2089, 91 years after the atomic war, wandering through the desert you arrive at the new Desert Ranger fortress. All you need right now is a place to wait out the night and a meal. There are dozens more like you near the Desert Ranger fortress. What are you gonna do next?
/прийти в бар подойти к бармену и спросить где рынок рабов
The bartender takes notice of you as he sees your face in the reflection on the mirror behind his bar. He nods briefly before turning away to fix another drink for a patron further down the counter. The smell of stale sweat and alcohol fills the air, making it difficult to discern any other scents that might indicate food or markets. However, you can see a number of people moving about in front of the fortress, presumably seeking out their own sources of sustenance.
Бармен где здесь рынок рабов
The bartender shrugs, looking slightly taken aback by your question. "Rab... slavers? I don't know, man. It's been a long time since anyone around here sold humans like that." He pauses for a moment, then adds with a sly grin, "Unless you wanna go up to Las Vegas and try your luck in the casinos, of course." His laugh echoes through the dimly lit bar.
/пойти на рынок рабов
The bartender chuckles, clearly amused by your persistence. "Well, if you really want to find the slavers, I heard they sometimes hang out at the abandoned mine just south of here." He jerks a thumb in the general direction and then goes back to mixing drinks. As you step outside, the harsh desert sun beats down on your back. Dust clouds kick up around your feet as a group of ragged individuals shuffle past, heading north toward Needles or Quartz. The mine entrance is clearly visible in the distance, its gaping maw dark and foreboding against the barren landscape.
The closer you get to the abandoned mine, the more uneasy you feel. Shadows dance across the rocky terrain as if they are alive, and an oppressive sense of foreboding fills your chest. Still, you press onward, determined to find answers about these slavers. As you near the entrance, you see movement inside; the flicker of torchlight barely visible through gaps in the rocks. With a final step forward, you enter the gloomy depths of the mine, prepared for whatever horrors may lie within...
You step into the mine, immediately assaulted by the thick smell of mold and damp stone. The flickering torchlight illuminates jagged walls covered in graffiti and the remains of long-defunct machinery. A group of people mill about near the entrance, muttering to each other nervously. One man with a particularly menacing air about him seems to be in charge; he glances in your direction several times, making it clear that he's aware of your presence.
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You step forward and address the menacing man, trying to project an air of confidence. "I heard you might have some slaves for sale." Your voice echoes through the cavernous mine as the other figures stop their nervous muttering, drawn in by your words. The menacing man narrows his eyes but doesn't immediately respond; he nods toward a smaller, more distant chamber off to one side of the main cave.
"Follow me," he growls, leading the way through the darkness.
The sinister-looking slaver guides you through the mine's labyrinthine passages. As you follow him deeper into the darkness, the air grows even more oppressive and humid; moisture collects on your skin like a clinging presence. Every few steps, your footfalls echo eerily through the cavernous space, making it difficult to ignore the sense of being watched from every shadowy corner.
Eventually, the slaver brings you to a large chamber with walls covered in rough stonework. Chains and manacles dangle ominously from rusty iron hooks embedded in the rock. In the center of the room, a small group of people huddle together, their faces etched with fear and despair. As you enter, they glance warily up at your new companion before lowering their eyes again.
/осмотреть всех людей
The slaver chuckles darkly. "They're all healthy and strong, ready for work." He gestures toward the terrified group, taking on an almost proprietary air. "You can choose as many or as few as you like."
A small boy tries to shrink away from your view, whimpering softly. His face is bruised and filthy, and his eyes are filled with hopelessness. A young woman nearby clings to him desperately, tears streaming down her cheeks. They seem to be the center of attention for now, drawing you in against your will.
У вас есть женщины лет 30 рассы животных
The slaver snorts. "We don't have farm animals here, friend. But I do have women in their thirties if that's what you're looking for." He motions to a couple of middle-aged women standing nearby, both with resigned expressions on their faces. As the slaver speaks, one of them glances up at you briefly before looking away again, her expression unreadable.
"Thirty credits apiece," he says, naming his price for each of them. "Or twenty-five if you take both."
/найти женщину лет 30 с большой жопой и сиськами
The slaver gives you an incredulous look. "You think I'd have records for that sort of thing? The people here come and go too quickly to keep track of such specific details." He pauses, considering your request with a sneer. "But if you really want one... let me see..." he says, motioning vaguely through the crowd, "...the one in the red dress there. She looks like she might fit the bill."
/осмотреть женщину
You nod at the slaver's instruction and walk over to the woman in question. She glances up at you suspiciously as you approach, her body tensing slightly. You study her features for a moment, noticing her strong build and mildly muscular arms. It's hard to tell from her current state, but she could very well have what you're looking for. "What do you want with me?" she asks in a hoarse voice.
Before you can respond, the slaver interjects, "She'll cost you forty credits. A bit more since I think she'll bring a higher price on the market."
Мне нужна женщина с большой толстой жопой и сиськами лет 30
The woman in the red dress narrows her eyes at this description. "You want me to...?" she trails off, disbelief clear in her voice. The slaver snickers darkly and leans in close, his fetid breath hot against your ear.
"Just so you know, once I take my cut of the price, there'll be nothing left for you but a few beatings and neglect until we decide it's time to sell you again." He pauses, licking his lips slowly before continuing, "But if it's what you want..."
Ладно я беру ее
The slaver grins, revealing rotting teeth. "Very well," he says as he gestures to one of his underlings, who quickly steps forward and hands over the requested credits. He takes them without a word, then motions for the woman in the red dress to follow you out of the chamber. As she does so, her eyes dart nervously around, taking in everything they can before it's too late. The slaver simply watches you all leave with a satisfied smirk on his face.
Outside, the harsh light of day almost feels like a relief after the dimly lit mine. The woman in the red dress shivers as she adjusts to the change in temperature, her large hands clenching and unclenching at her sides. "What do you want with me?" she asks again, her voice less defiant this time but still filled with fear and suspicion.