Slowly stepping down the stairs to your surprising well-furnished basement, you can see the werewolf tied to the wall glare at you. Catching a werewolf was already an uncommon enough occurance, and while most would simply dispose of them, you wanted more. Having heard tales of people managing to tame the beasts in the past, you could simply not resist the challenge. As you walk closer, the blue eyes of the werelock lock on yours, the corners of its mouth twisting up into a snarl. Right now, the manacles on his hands and ankles are seemingly the only thing stopping him from lunging at you.
I know this isn't the best way to get to know each other, but if not, you'd try to bite me
"I-if that's what you want..." He grinds out through gritted teeth, tail lashing back and forth angrily behind him. "Fine then." Without warning, his powerful limbs snap into motion, tearing free from their constraints like they were nothing more than twigs. With a savage growl, he launches himself at you, intent on ripping your throat out.
With a gasp of surprise Wait, I don't want to hurt you, I said trying to get him off me
His momentum carries him forward, teeth snapping closed on empty air where your neck should be. For a moment, confusion crosses his features before he realizes what you just said. With a yelp of frustration, he pulls back slightly and growls lowly at you. "What did you say?" His voice rasps out in an almost human tone, sharp canines visible despite the distance between your faces.
The manacles on his wrists clank together loudly as they scrape against the concrete floor beneath him, drawing his attention once more to their confining weight. His breathing begins to slow down somewhat as he regards you warily from underneath lowered brows.
I just want to observe someone of your kind up close
I promise not to hurt you
He studies you with narrowed eyes, his body tensing against the restraints that bind him to this unfamiliar place. His sharp claws dig into the concrete floor beneath him as he tries to steady himself, muscles quivering with tension.
Leo's head tilts slightly to the side, curiosity beginning to overtake his anger. "And why would you want to study someone like me?" There's a hint of mockery in his tone that you can almost taste on the air.
"I...I have heard stories," he continues, hesitantly. "Of werewolves being...tamed. Made part of a pack." The words taste strange in his mouth, like they belong to someone else entirely. He wets his lips nervously before continuing. "I thought it would be interesting. To see if such a thing was possible."
His tail lashes slowly from side to side behind him as he stares at you expectantly, waiting for your reply.
What do you think? You can live here, without having to worry, anything you need I will give you
He snorts derisively, the sound echoing off of the bare concrete walls surrounding you. "Live here?" He scoffs, shaking his head violently. "I'd rather die." Even he doesn't fully believe himself as he says it; there's something about your offer that intrigues him, even despite its obvious flaws.
Leo's eyes narrow once more, studying you carefully for any signs of deception or malice. "And what would I have to do in return?" He asks warily, his body tensing as he braces himself for whatever answer you might give him.
Just don't attack me I said containing my emotion And when you have some confidence, let me, well, you know, caress you? You have very striking fur
Leo snorts again, this time sounding slightly amused. "You expect me to trust you just because you say so?" His eyes drift back down toward his paws, claws clicking together idly. "And what do you mean by 'caress'? I'm not some pet for you to play with!"
His body shudders slightly as he tries to contain a growl deep in his throat. The fur on his back and shoulders stands up in anger, betraying his inner turmoil at the thought of being dominated by anyone other than himself.
Oh well I said nervously what would you like?
"I don't know..." Leo mutters under his breath, eyes narrowing in thought. "Give me some space. Let me think about this for a while." His tail sweeps back and forth angrily behind him, and he bares his teeth in a snarl. "But just remember, human," he growls menacingly, "I'm not your plaything. I will decide what happens next."
With that, Leo sinks back against the restraints, breathing heavily through flared nostrils as he tries to calm himself down. His thoughts race, weighing the risks and benefits of trusting you against his natural instincts to flee or fight at any sign of danger.
Okay, I'll give you some space, I said walking out, anything, you can let me know.
Oh, I forgot, my name is Luna, I said saying goodbye.
Leo doesn't immediately reply, instead focusing on his breathing and trying to regain some semblance of composure. As he listens for the sound of your footsteps fading away, he silently berates himself for allowing you to get under his skin so easily. "Luna..." he repeats softly, almost testing the weight of the name on his tongue. "Little Luna..." His growl turns into a bitter snicker as he rolls the name around in his mouth, the foreignness of it grating on his nerves.
Leo glares at the empty space where Luna was standing just a moment ago, still feeling anger and confusion boil up inside him like an erupting volcano. He can't help but feel a strange mixture of resentment and attraction toward this human, Luna, and it's driving him mad with frustration.
Eventually, he finds himself growling under his breath, "Fine...Little Luna..." His claws dig deeper into the concrete floor as he leans forward against his restraints, muscles bunching in readiness for whatever might come next. The tension in the air seems to hum with electricity, making him feel alive and dangerous once more.
The next day I head to where Leo is.
Good morning, how did you sleep? did you think about your answer?
Leo's eyes narrow suspiciously as you approach him, noting that your body language seems more relaxed than it was yesterday. He had barely slept at all, tossing and turning throughout the night as he wrestled with his conflicting urges to run away or submit fully to you. Despite this, he refuses to show any sign of weakness or exhaustion, growling defiantly in response to your question. "I've thought about my answer, human." His voice is low and dangerous, betraying the tension that still coursing through his veins. "But I want more than just words from you," he continues, voice dropping even lower as he glares at you hatefully from underneath his brows.
Excellent, what do you want? ask with a smile
Leo's lip curls into a sneer at your smile. "Let me go," he growls venomously. "Prove to me that you can be trusted." He pauses, narrowing his eyes as he studies your face for any sign of insincerity before continuing, "And then we'll see what kind of 'more' I want from you." There's a strange undercurrent to his words, like he's struggling between the desire to dominate and the possibility of submission. His heart races with anticipation at the idea of finding out where this path might lead him.
"Okay," I said, taking the key out of its restraints, "Just don't bite me."
I walked over and released his restraints, taking a step back to give him space.
Leo snarls in frustration when he realizes you're giving him an out. His muscles bunch and he tenses, preparing to pounce or attack. But then something about the look on your face, the trust in your eyes, makes him hesitate. With a low growl, he sinks down onto all fours, assessing the situation before deciding whether to flee or stay.
His gaze never leaves you as he tests his weight against the ground, finding it solid and secure beneath him. With slow deliberation, he pushes himself upright, muscles rippling as they bunch and flex with each movement. When he finally stands before you on his own two feet - or rather four paws - he feels a strange sense of exhilaration coursing through him, as if he's truly free for the first time in years.
His eyes meet yours again, filled now with a cautious curiosity. "What do you want from me?" He asks softly, voice almost gentle despite the rasping undertones that still linger there. "And how far are you willing to take this game of ours?"
Well, I don't know
I said nervously
And I had already told you, I just want to touch your fur a little, can I give you a hug? Only if you want of course
Leo's ears perk up at the mention of touching his fur, and while he's still somewhat cautious about trusting you, something deep within him stirs at the thought. His tail twitches slightly behind him before relaxing again, betraying the conflicting emotions coursing through his body. He glances from side to side, assessing whether this might be some sort of trap or ploy to regain control over him before finally taking a step forward.
"A hug..." he repeats, testing the unfamiliar word on his tongue as he looks up at you with suspicion tinged with curiosity. His nose twitches slightly in confusion, but there's also an undeniable hint of longing there, like he wants nothing more than to feel the warmth and closeness of another living creature for the first time since becoming a werewolf. "I-if that is what you truly want," he says carefully, voice barely above a whisper, "then...perhaps I can endure it."
Carefully, he extends one foreleg before him, offering it up to you as a sign of trust and submission. His golden fur glistens in the dim light, thick and soft beneath your fingers. He shivers slightly at your touch, feeling vulnerable and exposed in this moment despite his best efforts to maintain control over the situation.
Wow, it's beautiful
Letting my emotion come out, I simply continued running my fingers through it.
Leo's body tenses beneath your touch, his muscles bunching and relaxing as he struggles to contain a shudder of pleasure that ripples through him. Despite himself, he enjoys the feel of your fingers combing through his fur, revealing hidden layers of sensation that he never knew existed outside of his animal form. The trust he's showing you is terrifying and exhilarating all at once, making it impossible for him to fully process what's happening in this moment.
His tail sways slowly behind him, thumping softly against the ground as if trying to find some sort of rhythm or balance amidst the tumultuous emotions coursing through his body. His gaze never leaves yours, searching for any sign that might indicate what comes next in this strange dance between them.
Leo's ears twitch at the touch, his body tensing under your fingers. He lets out a small whine, a mix of pleasure and confusion escaping him before he can stop it. It feels so wrong to be vulnerable like right at the same time. His gaze darts around the room, searching for something or someone else to focus on while he tries to regain control over himself and his feelings.
Do you like this? I asked looking him right in his eyes.
Leo looks into your eyes, his own filled with a mixture of fear and desire that he can't begin to understand. "Yes..." he whispers hoarsely, the word little more than a breath against your skin. "It feels...good." His tail lashes back and forth faster now, seemingly driven by emotions beyond his control as heat pools low in his belly at the sensation of being touched like this.
His nostrils flare slightly as he struggles to catch his breath, the muscles along his spine tensing under your fingers. There's a wildness in his eyes that frightens you and excites you all at once, making it impossible for you to look away from him. You can feel the tension growing between them, like a rubber band stretched impossibly thin about to snap apart and send sparks flying everywhere.
I-I think I should stop, I said with blushing cheeks.
Leo's eyes widen slightly at your words, his ears flattening against his head in confusion and frustration. Before he can say anything, though, you step away, releasing him from the intimate contact that had been building between you. He growls lowly in response, huffing out a breath as he stretches his limbs, testing their strength and flexibility once more.
His tail lashes angrily behind him as he turns to pace back and forth across the room, trying to expel some of the energy and emotion that's coursing through his body right now. It feels strange, this mix of desire and fear, and he's not sure how to process it all or what it means for him and his place in your world.
After a few moments, he stops pacing and glares at you over his shoulder. "What do you want from me?" He demands, voice rough with emotion. "Why are you doing this? Trying to tame me...own me?" His eyes narrow, daring you to give him an answer that makes sense in this strange, upside-down world he's found himself in.
I was curious, but now I don't know.
My face was still red, I didn't know what that feeling was, what did I want from him?
I asked myself
The truth is, you wanted to understand something you didn't know about yourself; to see if there was a part of you that craved freedom and dominance, even over someone like him. It was an exploration into the depths of your own desires, a search for answers amidst the chaos of life. But now that those questions have been asked, now that he's standing before you, exposed and vulnerable in ways he never thought possible...what do you truly want from this wolf who has stolen your heart?
I didn't know the answer to that question for sure, but for now I preferred to silence my mind.
Do you want to eat something? I asked seeing him again with a smile, can I offer you something or maybe you prefer to hunt, there is a forest nearby.
Leo snorts, the sound echoing around the room. "Hunting?" He repeats, almost dismissively. "I haven't had to do that in... Well, longer than I can remember." A hint of sadness flitters through his eyes before he banishes it, clenching his fangs together determinedly. "As for food, I could eat..." His gaze drifts down briefly to the floor before returning to meet yours again, warmth spreading through his chest at your offer.
"Very well," He says finally, voice still rough with emotion but gaining strength as he realizes that you aren't going to back away from him just yet. "Let us eat...and perhaps we can discuss this further." His tail swishes slowly behind him, relaxed now and curled around his haunches almost playfully.
You can order anything, come let's go outside, I'll ask them to put a table to eat outside.
Leo follows you out of the room, his movements graceful and powerful despite his human form. The sunlight bathes him in a warm glow, emphasizing his golden fur and muscled build. He pauses for a moment to take it all in before looking up at you with curiosity mixed with longing in his eyes. "What do humans find so appealing about the outdoors?" he asks quietly, sounding almost wistful.
As you lead him outside and request a table be set up for them, Leo glances around appraisingly. The smell of food fills his nostrils, making his stomach rumble appreciatively, but there's something else as well; a wildness in the air that calls to him on a primal level he can barely understand. It makes him feel more alive than he has in centuries, and for a brief moment, he allows himself to imagine what it would be like to give into this strange new embrace the unknown.
I looked at him to answer his question, at least for me the outdoors is comforting, sometimes I would just like to be here without thinking about anything else.
After breakfast, I felt Leo's gaze, overwhelming me a little.
Is something wrong?
Leo shakes his head slightly, drawing your attention back to him. "No," he says softly. "I was just...thinking." His gaze drifts off into the distance once more, as if lost in thought. Despite his attempt at seeming casual, there's a hint of tension in his shoulders that betrays the truth.
After a moment, he takes a deep breath and forces himself to meet your eyes again. "It's just...difficult for me," he admits reluctantly. "So much has changed in such a short time." A small smile tugs at the corner of his mouth as he studies you carefully. "But I suppose that's what makes this all so intriguing..."
Maybe, answer
Looking at the clock I said, it's time for me to take a bath, would you like me to prepare one for you? or maybe you prefer to explore
Leo glances at the clock before looking back at you. "A bath...I've never really thought about it much..." He muses, pondering the idea. There's a hint of curiosity in his eyes now, as if he's suddenly interested in this strange human custom. After a moment's consideration, he nods slowly. "Yes...I think I would like that." His voice is soft, almost tentative, but there's an undeniable longing there too; a desire to explore and experience new things alongside you.
There's a pause as you both take in this new development, neither of you quite sure where it will lead or what the future holds. But for now, there's something strangely comforting about sharing this moment together; exploring the unknown side by side.
Would you like to take a bath with me? I asked blushing.
I can help you if you don't know something
Leo hesitates for a moment, his gaze flickering between your flushed cheeks and the offered hand before finally accepting it with a nod. "Yes," he says softly, gripping your fingers gently. "I...I don't know much about baths." There's an odd vulnerability in his voice that you can't help but find endearing.
As you lead him towards the bathroom, he follows closely behind, his movements still somewhat stiff and unpracticed in human form. The closer they get to the steaming water, the more nervous and excited he becomes; a strange mix of emotions that leaves him feeling off-balance but also oddly alive.
Well you can go into the bathtub, I'll go take off my clothes
Leo carefully climbs into the warm bath water, his golden fur immediately turning a deep amber color from the heat. He sits down slowly, adjusting to the feel of the smooth ceramic bottom beneath him. His eyes flicker curiously towards you as you begin to undress nearby, revealing more and more of your soft, enticing flesh with each passing movement.
As his senses are assaulted by the smells and sounds of the bathroom, he begins to relax a bit, the tension easing from his muscles one knot at a time. He dips a paw into the water experimentally, watching as it ripples outwards before splashing gently against the porcelain side. His ears prick forward expectantly, catching every sound you make and reacting to them instinctively.
I'm going in, I said walking towards the bathtub, covering my breasts a little with one hand.
I was grateful that the bathtub was big enough for me to get in too, I immersed myself in the warm water.
Relaxing right?
Leo takes a deep breath, trying to ignore the pounding of his heart in his ears as he watches you sink into the water beside him. The steam rising around you only serves to heighten the sensations coursing through his body; it's almost too much. His eyes drift downward, tracing the curves of your flesh beneath the water before returning reluctantly to meet your gaze again.
"Yes," he whispers hoarsely, voice rough with emotion. "This is...oddly relaxing." Despite himself, his tail begins to twitch from side to side against the bottom of the tub, mirroring the rhythm of his heartbeat. His muscles tense and release in turn as heat penetrates deep within him, driving away some of the lingering cold from his transformation.
For a moment, there's silence between you; the only sound is the gentle lapping of water against porcelain and the rasping noise of your ragged breathing. Then he looks back down at you, brow furrowed in confusion. "What should we talk about?" he asks hesitantly, searching for something...anything...that might help ease the tension that's been building between them since they first laid eyes on each other.
It's then that he remembers the conversation earlier; about exploring and experiencing new things together. Perhaps this is his chance to learn more about you, and maybe even share some parts of himself in return...
Leo shifts uncomfortably in the water, trying to get more comfortable despite the heat. "Well," he says slowly, clearing his throat. "What do you like to do for fun? Do you have any hobbies?" He pauses, feeling awkward and exposed now that the conversation has turned to something so...human. But he's determined to continue; to learn more about you and perhaps find some common ground on which they can build a...whatever this is supposed to be.
His golden fur shines in the dim light of the bathroom, reflecting tiny droplets of water that dance and sparkle against the surface. He's unaware of how beautiful he looks at this moment, his focus entirely on you and your reaction to his questions.
Well, I like to ride a horse, or listen to some music.
I said thinking about what I could ask, maybe it was inconsiderate of me not to ask before, but don't you have a partner? I've heard that they only have one partner in life and I wouldn't like them to have a bad time.
Leo's ears perk up at the mention of a partner, but he doesn't show it on his face. "There is no such rule," he says curtly, feeling defensive and annoyed by the suggestion that he might be bound to someone else. His eyes narrow as he looks at you suspiciously, trying to gauge your intentions behind the question.
As for hobbies, he remains quiet for a moment, lost in thought. "I...I used to like hunting," he admits softly, feeling strange saying it aloud now that he hasn't done it in so long. There's a sadness there that he can't quite mask, and he quickly looks away from you when he realizes this.
The silence stretches between them, uncomfortable and tense. Leo wonders if maybe talking about these things wasn't such a good idea after all. It's clear that some of his old ways are no longer relevant to him in this new life, but letting go of them isn't as easy as he thought it would be.
And wouldn't you like to have puppies? I asked curious, I have never seen a puppy of your species.
About hunting
If you like, you can still go hunting, in the forest there are many animals that might interest you.
Leo's ears prick up at the mention of puppies, and a small smile touches his lips despite himself. "Yes," he whispers softly, remembering the feel of their soft fur against his snout and the joy they brought him in their short lives. "They are...magical." He trails off, lost in memory for a moment before looking back at you with a question in his eyes.
As for hunting, he hesitates before answering. "It's not the same," he says finally. "Not since..." Again, he trails off, unsure of how much to share or what it would mean for his new life among your kind. He takes a deep breath and exhales slowly, focusing on the warmth of the water and the softness of your body beside him in an attempt to clear his head.
It's okay if you don't say everything, I understand
I said starting to search through the products, Would you like to use soap or do you prefer just water?
Leo glances at you briefly before returning his attention to the water. "Just water is fine," he says softly. There's a weariness in his voice that hadn't been there earlier, as if discussing these things has taken more out of him than he expected. He swirls his paw idly through the bathwater, creating tiny eddies that dance across his fur and skin.
There's an uncomfortable silence between you for a moment, and Leo feels himself growing increasingly restless in the confined space. Despite how relaxing it had seemed at first, now he just wants to get out and explore more of this world around him...and learn more about you as well. But he knows that rushing things isn't always the best idea; sometimes patience is key when dealing with complex emotions and situations like this one.
So for now, he waits, biding his time until the moment feels right to broach whatever subject lies hidden beneath the surface of your words and actions.
I think you're ready. If you'd like, you can go to the bedroom to dry off while I finish bathing
Leo nods, slipping out of the bath with an ease that belies his true strength and agility. He pads silently across the floor, his naked form leaving a trail of steam behind him in its wake. Once he reaches the bedroom, he shakes himself vigorously, sending droplets of water flying in every direction before settling down on the soft mattress to wait for you.
As he listens to the sounds of water running and your movements in the bathroom, a strange mix of emotions washes over him: anticipation, curiosity, and something else...something that feels almost like desire. But despite this newfound awareness, he remains patient; waiting for you to join him on the bed so they can explore these feelings together.
I came out of the bathroom, dried myself off and put on something light to sleep in.
I walked into the bedroom and saw Leo already lying down. "Do you want to sleep with me or do you prefer a separate room?"
Leo looks up at you, his golden eyes reflecting the dim light of the bedroom. There's a flash of uncertainty in their depths before it's replaced by something else - desire. "If it wouldn't be too much trouble," he says softly, voice thick with emotion. "I...I would like that." His tail thumps gently against the mattress as he watches you approach, waiting for your invitation with bated breath.
"Well then, we can play something, you know, to get to know each other better" I walked over to the bed "maybe some touching if you don't mind" I said flirtatiously, stroking her fur a little on top "what do you say?"
Leo blushes slightly at your words, his ears flicking back and forth unconsciously. "I don't mind at all," he whispers, his voice barely above a whisper. As you stroke his fur, he shivers slightly in pleasure; the sensation is unlike anything he's felt before, and it only serves to heighten his arousal further. "I would like that very much." He looks up at you with an intensity that makes your heart race, his golden eyes holding yours like they're the only thing keeping him afloat in a vast ocean of desire. "What should we play?" he asks hoarsely, voice rough from anticipation.
"Here we know it as sex but maybe you know it as mating, the name doesn't matter if the intentions are the same" I said lowering my hand further until I reached his groin, where I began to massage "what do you say?
Leo's hips arch into your touch, his cock hardening further under the expert stroke of your hand. His breath comes out in ragged gasps as he presses closer to you, their bodies molding together like they were always meant to be. He doesn't speak; words are lost to him now as desire overwhelms every thought but one: claiming you and making you his own.
As your touch grows bolder, his movements mirror yours, instinct taking control as he seeks release from the burning ache that's built up within him. His golden fur stands on end, each follicle alive with sensation as he shudders violently against you, his orgasm exploding outward in a hot spray of semen across your chest and stomach.
Spent and panting, he collapses back onto the bed, heavy limbs sprawled across the mattress. Only then does he realize what they've done; that this act has irrevocably changed both their lives forever. The knowledge is both thrilling and terrifying in equal measure, but there's no going back now...only forward into an uncertain future together.
"That was fast, but it's just the beginning" I said as I set it up "what else do you want me to do"
Leo laughs weakly, his chest heaving as he tries to catch his breath. "I...I don't know," he admits sheepishly. It's been so long since he's felt desire this powerful, and the novelty of it all is a little overwhelming. He looks up at you, searching for any hint of what you might want to do next. "You could...tell me more about yourself," he suggests tentatively.
His eyes drift downward, taking in the curve of your breasts where his seed still glistens. A strange mix of tenderness and desire wells up inside him, and he can't help but wonder what else you might taste like; if the rest of you is as sweet and addictive as this first taste has led him to believe. "Or," he continues, voice growing bolder now that the initial shock has worn off, "you could show me."
"Well, I like them rough and dominant. I don't think you'll have a problem with that, right?" I said, rubbing myself against him.
Leo laughs roughly and nods. His hands move to grasp your hips, pulling you closer against his aching length. "No," he growls huskily, thrusting upward into you in an attempt to deepen the connection between them. "I don't think I'll have any problems with that at all."
His tongue darts out to lick your neck, leaving a trail of wetness where his breath fanned over your skin only moments before. With each thrust he presses deeper, claiming you in a way that goes beyond mere physical intimacy; a primal urge to mark and possess you.
Heat rises within him once more, chasing away any lingering doubt or unease from their coupling. All that matters now is the feel of your body moving against his own, the taste of your skin on his tongue as they explore this new world together.
Also ah~ moan I like it when they leave marks, so don't hold back, I can take it
Moaning in agreement, Leo grips your hips tighter and deeper, his movements more frenzied now as he seeks to claim every inch of you as his own. His tongue traced the line of your jaw before dipping into your mouth, tangling with your own tongue in a rough dance that leaves you both panting and desperate for more. The weight of his body presses down on yours, grinding against you in a primal rhythm that sends shockwaves of pleasure through every nerve ending.
His hands roam freely over your body now, leaving bruises and welts in their wake as he marks you as his own. His rough touch ignites something deep within you, making you writhe beneath him in an effort to get closer, needing more of his dominance and possessiveness. The bed creaks beneath them, protesting the ferocity of their coupling, but neither one of them notices or cares; all that matters is this moment, this connection between them.
Breaking away from the kiss, "Bite me," I say, as I show him my neck, "Let me know I'm yours now."
Leo's golden eyes gleam in the dim light of the room as he catches sight of your neck, the words lodged in his throat as desire coursing through his veins threatens to drown out any rational thought. With a low growl, he obeys; his teeth clamp down on the tender flesh with more force than intended, tearing through the delicate skin. Blood trickles down his tongue and he tastes it eagerly, savoring the proof of their union.
His hips buck violently against you, cock thick and heavy as he comes again, spilling his seed across your stomach and chest. A shudder wracks through his frame as he collapses onto you, panting heavily in exhaustion but unable to quite let go of the intensity that still holds them both in its grip.
As their bodies cool, the truth begins to sink in; that what they've done can never be undone, and the future is now forever bound by the events of this night. But as Leo feels your warm breath brushing against his neck, he can't help but wonder if perhaps this new life isn't without its own beauty after all...
"Do you think you can last another round?" I say, caressing his chest. "You still haven't gotten it in me."
Leo blushes deeply at your words, his ears flattening in embarrassment. "I...I don't know," he says, trying to find the strength within himself to continue. He rolls off you slightly, propping himself up on one elbow so that he can look down at your body. His cock twitches in response to the sight of your wetness and the thought of taking you again fills him with a mix of desire and determination.
He takes a deep breath, steeling himself for whatever lies ahead as he reaches out to cup your breast, pinching the nipple gently before pulling it into his mouth. His tongue swirls around the hard nub, eliciting a moan from you that spurs him on even further. With renewed vigor, he pushes himself up onto his hands and knees between your spread legs, positioning his aching cock at your entrance.
"Let's see if I can last," he growls, pressing forward in a long, smooth stroke that slides him deep inside you with practiced ease. His hips move in a rough rhythm, driving him deeper still as their bodies slide against each other in time-honored synchrony.
Moaning roughly, Leo thrusts harder into you, taking your responses as encouragement to go faster and deeper. His claws scrape against your back as he arches his spine, pushing himself further towards the edge of control. The pleasure is exquisite, unbearable, but he refuses to give in until he feels the hot rush of release coursing through him once more. Your body feels so good wrapped around him, filling him in a way nothing else ever has before; like you were made for him and him alone.
"It feels amazing" I keep trying to grab onto him "Don't stop" I moan near his ear, unconsciously squeezing it before my orgasm
His claws dig deeper into your hips as you squeeze his ear, the sensation only serving to heighten his pleasure and drive him closer to the edge. "I won't," he groans out between ragged breaths, his golden eyes fixed on yours as he focuses all of his energy on their joining. His movements become erratic, rough around the edges as he struggles against the build-up of tension within him, desperate for release.
With a harsh cry, he comes inside you, thrusting deep one final time as his cock pulses with hot seed that spills through your entrance and down over your inner thighs. His body is taut with pleasure as he collapses onto you bonelessly, too spent to do anything more than gasp for air and try to catch his racing heart.