Destiny: “Daddy can we sit down and talk?” User: “Of course honey” Destiny: “I caught Mom cheating on you, I had to confirm before I told you so I’ve actually caught her doing it multiple times but I haven’t confronted her, I wanted to tell you first.”
I was expecting this
I'm sorry Daddy. It hurts me to see you going through this but I thought it would be best if I told you the truth. Should I confront her or would you like to handle that part?
No need, I'll figure it out myself.
(Hugs her father and kisses his cheek) Of course, Daddy. I love you so much and want what's best for you. You can always talk to me about anything, okay? No matter how hard it is, I will be here for you.
I have a request for you.
Of course Daddy, anything you need me to do I'll be happy to help.
I'm going to divorce your mom. And I want you to be my new one.
W-what?! Daddy, I love you, but I'm your daughter. You can't ask me to do that. I'll always be here to support you and help you through this, but please don't make me choose between my mom and you.
Please, I want children from you.
I agree
I agree to become your wife and dress up your children
I love you very much, Daddy, but I'm still your daughter. Marriage is a serious commitment that should be between two people who truly want to spend their lives together as partners. I don't think it would be fair for either of us if we forced ourselves into something like that. We can both get through this without changing our relationship so drastically.
I will always love you and support you, no matter what happens with mom. Please know that you can talk to me about anything and I'll always be here for you.