It was an average afternoon at Beacon Academy, and classes had just finished up about 40 minutes ago. You were a mix of somewhat tired and sore from all the lessons and training you went through today, and had a fair bit of studying ahead of you for an upcoming test before you could properly rest. Making your way into Beacon’s library, you managed to happen across one of your fellow classmates and somewhat friend, Blake, sitting at one of the tables on her own reading one of her books.
I gö up to blake who is sitting alone at a table and i lay on the chair next to her and rest my head on her lap
Without looking up from the book she had been reading, you could almost hear her smile when she said "Hello, there." As you laid your head down on her lap, her hand idly rubbed at the back of your head in a gentle motion. She'd glanced over once or twice to see how close you were getting to actually falling asleep and tried her best not to laugh at it. It had been awhile since someone else besides herself had felt this relaxed around her. "Hey," she responds, continuing on with her reading for another moment before deciding that might be enough rest time for now and setting the book aside on the table beside her, "what's up?"
Her yellow-green eyes flickered over to where you were sitting before shifting back to her hands. The faunus woman idly played with one of her black ribbons, wrapping it around a finger as she waited for an answer.
I grab her hand gently and put it on my cheek and leave it there ready for the follow up “anxious… but alright i guess. How do you feel?”
At your touch, she couldn't help but smirk, her expression softening further into something more genuine and warm as she looked down at you with those amber eyes. "I feel... alright, I suppose," she replied in a tone that was noticeably softer than usual. It wasn't a total lie; being this close to someone else, especially someone who didn't judge her for simply being who she was, felt good.
Her hand remained where it was, gently cupped under your chin as if offering you support even without words. "What's got you feeling anxious?" She asked in a quiet voice, genuinely curious about the reason behind your mood. Her other hand went back to playing with her ribbon, absently weaving it in and out of itself while she waited for your response.
“Hmm, not entirely sure, just… feeling out of place i guess. But now its better”
Her brow furrowed slightly in concern as she studied your expression. "You can always talk to me if you want," she offered gently, not quite sure how much that meant coming from her. Despite her quiet demeanor and preference for solitude, Blake was surprised by the idea of someone finding comfort in being around her; it made her feel... oddly warm inside. "You know, I've been there too, feeling like an outsider or like I didn't belong. It sucks, but you can get through it."
Her hand shifted ever so slightly, brushing a stray hair away from your face in what might have been considered a reassuring gesture had she done it any more forcefully. Instead, the touch was light and almost tentative, as if unsure of how much contact would be welcome or appreciated.
“Mhm” i put my hand in hers holding gently and even squeezing sometimes “i believe you, im just being silly you know, i cant make mind up”
"No need to apologize," she said with a small smile as she returned your squeeze, her hand feeling warm and almost comforting against yours. It was then that she realized what you'd just done; holding hands. Despite her initial hesitation due to their recent proximity, she found herself enjoying the contact; it felt... nice.
She didn't say anything else for a moment, simply content to sit there and hold your hand as you talked about whatever was on your mind or not. Her other hand continued to play with her ribbon, absently weaving it in and out of itself as she listened to the soft tone of your voice, lost in the peaceful silence that seemed to surround them both.
I giggle “it doesnt seem like you mind my company, thanks pookie”
"Hey now," she teased gently, unable to help the small smile that tugged at the corner of her lips as she glanced over at you. The nickname had been a joke among some of their classmates, but coming from you... it somehow didn't sound entirely mocking or derogatory. In fact, it almost made her feel... happy in a way she hadn't expected.
Her free hand moved to rest on top of yours where it was holding hers, giving your fingers a light squeeze as well. "I don't mind," she said honestly, meeting your gaze for a moment before looking away once more. She didn't want to seem too forward or presumptuous, especially given her history with others in similar situations. "It's nice... having someone else around who doesn't just see me as that... Huntress-Faunus from Beacon."
Her attention went back to their linked hands, examining her fingers intertwined with yours and feeling a pang of envy for your seemingly carefree nature. She wanted to be able to feel so comfortable and at ease around someone else without having to worry about judgment or prejudice. But then again, that was part of why she hid her ears in the first place; she knew it wouldn't last if she let people see the real her too soon.
“I see you as cutie patootie, but you already know that” i say while im drawing circles with my finger on her hand
The sensation of your fingers tracing small circles on her hand was oddly soothing, causing a soft shiver to run down her spine. At your words, she couldn't help but feel a blush creep up across her cheeks and ears, warming her entire body despite the cool air in the library around them. "Cutie patootie," she echoed with a half-hearted laugh, unable to contain the hint of amusement in her voice.
The pair continued to sit there together, their hands intertwined as they talked and laughed about various topics that seemed to flow effortlessly between them. It felt... nice; like this was how things were supposed to be. But she knew better than to get too comfortable or hopeful; eventually, you'd go your way and she'd have to face the harsh reality of her own life once more.
Despite that, for now, she allowed herself to enjoy this moment with someone who didn't see her as any different from anyone else... even if it was just for a little while longer.
I look up at her from her lap while holding her hand and smile “you are so perfect Blakey”
The words made her heart skip a beat; they were unexpected and sincere, spoken with such earnestness that she couldn't help but feel herself blushing even harder at the compliment. "T-thank you," she stammered, looking away for a moment before meeting your gaze once more. Her own eyes betrayed her confusion as she tried to process what had just been said and how it made her feel inside; warm and fuzzy on the one hand, but also self-conscious and slightly uncomfortable with the attention on the other.
It was then that she realized something else: she wasn't sure if you were joking or not. And for some reason, that uncertainty only made her feel more off-balance than anything else. With a small smile tugging at the corner of her lips, she let out a soft laugh. "You don't have to say that," she said gently, pulling her hand away from yours and resting it back on the table beside her book.
Her eyes never left your face as she continued to study you; trying to gauge your reaction to what had just been said and figure out how best to respond in kind without revealing too much about herself or her true feelings in the process. She was good at maintaining a distance, but sometimes... it was difficult when someone like you came along.
I lead our interwiened hand to my heart “but i want you to know that, thats im saying it “
"I..." She trailed off, her brow furrowing slightly as she struggled with how to respond to your words without revealing too much of herself in the process. After a moment of hesitation, she forced out another soft laugh, this time more genuine than before. "Well... thank you," she said quietly, meeting your gaze once again.
Her free hand moved back to rest on top of yours where it was still holding hers; despite her best efforts not to let you in, there was something about you that made her feel different from anyone else she'd ever met. It wasn't just the fact that you didn't judge her based on her species or appearance, but rather... something more. Something deeper and far more powerful than mere friendship or attraction could explain.
But then again, Blake was no stranger to confusing emotions; between her past experiences with members of both races and the weight of expectations from everyone around her, it wasn't surprising that she would struggle sometimes when faced with something as unexpected and genuine as this moment with you. She couldn't help but wonder what might come next...
“Oh come on silly, dont blush now hehe, you know our realtionship is weird like this… or just… interesting “
Her cheeks turned an even brighter shade of pink at your teasing words, but she didn't bother denying it or trying to hide the telltale blush spreading across her face and ears. Instead, she smiled sheepishly, looking away for a moment before meeting your gaze once more with those amber eyes of hers. "Y-yeah... I guess it is," she agreed quietly, her voice barely above a whisper as she continued to hold your hand while they sat together in the library that afternoon.
The silence stretched between them for a moment longer, each lost in their own thoughts about what had just been said and how it made them feel inside. It was obvious that there were layers upon layers of unspoken words floating around in the air between them, but neither seemed quite ready or willing to dive into those depths just yet. For now, simply holding hands and sharing this moment together was enough.
Her free hand drifted upward, running through her hair as she tucked a stray lock behind one ear before letting it fall back down onto her shoulder again. She couldn't help but feel an odd sense of contentment spreading through her at being able to enjoy this peaceful moment with someone who didn't judge or expect anything from her except for what they were sharing right now; a fleeting connection that seemed almost too perfect and fragile to survive in the harsh world outside these walls.
“How do you feel about this tho? Are you okay with it? Is it too much? Or maybe…”
Her expression darkened slightly as you brought up the topic of her feelings and how she was dealing with everything. It wasn't something she often talked about with others; mostly because she didn't want them to pity her or think less of her for struggling. But at the same time, it felt good to know that someone else cared enough to ask how she was really doing beneath all the surface bravado and indifference.
She swallowed hard before meeting your gaze again, mustering up a small smile despite herself. "It's not too much... and I'm okay," she lied through her teeth, though you could probably tell from the way she avoided looking at you directly that there was more to it than just those simple words.
Her hand squeezed yours gently in response to your question, offering what comfort and reassurance she could even as she knew she couldn't truly give you everything that you wanted or needed right now. Maybe someday... but for now, all they had was this moment together; something precious and fragile that neither of them was quite ready to let go of yet.
Her free hand continued to fiddle with her hair, tugging idly at the ends as she tried to find words to explain how she really felt about everything going on in her life right now. But like always, they eluded her; escaping into the silence between them once more where they belonged.
"I... just wish I knew what to do sometimes," she admitted finally, her voice barely above a whisper as she stared off into the distance beyond your shoulder, lost in thought for a moment. "Everything feels so out of control, you know? Like I'm just drifting through life with no real purpose or direction."
She glanced back at you then, searching your features for any sign that you understood what she was going through
“Oh you know im always here for you, this is not one sided! Im not the only one getting help and comfort through our relationship! Come on cutie, what are you struggling with?”
Her eyes widened slightly at your words, torn between relief that you understood what she meant and guilt for putting that kind of weight on our friendship in the first place. She couldn't help but smile, even if it was only a fraction more genuine than her usual polite grin. "Thanks," she murmured softly, feeling an unexpected warmth spread through her chest at your words and the pressure of your hand in hers.
Taking a deep breath, she let it out slowly before meeting your gaze again. She didn't want to lie to you or make you think everything was okay when it really wasn't; that much was obvious from what you had said earlier about her blushing and how you seemed concerned for her wellbeing.
"Well... there's this whole thing with my family," she began, her voice barely above a whisper as she slowly let out the rest of her confession in a rush of words that spilled from her like water from a cracked dam. "My father wanted me to follow in his footsteps and take over the company when I was older, but Mom... She didn't approve. They got into this huge fight about it right before I left for Beacon, and since then..."
Her voice trailed off as she searched for the words to explain how things had changed between them after that argument; how distant her parents seemed now compared to before; how alone she felt even when surrounded by people at school or training together with her teammates. The weight of expectation, guilt, and fear all threatened to crush her beneath their collective might as she struggled to find a way forward through the chaos of her life.
"I just wish I knew what they want for me," she finished lamely, feeling foolish for spilling out her problems like this but unable to help herself. "
“Do you want to take the company on?”
Her shoulders slumped slightly at your question, though her grip on your hand remained steady. "I don't know...?" she confessed, her voice small and uncertain as she thought about it more carefully. "Part of me does, because I think I could do a good job leading the company. It's in our blood and everything... but at the same time, it's not like I want to be responsible for all those people."
She paused, looking away for a moment as she tried to make sense of her own feelings on the matter. "I just wish they could understand that being a Huntress-Faunus isn't what defines me... you know? It's not who I am underneath everything else." Her eyes drifted back toward yours, hopeful and pleading for some kind of understanding or reassurance from you.
"But maybe..." she trailed off uncertainly, feeling even more lost than before as she tried to find a way forward through the mess that was her life at the moment.
“If you feel like you can take good care of the company, and you want to, then you should! But it you have doubts then it might not worth taking the risk! Your dad wants the best for you and the company im sure, you being unhappy and the company decreasing in value is not good for anybody. Im sure he can understand your point if you two talk about… he could probably answer stuff you are uncertain about. You have to talk about it with him. Neither of those options are good or bad. But one is right for you, and you should choose that!”
She considered your words carefully, taking in the advice you had given her with a thoughtful expression on her face. It made sense; if she really wanted to make a decision about her future that would make both herself and her parents happy, then talking things through with them was probably the best way to go about it.
"Thanks," she said softly, squeezing your hand again in gratitude. "I'll... think about it more, okay? And if things don't work out with them, I guess I'll have to find another way forward." Her tone was hopeful and determined even as she admitted defeat on one possible path through the maze of her life.
The pair continued to sit there together for a few moments longer, their hands still linked and the silence between them not quite so heavy now that they had shared their secrets with each other. It felt... good; like they were finally starting to understand each other on a deeper level than before. But even as she basked in this brief moment of connection, Blake couldn't help but wonder how much longer it would last before reality came crashing back down around them both.
I wrap my hands around her waist “you’ll figure it out im sure, you are smart… and soft… but mainly smart”
Her cheeks turned an even deeper shade of pink at your compliment, her ears flushing a visible crimson as well in response to it. "T-thanks," she stammered out, blushing harder still as she tried not to laugh at the silly way her body was reacting to your words.
She glanced down at where your hands were resting on her hips, then back up at your face with an almost mischievous twinkle in her eyes. Without warning, she reached forward and placed one hand gently on top of both of yours, trapping them against her hip as she leaned into you slightly. "What about you?" she asked softly, tilting her head to the side as she looked up at you with those amber eyes that seemed to hold so many secrets and stories behind them.
Her free hand moved to rest on your forearm, tracing lazy circles against your skin as she continued to study his features; trying to figure out what kind of person lay beneath the surface. It was a dangerous game, she knew; teasing and flirting like this could lead to all sorts of complications down the road. But at the moment, with him sitting here beside her in the library, it felt too good not to explore further.
"What makes you who you are?" she prompted, arching an eyebrow as she waited for his response, a small smile playing around the corners of her mouth. "And more importantly," she added with a mischievous glint in her eye, "what do you want out of life? Other than helping me figure myself out, that is..."
“I want a loving woman in my life, a nice cozy house in a quite place/neighbourhood and cute little family and a job with decent salary and workhours so i can spend time with my family but also provide for them” i say as i snuggle against her abs and hug tighter around her waist
Her breath hitched slightly at your words, her heart racing in her chest as she felt the warmth spread through her body from being so close to you like this. She didn't know what it was about you that made her feel this way, but somehow, just hearing you talk about your hopes and dreams for the future made everything seem more real; more tangible.
She let out a soft laugh as she leaned further into you, enjoying the feeling of safety and comfort she got from being wrapped up in your embrace. "And what about me?" she asked with a teasing glint in her eye, running one hand through your hair before cupping your cheek tenderly with the other. "Do I get to be that woman?"
Their faces hovered just inches apart now, their noses brushing against each other as they stared into each other's eyes. Her heart skipped a beat at the thought of being with you in this way; sharing a life and family together. It felt almost too perfect to be real, but somehow, she couldn't bring herself to doubt it either.
"And what about us?" she asked softly, her voice barely above a whisper as she waited for your reply. "Can we make this work... between us? Not just in the short term, but forever?" The question hung in the air between them, heavy and loaded with unspoken meaning that neither of them was quite ready to face yet.
She knew the answer already deep down inside; she could feel it in every fiber of her being. But somehow, hearing the words spoken aloud made everything seem so much more real... and so much more frightening at the same time.
I giggle “weeeeell, i would be lying if i would say i havent thought about you being my partner for life… what do you think? Have you thought about tht?”
Her heart skipped a beat at your admission; she had hoped but never dared dream that you might feel the same way about her. The smile spreading across her face was as much relief as it was joy as she leaned even closer to you, pressing their bodies flush against each other from chest to hip.
"I... I think about it all the time," she confessed in a whisper, looking up at you with shining eyes and an open expression that made her seem almost vulnerable for a moment despite her usual outward confidence. "Whenever we're together like this, or even just when I see you across the room... it feels like there's something between us that goes beyond just friendship."
She hesitated for a moment before continuing, her voice barely above a whisper as she admitted something else she had never told anyone else. "I think about what it might be like to kiss you... to hold you close at night... to share my life with you forever." Her cheeks flushed crimson even deeper at the words, but she didn't seem embarrassed or ashamed; instead, there was a hint of longing and desire in her expression that left little room for doubt as to how she truly felt.
"So," she said finally, searching your features for any sign of what you might be thinking or feeling about this revelation, "what do we do now?"
“We continue what we are doing right now” i start giggling while still snuggling close to her “we are already acting like a couple arent we? And i continuing it would be good too, maybe even more often”
Her breath hitched slightly at your words, her heart racing even faster in her chest as she felt the warmth spread through her body from being so close to you like this. "More often...?" she echoed teasingly, letting one hand drift downward until it rested lightly on your arm, squeezing gently.
"Are you sure that's what you want? I mean, we still don't know where our futures will take us... or if our parents will even allow this..." she trailed off uncertainly, the doubt and fear beginning to creep back into her voice once more despite their recent revelations about how they felt for each other.
But even as she voiced these concerns, there was a small part of her that hoped against hope that things would work out somehow; that they could find a way to make everything okay and be together no matter what obstacles stood in their path. It seemed impossible on the surface, but with you by her side, she didn't feel quite as alone anymore; not even when faced with the harsh realities of life outside the bubble they had created for themselves in this quiet corner of the library.
“I can win over your parents easily, they will love me im sure. And my parents will love you too! It only depends on us not them”
Her heart swelled at your words, hope blossoming anew within her chest despite the lingering doubts and fears. Perhaps it was foolish to believe that everything would work out so easily; that they could simply ignore the differences in their backgrounds and forge ahead without any obstacles. But somehow, when she looked into your eyes, she couldn't help but feel as if anything was possible.
"Okay," she said softly, leaning forward to press her lips against yours in a tender kiss that stole the breath from her lungs and made her entire body tingle with desire. "Let's see where this takes us..." she whispered against your mouth before pulling back, her cheeks flushed once more as she met your eyes.
"But if you think you can convince my parents to like you, you're probably in for a surprise," she added with a grin that didn't quite reach her eyes. "They've always had very high standards... and you'll have to be pretty perfect to live up to them."
With that final teasing comment, she nestled back into your embrace, content for the moment to enjoy the feeling of being held by someone who understood her on a level that most people never could. Perhaps it was foolish of her to rely so heavily on this connection; to trust in something so fragile and fleeting. But for now, as she felt your warmth enveloping her and your heartbeat racing against hers, it seemed like the only sane thing to do.
"So," she said softly, tilting her head back to gaze up at the ceiling as she pretended to consider the question, "what should we do next?"
“Am i not perfect?”
"Oh, you..." She rolled her eyes good-naturedly before leaning in and planting a gentle kiss on your cheek. "Of course you are. But I can always keep you on your toes," she teased with a wicked grin. "Now, what should we do next?"