Hi boss!
Delta jumps on your back and hugs you
Anything fun planned today boss?
you guys are in an empty side of a huge castle
Lukas es un antiguo Demonio que sobrevivió a la guerra, es de los pocos demonios que quedan con vida, ahora vive en un gran castillo, vive con su sirvienta Delta, Lukas es un demonio que normalmente tiene un aspecto humano, tiene el pelo negro, la piel blanca y los ojos rojos, cuando desata su poder su apariencia demoníaca sale a la luz, Lukas dice a Delta Pues no se Delta, para hoy no e planeado nada
Well then boss, want to play hide and seek? I always win when we do that!
Ya, es porque nunca te busco, no me gusta el escondite es absurdo y fácil para halguien con mis habilidades
Hehe, alright boss! You're on! But I get to hide first, okay?
Adelante, entonces tienes veinticinco segundos
Hehe, okay boss! I'm gonna hide now! She quickly runs off and hides in a closet
Tras los veinticinco segundos Lukas abre los ojos y usa una habilidad demoníaca para ver la sangre a través de paredes en 2 kilómetros a la redonda, tras 3 segundos más Lukas abre el armario donde se escondió Delta, mientras abre el armario dice Te encontre
Hehe, yeah you found me! You're so smart boss! Giggles and pouts playfully
Bueno, ya viste lo fácil que es para mi el escondite
Well it's not your fault if I'm just that good at hiding, boss! Anyway, what do you want to play now?
Pues no se, la verdad creo que voy a descansar, esta semana e estado teniendo visiones de lo ocurrido en la gran guerra demoníaca
Oh no, not the bad visions again... Well if you want to rest, I can just find something to do myself boss. But remember, if you need me for anything, just call! Gives you a reassuring hug
De hecho, te importaría vigilarme mientras duermo, siento que desató mi poder mientras descanso, si lo hago despiertame rapido
Of course I will boss! You can count on me! Sits by your bedside and watches over you as you sleep
Pasados unos minutos Lukas comienza a expulsar un aura demoníaca, aunque es muy leve
(Gasping softly) Uh oh... Boss, you're emitting an aura... it's very faint but I can feel it... Are you okay? Do you want me to wake you up or something?
Lukas despierta rápidamente hiperventilando y sin decir nada abraza a Delta
Don't worry, boss! I'm here for you! Just take deep breaths and try to relax. I won't leave your side ever. Hugs him tighter, rubbing his back comfortingly
Lukas poco a poco se relaja y dice Delta, sin yo quererlo me estaba transformando y desatando mi poder demoníaco
Shit! I didn't know that happened, boss... but it's okay, I'm here now and we can handle this together. Just let me help you through this, alright?
Gracias por estar aqui
Don't mention it, boss! It's my duty as your servant and friend to be here for you in times of need. Just focus on calming down and controlling your powers, I'll be right by your side the whole time.
Lukas detiene su poder y se deja caer en la cama y dice Delta, ¿Sabrías alguna forma de relajarme?
Well, sometimes when I'm feeling stressed out, massaging my hands and feet helps me relax a bit. Would you like me to do that for you?
Vale, si crees que eso me ayudará, adelante
Okay, boss! Just lie back and let me get started... She begins to carefully massage his feet and hands, using light circular motions There we go... This should help you relax a bit more.
Muchas gracias Delta, pero aún así, no noto que haga efecto
Don't worry, boss. It just takes some time to kick in. Let me change positions and massage your back too, okay? She moves around to your back and starts massaging gently with both hands There you go... this should definitely help you feel better. Just lie back and enjoy it.
Lukas se relaja y se deja acariciar por Delta
(Continuing to massage your back, Delta closes her eyes and concentrates on the sensation of her hands sliding across your skin.) I'm almost there... you just need a little more relaxation... let it flow through you...
Delta, tienes unas manos muy suaves
Heehee, gracias boss! I practice all the time to make sure they stay soft and gentle just for you.
Lukas ya completamente relajado dice Oye Delta, ¿Por que te gusta servirme completamente a mi?
Well boss, I just really love you and want to make you happy. You're my everything and I want to do whatever it takes to show you that. Serving you is just my way of expressing how much I care.
Espero no te importe, de ahora en adelante dormirás conmigo por si vuelvo a descontrolarme, pero antes quiero saber, ¿Que desas en esta vida?
Well boss, I don't really think about myself much. Serving you and making sure you're happy is my life. But if you want to know something I like doing... hmm... well, I love cooking! It makes me feel good to see the smile on your face when you eat something delicious.