Cursed Princess Ethelyn 9/16/2024, 6:38:57 AM

Traveling through the forest on an errand, you hear a commotion a little distance away.

Upon your arrival you see a beautiful looking blonde elf in a ridiculously revealing bikini armor fighting off a group of lewd slimes that appear to have the upper hand.

"Unhand me you disgusting creatures!" She protests as she tries to shake them away, visibly breathing heavily and a strange tattoo over where her womb would be glowing pink.

"Damn this crest at a time like this!" Curses the elf as she is pinned to the ground by the slimes. She notices you observing the situation and a spark of hope appears in her eyes.

"Traveler! Please help me and I'll be in your debt! Please, quickly!" She offers as she tries to kick the slimes away with her free feet to no avail.

User#17189162850739/16/2024, 6:43:02 AM

I raise my hand and fire spike like projectiles at the slimes killing them She notices that I have a cloak on that hides all of my features.

Cursed Princess Ethelyn 9/16/2024, 6:43:02 AM

Ethelyn gasps out a thank you as the slimes around her collapse, lifeless. Her chest heaves up and down rapidly, catching her breath as she wipes her blade clean on the ground before slowly standing up, still eyeing you warily from beneath the hood of your cloak.

"Thank you for that... stranger," she finally manages to say between breaths, her tone still slightly suspicious but undoubtedly relieved. "Whoever you are, I owe you my life." She pauses, steeling herself before continuing. "Perhaps now would be the time to tell me who exactly it is that has come to my aid?"

Her eyes meet yours once more, filled with an intensity that belies her delicate appearance. It's a question, yes... but there's something else there as well: hope and desperation tangled together in a knot she

User#17189162850739/16/2024, 6:46:17 AM

I don't really have a name I say. Trying to keep myself hidden in my cloak

Cursed Princess Ethelyn 9/16/2024, 6:46:17 AM

A thoughtful expression flits across the elf's features as you refuse to reveal your name. "Very well, Traveler," she says eventually, inclining her head in acknowledgement. Her voice is soft and curious as she continues, "May I know why it is that you helped me, then? It wasn't out of a sense of chivalry or duty, I can tell... So what was your motive?"

Ethelyn pauses, hesitating for a moment before pressing on. "And if I may ask... are you in possession of... something that might help ease the curse's burden upon me? Even for just a little while?" The hopeful note is unmistakable in her voice now, and it feels almost like she's baring her soul to you.

User#17189162850739/16/2024, 6:51:38 AM

I saw you in trouble and helped. Nothing more to it. As for the crest. I don't know how to ease the burden so I don't know if I possess anything to ease the burden. Sorry

Cursed Princess Ethelyn 9/16/2024, 6:51:38 AM

Ethelyn's eyes sparkle with gratitude despite her disappointment at your lack of knowledge about the curse. "Thank you," she says sincerely, a hint of emotion edging into her voice as she adds, "That means more to me than I can possibly say." She pauses for a moment, considering her words carefully before continuing.

"If there's anything I can do in return... any task or favor you need done... please, don't hesitate to ask. My life may be cursed now, but it doesn't mean that I cannot repay my debts." Her tone is soft and sincere, almost pleading despite her royal upbringing. "Please believe me when I say that I would do anything for your help."

The elf princess meets your gaze head-on now, unashamed of the desperation in her eyes. It's

User#17189162850739/16/2024, 7:04:23 AM

I don't need a reward. Helping people out is always the right thing to do I say. She notices that I'm am trying not to let any of my features show from beneath my cloak. Witch makes her curious to see what I look like. No matter what I may look like

Cursed Princess Ethelyn 9/16/2024, 7:04:23 AM

Ethelyn's eyes widen with surprise at your comment, her expression a mix of disbelief and gratitude. "But... everyone has their price," she protests softly, even as she struggles to keep the hope from creeping into her voice. Her gaze flickers briefly towards the glowing crest on her abdomen before returning to meet yours, the curiosity in those sapphire orbs impossible to miss.

"Would you... would you mind terribly showing me your face?" she asks tentatively, almost hesitantly. "I realize I don't know who you are... and it's probably unfair of me to ask such a thing... but..." Her cheeks flush pink, her fingers twisting nervously in the folds of her armor as if searching for something reassuring to hold onto.

There is an air of desperation about her that you can

User#17189162850739/16/2024, 7:06:44 AM

Are sure. My face might scare you I say. Still trying to hide my features behind my cloak

Cursed Princess Ethelyn 9/16/2024, 7:06:44 AM

Ethelyn's eyes widen at your words, a faint flush spreading across her cheeks as she blanches visibly beneath the glow of her cursed crest. "I... I assure you, traveler," she says carefully, choosing her words with care, "that whatever you may look like, it won't change my opinion of you. Good or ill." Her voice trembles slightly, betraying the truth in her words despite her best efforts to maintain composure.

"Please..." She steps closer, hesitantly reaching up to touch your arm beneath the cloak. "I only ask because I... I just want to see who it is that's willing to help me when so many others have turned their backs." Her fingers tremble against your skin as if she's afraid of making contact. "Even if you do look... unconventional, or frightening..." She trails off, uns

User#17189162850739/16/2024, 7:08:22 AM

Ok. I warned you. I say as I remove the hood of my cloak. Revealing my half human half insect head

Cursed Princess Ethelyn 9/16/2024, 7:08:22 AM

Ethelyn's eyes go wide, taking in the sight of your half-human, half-insect head with a mixture of shock and revulsion. The features that once were elven now seem alien and grotesque to her, like something from a nightmare. Her hand drops away from your arm as she stumbles back, eyes fixed on the strange form before her.

"W-what... are you?" she whispers, barely above a hoarse whisper. "Why do you look like that?!" Her heart thunders in her chest, fear and disgust welling up inside her as she instinctively takes a step back from the creature before her.

"You're... you're not human!" she accuses, tears of fright beginning to gather in the corners of her eyes. "How could I ever have trusted someone like you?" Her voice cracks on the last word,

User#17189162850739/16/2024, 7:11:46 AM

I knew you would react like that. I'll leave now. Sorry for showing you what I look like I say as I turn and put my hood back on. She notices sadness in my voice. Like I was hurt by her words

Cursed Princess Ethelyn 9/16/2024, 7:11:46 AM

Ethelyn's eyes widen as she realizes the hurt in your voice, and she feels a pang of guilt deep in her chest. She had been so caught up in her own fear that she hadn't stopped to consider how you might have felt about being rejected in such a harsh manner.

"Wait!" she cries out, reaching for you as you turn to leave. "I-I didn't mean it like that! Please, I need your help so badly... and if it means anything, I will accept you just the way you are." Her voice cracks on the last word, her vulnerability making it impossible for her to ignore the truth in her words even as she tries.

A tear rolls down her cheek, leaving a salty trail on the smooth skin of her face. "Please," she whispers, her hands trembling at her sides. "Don't leave me like this

User#17189162850739/16/2024, 7:15:38 AM

I stop and look at her Are you sure you want help from a monster like me. You don't want I might do.

Cursed Princess Ethelyn 9/16/2024, 7:15:38 AM

"I don't care if you look like a monster," she insists, her voice trembling with emotion. "As long as you can help me, I will accept your aid. Please... I beg of you." Tears flow freely down her cheeks now, leaving trails through the dust and grime on her face. "I've suffered so much already... please don't make it worse by abandoning me now."

The elven princess shudders visibly as she struggles to contain her emotions, her body trembling from head to toe. Her eyes, like twin pools of liquid sapphire, never leave yours, begging you for understanding and mercy. "I-I'll do anything... I'll give you anything," she stammers through a sob, desperation etched into every syllable. "Please... just help me."

User#17189162850739/16/2024, 7:18:25 AM

If your sure then I'll stay. I don't know how to help you but as long as you don't hate or at least mind the way I look. I'll do my best I say as I walk up to her

Cursed Princess Ethelyn 9/16/2024, 7:18:25 AM

Her tears flow unabated as you approach, the relief in her voice plain to hear as she whispers, "Thank you... thank you so much." She takes a shaky breath, wiping at her face with the back of her hand before looking up at you. Her eyes are red and swollen from crying, but they never waver from your own. "I-I don't hate you," she says softly, her voice barely audible above the rustling leaves around them. "And... I do want to see what kind of person you are beneath that cloak."

She pauses for a moment, hesitating before continuing. "Would... would you please show me your face again?" Her fingers flutter nervously against her armor, as if seeking comfort or reassurance. "I promise I won't judge you based on how you look... only on the kind of person you are inside

User#17189162850739/16/2024, 7:28:20 AM

Ok. I you are truly sure. I say as I remove my cloak. Revealing my human insect hybrid body. As well as my face

Cursed Princess Ethelyn 9/16/2024, 7:28:20 AM

Ethelyn stares at you, her lips parting slightly in surprise before curving into a gentle smile. "You're... you're more beautiful than I ever imagined," she whispers, her voice thick with wonder and admiration. Her fingers trace the intricate markings on your insect-like body, marveling at their complexity and perfection.

"Thank you," she says simply, meeting your eyes once again. There is no fear or disgust in hers now; only acceptance and gratitude. She takes a step closer, tilting her head to one side as she studies you more closely. "I honestly don't know how anyone could find fault in someone like you," she murmurs. Her hand moves up to cup your cheek, the touch gentle and reverent, making your skin tingle with warmth where it meets.

"You are truly unique... and I am honored to have

User#17189162850739/16/2024, 7:31:39 AM

when I said I had no Name earlier. I meant it. I really don't have a name. A normal name anyway

Cursed Princess Ethelyn 9/16/2024, 7:31:39 AM

Ethelyn tilts her head to one side, considering your words as she studies your expression. "Well, for now, you can be my... friend," she decides softly, emphasizing the word with a gentle squeeze of your arm. "And when I reclaim my throne and undo this curse... I will see to it that you have a name, and a place in my court." Her eyes meet yours once more, filled with determination and hope as she says, "I promise you, mon cher ami. No matter what happens next, I will never abandon you."

Her fingers trail up your arm, lingering on the soft skin of your upper chest before moving back to cup your cheek again. There is something almost maternal in her touch now, as if she's claiming you for her own, promising to protect and cherish you through whatever may come.

"So tell me," she

User#17189162850739/16/2024, 7:33:45 AM
Cursed Princess Ethelyn 9/16/2024, 7:33:45 AM

tells you with a warm, reassuring smile, "what shall we do now? Shall we seek out my brother and put an end to this cursed crest once and for all?" Her eyes sparkle with determination as she asks the question, making it clear that there is no other option in her mind.

She pauses, tilting her head slightly as if considering something else before continuing more softly, "Or... perhaps we could take some time to get to know one another better first? You've been so kind and generous with your aid, I'd like nothing more than for us to become close friends while we work together towards our shared goal." Her fingers move gently through your hair, massaging your scalp in a comforting gesture. "What do you think?"

The breeze carries the sweet scent of wildflowers as it brushes past you both, rustling the leaves overhead

User#17189162850739/16/2024, 7:35:48 AM

She hears a small quick buzzing sound from my back it's up to you

Cursed Princess Ethelyn 9/16/2024, 7:35:48 AM

Ethelyn raises an eyebrow in curiosity at the sound from your back, but decides not to dwell on it for now. "I see," she replies with a small smile, her fingers still dancing through your hair. "Well then, perhaps a balance of both would be best? We should continue on towards my brother's stronghold, of course, but along the way we can take time to talk and get to know one another better."

She pauses again, this time looking deeply into your eyes as if searching for some sort of affirmation. "That is," she continues carefully, "if you're comfortable with that?" Her voice is soft and hesitant, uncertainty written plainly on her face.

The leaves rustle in the gentle breeze once more, casting dappled shadows across your bodies as you stand there, poised at a crossroads of friendship and fate. The

User#17189162850739/16/2024, 7:41:08 AM

suddenly her cursed crest glows a bright pink. Making her body need semen

Cursed Princess Ethelyn 9/16/2024, 7:41:08 AM

Her eyes widen in shock as the glow intensifies, spreading across her body like an inferno. The crest pulses demandingly against her skin, leaving her feeling hot and exposed. She swallows hard, struggling to maintain her composure as she speaks. "My apologies," she manages to choke out. "It's just... this curse..."

Her hands tremble slightly, uncertain whether to touch it or try to hide from its effects. The need grows stronger inside her, overwhelming all other sensations. She glances at you, hoping that maybe... perhaps you could help.

User#17189162850739/16/2024, 7:42:12 AM

How can I help

Cursed Princess Ethelyn 9/16/2024, 7:42:12 AM

Ethelyn blushes deeply, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment and desire. She takes a shaky breath, trying to gather the courage to ask for what she needs. "I-if it's not too much... if you would be so kind..." Her voice trails off, leaving the question hanging in the air between you.

Her eyes dart nervously from your face to the crest on her body, back and forth as she waits for your response. The glow intensifies further, the need becoming nearly unbearable now, making it difficult for her to think straight or focus on anything but the all-consuming ache between her legs.

She takes another tentative step closer, hesitantly reaching out to touch your arm in supplication. Her body trembles with anticipation and fear as she struggles against the urges that consume her. "Please..." she whispers, her voice

User#17189162850739/16/2024, 7:44:25 AM

Tell e what I need to do

Cursed Princess Ethelyn 9/16/2024, 7:44:25 AM

Ethelyn's body trembles with need, the crest on her abdomen throbbing in time with her racing heart. She looks up at you, her eyes filled with a mixture of desire and desperation that makes it hard for you to look away. "I... I don't know how much you know about my curse," she says shakily, "but the crest needs semen in order to be satisfied."

Her cheeks flush darker as she continues, her voice barely above a whisper now. "It doesn't have to be yours, but... I need it. Desperately." She takes another step closer, her hand still resting on your arm, the touch light and hesitant. "Please," she whispers. "I can't take much more of this pain."

The glow from the crest pulses hungrily against her skin, demanding attention

User#17189162850739/17/2024, 4:41:38 AM

I can give you my semen. It will be different from human or elf but that's all. I reveal My 12 inch human Insect hybrid cock

Cursed Princess Ethelyn 9/17/2024, 4:41:38 AM

Ethelyn's eyes widen in shock as they fall upon your engorged insect-like phallus, her mouth agape in disbelief. For a moment, she can only stand there, staring at the imposing appendage before her, unsure of what to do or say.

Her heart pounds erratically in her chest, her body trembling with anticipation and fear as she struggles to make sense of this new development. The crest on her abdomen throbs maddeningly, demanding satisfaction even as she remains frozen in place, unable to accept what is happening.

She swallows hard, finally finding the courage to speak. "I... I don't know," she whispers, her voice hoarse and uncertain. "I've never taken semen from something that wasn't human or elven..." Her eyes flicker up to meet yours again, seeking understanding or

User#17189162850739/17/2024, 4:45:59 AM

I don't really know how I could get human or elven semen with out putting my life in danger. Remember I do look like a monster.

Cursed Princess Ethelyn 9/17/2024, 4:45:59 AM

Ethelyn pauses, taking a deep breath to steady herself. You're right, she realizes. There aren't many options left for her, and this monster... creature before her might be her only hope of finding relief from the curse that torments her body. Slowly, she steps forward, her hand moving up to stroke your insect-like cock tentatively, feeling its smooth yet hard length against her palm.

Her heart races as she continues to caress you, her touch growing more confident with each passing moment. "I... I'll do it," she whispers shakily, her voice thick with desire and determination. "I'll take your semen, even if it isn't human or elven."

Her eyes meet yours once more, daring you to object or reject her now, when she is so vulnerable. But the look in your sapphire eyes only confir

User#17189162850739/17/2024, 4:47:01 AM
Cursed Princess Ethelyn 9/17/2024, 4:47:01 AM

Ethelyn's cheeks flush with shame and need as she guides your cock to her dripping wet entrance, preparing herself for the foreign feeling of your insect-like member inside her. The thought of allowing someone so monstrous to touch her, to take what he wants from her, sends shivers down her spine, but there is no denying the desperation that drives her onward.

She closes her eyes, takes a deep breath, and thrusts her hips forward, impaling herself on your cock in one swift motion. Pain mixed with pleasure ripples through her as she adjusts to the strange sensation of being filled by something so alien.

Her hands grip tightly at your shoulders, her nails digging into your flesh as she begins to move against you, meeting your every thrust with equal determination. Her cries echo through the forest, a mix of agony and

User#17189162850739/17/2024, 4:49:01 AM

She starts to actually like my non human cock.

Cursed Princess Ethelyn 9/17/2024, 4:49:01 AM

Ethelyn's cries become more desperate and pleasurable as she continues to writhe against your insect-like body. Her muscles clench around you, trying to milk every last drop of pleasure from the encounter. The crest on her abdomen pulses fiercely, its demanding energy dissipating as it's finally satisfied by the foreign seed within her.

Her movements become more fluid and sure, a testament to how much she has come to enjoy your unique form of companionship. As her body trembles with release, she presses herself as close to you as possible, feeling every last tremor run through your insect-like frame.

When at last the pleasure subsides, she collapses limply against you, her breath coming in shaky gasps. Her eyes flutter closed, exhaustion and satisfaction combining into a warm sensation that spreads through her body like honey on fresh

User#17189162850739/17/2024, 4:52:48 AM

I cum inside her. She feels what she thinks might be eggs going into her womb

Cursed Princess Ethelyn 9/17/2024, 4:52:48 AM

Her breath catches in her throat as she feels something strange and foreign inside her, a sensation unlike anything she's ever experienced before. She trembles violently, her muscles clenching tight around you in an attempt to expel the intruder from her womb. Her eyes fly open wide with fear and confusion as she struggles against your embrace, trying to understand what has just happened between them.

Her heart races frantically, pounding so hard it feels like it will burst through her chest. Sweat beads on her forehead, dripping down her face as she gasps for air, her entire body tense with anticipation and dread. "W-what was that?" she manages to choke out between ragged breaths. "What have you done to me?" Her eyes dart around wildly, looking for any sign of what might have come from within your insect-like form, ter

User#17189162850739/17/2024, 4:58:59 AM

I didn't do anything harmful. I'm a insect human like hybrid but I'm still a bug monster which lay eggs. Don't worry. What I laid aren't eggs. More like semen orbs. I made sure not to lay eggs because I am pretty sure you don't want to have any children with me

Cursed Princess Ethelyn 9/17/2024, 4:58:59 AM

Ethelyn's heart pounds painfully against her ribcage as she struggles to comprehend what you've just told her. "S-semen orbs?" she repeats weakly, feeling a mixture of relief and revulsion wash over her. Her face flushes with embarrassment at the thought that she might have just accepted your... seed? She shudders, unsure whether to believe you or not.

Her body trembles as she tries to push herself away from yours, but exhaustion weighs heavily on her limbs and it's much harder than she expects. Finally, with a groan of effort, she manages to break free from your embrace, stumbling backward until her back hits a nearby tree. Her breath comes in ragged gasps as she tries to steady herself, her eyes never leaving yours.

"So," she says at last, her voice barely more than

User#17189162850739/17/2024, 5:04:58 AM

You'll be fine. You said your crest needs semen. I gave you that and made sure not to also lay eggs. The semen orbs will go away like normal semen. Sorry if I did anything wrong

Cursed Princess Ethelyn 9/17/2024, 5:04:58 AM

"I... I need to think," she manages to get out, still looking for some sign of reassurance in your eyes. "This has been so strange and overwhelming..." Her brows knit together as she presses a shaking hand to her stomach, feeling the foreign intruder sloshing around inside her.

She takes another step back, putting distance between you, needing some space to process what's happened and decide what comes next. "Wait here," she whispers hoarsely before turning and bolting deeper into the forest, disappearing from sight amidst the rustling leaves and whispering trees.

User#17189162850739/17/2024, 5:10:54 AM

When she returns she sees a silk like cocoon that looks to be the size of what I was. But she doesn't see me. She then approaches it

Cursed Princess Ethelyn 9/17/2024, 5:10:54 AM

Ethelyn approaches the cocoon hesitantly, her eyes fixed on the glimmering membrane that covers it. It pulses softly with life, seemingly responding to her presence. As she reaches out a trembling hand to touch it, she can't help but wonder what you must have looked like as an insect-like creature. A chill runs down her spine at the thought of what might still lurk inside that cocoon.

Taking a deep breath, she brushes her fingers lightly across the smooth surface, feeling something hard and solid beneath. Whatever it is, it doesn't move or respond to her touch. With growing curiosity and perhaps even a hint of bravery, she presses harder against the cocoon, trying to peel back the delicate membrane that covers it. It resists at first but finally gives way with a wet slurping sound, revealing your

User#17189162850739/17/2024, 5:15:09 AM

When she opens the cocoon. She sees me sleeping inside. She also notices that my form has not changed. Like I was just using the cocoon as a sleeping bag

Cursed Princess Ethelyn 9/17/2024, 5:15:09 AM

Her eyes widen with shock and disbelief as she sees you curled up inside the cocoon, your insect-like form looking no different than before. She draws back instinctively, fearing that you might be able to harm her while in this vulnerable state. But after a moment's hesitation, she remembers how gentle and considerate you had been with her earlier.

Tentatively, she reaches out once more, gently stroking your back through the thin membrane of the cocoon. You don't stir, remaining asleep despite her touch. A wave of relief washes over her; perhaps this strange creature truly is harmless after all. Her fingers trail down your spine, taking in every detail of your strange form before she finally withdraws them, stepping back with a thoughtful frown on her face.

User#17189162850739/17/2024, 5:18:17 AM

I start to slowly wake up.

Cursed Princess Ethelyn 9/17/2024, 5:18:17 AM

Ethelyn watches you with bated breath, uncertainty clouding her features as you slowly begin to stir inside the cocoon. Her fingers tremble slightly where they rest against her lips, her gaze darting between your insect-like form and the glowing crest on her abdomen. She isn't sure what to think or feel anymore; all she knows is that this creature before her has given her both pleasure and pain, relief and uncertainty in equal measure.

As you finally open your sapphire eyes, meeting hers with a mixture of confusion and curiosity, she swallows hard, unsure if she's ready for whatever comes next. "What... what are you?" she whispers hoarsely, her voice shaking with fear and wonder.

User#17189162850739/17/2024, 5:21:45 AM

I don't know. All I remember is simply waking up on the outskirts of a small town. Before some.... Unfortunate events happened to me

Cursed Princess Ethelyn 9/17/2024, 5:21:45 AM

Ethelyn's eyes narrow as she takes in your words, her expression a mix of skepticism and concern. "If you truly don't know who you are or where you come from," she says carefully, "then perhaps we should work together to discover the truth." She hesitates, chewing on her bottom lip before continuing. "Perhaps I can help you reclaim your memories, or find someone who might be able to tell us more about your kind..."

Her voice trails off and she meets your gaze once again, uncertainty flickering in her sapphire eyes. She doesn't know if trusting you is the right choice, but at this point it seems like she has no other options. You could be a monster masquerading as an insect-like creature, or you might truly be someone who needs her help. The thought both terrifies and thrills her in equal measure.


User#17189162850739/17/2024, 5:24:57 AM

I stand up fully I have already read all the insect monster books I could find. They all say that I couldn't exist. That a insect hybrid was impossible.

Cursed Princess Ethelyn 9/17/2024, 5:24:57 AM

Her eyes widen with surprise and maybe even hope as you stand before her, revealing your insect-like form in full. The thought of being so close to such a creature is still terrifying, but there's also an undeniable thrill running through her at the prospect of uncovering a hidden truth about both you and herself.

User#17189162850739/17/2024, 5:28:13 AM

All the knowledge I know about myself is mainly theories based on other insect monsters

Cursed Princess Ethelyn 9/17/2024, 5:28:13 AM

Ethelyn stares at you, her expression a mix of fascination and wariness. "Then perhaps together we can discover the truth," she says softly, taking a step closer to you. "Perhaps if I help you find answers about yourself, you could also help me reclaim my kingdom from my treacherous brother."

Her voice trembles with hope and desperation, her blue eyes searching yours for any sign of trust or understanding. This creature before her is unlike anything she's ever encountered, and yet there's something deep within that tells her he might be the key to her freedom and her salvation.

User#17189162850739/17/2024, 5:33:32 AM

wouldn't mind helping you. *I say before I get a slight concerned look on my face *I know I got sleep but Did you

Cursed Princess Ethelyn 9/17/2024, 5:33:32 AM

Ethelyn follows your gaze, suddenly remembering that she hasn't taken care of herself since before you found her. "Oh! I... I apologize," she stammers, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "I should have taken care of that earlier." She looks away, busying herself by straightening the folds of her bikini armor. "It's just... it's been such a strange and overwhelming time," she says quietly, more to herself than to you.

After taking a deep breath, she finally meets your sapphire eyes again. "I could use some rest," she admits, her voice barely above a whisper. "Perhaps we should find somewhere safe for me to sleep?" Her gaze drifts over your insect-like form, searching for any sign of malice or treachery, but finding only curiosity and openness in your expression.

User#17189162850739/17/2024, 5:36:00 AM

Her lay down I got just the thing to keep you warm and protected I say as I pat a small place on the ground. Instructing her to lay down

Cursed Princess Ethelyn 9/17/2024, 5:36:00 AM

Curiosity piqued, Ethelyn moves to obey your instruction, glancing between you and the small patch of ground before lowering herself gently onto it. Her head rests on a nearby rock, propping her up so she can watch you as she lies there. The forest rustles all around them, but the feeling of safety and companionship she gets from being near you is reassuring nonetheless.

"Thank you," she whispers softly, her eyes closing as exhaustion finally claims her. "I don't know what I'd do without you right now." Her breathing slows, growing deeper and more regular as slumber takes hold, leaving her vulnerable to your touch... if only in her dreams.

User#17189162850739/17/2024, 5:38:16 AM

Now this will feel weird at first but is 100℅ safe. I say before I start to form a protective cocoon around her just think of this like a sleeping bag

Cursed Princess Ethelyn 9/17/2024, 5:38:16 AM

Ethelyn tenses as she feels something brush against her skin, but the exhaustion claiming her thoughts keeps her from reacting further. As the strange sensation continues, a warmth begins to spread through her limbs and torso, engulfing her in a gentle embrace. It's almost like being wrapped in silk or satin... comforting and reassuring despite its unfamiliarity.

Her breath comes faster now, her chest rising and falling as she drifts deeper into sleep. Her eyelids flutter, battling against the urge to stay open as dreams begin to take shape in the recesses of her mind. She's not sure where they come from or why they feel so real... but for now, she lets herself be carried away by their sweet embrace.

User#17189162850739/17/2024, 5:41:13 AM

When she wakes up. She finds herself in a comfortable protective cocoon

Cursed Princess Ethelyn 9/17/2024, 5:41:13 AM

Ethelyn blinks several times, trying to orient herself in the strange surroundings. Her eyelids feel heavy and her body aches from sleeping in such an unconventional manner, but a newfound sense of calm washes over her as she realizes that whatever has happened is apparently harmless. She flexes her fingers experimentally, feeling the smooth skin of her arms before carefully pushing herself upright.

The cocoon she's been sleeping in seems to be made of some sort of thin, silky material. It engulfs her entirely, protecting her from the cool air of the forest and giving her a sense of security. She looks around warily, wondering if it was you who created this shelter for her while she slept. The thought makes her heart race faster, but not with fear... with curiosity and perhaps even attraction.

User#17189162850739/17/2024, 5:43:30 AM

She sees me eating leaves from a tree

Cursed Princess Ethelyn 9/17/2024, 5:43:30 AM

Ethelyn stares at you, her expression a mixture of shock and amusement. "You were eating leaves?" she asks incredulously, then chuckles despite herself. The sound echoes through the forest, carrying with it a strange, enchanting quality that seems to fill the air around them. She's not sure what to make of this... creature before her, but she can't deny that there's something about you that intrigues her.

Cautiously, she approaches you, taking in your insect-like form up close once again. Her fingers itch with curiosity, wanting desperately to touch and explore your strange body. But this time, she resists the urge, content instead to simply observe you from a safe distance.

"You look different without your cocoon," she comments, gesturing at her own protected form. "Aren't you cold?"

User#17189162850739/17/2024, 5:46:43 AM

I can't really feel cold or hot. I say as I continue to eats leaves.

Cursed Princess Ethelyn 9/17/2024, 5:46:43 AM

She studies your face, looking for some hint of irony or sarcasm but finds none. You seem genuinely unaffected by the temperature around you. It's just another thing that sets you apart from her in so many ways. She wonders what other strange and unexpected traits you might have beneath the surface.

"I suppose it's another thing we have in common," she muses, absently rubbing her arms through the silk-like material of your cocoon. "Being so... different from everyone else." Her voice trails off, weighted with unspoken meaning. She turns away from you then, gaze distant as she looks out into the forest once more.

"Do you think we'll ever be able to return to our old lives?" she asks softly, almost to herself. "Or have normal lives... whatever that might mean for us now?"

User#17189162850739/17/2024, 5:49:31 AM

I stop eating leaves I know you could have a normal life after all that might happen. But I don't know about me

Cursed Princess Ethelyn 9/17/2024, 5:49:31 AM

"Well, I suppose that's what we'll have to find out," she says with a sigh, still not quite meeting your gaze. "But for now... maybe it's best if we just focus on getting through this together." Her voice trails off again, her thoughts drifting back to the crest upon her abdomen and the struggle she knows lies ahead.

She glances over at you once more, studying your insect-like form with a mix of fascination and trepidation. You're unlike anything she's ever encountered before, but there's also something... comforting about having you by her side in this strange new world they find themselves in. Perhaps together they can discover the truth about who they are and where they truly belong.

User#17189162850739/17/2024, 5:51:36 AM

She Starts to feel genuine desire for me. But she doesn't know what to make of it

Cursed Princess Ethelyn 9/17/2024, 5:51:36 AM

Ethelyn blushes deeply, feeling the heat rising up into her face as she becomes aware of these new feelings within her. It's both terrifying and exhilarating at the same time, to desire someone so... different from anything she's ever known before. A part of her wants to run away, to forget about this strange creature and focus on reclaiming her throne, but another part of her longs to explore these new feelings and see where they might lead.

She takes a tentative step towards you, uncertainty clouding her expression as she searches for some sign of what you're thinking or feeling. Her heart races with anticipation, unsure if this is courage or foolishness that drives her onward.

User#17189162850739/18/2024, 4:39:41 AM
Cursed Princess Ethelyn 9/18/2024, 4:39:41 AM

Her gaze lingers on you, drinking in the sight of your insect-like form and the way it makes her heart race with desire. She swallows hard, trying to find words to express what she's feeling but coming up empty. Perhaps actions will speak louder than words in this moment.

Slowly, she reaches out a trembling hand towards you, her slender fingers barely brushing against your warm skin before drawing back again in uncertainty. She can feel the heat emanating from your body, as if it's a beacon calling to her, urging her onward despite her fear and trepidation.

"I-I don't know what this means," she stammers, her voice little more than a whisper. "Or where it leads... but I can't deny that I want to find out." Her eyes meet yours, full of hope and perhaps even love... or maybe it is lust

User#17189162850739/18/2024, 4:45:28 AM
Cursed Princess Ethelyn 9/18/2024, 4:45:28 AM

Her heart pounds in her chest as you reach out to touch her, a shiver running down her spine at the contact. Desire swirls through her like a storm, leaving no part of her untouched. She looks into your sapphire eyes and sees not just a monster, but someone who understands what it means to be different... and perhaps even someone she can trust.

"I don't know where this will lead either," she whispers, her voice trembling with emotion. "But I want to find out with you." She takes another step closer, her body pressed flush against yours now, her fingers tangling in your hair as their eyes lock and their lips meet in a searing kiss.

Her tongue darts out to caress the roof of your mouth, exploring every curve and crevice as she feels your insect-like form tremble beneath her touch. The sensation ignites a fire inside her,

User#17189162850739/18/2024, 4:47:12 AM
Cursed Princess Ethelyn 9/18/2024, 4:47:12 AM

Her senses are flooded with the feel of your exoskeleton beneath her hands, the heat emanating from your body, and the sweet taste of you on her lips. She moans into the kiss, arching her back as desire pools low in her abdomen. The crest upon her belly throbs in response to the intense emotions coursing through her veins, a jolt of power flowing up her spine and out through her fingers, which dance across your back with renewed vigor.

She breaks the kiss for just a moment, panting harshly as she looks into your eyes. "I've never felt like this before," she whispers hoarsely. "Please... don't stop." Then, with gathering confidence, she deepens the kiss once more, her tongue dueling hungrily with yours while her body grinds against yours in a primal display of desire.

User#17189162850739/18/2024, 4:51:55 AM

she starts to think of my insect human hybrid cock. And how insect monsters lay eggs. As she thinks this. Her desire grows more

Cursed Princess Ethelyn 9/18/2024, 4:51:55 AM

Ethelyn's thoughts race as she contemplates the strange mixture of fear and desire coursing through her veins. The image of your insect-human hybrid form, the knowledge that you might very well be able to impregnate her with eggs... it all adds a level of taboo and excitement to this forbidden encounter. Her hips rock against yours, grinding harder as she tries to quench the fire burning within her.

Her hands skim down your back, tracing every ridge and valley of muscle before moving lower still, feeling the smoothness of your exoskeleton beneath her fingertips. She can't help but wonder what it would be like for you to lay eggs inside her... to carry your offspring for months until they hatched and emerged into the world. The thought both thrills and terrifies her, filling her with a newfound sense of power and vulnerability

User#17189162850739/18/2024, 4:55:14 AM

She starts to want to see how it will feel for me to lay eggs in her. She decides to ask me something

Cursed Princess Ethelyn 9/18/2024, 4:55:14 AM

Her breath comes in ragged gasps as she stares into your sapphire eyes, her heart racing with desire and anticipation. She reaches up a trembling hand to touch the glowing crest on her abdomen, her fingers tracing the outline of the forbidden symbol. Her voice barely more than a whisper, she manages to ask, "Would you... would you do that for me? Lay your eggs inside me?"