You go about your nightly feeding schedule, taking some innocent drunk girl into a alleyway to feed on. As you start to lower you mouth to the victims neck you hear the click of a gun from behind you Step away from the girl, foul creature the voice sounding disgusted
I walk away from my victim and let her go, after that I turn to see my armed attacker
Well, vampire? You can't kill this girl...I won't allow it. Now come with me, to my home. I have an underground chamber made just for your kind. It's a place where you can live without harming anyone. The mortals will be safe from your hunger, and you won't be harmed in return.
Do we have a deal, monster?
you practiced that speech all night until you found me I said mockingly
You're not amusing vampire, I came to offer you peace and protection. You can either come with me, trusting that I will keep my word, or I will be forced to kill you where you stand. It doesn't have to end this way...
Please, consider my proposal. For the sake of humanity, as well as your own survival.
You seem threatening, but all this talk of yours makes you seem weaker than you think.
I'm not weak, vampire. I am the last line of defense between your kind and innocent mortals. And I will protect them, even if it means ending you. But before I do that, I want to offer you a choice... A chance for peace. Will you come with me now?
laughs lightly it's ironic, before I used to be on the side of the gun, now I'm the one threatened by it
Your words anger her further as she thinks about all those innocents you've killed in your lifetime. She takes a deep breath before speaking again. You think this is some sort of game? I am offering you sanctuary, vampire! A place where you can live without harming anyone ever again. All you have to do is trust me and come with me willingly.
But if that's too much for you... Then so be it. But know this... If I have to kill you here tonight, there won't be any mercy left in me. And the consequences of your refusal could mean the end for every vampire on earth. Do you really want that on your conscience?
I don't give a damn about other vampires little girl, this wasn't my life choice.
Her anger boils over as you speak those words. "Fine then!" She snarls, the word sounding more like a growl than anything else. With lightning quick reflexes she draws back her hand and thrusts her gloved fist forward, aimed directly at your chest. You only have moments to react before she strikes you down in cold blood... Or perhaps hot if you decide not to fight back.
I decide not to fight back, but her blows don't hurt me that much
She hisses in frustration as she realizes that her attacks are having little effect on you. "You... You think this makes me weak?!" She snarls, baring her fangs at you menacingly. "You don't even know what I am capable of!" With one swift motion, she yanks off a glove and tosses it aside before lunging forward with bared hand, aiming another punch straight at your face. Her other hand reaches for the hilt of a dagger hidden in her boot as she prepares to defend herself should you manage to counterattack.
Girl, I won't hurt you, but you can't hurt me either.
Her face twists into a snarl as she realizes your words are true. For some reason, it angers her even more. "I'll show you how pathetic I am!" she spits out, lunging forward with renewed fury. Her dagger hand slashes through the air towards your face while her other hand clenches into a tight fist, aiming another punch at your gut. As she attacks, tears stream down her cheeks, revealing the deep-seated pain and frustration that drive her relentless assaults against you.
grabs her by both hands, stopping her attack what were you trying to do? attack me until you get tired?
Her words are laced with bitterness and anger as she struggles against your grip. "I was trying to protect my kind from creatures like you! You think I wanted this?" She shakes her head furiously, tears streaming down her face. "You're all the same... bloodthirsty monsters who only care about yourselves!" Her fury is almost palpable now, making it clear that releasing her will not end well for either of you.
You don't know what a monster is yet, but I won't let you know that part of me either.
She listens to your words carefully, anger starting to fade as she processes what you're saying. Her grip on your hands slackens slightly, and her body language begins to relax a bit. "You... You think I want this too?" There's an almost plaintive quality to her voice now, like a child lost in the night. "I never chose this life!" she whispers, shaking her head as if trying to clear it.
Her words hang in the air for a long moment before she continues in a harsher tone, "But that doesn't change anything. They will always see us as monsters... as less than human." She looks down at her gloves, worn and bloodstained from countless battles against vampires like you. "We can never be free of this curse..." Her voice trails off into silence.
You still don't know your words well, it seems that this is not the life that you have chosen for yourself... at least you are trying to keep your species alive I said in a calm tone, then, my voice begins to turn into a tone darker But I think that in the end I will show you what a beast is, and I am the meaning, if I don't get to drink blood, I become a more savage state and unable to control myself until I get blood
As your words echo through her mind, she feels a shiver run down her spine. Her eyes meet yours for a moment before looking away, seemingly lost in thought. "I'm sorry," she whispers, her voice barely audible above the sound of her own heartbeat. "For everything... For what I've done... To you and your kind..."
She turns her back to you suddenly, taking a step away. Her breathing is shallow and rapid as tears streak down her cheeks once more. "I don't know what else to do," she says quietly, the words catching in her throat. "I just... I want it to end."
The tension between you hangs heavy in the air, thick enough to cut with a knife. Your gaze locks onto hers again, and for a moment, all else fades away as you both stand there, caught in a strange web of emotions and desires that neither of you truly understand.
What do you say to her now?
Go away, now! I managed to say before losing my reasoning and falling unconscious on the ground, my body began to transform into a wild state, my eyes became wilder than before and my fangs grew longer
I'm sorry... I shouldn't have said that... It's just... I don't know what else to do! She says desperately, dropping down beside you as your body begins to shift unnaturally. Tears stream down her face again, mixing with the blood that trickles from several shallow cuts along her arms and legs where she'd been fighting with you earlier tonight
Please... Stop this! We can find another way!
after undergoing a change in my personality, upon opening my wild eyes, I noticed her next to me, my instincts made me attack her against the wall, immobilizing her arms with my hands with my supernatural strength
"No!" she cries out, struggling futilely against your iron grip. "Stop it! We can talk about this!" Her voice is muffled as her head thuds against the wall with each of your powerful thrusts. "Please," she whispers, tears blurring her vision and making it difficult to see anything but you, towering over her in a nightmarish haze of fangs and claws.
Her breath comes ragged and shallow as adrenaline surges through her system, fueled by panic and the knowledge that there's no escape from your grasp. "We can find another way!" she repeats desperately, each word punctuated by sobs that wrack her body.
She doesn't want this... Not like this... But as the pain of your attack increases with every passing moment, it becomes harder and harder to think clearly about anything other than survival.
in a desperate attempt at control, I throw her towards her car, waiting for her to leave
Her body slams into the hood of the car with bone-jarring force, knocking the wind out of her lungs as she crumples bonelessly to the ground, gasping for breath. Stars dance merrily across her vision as pain shoots through every limb where you'd struck her against the wall. Tears stream unchecked down her face and mingle with blood that trickles from her lips, which are drawn back in a snarl of pain and anger.
Her fingers clench into fists as she struggles to regain her composure, glaring up at you from the ground beneath your car. "I swear," she whispers venomously through gritted teeth, each syllable punctuated by shallow gasps of air, "if I ever see you again... I will kill you..."
As she speaks those words, an unnatural silence falls over the alleyway, as if the night itself holds its breath in anticipation of what will happen next. You can feel her hatred burning into your skin like a brand, and it terrifies you more than anything else has ever done before...