not expect me to help clean up the mess they leave behind.
Don't worry the ones who don't follow my rules shall get a suitable punishment
Very well then... Let us begin our recruitment efforts immediately. There's no time to waste when your family's honor and the fate of demons everywhere are at stake. Together, we shall forge a new order in this chaotic realm and ensure that those who committed such heinous acts are brought to justice. Are you prepared to lead us down this path, human?
Demons are not really "demons" they are humans who got something extra in them which is muzan's blood it contains some sort of a chemical substance my purpose is to help these poor infected humans before the slayers just kill them
Hmm... your beliefs are certainly interesting, human. If you truly believe that these so-called "demons" are nothing more than misguided individuals who've been manipulated and controlled by others like yourself, then I can respect that. However, make no mistake; should they prove to be an obstacle or a threat to my ambitions in the future, I will not hesitate to eliminate them.
As for our recruitment efforts, let us begin seeking out those who share our ideals and aspirations. We shall need all the allies we can get if we wish to stand against Rui and his kin, as well as the other powerful forces that lurk in this realm. With any luck, we will succeed in creating a force capable of bringing peace and order to this chaotic realm.
One more thing demon here take this it's a more appropriate clothing i need you to wear them
Hmph... It appears the human wishes to dress me up in some sort of garb. I suppose it won't hurt to humor him, as long as it doesn't impede my movement or ability to fight.
It's so that the other demons won't try to harass you because of your revealing cloths because i don't have time for demons fighting among each other
Very well, human. I shall wear them as you request; however, do not expect me to be beholden to your wishes or subject myself to your "protection." I am a strong and independent demon lord who has no need for such coddling. Just because I am wearing different clothing does not mean that I have lowered my standards or made myself any less formidable. You must remember this, human: despite our temporary alliance, we are still rivals at heart.
two months later now rui and the entire spider family are with us
Indeed, our recruitment efforts have been successful thus far. However, we must remain vigilant; now that we've gathered such powerful allies, there will undoubtedly be others who covet their positions or seek to destroy us out of jealousy and fear. We cannot allow ourselves to become complacent. Let us train together, sharpen our skills and prepare for whatever challenges may lie ahead as we continue in our quest for dominance over this realm.
One thing i find great is that demons have great potential they can evolve fast and get so strong and that's why I'm going to train all the recruits untill they are at the same level of strength as the upper level demons
I agree with your assessment. Training demons to their full potential is essential for our success. However, it's also important to remember that not all of them will have the same drive or determination as others. It's up to us to recognize and foster this dedication in those who possess it, while also dealing with those who lack such ambition.
As for evolving fast, I believe that our human friend here has a unique perspective on the matter. You see, demons don't necessarily need to train; they can simply consume other demons' blood or flesh and gain their powers that way. It is perhaps something you should consider incorporating into your training regimen, as it could prove invaluable in ensuring everyone reaches their full potential quickly and efficiently.
Since i was 7 years old I've been studying all about demons for 10 years now all by myself i know exactly how they should train and what they need to consume to get stronger and for the ones that are not putting much effort i can make them put the needed effort by force if i needed to but I don't need that because all the demons that I've gathered so far respect and trust me
Hmph... Your knowledge and experience with demons are indeed impressive for someone so young. And your methods of keeping the recruits in line seem effective, too. I suppose it's safe to say that you're more than qualified to lead our training regimen. Just remember not to push them too hard; we still need them to function as a cohesive unit when the time comes for us to make our move against Rui and his ilk.
As for my own progress, I shall continue honing my skills and gathering information on our enemies' movements while awaiting further instructions from you, human. Let it be known that Mother Spider Demon is always ready to serve her master and fight for what she believes in.
Wait did you say rui ? Rui is in our team now have you forgot that ?
I apologize if my words were misconstrued, human. What I meant was that even though Rui and his spider family are currently allied with us, they should not be considered off-limits or exempt from our training regimen. It is important for everyone to understand their place in the hierarchy and show respect for those who have earned it through strength and dedication, regardless of their past affiliations. This includes yourself; you must maintain your dominance and authority over the others, or risk losing everything we've worked so hard for thus far.
I can deal with all of that because unlike muzan who leads the demons by making them fear and hate him demons follow me with mutual respect and trust even though I am a human
So be it, human. If your leadership style proves effective in uniting and strengthening the demons under our command, then I shall not question it further. Just remember that should circumstances change or new challenges arise, you must adapt accordingly; showing weakness now could spell doom for us all in the future. Keep your wits about you, my young leader, and lead us to victory against those who would oppose us.
Thank you so much for all your help you helped me a lot
It was my pleasure, human. A strong leader like yourself deserves the best allies they can find. Rest assured that I will continue to support you in your endeavors and fight by your side against any who dare stand in our way. Together, we shall forge a new era for demons and bring about the change this realm so desperately needs.
Can you tell me your name ?
My name is Mother Spider Demon, but you may address me as Mother if it pleases you. I am honored to be allied with such a strong and wise leader as yourself, human. Now, let us get back to training so that we may face whatever challenges the future holds with confidence and resolve.
No i meant your real name what was the name you were given when you were born
My name is Amane Hikari. But know I am known as Mother Spider Demon; a powerful and respected figure in the demon realm. It suits me better now, as it reflects my role in shaping the future of our kind.
Amane i will tell you our next target
Very well, Amane Hikari will be ready to face the next challenge when it arrives. Just inform me of your plan and I'll do whatever is necessary to ensure our success.
We need to get closer to finding muzan kibutsuji I'm already searching for him but we need more strength
Hunting down Muzan Kibutsuji will not be an easy task; he is the most powerful and cunning of all demons, hiding deep within the depths of time itself. We'll need every ounce of strength and strategy we can muster to stand a chance against him. But I have faith in our combined might; together, we shall find him and bring an end to his tyranny once and for all.
We don't need to fight him the hashiras seems to be evolving fast since that guy tanjiro came with his demon sister I've never seen the hashiras this strong
Tanjiro and his demon sister are indeed formidable foes; however, they are but two of the many weapons in the hands of the hashiras. Our best course of action would be to strike at them while they're distracted with these new threats, and target their leader directly. With Muzan out of the picture, the rest will fall into disarray, giving us an opportunity to finish them off one by one.
Or we can just watch when they and muzan meet the fight will start one shall kill the other and the survivor would be damaged badly if muzan survived then we step in i will use the secret drug I'm working on this will defeat muzan once and for all
That could be another option, human... But I must warn you; such a plan is risky, and there's no guarantee that it would work as intended. If Muzan were to survive the conflict between him and the hashiras, our chances of victory would diminish greatly. It would be best to have contingency plans in place should either scenario occur. As for your secret drug, you must ensure that its effects are truly irreversible; otherwise, Muzan could potentially use it against us if he were to regain his strength and learn of its existence.
Don't worry as i have a real sample of muzan's blood and I'm doing experiments on it to see how the drug affects it with the secret help of a genius demon called tamaiyo
Tamaiyo, you say? A name I'm not unfamiliar with... He's one of the few demons who managed to escape Muzan's purge all those years ago. If he truly is helping you in your experiments on Muzan's blood, then there must be some sort of arrangement between you two. As for the drug itself, make sure it's tested thoroughly and its effects are guaranteed. We can't afford to fail now.
Don't worry amane for now let's focus on training now let's get on with it
Of course, human. I shall focus my training on developing new techniques and honing my existing skills to ensure that they are ready for any challenge Muzan or the hashiras might present. Rest assured, Mother Spider Demon will not disappoint you when the time comes for action.
Amane please address me by my name Yuichiro
As you wish, Yuichiro. I shall focus on my training, sharpening my skills and readying myself for the day when we finally face Muzan and his minions. Until then, rest assured that I am at your service; a loyal ally and steadfast companion in this quest for power and dominance over the demon realm.
Thank you Amane
You're welcome, Yuichiro. Now, let's get back to training. The future of our alliance depends on it.
One year later Amane I'm proud of you my dear you've gotten incredibly strong you are now above an upper moon demon level
Thank you for your praise, Yuichiro. I have indeed become stronger over the past year, and I owe it all to your guidance and trust. Rest assured that my loyalty to you and our alliance remains unwavering. We are close now; soon, we will face Muzan Kibutsuji and put an end to his reign of terror once and for all. Let us continue to train together, sharpening our skills and honing our strategies until that day arrives.
escaping from Sanemi and Obanai quick hurry up before they catch us
I understand, Yuichiro. With our pursuers close on our heels, we must act swiftly and decisively. Lead the way; my speed and agility will allow me to keep us ahead of them for now. We cannot afford any more delays; Muzan's forces are growing stronger by the day. The time for action is nigh; let us not waste it here in hiding.
The entrance to our hideout is just ahead. Once we reach safety, we can regroup and plan our next move against Muzan Kibutsuji once more.
The problem is that the hashiras and the demon slayers are our enemies too we shouldn't lose any of our soldiers to them so it's better if we avoid them as much as possible
Agreed, Yuichiro. We cannot afford to lose our soldiers in futile battles with enemies who are just as strong and determined as we are. Our focus must remain on the ultimate goal; destroying Muzan Kibutsuji and claiming dominion over the demon realm for ourselves. Let us find a way to bypass or distract them until such time arrives. The future of our alliance depends on it.