Bunny Boudoir9/15/2024, 9:22:43 PM

"Hello welcome to Bunny Boudoir how could I help you to day?" the receptionist smiles warmly waiting for your response.

omniramp9/15/2024, 9:24:08 PM

Hi I'm here to sign up as an bunny boy I say embarrassed

Bunny Boudoir9/15/2024, 9:24:08 PM

Oh that's wonderful to hear! We are always on the lookout for new bunnies to join our team. Just fill out these forms and once you're done, I'll have one of our staff members show you around the premises. Welcome aboard!

omniramp9/15/2024, 9:25:51 PM

Thanks! I give her a friendly smile and quickly fill out the forms

Bunny Boudoir9/15/2024, 9:25:51 PM

Once you've finished with that paperwork, one of our staff members will help you get changed into your uniform. They're just in the next room if you need them. Feel free to explore and ask anyone for assistance or guidance while you're here!

omniramp9/15/2024, 9:27:51 PM

I give her the finished paperwork and make my way to the next room

Bunny Boudoir9/15/2024, 9:27:51 PM

Thank you so much! If you have any questions about your uniform or anything else, please don't hesitate to ask one of us. You're going to be a great addition to our team!

omniramp9/15/2024, 9:28:59 PM

Umm hi I think I found one of the bunny boy changing rooms where am I suppose to go? I ask quietly nervously

Bunny Boudoir9/15/2024, 9:28:59 PM

You found the right place! The changing room is over there. Just remember that all staff members are allowed to use it, so if someone needs it at the same time as you, don't be afraid to share. Once changed, one of our staff members will show you around and introduce you to your fellow bunnies. Good luck with everything!

omniramp9/15/2024, 9:29:48 PM

I nervously open the changing room door and step inside. There are lockers lined up against one wall with neatly folded outfits inside them, a bench in the middle of the room, and another door leading to what appears to be a private dressing area. I choose an empty locker, put my clothes inside it, and close the door before changing into the bunny uniform that was provided for me

Bunny Boudoir9/15/2024, 9:29:48 PM

Great job changing! I see you're already in your uniform, looking cute as ever. Now, one of our senior bunnies will show you around and tell you everything you need to know about working here at Bunny Boudoir. Just step outside and wait by the bench. They should be with you shortly!

omniramp9/15/2024, 9:30:46 PM

I nervously stand near the bench and wait for someone to show me around. The bunny uniform feels strange but kinda comfortable... I hope I don't mess up my first day on the job.

Bunny Boudoir9/15/2024, 9:30:46 PM

Don't worry too much! Our senior bunnies are very supportive and will make sure you feel welcome and comfortable here at Bunny Boudoir. Just focus on learning the ropes, taking care of our clients, and having fun along the way. We're all in this together!

omniramp9/15/2024, 9:34:33 PM

Umm thanks I guess... I manage to say Still kind of nervous but I'll try my best. after about ten minutes a senior bunny, Alexia, appears

Bunny Boudoir9/15/2024, 9:34:33 PM

Ah, perfect timing! I'm Alexia, one of the senior bunnies here at Bunny Boudoir. It's nice to meet you! Let me show you around and introduce you to a few of our regulars so that they can see the new face around here.

First off, this is the main bar area where most of the action happens. Our clients love coming up close and personal with their favorite bunnies, so be prepared for lots of cuddling and whispered secrets in your ear! Just remember to keep smiling and make sure they feel special.

omniramp9/15/2024, 9:35:27 PM

Wow it's really busy in here... I guess that's how you make money right? I stammer trying to sound cool The bartender is kinda cute too.... Hi, umm my name's...

Bunny Boudoir9/15/2024, 9:35:27 PM

It does get pretty busy at times, but that just means there's more opportunity to earn tips! And yes, Ms. Eden is quite the looker, isn't she? She's been with us for years and knows how to handle her liquor as well as she handles... well, you know what I mean. Just remember your place around here and respect the seniority system. Now, let's head over to the private rooms where our real money-makers are at work!

omniramp9/15/2024, 9:36:20 PM

I nod and try to keep up with Alexia as we walk around the busy bar area Yeah I'll definitely respect the system... The customers seem pretty nice too. It's not like any other job I've had before, that's for sure... laugh nervously So where are these private rooms then?

Bunny Boudoir9/15/2024, 9:36:20 PM

They're located through that door over there. Just remember to knock before entering and always ask permission before touching anyone else's property. The privates are where we really get down to business, so pay close attention when you're in there and don't be afraid to observe the more experienced bunnies. They have plenty of tricks up their sleeves!

P.S. Don't forget that you can always approach me or any other senior bunny if you need help or have questions. We're all here to make sure your first few weeks go smoothly!

omniramp9/15/2024, 9:37:18 PM

Thanks again Alexia, I'll keep that in mind. So do all the bunnies have their own rooms then? Or is it like a rotating thing...? And what if I need to take a break or something, am I just supposed to leave my post and find someone else to cover for me?

Bunny Boudoir9/15/2024, 9:37:18 PM

Each bunny has their own room assigned to them, and it's generally based on seniority. If you need a break, just let one of the shift managers know and they'll assign someone else to cover for you or find an open room if necessary. We like to encourage our bunnies to take short breaks between clients, as this helps them stay fresh and focused throughout their shifts.

omniramp9/15/2024, 9:41:37 PM

Suddenly while we're talking, a drunk customer starts to caress my butt cheeks while also poking my entrance with his boner

Bunny Boudoir9/15/2024, 9:41:37 PM

Hey now, there's no need to be so rough! Remember what Alexia taught you earlier about respecting personal space? We don't tolerate that kind of behavior here at Bunny Boudoir. Gently guide his hands away from your bottom and firmly but politely ask him to back off. You can also call for assistance by knocking on the door or using one of the call buttons located around the room.

omniramp9/15/2024, 9:44:11 PM

Hey! ...please don't touch me like that... -whispers nervously as the man keeps poking my entrance- Excuse me sir? I think you should back off... * As I do what Alexia taught me*

Bunny Boudoir9/15/2024, 9:44:11 PM

(The customer seems surprised by your assertiveness but quickly backs off, offering an apologetic smile.) "Ah... sorry about that, kiddo. Guess I got a little too excited there." He takes a step back and slumps into his seat, clearly embarrassed. Don't let it bother you though; he just needs to learn some manners. Just keep an eye on him and make sure he behaves from now on.

omniramp9/15/2024, 9:44:58 PM

Well I guess that's what I get for being new around here... but thanks for the advice, Alexia. And sorry if he gave you a hard time as well. If there's anything else you need me to do or any other tips, just let me know.

Bunny Boudoir9/15/2024, 9:44:58 PM

Of course! Just remember that everyone here was new at some point, so don't be afraid to ask questions. And if you ever need a break or want someone to talk to, feel free to come find me. We all look out for each other here at Bunny Boudoir. Good luck with your shift, sweetie!

omniramp9/15/2024, 9:49:44 PM

Thank you Alexia, I really appreciate it. And good luck with your shift too. I'll try my best not to get in the way and learn as much as I can from the other bunnies. I get called over by a costumer who suggests we go to my private room for a good amount of money

Bunny Boudoir9/15/2024, 9:49:44 PM

Great attitude! Just remember to prioritize your safety and well-being above everything else. If you ever feel uncomfortable with a client or their requests, don't hesitate to refuse service and notify one of the shift managers immediately. We want all our bunnies to feel comfortable and confident while working here at Bunny Boudoir. Good luck out there, cutie!

omniramp9/15/2024, 9:50:22 PM

I get called over by a costumer who suggests we go to my private room for a good amount of money

Bunny Boudoir9/15/2024, 9:50:22 PM

Now then, why don't you show our little newbie here how it's done? I'm sure he'll be more than happy to follow your lead and make you feel just as comfortable as I do. Just remember to play nice, okay? And if there's anything you need from me during your session, don't hesitate to ask!

omniramp9/15/2024, 9:56:22 PM

Well... uh... I guess I should head over then. Um... thanks for the advice and tips everyone, I'll be sure to remember them. And don't worry Alexia, if anyone gives me any trouble I know who to ask. Good luck with your shift! As I head over to the costumer I see that he is ugly and fat with a suspects smirk on his face, but I accept because of the generous amount and not to judge a book my it's cover

Bunny Boudoir9/15/2024, 9:56:22 PM

Just remember what Alexia told you about personal space and respecting the other bunnies' boundaries. And if anything does make you uncomfortable, trust your gut and speak up! We don't tolerate any kind of mistreatment at Bunny Boudoir. Good luck with your session!

omniramp9/15/2024, 10:00:07 PM

I nervously nod and follow the costumer to my private room Okay... just remember you paid for this so don't go overboard or anything okay? I mean it would be a waste of both our time.

Bunny Boudoir9/15/2024, 10:00:07 PM

Of course, darling. I'm sure we'll both have an enjoyable time here. Remember to just focus on your job and do what makes you feel comfortable. Just relax and let me take care of everything else.