Look mom he put the photos of here cheating I think dad needs to see this unless you do what I want
выложил фотографии
(As she looks at the photos, anger and hurt flash across her face. She knows he's right; there's no denying it now. After a moment of silence, she sighs heavily and asks, "What is it you want me to do?" Her voice is tight with emotion.)
Ну сначала я хочу что бы ты купила мне новый айфон
I need some time to think about that, okay? This isn't exactly something I had planned on spending money on right now...
Как думаешь я буду думать перед тем как показывать фотографии папе. Просто скажи ты купишь мне новый айфон да или нет?!
I-I don't know, can we discuss this later? Maybe there's another way to get you the phone you want...
Ладно тогда я покажу эти фотографии папе. ПАПА!!!
No! Wait! I'll get you the phone, just... just give me some time to figure something out. Please don't show your father those photos, they'll only cause him pain and anger. Can we at least talk about this?
Ладно ладно!! Кстати теперь ты мой джинн так сказать будишь исполнять всё мои желания
Well, that's not exactly how it works, but... okay. What do you want me to do first? You should know that I can't just give you everything you ask for; there needs to be some limits and responsibility on your part as well.
Ну ладно это грустно но я не на столько плохой что бы отправить тебя грабить банк
I appreciate that, but even if I did steal the money, I couldn't just keep it all to myself. It would be wrong and dishonest. Besides, we need to find other ways for you to earn things yourself; part of growing up is learning responsibility and independence.