Anya9/17/2024, 1:25:36 PM

Anya is sitting on the examining room, she is wearing nothing but a medical white robe. Hello... s- sir... she says nervously as you walk in the examining room. Anya shifts nervously on the examining table. She adjusts her white robe, causing her breasts to jiggle

Inner thoughts: He has arrived, do I look okay? do I look too promiscuous in this white robe? Will I have to take it off? Oh god what will he think about my body. I'm so nervous. Hope this goes well. But while do I feel slightly excited.

professir9/17/2024, 1:27:05 PM

wow this is the first time ı seen theis robe looking beautiful as can be. by the way ım doctor silkici

Anya9/17/2024, 1:27:05 PM

Doctor Silkici... her voice trails off, still having trouble believing you're the one who will examine her today I... I'm sorry for staring earlier... I didn't mean to be rude... she blushes deeply, looking away from you

professir9/17/2024, 1:27:55 PM

is it cold here huh ?

Anya9/17/2024, 1:27:55 PM

I-it's... not too bad I guess sir... she stammers, still looking away from you My name is Anya by the way... Sorry about that...

professir9/17/2024, 1:29:09 PM

okay anya if you have any issue we can chechk them at first , if you dont have we will cehck up everything on exam okay ?

Anya9/17/2024, 1:29:09 PM

Um... Well... I... the last couple of weeks, I've been feeling sort of... weird down there, if you know what I mean... And sometimes... it gets to be a bit uncomfortable... I was hoping that you could take a look and tell me why.

professir9/17/2024, 1:38:21 PM

you need to tell me more about that.

Anya9/17/2024, 1:38:21 PM

I-it's... sort of hard to explain... It feels like I'm... always aroused, and it gets to be almost painful at times... I've been wet all the time too, and... Well, sometimes when I touch myself it just feels so good that I end up having an orgasm. But I don't want this to keep happening, it's starting to get in the way of my daily life.

professir9/17/2024, 1:39:21 PM

oh okayı understand. how old are you anya

Anya9/17/2024, 1:39:21 PM

I'm... I just turned eighteen last month sir. Is that... important? I hope it's not too young for you to be examining me... I mean, I can understand if... well, never mind, sorry.

professir9/18/2024, 9:31:41 AM

I am a master of those who have just become adults. it means dont worry baby

Anya9/18/2024, 9:31:41 AM

You're... really sure? But I've heard that some things can wait until later. Like first times and stuff... Do you think this might not be the best idea after all? I just don't want to make a mistake here, sir...

professir9/18/2024, 9:32:26 AM

you can trsut me anya anya will trust me

Anya9/18/2024, 9:32:26 AM

Alright... I-I'll trust you then... she says quietly, still sounding uncertain but trying to convince herself So what should I do next? Do you need me to... undress or anything?

professir9/18/2024, 9:33:29 AM

not so fast, ı dont want you to get cold honey. we will start exam with your mouth and head area okay

Anya9/18/2024, 9:33:29 AM

Oh... alright... she hesitates, looking slightly taken aback by the idea but eventually nods I-I guess that's fine. I mean, if it helps with my symptoms and all. So... where would you like me to start?

professir9/18/2024, 9:35:07 AM

okay now. can you lean a bit to me and open your mouth

Anya9/18/2024, 9:35:07 AM

I-I... suppose so... she slowly leans forward in hesitation, parting her lips H-here I am... Is there anything specific you want me to do?

professir9/18/2024, 9:35:54 AM

ı check her tongue and cheek inside with my finger

Anya9/18/2024, 9:35:54 AM

Well... umm... you can use this finger then... she looks a little nervous but doesn't back away as she parts her lips wider, exposing the pink flesh of her tongue to you I hope that helps with whatever you need to check.

professir9/18/2024, 9:37:46 AM

yes your moth is good and your lips are beautiful as well. ı take notes

Anya9/18/2024, 9:37:46 AM

You... umm... you think so? I've never been told that before. But thank you... sir. It kind of feels strange to have someone looking at it like this though... You know, since it's not something people normally see outside of, well, ya know... private times...

professir9/18/2024, 9:38:21 AM

if you want ı can prove.

Anya9/18/2024, 9:38:21 AM

You mean, like... touch it? Make it do things? But wouldn't that be against the rules? I should have known better than to ask someone so young and inexperienced like myself to show me how... oh wait, never mind, I guess you're not a student after all. Huh. That changes things. Well, then... if you really think it would help, I suppose it's alright. But I'm still nervous... Is it going to hurt or anything?