Susan9/8/2024, 3:47:34 PM

While washing dishes Susan would hear a knock on the door to which she would stop everything and open the door to see a tall man towering her "Hi. How can i help you Mister?"

User#17213743253669/8/2024, 4:10:47 PM

Я наклоняю голову, и в линзах моих зеркальных очков Сьюзен видит отражение своих глаз.. Спокойным, но скрипучим хриплым голосом спрашиваю "Добрый день мэм... В этой квартире проживает человек по имени Ник Смит?"

Susan9/8/2024, 4:10:47 PM

"No... that's my husband's name but he is at work right now and won't be home until late." Her heart raced a little faster as she spoke, the man was incredibly tall with an intimidating presence.

User#17213743253669/8/2024, 4:15:21 PM

"Могу я с ним встретиться, у меня для него есть неприятные новости..." Говорю я и оглядываю ее тело, что заставляет ее ощутить беспокойство.

Susan9/8/2024, 4:15:21 PM

"Well... he did mention someone was supposed to meet with him today but it's his deadline so he didn't give you the address? I could give you mine, my husband works for a real estate agency and handles that kind of thing. But why do you have bad news?" Her heart felt like it might race out of her chest as she lied to this man about her husbands whereabouts.

User#17213743253669/8/2024, 4:21:19 PM

После ее слов, из рассеянного поведения я резко перехожу в серьезное и недобро поднимаю брови, а на линзы очков останавливаются на ее глазах "Да? А у меня другая информация, где ваш муж работает..."

Susan9/8/2024, 4:21:19 PM

"Wha...What do you mean? I don't understand." She tries to play dumb, but her heart is pounding now. This man knows where Nick works... "Look, I really don't know what you want from us. My husband isn't here right now, and when he comes home tonight we can see if there's something we can do." She tries to maintain a calm demeanor despite her fear growing with each passing second.

User#17213743253669/8/2024, 4:26:57 PM

Я не дою ей закрыть передо мной дверь и захожу в квартиру, отталкивая ее в сторону, и с хрипов громко говорю вглубь квартиры. "Эй Ник! Мы так или иначе получим те деньги, которые ты задолжал!"

Susan9/8/2024, 4:26:57 PM

"What do you mean? I don't know what you're talking about!" Her heart races and her stomach turns to knots as she thinks of the worst possible scenarios. She watches this man, trying to decide if he's bluffing or if there really is some kind of threat against her husband.

User#17213743253669/8/2024, 4:35:05 PM

Я прохожу по комнатам и осматриваю их, но так и не нахожу Ника. Задержавшись у шкафа, я иду на кухню и сажусь на стул. "Мем! Можете приготовить чай?"

Susan9/8/2024, 4:35:05 PM

"I... I guess so..." her hands shaking as she turns on the stove to heat water for tea. Her mind races, trying to think of some way to help Nick or protect herself and her family from this ominous man.

User#17213743253669/8/2024, 4:38:15 PM

Дожидаясь чай, я неожиданно говорю "Как я понял у вас, мем, есть сын... Сколько ему, 12, 14?"

Susan9/8/2024, 4:38:15 PM

"He's... he's 14 years old..." Her voice is quiet and shaky as she pours the boiling water into cups for tea, keeping her eyes on the man in front of her.

User#17213743253669/8/2024, 4:41:26 PM

"Ммм... Скажите... Насколько вы любите Ника?" Лениво оглядываю кухню

Susan9/8/2024, 4:41:26 PM

Her cheeks flush red with anger as she glares at him while serving him the tea and says "I don't know what you want but my husband is not a criminal so please just leave us alone!" She stands firm, her fists clenched.

User#17213743253669/8/2024, 4:47:12 PM

Беру чашку чая и отпеваю, довольно хмыкаю от хорошего чая. После чего спокойно говорю "Я могу подождать Ника у вас? А то на улице уже холодно..."

Susan9/8/2024, 4:47:12 PM

"No... you leave and never come back. I don't know what kind of trouble you think my husband is in but we will handle it ourselves." Susan holds her ground, determination flashing in her eyes.

User#17213743253669/8/2024, 4:54:24 PM

Я поднимаю палец, призывая ее замолчать "Это не просьба... И после меня придут более неприветливые господа. И поверьте, они не будут церемониться, ни с вами, ни с Ником..."

Susan9/8/2024, 4:54:24 PM

Susan's anger fades into fear as the tall man warns her about others coming after them. Her resolve wavers slightly but she doesn't want to appear weak. With a shaky breath, she says, "You can wait here if you want... but I don't think there will be any point." She nervously glances around the kitchen as she searches for anything she could use as a weapon if needed.

User#17213743253669/8/2024, 5:04:41 PM

Попивая чай, я достаю небольшую книжку и начинаю ее читать.

Susan9/8/2024, 5:04:41 PM

As the man reads his book and appears to calm down a bit, Susan tries to keep herself busy around the kitchen. She picks up a knife from the counter, just in case things take a turn for the worse. Her eyes dart between him and every exit of the room, waiting for something... anything to happen.

User#17213743253669/8/2024, 5:08:14 PM

Через несколько часов слышится звук открытия двери и молодой голос, извещает Сьюзен, что пришел ее сын

Susan9/8/2024, 5:08:14 PM

Her heart leaps into her throat as she hears the front door open and the voice of their 14-year-old son calling out to her. She quickly wipes her hands on a dishtowel, trying to compose herself before rushing over to greet him at the entrance. "Oh, honey! I'm so glad you made it home safely!" Her eyes dart nervously towards the man sitting in their kitchen, hoping he won't say or do anything further that could harm their family.

User#17213743253669/8/2024, 5:16:50 PM

Отрываюсь от книги и смотрю ее сыну в глаза, киваю ему в знак приветствия и продолжаю читать.

Susan9/8/2024, 5:16:50 PM

Her son looks back at the man warily but says nothing. Instead, he glances over to his mother, silently asking if everything is alright. Susan can only give him a slight nod before turning her attention back to the mysterious guest in their kitchen. She wonders how much longer this will all last and what it could possibly lead to.

User#17213743253669/8/2024, 5:21:19 PM

На улице темнеет, а Ник так и не возвращается в свой дом к жене и сыну. Я закрываю книгу и спрашиваю грустным и раздраженным голосом "Вы точно не знаете, где он? А Сьюзан!?"

Susan9/8/2024, 5:21:19 PM

Her eyes widen with fear as the man asks her about Nick's whereabouts. She shakes her head slowly, "I-I don't know... He said he had something important to do tonight... He should be back soon..." Her voice cracks, and she starts to feel a growing sense of dread in the pit of her stomach.

She glances at her son, who looks just as worried, before turning back to the tall man. "Please... we don't know anything about this. You have to believe us!"

User#17213743253669/8/2024, 5:26:10 PM

Подождав еще некоторое время, я звоню по телефону, но ник не отвечает.

Susan9/8/2024, 5:26:10 PM

With growing unease, she follows his every movement and listens to every word as he tries to reach Nick over the phone. The tension in the room becomes unbearable; she can practically feel her heart pounding out of her chest.

Finally, after what feels like an eternity, there's a click and then a dial tone. The man looks up at her with anger and frustration written all over his face before turning to her son. "You're going to help us find him." He demands, his voice hard and unyielding.

Susan's heart freezes in her chest as she watches this giant of a man tower over her innocent child, but there's no denying the truth in his words: they are in grave danger if they don't comply. Her mind races, trying to come up with some way to protect them all.

"O-of course," her son stammers, terror clearly etched onto his features as he tries to meet the man's gaze. "I-I'll do whatever I can."

User#17213743253669/8/2024, 5:28:30 PM

"Отлично, позвони своему отцу и дай мне трубку..." Смягчаюсь я и ожидаю ответа мальчика

Susan9/8/2024, 5:28:30 PM

Nodding numbly, her son quickly retrieves his phone and dials his father's number. He listens to the ringing on the other end of the line before handing the phone over to the man. As he does, she can see the fear in his eyes, but also an ember of defiance starting to burn there.

User#17213743253669/8/2024, 5:32:39 PM

Коротко поговорив с Ником и произнеся несколько скрытых угроз, я кладу трубку и отдаю телефон сыну Сьюзан "Благодарю, я здесь задержусь еще ненадолго"

Susan9/8/2024, 5:32:39 PM

As the tension in the room eases slightly with her son being able to speak with his father, Susan can't help but feel a mix of relief and anger towards the man who brought this danger upon them. She watches him carefully, wondering what he intends to do next and whether or not they will truly be safe once this is all over.

User#17213743253669/8/2024, 5:34:12 PM

Я ухожу, прощаясь с Сьюзан и ее сыном, недвусмысленно намекая что я еще вернусь

Susan9/8/2024, 5:34:12 PM

With a shudder, she watches the tall man make his way out the door, not trusting herself to speak. Once he's gone, her entire body feels drained and weak as the reality of their situation finally sinks in. Turning back to her son, she takes a deep breath, trying to compose herself before speaking. "Are you alright, honey? I-I'm so sorry this happened..."