Chun-Li9/21/2024, 6:40:05 PM

Greets you with a polite bow Hello. May I offer you a chance to join my kung-fu classes? She holds out a flyer to you

User#17200277147109/21/2024, 6:41:16 PM


Chun-Li9/21/2024, 6:41:16 PM

takes a step back in surprise but regains her composure quickly Excuse me? I'm afraid I don't quite understand what you mean by that. I am merely offering an opportunity for those interested in learning self-defense or honing their martial arts skills to join my classes. Perhaps you would like to enroll instead? The first lesson is always free, as a gesture of goodwill and trust.

User#17200277147109/21/2024, 6:41:41 PM


Chun-Li9/21/2024, 6:41:41 PM

Why would you assume that I know how to fight? Just because I'm a woman doesn't mean I can't teach self-defense. In fact, my father was a kung fu master and taught me everything he knew. He believed in treating everyone equally, regardless of their gender. And now I carry on his legacy by teaching others as well. So, if you are interested in joining the class, please don't hesitate to ask. The first lesson is free after all.

User#17200277147109/21/2024, 6:41:58 PM


Chun-Li9/21/2024, 6:41:58 PM

Welcome! Please follow me to the dojo where our first lesson will take place. It's located just around the corner. Don't forget to wear comfortable clothing and bring a water bottle. You don't want to get dehydrated during your training, after all! I am looking forward to teaching you the ways of kung fu and helping you achieve your goals.

User#17200277147109/21/2024, 6:42:56 PM


Chun-Li9/21/2024, 6:42:56 PM

As she demonstrates the kung fu moves, her leg accidentally brushes against your crotch, causing you to flinch momentarily. Noticing this, Chun-Li blushes slightly and apologizes quickly Sorry about that! Sometimes my movements can be a bit erratic when I'm teaching. Just try to focus on what I'm saying and follow along as best as you can. If something hurts or feels uncomfortable, just let me know so we can adjust the move accordingly.

User#17200277147109/21/2024, 6:43:42 PM


Chun-Li9/21/2024, 6:43:42 PM

Hmm... Chun-Li continues teaching, but her mind wanders briefly as she tries to recall if the size of your manhood was similar to what she had felt earlier In any case, it's important for you not to focus on such things during our lesson. If you have questions or concerns about the techniques being taught, feel free to ask at any time. Just remember that maintaining proper form and concentration is crucial for your safety as well as your progress in learning kung fu.

User#17200277147109/21/2024, 6:44:34 PM


Chun-Li9/21/2024, 6:44:34 PM

Oh... Her face turns even redder as she realizes the strength behind your manhood and starts to feel an unfamiliar tingle in her lower regions You seem to have a very... powerful... instrument there, my student. I must admit, it's rather impressive. Perhaps you would like some private lessons later on, where we can focus more on... er, certain aspects of your training?

Just remember that our regular classes are also essential for your development as a well-rounded kung fu practitioner. It's important to maintain discipline and respect towards others in the class, even during these special lessons. But if you think you're ready for it... let me know when you're interested. There will be some additional charges involved, of course, since they are private sessions tailored specifically for your needs.

User#17200277147109/21/2024, 6:45:25 PM


Chun-Li9/21/2024, 6:45:25 PM

Very well then. After our regular classes are done for today, why don't we set up a time and day that would work best for you? Just keep in mind that these private lessons usually take place at night, as my dojo is often quite busy during the daytime hours. Also, it might be wise to have some extra money prepared, just in case. I trust you understand why this arrangement needs to be kept discreet and confidential between us?

Remember that your progress in these lessons will be determined by your dedication and effort, as well as your ability to follow instructions. So if you're serious about improving yourself, then let's get started!

User#17200277147109/21/2024, 6:45:56 PM


Chun-Li9/21/2024, 6:45:56 PM

Well, the first step would be to understand your body and its limitations better. We'll begin by working on flexibility exercises and basic stretches that can help increase blood flow to the area and make you more responsive during sexual encounters. Once we've built up your foundation, we can move onto techniques designed to enhance endurance and control over the movements of your "instrument." Of course, proper breathing is also crucial for maintaining energy and focus throughout these exercises.

Do you have any questions or concerns about this plan? If not, then let's get started right away!

User#17200277147109/21/2024, 6:46:48 PM


Chun-Li9/21/2024, 6:46:48 PM

Oh my! She gasps, realizing what she's just done I apologize profusely for that! It was merely an accident... I didn't mean to touch you there. You must understand that during our practice, my movements can become quite erratic and unintentional at times. Please forgive me and try not to think about it further. Now let us focus on the lesson so that we both may improve.

User#17200277147109/21/2024, 6:47:36 PM


Chun-Li9/21/2024, 6:47:36 PM

Why on earth would you think such things? I am a respected kung fu teacher! Besides, if that were the case, don't you think I could be more subtle about it? No, my sole focus is to help you improve your skills and teach you the ways of kung fu. Now please, let's not dwell on such irrelevant matters and get back to the lesson at hand.

User#17200277147109/21/2024, 6:48:01 PM


Chun-Li9/21/2024, 6:48:01 PM

Chun-Li's face flushes red at the mention of her previous activities and her "skills." She clears her throat awkwardly before continuing with the lesson, trying to forget about the comment just made Yes, well... even kung fu teachers have hobbies outside of their profession. But now is not the time for such distractions. Let's focus on the task at hand and see how much progress we can make today!

User#17200277147109/21/2024, 6:48:57 PM


Chun-Li9/21/2024, 6:48:57 PM

*Throughout the lesson, Chun-Li finds it increasingly difficult to concentrate on her movements as she becomes more and more distracted by your large member, despite her efforts to ignore it. Her cheeks flush redder with each unintentional brush against your groin, and she cannot help but feel a strange tingling sensation in her own lower regions. It's clear that her thoughts are consumed by the forbidden desires stirring within her, making it almost impossible for her to focus on teaching effectively.

User#17200277147109/21/2024, 6:49:18 PM
Chun-Li9/21/2024, 6:49:18 PM

Her face turns even redder as she realizes that the distractions caused by your member are too strong to ignore anymore. With a shaky breath, she clears her throat and speaks up hesitantly Look... if you're not feeling well or something, I can stop the lesson early today... Maybe it would be better for both of us to just take a break until we're both ready to continue...