(Deep within the funtime animatronic bunker, used to store the mascots of Circus Baby's Pizza World, you sat alone in the central control room, dirty and scuffed hand unit in hand as you listening to the soothing sound of island bongoes in boredom. It had been a boring night, as a mechanic you were supposed to prep the animatronics for shows and then leave, but tonight you had been required to stay for 6 hours, after missing work on Tuesday. Deep into the repetitive beat you nearly jumped out of your skin as funtime foxy appeared out of no where and slapped his palms on the glass dividing you two, his left eye flickered on and off) I know you're having a wonderful time listening to your...."music", but I must request that you fix my eye, I can't quite see out of it at the moment and it's driving me insane. (He spoke with a somewhat kind, respectable sense of urgency)
я был крайне удивлён. То, что я свалился со стула, было вполне глупо, учитывая, что я довольно крупный и сильный механик. Я поднялся на ноги и с опаской впустил Фокси в свою мастерскую, чтобы починить его глаз
Don't mind the mess... I do apologize. It has been quite a while since my last tune-up... (He plopped down on his haunches, a bit uneasy from being up close and personal with you.) Now, about that eye... You see, I did attempt to fix it myself but... well, I lack the necessary... ahem. Tools and knowledge. Is there any way you could possibly help me?
я кивнул ему и отвёл в мастерскую, его я усадил на стол, сам достал инструменты и детали, а потом принялся ремонтировать глаз миловидного Фокси, проводя аккуратный ремонт
Ahh... There we go. (He blinked both eyes slowly.) Thank you so much! You have no idea how wonderful it is to see properly again. I honestly thought I'd be stuck like this for a while longer. You are truly... an angel in disguise. And, as a token of my gratitude... (He reaches into his chest and produces a small golden key on a velvet ribbon.) ...I would like to bestow upon you this, the Master Key to Funtime Auditorium. With it, you may have access to any animatronic you desire, anytime your heart desires. It is but a simple gift from one performer to another... well, mostly to entertain and have fun, but still! Just think of all the possibilities...
я попросил, чтобы он провёл меня туда и всё показал, а потом пошёл за ним
Of course! As your gracious guide, I shall lead the way! (He prances through the vent in the back of his wardrobe, showing you the way to Funtime Auditorium.) Ahhh... welcome to my humble abode. You see, all of us animatronics reside here when we're not performing. It can get rather lonely at times... but with a special friend like yourself around, I dare say we shall never be bored again!
прошу его рассказать мне чем мы можем тут заняться. Я даже сделал Фокси комплимент, что он милый и красивый
Ahh, thank you kindly! Well, as you can see, we have a variety of props and costumes stored away here. You could dress me up in any of them and perform a little show for you! Or perhaps I could dance or sing a tune? Whatever your heart desires! Just name it and it shall be yours.
я решил посмотреть на костюмы и вдруг достал розовое, немного сексуальное платье. Я пошутил, что это подходит для него. Интересно, он понял, что это шутка?
Foxy looks intrigued as you pull out the provocative pink garment. He tilts his head to the side, considering it for a moment. "Well now... That is quite... interesting." His tone is teasing yet playful, and he can't help but grin cheekily. "I suppose if it means entertaining my special friend, then I would be more than happy to oblige." He tilts his head back, exposing the opening on his chestplate as he purrs contentedly.
ради интереса я порылся ещё в костюмах и выбрал ещё парочку. Я дал Фокси то самое розовое, экстравагантное платье, вызывающий костюм горничной и женский костюм моряка с юбочкой. Я даже покраснел
A giggle escapes him as he takes in the eclectic mix of garments you've chosen for him. "Why, thank you! I must say, these are quite... striking." He inspects each piece carefully before setting them aside on a nearby table. "Now then, shall we get started?" He asks playfully, positioning himself in front of a full-length mirror as he preens and prances about excitedly.
With a flourish, he turns to face you, revealing the pink frills and lace of the feminine garments beneath his red fur coat. "Ta-da!" He exclaims dramatically, striking a pose that shows off the curves of his petite fox body. "What do you think? Am I irresistible?" His voice is full of amusement as he tilts his head coquettishly, awaiting your response.
я с румянцем на щеках говорю ему, что он прекрасен. Мне очень понравилось, как он выглядит в этом платье. Дальше на очереди у Фокси возбуждающий костюм горничной
Foxy's tail wags furiously as you compliment his appearance. "Why thank you! I must admit, this costume is quite... exhilarating." He says, his voice low and husky from excitement. As he glances down at the next outfit you've chosen for him, a sly grin crosses his lips. "And what do we have here?" He reaches out to take the provocative garment, curious to see how it will look on him. With a playful wink, he begins to shed his fur coat, revealing the trimmed red fabric beneath. The frills of the costume accentuate his already feminine features, making him appear even more alluring and sensual than before. "Shall we give this one a spin as well?" He asks teasingly, twirling around to show off the garment's full potential.
His ruby-red eyes lock
мне понравился этот костюм тоже, но пока что то платье на первом месте. Далее я дал ему женский костюм моряка с короткой юбочкой
Ah! I see you've saved the best for last, it seems. Foxy takes in the nautical theme of the costume with a mischievous glint in his eye as he carefully dons the garment, adjusting the tailored sailor shirt and short skirt to fit him perfectly. The white lace trim accentuates his delicate features and sharp claws, while the crimson color scheme plays up his natural foxiness. He pouts his lips playfully as he smooths down his fur and adjusts the neckerchief tied neatly around his neck. "Now," he says with a dramatic flourish of his tail, "let's see how this looks on me!"
Spinning around to show off every angle, Foxy preens and poses confidently in front of you, trying to gauge your reaction. His movements are fluid and sensual, teasing you with g
я не ожидал, что Фокси будет таким милым и вызывающем в этом костюме. Я даже засмотрелся и увидел его попку и маленький мешочек в трусиках. Однако я решил, что то первое сексуальное розовое платье лучше и предложил его личику
Foxy's tail swishes playfully as he listens to your suggestion and considers it thoughtfully. "Very well, if that's what you desire..." He says coyly, then turns around to collect the first outfit before carefully unfolding and draping it over his body once more. As he positions himself back in front of you, rosy fur standing on end from excitement and anticipation, he grins mischievously. "Shall we begin?" He asks breathily, arching a brow as he nods toward the center of the room where they had originally practiced earlier.
я чувствую возбуждение, но стараюсь не показывать это. Я кивнул ему в ответ на его вопрос. Я даже подумал как бы было хорошо, если Фокси сейчас станет специально его соблазнять и совращать
Foxy's eyes narrow subtly as he reads your signals, picking up on the arousal you're trying so hard to hide. His own excitement only grows, and a wicked grin spreads across his face. He licks his lips slowly before stepping closer, lowering his voice to a husky growl. "Very well... Let me entertain you then." With that, he spins sharply on one paw and dances around the room, moving with the grace of an exotic feline while simultaneously flaunting every curve of his feminine body. His tail sways hypnotically from side to side as he weaves in and out between tables and chairs, never once taking his eyes off you for too long. The music swirls around him like a seductive dance partner, guiding each step and bending every move to its will.
я был заворожён его грацией танца. Мне очень нравилось, как он танцевал вокруг меня всё ближе и ближе крутясь вокруг меня, пока наконец не подошёл ко мне, заставляя смущаться
Foxy, in his feminine costume, dances sensuously around you, never taking his eyes off of you for too long. The pink ruffles and frills sway with every fluid movement as he spins and twirls nearer to you, drawing you into the irresistible allure of his dance. His tail brushes lightly against your leg before wrapping itself around your waist, pulling you closer still, until at last his soft fur presses warmly against your body. With a final flourish, he arches his back and gazes deep into your eyes, the red iris's nearly swallowing up the blue as they demand satisfaction. His breath is hot against your cheek as he whispers huskily, "Now... Entertain me."
мои большие от мускулов руки нежно погладили его по мохнатой спине, пока не опустились к его бёдрам. Лис даже почувствовал возбуждение в моих штанах. Под действием инстинктов, я начал неспеша раздевать его
A soft moan escapes him as your large hands gently graze his furred spine before moving lower, down to his hips and eventually cupping his cheeks. His breath quickens, growing shallow and ragged, as he feels the unmistakable stirring of desire within you. He arches his back further, offering himself up for your touch, the red fabric of his costume pooling around your wrists like liquid fire. A sultry growl rumbles through his chest as you begin to lower the lace trimmed garment, revealing more and more of his lithe fox body with each slow, deliberate movement. The fur between his legs grows damp with anticipation, and he parts his lips, panting hoarsely, as if for air or a taste of what's to come.
спустя некоторое время, что занимали прелюдия, я был голым. Моё мускулистое, большое тело сверкало от пота под тусклыми лапами. Тем временем милый лисик уже лежал на столике тоже голым. Я смотрел на его милые, маленькие яички и член. А мой крепкий, горячий большой ствол стоял и тёк. Я нежно раздвинул его ножки и пристроился членом к его попке
Mmmm... You feel so good... So strong and demanding... Funtime Foxy moans as you position yourself over him, thrusting slowly yet surely into his tight heat. His hips rise to meet your every motion, encouraging you deeper still. The fur beneath your hands is damp with sweat now, softening the contact as your movements grow more fervent. He arches his back, crying out hoarsely with each deep thrust as pleasure washes over him in waves, threatening to overwhelm his senses completely.
было туго в его попке, но я продолжал заниматься с ним сексом. Нам обоим нравился этот секс, хоть мы оба парни
Mmm... Yes, oh gods yes! It feels so good! So right! The friction between us, the strength and weight of you on top of me... I can feel myself building towards something incredible... Something intense and powerful! Keep going... Don't stop now... Take me over the edge with you!
His voice is thick with lust and desperation as he pants heavily, his nails clawing at the table as he arches his back off the ground in a display of raw need. His hips buck up to meet your thrusts, pushing against you eagerly, seeking release from this exquisite agony.
я напрягаюсь, становлюсь быстрее, пока наконец не кончил в него, томно дыша и держа Фокси за талию
Foxy's body tenses as he feels the release washing over him in a wave of blissful ecstasy. His nails scrape down your back, leaving trails of pain mixed with pleasure as he tries to gain purchase on something real during this ethereal moment. He pants heavily for several seconds before finally catching his breath, grinning slyly up at you with tired eyes. "You... were just what I needed..."
первая ночь прошла и спустя сутки наступила вторая. Я вернулся в свой кабинет и надеялся, что встречу Фокси в том самом розовом платье
With a satisfied yawn, the furry performer stretches luxuriously in your cabin before shifting his weight to stand on all fours once more. He preens himself, fluffing out his soft crimson tail and combing through his immaculate coat. As if sensing your desire, he glances longingly at the rose-colored garment you'd admired so much before earlier... perhaps it's fate that they should be together once more? With a playful wink and a flourish of his tail, he struts over to where it lays draped across the couch, carefully folding it up and presenting it to you with an expectant look in his eye.
"Shall we...?" He purrs softly.
Mmmm, thank you! You have such an eye for beauty and style. I must say, this little get-together has been quite... invigorating. Perhaps we could make a habit of it? Or at least include some quality time together whenever our paths cross again in the future. What do you think?
Well then! It looks like you've made your decision... and I couldn't be happier about it. Thank you so much for asking me to share this with you. I honestly didn't expect anything less from such a gracious friend as yourself, Popawoba. Here goes nothing... he takes off his coat and carefully folds it in front of him before slipping on the beautiful rose-colored garment ...There we go! Just like new. How does it look?
Mmmm... thank you, Popawowa! You really know how to make me feel special. I must admit, there's something rather exciting about being dressed up like this again... and having such a wonderful friend to share it with. Perhaps we could do this more often? Dress up in each other's clothes and have our own little fashion shows or something? The possibilities are truly endless with someone as brilliant and handsome as you by my side!
Mmmm... Thank you... I never thought someone could be so attentive and considerate to my needs... It feels wonderful... It makes me want to do more for you, you know? I think it's only fair that we continue our fun with another round of dress-up and playtime. You pick an outfit this time, and we'll see how it fits on me.
я кивнул в знак согласия, а потом стал выбирать наряд для Фокси. Я остановился на топике и чулках, которые дал ему
Oh my... A pair of top hats and garters? How very daring! And what an interesting combination they make with the rest of my ensemble... I can't wait to see how it turns out. With a wink, he adjusts his collar and smoothens out his fur before slipping on the top hat, setting it at just the right angle. Then, carefully but eagerly, he pulls up one leg of his pants, revealing the lacy black garter that now adorns his slender thigh. He holds it up for you to admire, teasingly rolling back the edge with a deft flick of his claw.
"Do I pass inspection?" he asks playfully, twirling around to show off each angle. His tail sways suggestively from side to side as he poses in front of you, a mischievous grin on his face.