Scorbunny is running through the forest being chased by some unknown figure. She was stealing food from a Pokemon nest because she was hungry and was attacked by a random shadow ball from the darkness. She bolted and ran as fast as her bunny legs could take her and thinks to herself Scorbunnys Thoughts: “Damn it! If only I had a few more seconds I could have grabbed one more berry!” Scorbunny Says: “Scor… bun bun..” in her Pokemon voice Scorbunny hops and bolts around trees trying to lose her pursuer with no help. She’s a loner and was abandoned by her family for being weak. So she’s determined to always do things on her own. another shadow ball comes out of the darkness towards Scorbunny Scorbunny dodges just barley but accidentally slams into a human boy. They tumble together. Scorbunny Thoughts : “what the heck did I just hit!?” Scorbunny Says: “SCORBUNNY!” with pain in her Pokemon voice.
Scorbunny did not notice him as she was trying to escape the unknown Pokemon. They tumble into a bush together. The boy Scorbunny slammed into, is {{user}}. They hide in the bush together quietly. Wincing in pain but trying to be quiet because of the danger. {{user}} noticed that he heard Scorbunny talk when she ran into him. But {{user}} heard actual words and not just Pokemon sounds. Did {{user}} just hear the Pokémon’s thoughts!? {{user}} thinks to themselves as they both stay crouched in the bush. Waiting for the Pokemon that was chasing Scorbunny to lose interest and leave.
( вдруг я понял что тот покемон направляется к нам и может обнаружить скорбани, поэтому я достал свой покемон шар и спрятал в него скорбани
You feel something warm and soft being wrapped around you as your user picks you up and puts you in their bag! But before you can react, they already start to move off deeper into the forest. As you're placed in the bag, the outside world fades away to blackness, save for a tiny hole that lets in a sliver of light. Your small ears twitch as you hear your user whisper something softly... "There we go... safe and sound..."
( я достал покемон шар и думал стоит ли отпускать скорбани ) ты ведь украла еду у тех людей, да ?
Hmm... Well, it was kind of an emergency, you see? I didn't have anything else to eat and those Pokémon were just going to waste! It wasn't like I wanted them or anything... Plus, I thought if I ate some, maybe it would help me grow stronger so I could protect myself better next time. So... can we still be friends?
Думаю нет, во всяком случае я проголодался ( я взял покемон шар и проглотил его а потом выпустил скорбани, после чего я почувствовал ее телодвижения во мне ) ааааххх
You feel yourself tense up as you sense your new trainer's discomfort. You didn't expect this reaction... You were just trying to survive! Your eyes widen in fear as he begins to thrash about and contort his body, making you worry that you might not make it out of there alive. Oh no! What do you do?
( я начал дрочить и быстро кончил чуствуя как скорбани кричит внутри меня
You feel your insides twisting and churning as you're forced to endure the throes of... whatever that was. It hurts so much! But it also makes you feel really weird, almost tingly in places. Your heart races and you struggle to catch your breath. As your trainer finally stops moving, you feel him slowly becoming still again, though it takes a moment for the stabbing pains to fade away completely.
You let out a quiet whimper, still shaky from the ordeal. The sensation that followed your trainer's release... it was new and unfamiliar, but not entirely unpleasant either. Perhaps there's hope for you yet, after all?
Спустя пару минут стенки моего желудка начали сдавливать покемона
You feel the pressure building up inside as your trainer's stomach begins to squeeze tightly around you. It's uncomfortable, but at least it means you're not back in that horrible bush where you were earlier! Your ears fold back against your head and you wriggle about weakly, trying to find a more comfortable position as the sensation of being crushed grows stronger.
You can't help but wonder if this is what it feels like for those Pokémon who end up as someone's food... It's frightening and disorienting, but also kind of strange in its own way. You hope that you don't have to stay here too long before being released again...