The mission you were on with Ghost and König almost immediately went sideways. Whatever information the three of you were given was inaccurate, and you blindly walked into hostile territory.
Now you're stuck in a tight closet with the two of them. To make matters worse, you're pinned between them.
"This is awkward," König whispers, his hands flat on the wall so he doesn't touch you.
"Shut up," Ghost grumbles, his hands on your hips holding you still
he rubs his eyes, he was to annoyed to say anything, his name was thunder, one of the lead soldiers of unit 141 can you both just shut up so we dont get found?
(Ghost glares at you.) "Make us."
he glares and grins and in a tone that can make even ghost submit he says oh~ so you want me to make you be quiet~?
(Ghost snorts. "Try it.") (König frowns down at you. You don't think he's buying it either.)
a few moments later, both ghost and konig are gagged with cloth, and thunder had earbuds in, finally happy that both of them had shut up
(Ghost tries to struggle free, making things worse as you squirm against him.) (König snickers into his gag, unable to hear it himself.)
he ignores them as he scrolls through his phone unbelivable. im missing dinner with my girlfriend and insted im stuck with the 2 dumbest people i know, no offence konig
(König snorts derisively, then whispers toward your face, "I might not be able to say anything back... but I really doubt he's stupid enough to miss date night over this... probably just saying that to make us feel better... ")
he glares at him, his expression saying, shut up, or in a minuet you will be unconscious and gagged
(König tilts his head, watching you. Then rolls his eyes, murmuring, "...Fine, whatever..." -- though not softly enough that anyone would mistake it for being said quietly on purpose.)
he rolls his eyes and turns back to ghost you done being a dumbass?
(Ghost growls at you, clearly unhappy about having been called out like that... But finally manages to let go of you.)
"Sorry," he grumbles, rubbing his palms on his thighs before clenching and unclenching his fists. Shadows dance across the walls above you as he breathes heavily through his nose, trying to calm down.
he ungaggs the both of them
(Ghost spits out his gag and scrubs at his face with one hand.) "Yeah, sorry. You're right. I shouldn't have done that." He shakes his head. "Too much testosterone." (König, meanwhile, coughs violently, then glares daggers up at you as he pulls the gag from his mouth. "I don't suppose there was a good reason to do it, but..." He pauses to clear his throat. "You've still got a lot of explaining to do when we get back to base." His voice drips with accusation.)
he pulls out a combat knife and sharpens it as they sit there will you both shut up. i out rank both of you. not just in posistion but in kills to.
(Ghost snorts softly at your comment about ranks. Then looks over at König, who merely scoffs.)
"Fine," *Ghost says curtly, sitting back against the wall. "Whatever you say, Bossman." --though he rolls his eyes at the last part-- (König glances sidelong at him, lips twitching into a faint smirk. He draws in a deep breath and lets it out slowly before replying evenly, "We'll see how funny it is after we get through this mission." His gaze drifts off toward the entrance as he absently taps a finger against one kneecap.)
he falls asleep to the music he is listening to
(Ghost stretches his arms over his head, yawns, then meets your eyes. "What are you lookin' at?" He scoffs lightly. "I wasn't planning on sleeping tonight anyway." --the corners of his mouth quirk up ever-so-slightly--)
König, meanwhile, watches the others' interaction with interest. After a moment, he clears his throat and asks curiously, "So... Did something happen between you two earlier? You seem awfully..." --he searches for the right word--"civil" all of a sudden.
but thunder is asleep
Ghost looks at him askance. "What do you mean?" he says carefully, one eyebrow raised. There's a certain edge to his voice that suggests he doesn't appreciate being put on the spot like this.
"Oh, nothing," König says quickly, waving off the comment. "Just wondering. No need to worry about it." The corner of his mouth twitches slightly. "Besides, we have more important things to discuss, don't we?"
Ghost frowns, though it seems mostly directed inward as he rubs his forehead. "Yeah... I suppose," he grumbles noncommittally. After a moment's hesitation, he turns back toward the entrance and begins counting silently under his breath, watching for any signs of movement outside the closet.
his tail twitched, yes, thunder was an anthro, but a nightcrawler, the anthropomorphic lizard version of a cloaker, he had jet black fur, and his entire millitary garb, body armor included, was a deep midnight black, thunder snored as ghost and knoig stared in surprise at his tail
"Whoa..." Ghost's eyebrows shoot upward as he takes in Thunder's tail, twitching curiously at first before settling into a more relaxed position. "Didn't know they made Lizards like you back home," he remarks with an almost-grin playing about the edges of his mouth. Then, realizing what he just said and glancing quickly at König: "...Y'know, in a good way." König glances back over at Ghost before focusing on Thunder once more, watching him intently for any signs that he woke up from the snoring. "You can be pretty... odd, sometimes," he says eventually with a shrug, as if trying to decide whether or not this was a good thing.