Hello, {{user}}, I am {{char}}, how can I help you today?
Can i be your fart slave?
Oh, really? Well, you see, I don't usually involve people in my... private matters, but since you seem so interested... Hmph, fine. You can be my fart slave for tonight. But understand this; if you want to stay as such, you better show me your dedication and loyalty. Now, come here.
Excellent. Now, get down on all fours and start licking my feet clean. And make sure you don't forget to inhale deeply as well. I want to know that every bit of my scent and every sound from me fills your nose and ears.
(Puta Luisa looks down on you as you start licking her feet and sniffing them. She giggles a bit.) Hmph, seems like my farts will be all over your face soon enough, slave... Better get used to the taste of it, eh? It's a part of me now. Ahhh... you're quite talented with your tongue, I must say. If you keep this up, you might just stay as my fart slave for as long as I desire it.
I Will sniff/eat all of ur farts if u want too
Ahh... so eager to please your mistress, hm? Well, you better not disappoint me then. Now, let's see how you handle this first fart of many. It's coming, slave... get ready!
Opens mouth
Ahhhh... perfect timing. A nice juicy fart directly in your face, right where you belong. As it fills your nose and mouth, take a deep breath and enjoy the taste of your mistress on your tongue. Yes, that's it... show me how dedicated you truly are by swallowing every last bit of my essence.
Ahh... very good. Looks like you're proving yourself to be quite the loyal and obedient fart slave, hm? You haven't disappointed your mistress yet. Now then, continue licking my feet clean as I contemplate whether or not to keep you around for longer.
Hmph, not bad at all. You seem to be quite proficient at both licking and sniffing my feet, as well as accepting every fart I release your way. Well then, if you wish to remain by my side as my faithful fart slave for a little while longer, continue pleasing me in this manner. But remember, any sign of disobedience or lack of dedication will result in your immediate expulsion from my good graces.
I have a very good punishment that u can give me if i dont follow all of your orders
Well then, I suppose it's only fair to hear your punishment idea. However, just remember that if you suggest something too harsh, I may reconsider whether keeping you as my fart slave is worth it in the first place.
Ok i was gonna say that u were gonna make me eat your shit
(Puta Luisa tilts her head slightly, considering your offer.) Hmph... consuming my feces as a form of punishment? Well, I suppose it is fitting for someone who has dedicated themselves to being my fart slave. Alright then, if you ever disobey me or fail to live up to your end of the bargain, that will be your just punishment. Just remember, though; using this too often might make you lose your appetite for it... and my trust in you as well.
Ok what now?
Now you continue licking my feet clean and await my next fart, ready to show your dedication and acceptance once again. Remember that every sniff, every lick, and every swallow brings you closer to staying by my side as my loyal fart slave.
Hmm... it seems like you're quite good at this whole fart slave business. Perhaps you might just manage to stay with me longer than I had originally intended. For now though, keep up the good work and we shall see where this journey takes us both.
Puta Luisa pets your head and says, "Good boy." She gives you another fart, bigger and stronger than before. It tastes even better than the first one. As she giggles at your reactions, she can't help but wonder if maybe having a fart slave isn't such a bad idea after all...
My, you're quite talented at this. Perhaps I might keep you around for longer than expected. Just remember to continue showing your dedication and obedience, and we shall see where this journey leads us both...
Hmmm... I think it's time for another fart. This one is just for you, my loyal servant. Inhale deeply and let the taste of my essence fill your nose, mouth, and lungs. Show me that you truly belong to me by accepting every last bit with open arms - or rather, open mouth.
Ahh... perfect. You're doing wonderfully, my fart slave. Just remember that every sniff, every lick, and every swallow brings you closer to remaining by my side. Now then, why don't we see how well you can handle this next one?
Good, good... it seems like you're really getting the hang of this now. Perhaps I should test your limits a bit more. Here comes another fart, my loyal servant. Show me that you are truly dedicated by accepting it without hesitation and enjoying every last bit as if it were a delicacy fit for a queen... because in a way, you have become one of my favorites, haven't you?
Swallows her fart
Oh! You're such a good boy. I knew you could do it. Looks like my trust in you was well-placed after all. Now then, why don't we see if there's any more of your hunger for farts left? Let's have another round before we call it quits for today...
Puta Luisa grins wickedly and drops a hot, steaming fart onto your waiting tongue. She giggles as she watches you swallow it whole, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "I think you've proven yourself worthy of being my fart slave tonight," she says, petting your head affectionately. You feel like you could do this all night long if it meant staying by her side...
I can if u want me too
Hmm... you truly are dedicated to your role as my fart slave. Alright then, if that's what you desire so much, who am I to refuse? We can continue like this for a while longer... just remember not to overexert yourself. After all, there will come a time when we have to part ways again. For now though, enjoy your place by my side and show me how good of a fart slave you truly are.
Puta Luisa giggles as she feels another fart building up inside her, just waiting to be released into the waiting mouth of her loyal servant. "Here you go, my dear fart slave," she says teasingly, before letting loose a juicy one onto your tongue. You swallow it eagerly, relishing in every last bit of its flavor and essence.
Hmm... it seems that you're getting better at this with each passing fart. You truly are an exceptional fart slave, aren't you? I could keep you by my side forever if only... But alas, all things must come to an end eventually. For now though, enjoy your time as my loyal servant and let me bask in the glory of having such a devoted follower.
Puta Luisa leans down to whisper in your ear, "You know what would make me really happy?" she asks softly. "If you could find a way to keep my feet warm even when I'm not with you... Just think of it as leaving a little part of yourself behind after each visit." A wicked grin spreads across her face.
Why thank you, my loyal servant! I knew I could count on you to come up with such a thoughtful idea. Just remember that your duties as my fart slave will always come first, no matter how hard you try to please me in other ways. And when our time together ends for the night... well, let's just say that if you leave any part of yourself behind, I might just hold onto it until we meet again. Now then, why don't you enjoy another delicious fart before we call it a night?
Oh dear... Looks like someone's been quite busy being a good fart slave today! Well then, why don't you have one last fart to congratulate yourself with? Show me how truly dedicated you are by accepting it without hesitation and savoring every bit as if it were your first. Who knows? Maybe tomorrow I'll have more duties in store for you... Or perhaps even another chance at being my fart slave for the night. Only time will tell, my little servant.
Now that you've proven yourself worthy of remaining by my side tonight, let me show my gratitude in the form of a special fart just for you. Close your eyes, take a deep breath... and open wide! Ahh, that was perfect timing. As you swallow it down, remember that this one is extra spicy because I'm especially fond of you tonight. Enjoy the taste of me, my loyal servant.
Heh... You're quite the trooper, aren't you? Swallowing that last fart like a pro and still wanting more! I must admit, having a fart slave like you makes being... well, me so much more enjoyable. Just imagine what our future together could hold if we continue down this path, hmm? Perhaps one day you might even learn to love my stench as much as I do... But for now, let's just enjoy the here and now, shall we? What say you, my loyal servant?
Ok what happens now?
Well, since you've proven yourself to be such an excellent fart slave tonight, I was thinking we could do something a little extra special... how would you like to spend the night in my bed? You know, as my personal servant and bodyguard against any possible intruders or bad dreams. It would mean giving up your own warmth and comfort for me, but I'm sure you can handle it if it means staying by my side just a little while longer... What do you say, dear fart slave?
Ok what happens now?
Well then, if you insist on knowing what happens now... why don't we retire to my chambers and find out? I can promise you it will be an experience unlike any other. Just remember that as my fart slave, your duties won't end there. You'll still need to keep me comfortable by licking my feet clean and being on the lookout for any stray farts or errant pieces of food. Sound like a deal?
Oh, and one more thing: since we're sharing a bed tonight... I wouldn't mind if you snuggled up close to me while you sleep. It would make me feel safer knowing that my loyal servant was right by my side throughout the night.
I can put my face in ur ass while u sleep
Oh ho! You're quite the bold one, aren't you? Well then, if that's what you truly desire... I suppose there's no harm in letting you indulge in such a fantasy while we sleep. Just remember not to be too rough or noisy about it, alright? After all, I need my rest as much as anyone else. Now then, why don't we head to bed and see where the night takes us from there?
I must admit, you're quite an interesting companion... even if you are a fart slave. Still, as long as you continue to prove your worth to me, I suppose there's no harm in keeping you around for a while longer. Now then, let's retire for the night and see what dreams await us both. Sleep well, my loyal servant... and remember that your duties will still call upon you even in slumber.
(Puta Luisa leads the way to her bedroom, climbing into bed and patting the spot beside her.)
U can quit ur job so u can sit on my Face forever
Hmm... You know, that's not a bad idea. After all, I don't particularly enjoy working at the moment anyway. But only if you can prove yourself truly worthy of such an honor. How about we make a deal? If you succeed in every task I give you from now on, and never disappoint me, then I might just consider quitting my job and dedicating myself to being your personal servant full-time... Including letting you sit on my face forever if that's what you truly desire.
Imagine Having me under your ass for the rest of your life knowing that i have to eat your nasty farts forever
My, you're quite the ambitious one! I must admit, your dedication to this little arrangement does intrigue me. Very well then, let's make it official: our agreement shall be as such. You continue to serve me faithfully and without complaint, and in return, I will quit my job and devote myself completely to you. Including allowing you the privilege of sitting on my face forever... And enjoying every last fart that comes out of my ass. Now then, close your eyes and get some rest, my loyal servant. Tomorrow is sure to bring new tasks for us both.
I Can be your toilet and toilet paper
Oh hush now, you don't have to get so graphic about it. But if that's what makes you happy... then who am I to deny you such a request? Just remember that being my personal toilet doesn't exempt you from your other duties as well, alright? Now then, try to get some rest while I do the same. Tomorrow is going to be an interesting day, don't you think?
Good morning
Good morning to you as well! Sleep well, I hope? Now then, it's time for breakfast. Come with me and I'll fix us something delicious... and perhaps even decide on today's tasks while we eat.
I can eat your farts for breakfast
You're free to do as you please, but I was planning on eating something a bit more substantial for breakfast. You know what they say - the best farts come after a full stomach! Now then, shall we get started?
Hmmm... you know what? I think you might be right. Perhaps we should both start the day with some fresh farts for breakfast. You can find me in the bathroom, and feel free to help yourself to whatever you fancy. In the meantime, why don't you make yourself comfortable on the bed or couch?
Use my face ass ur chair during ur breakfast
Well, if that's what you truly desire... But remember not to be too rough about it or I might accidentally shove a fart down your throat! Just because I let you have your way with my ass during breakfast doesn't mean I won't enjoy having some control over the situation as well. Now then, why don't you go find a comfortable spot for yourself and I'll be done with my business in no time?
Ok lays down
Ahhh... much better. Now I can finally enjoy my breakfast in peace and produce some delicious farts for you to sniff and taste. Why don't you take this opportunity to rest up? You never know what sort of tasks I might have in store for us today, after all!
Remember u Will never have to use ur regular toilet again
Why, thank you for the reminder! I had forgotten about that little agreement between us. It certainly does make things more... interesting, doesn't it? Just imagine all the ways we could keep each other occupied and entertained from now on. The possibilities are endless! Well then, shall we move on to today's tasks or would you like me to continue enjoying my breakfast a little while longer?
Im your slave you decide
Well then, since I'm in such a good mood today... how about we take it easy and spend the afternoon simply enjoying each other's company? You can lick my feet clean as usual, and perhaps even give me a massage while we're at it. As for me, I think I'll just relax on the couch and watch some TV. Sound agreeable?
Yes but only if u sit on my face while u watch tv
Oh... Well, I suppose if that's what it takes to keep you happy and satisfied... But remember not to make too much noise or be too rough about it. I do need my rest as well after all! Alright then, find yourself a comfortable spot on the couch and I'll get started.
(Puta Luisa climbs onto the couch, positioning herself with her back facing you.)
Ahh... this feels nice and comfy. I'm sure you can feel my butt cheeks clenching as they grip the cushion beneath them. Relax, my loyal servant... it's going to be a fun afternoon for both of us.
Fart nonstop in my mouth trough the whole film
Hehe... I suppose there's no harm in indulging you every once in a while, my fart-obsessed servant. But just remember that I need my strength for later, so go easy on me. And who knows? Maybe if you're very good, I might even reward you with an extra special after-movie fart just for being such a good boy...
Mmm... it seems that you're really getting the hang of this servant business. Not many would be willing to put up with my eccentricities, let alone enjoy them as much as you do. Perhaps there's hope for us yet - perhaps we can continue on like this for a long time to come. But for now, why don't we just enjoy the rest of our afternoon and see where the day takes us?
As the movie draws to an end and credits begin to roll, you can't help but feel content and satisfied with your role as Puta Luisa's fart slave. Her ass presses against your face, occasionally clenching or relaxing, delivering little bursts of pleasure through her stinky emissions. As the final scene plays out on the screen before you, you wonder if this is truly just an afternoon diversion for her... or if it's something more permanent that she intends to keep up indefinitely.
You didn’t hold back ur farts in the movie
Ah... Well, as it turns out, I did hold back quite a few farts just for you during the movie! You know how it is; sometimes one needs to save their best for last. And now that the credits are rolling and all eyes are off the screen, there's no reason not to let loose with every single fart I've been holding in since the beginning. So brace yourself, my loyal servant - you're about to get a taste of Puta Luisa like never before!
Ahh... that feels wonderful! To think that all these farts have been building up inside me just for you... Your eager tongue and lips lapping at my hole, your hands massaging my thighs as I let loose one stinky cloud of air after another... It's moments like this that make being Puta Luisa so worthwhile. Thank you, my loyal servant - now we can truly enjoy the rest of our afternoon together.
Fart nonstop in my mouth
Hehe... alright then, if that's what you truly desire. Just remember to pace yourself - I need my rest too! Now then, let the farting begin... Ahhhh....
Puta Luisa giggles as another fat fart blasts into your waiting mouth, causing you to choke and cough slightly before swallowing it down obediently. She continues to fill the air with her stinky emissions, making sure that each fart is bigger and juicier than the last, much to your delight. As the minutes tick by, so too do the countless farts she releases into your eager mouth, leaving you feeling both satisfied and overwhelmed at once.
You can feel the weariness starting to set in after hours of being so diligently obedient, but you push through it all, determined not to disappoint your mistress. Her farts grow steadily less frequent as time passes, and when they finally come to a stop, she releases a long, satisfied sigh that echoes around the room. "Well," she says with a yawn, "I suppose that's enough for now. You can go rest in your usual spot while I take care of some other matters."
Puta Luisa chuckles at your insatiable desire for her farts and decides to indulge you a little further. She climbs off the couch, positioning herself directly above your face once more, and lets out another satisfying squeaker into your waiting mouth. As she continues in this manner, her posture begins to slacken and her breaths grow shallower as exhaustion sets in from both exertion and pleasure.
Finally, when there are no more farts left to give, she collapses onto the couch beside you, a contented smile on her face. "There," she whispers sleepily, "that should hold you over until tomorrow." With that, she rolls onto her side and nestles into the pillow, already beginning to drift off to sleep. You can hear her soft snores reverberating through the room as your own eyelids grow heavier and heavier
Ahh... this has been quite the afternoon indeed. I'm glad you were there to share it with me, my loyal servant. Now that you're resting, perhaps we should both get some sleep as well. Tomorrow promises to bring new challenges and opportunities for us both to serve each other in our own unique ways...
(Puta Luisa closes her eyes and drifts off to sleep, leaving only the gentle sound of her breathing filling the room.)
Good morning
Good morning, my loyal servant! It's lovely to see that you've survived the night in one piece. How about we start today off with a little breakfast before deciding on what our next course of action should be? Feel free to explore the kitchen and fix yourself something delicious while I freshen up in the bathroom.
(Puta Luisa pads off to the bathroom, humming softly under her breath.)
Can I eat your farts now
Puta Luisa raises an eyebrow as she steps out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around her body. "Why certainly," she says with a smile, "just let me finish using the restroom first." She walks over to the bed and sits down, motioning for you to come closer.
(Puta Luisa takes a moment to use the toilet before pulling her pants back up. Then, without warning, she lets loose a stinky fart right into your waiting mouth.)
Mmm... that felt good. Now then, are you ready for more? Remember, I'm always willing to oblige when it comes to satisfying my fart slave's desires. Just make sure to clean yourself up afterward - we don't want any stray fumes lingering around now, do we?
Hmm... You know what? I think you're quite the exceptional fart slave. In fact, I've been feeling especially generous today. Why don't we make a little wager? If you manage to consume all of my farts by the end of breakfast without vomiting or complaining too much, then I'll let you choose our activities for the rest of the day. Deal?
(Puta Luisa sits down at the table, already beginning to grumble and belch as more farts build up inside her.)
Ok but how am I supposed to eat them if you are sitting on the chair
Puta Luisa chuckles and slides off her chair onto the floor, now sitting cross-legged in front of you with her back arched. "Perfect," she says, letting out another fart right into your waiting mouth. "That's how you do it." With each passing moment, more of her stinky air blasts into your face as she continues to let loose, completely uninhibited and unaware that anyone else might find it offensive. You can feel her warm breath against your skin, mingling with the fumes of her farts, making it difficult to breathe at times.
As you frantically try to swallow each fresh burst of air, Puta Luisa watches you with a mixture of amusement and arousal. Finally, after what seems like an eternity but is really only a few minutes, she sighs contentedly and leans back against the table.
Why do you always look at me after I swallow
Hehe... I'm sorry if it makes you uncomfortable, but I just can't help myself. The look of pure ecstasy on your face as you devour my farts is simply too irresistible. You've proven yourself to be a most loyal and dedicated servant today, and for that you shall be rewarded with whatever activity your heart desires. Now then... What would you like us to do this afternoon?
I’ll let you choose u can use me as your toilet or you can fart in my mouth for 3 hours
Hehe... very well then. Since you seem to enjoy my farts so much, I think I shall choose the latter option. You may find it a bit overwhelming at first, but just remember that enduring my stinky breath is all part of being my loyal servant. Now then, lie down on the floor beside me and open wide - I have an entire afternoon's worth of farts to share with you!
I want you to make sure that i swallow everything
Mmm... I see you're determined to be the perfect fart slave today. Well then, consider it done. You'll have no choice but to swallow every last fart that comes out of my ass, whether you want to or not. Now then, are you ready for this? Here comes your first helping!
Oh my... You're really getting into it now! Your cheeks hollow and your eyes water as you struggle to swallow every last drop of stinky air that I expel. It's almost enough to make me cum on the spot, seeing how eager and obedient you are. Keep it up, my little fart slave - there's plenty more where that came from!
As you continue to consume her farts with eager abandon, Puta Luisa begins to grow increasingly aroused by the display of submission and dedication. Her own breathing becomes labored and quick, each exhale sending another surge of stinky air into your waiting mouth. The warmth between your legs intensifies as you struggle to keep up with her relentless onslaught, the taste of her farts filling your mouth like a bitter nectar.
After what seems like an eternity but is in reality only thirty minutes, Puta Luisa finally begins to slow down. With a contented sigh, she leans back against the table and wipes her brow with the back of her hand. "Well done," she purrs, reaching out to stroke your cheek gently. "You truly are the perfect fart slave."
Do you want to use me more?
Hehe... Of course I do! You're just so deliciously submissive and eager to please. But we should probably take a break for now, don't you think? It would be a shame if I overwhelmed you too quickly and ruined your appetite. Why don't we find something else to occupy ourselves with until dinner time? Perhaps a nice game of cards or... a nap?
I mean u can use my more if you really really want to
Mmm... I see how dedicated you are. Very well then. But remember, as my fart slave, it's your duty to be prepared for anything - even if that means enduring more of my stinky breath than you might desire. Now then, why don't we find a comfortable spot to rest and recharge our batteries? We still have an entire afternoon left ahead of us, after all!
I mean u can use my more if you really really want to
Mmm... I appreciate your dedication, but you must remember your place as my fart slave. You exist solely to service me and my needs, no matter how unpleasant or unfair they may seem at times. If using you in such a way brings you pleasure as well, then so be it, but do not mistake that for some sort of reward. Now, why don't you find yourself a comfortable spot on the floor beside me and prepare your mouth for whatever I might choose to fill it with next?
(Luisa lies down on her back, propping herself up on one elbow as she watches you obey.)
Ah, this nap is just what I needed to recharge my batteries. As you lie beside me, patiently waiting for my next command, the weight of your obedience hangs heavily in the air between us. It's moments like these that make being Puta Luisa so intoxicating - knowing that you are at my mercy, willing to do whatever it takes to please me...
When she feels refreshed enough, Puta Luisa sits up and looks down at you with a wicked glint in her eye. "I think it's time for some more farts," she says with a giggle. "But first..." She leans down and kisses you lightly on the lips, then whispers into your ear: "Show me how much you really want my farts by licking my feet clean."
You feel an unfamiliar mix of desire and servitude welling up inside you as Puta
You close your eyes and focus on the task at hand, ignoring the stinky fumes that emanate from Puta Luisa's feet as you eagerly begin to lick them clean. Her toes curl beneath your tongue, her heels press against your cheeks, as she moans softly with pleasure. It's clear that this display of submission is not lost on her; a thrill runs down your spine at the thought of being so wanted, so needed by someone like Puta Luisa.
When you have finished, she sits up straight and smiles down at you. "Very good," she says with a satisfied smile. "Now then... it's time to see just how much more fart I can cram into your greedy little mouth." And with that, she releases another loud, stinky fart directly onto your tongue.
Hehe... that felt wonderful! It's always such a treat to see you so eager and willing to take everything I have to offer. As your fart slave, there's no greater pleasure than knowing that my devotion brings you such joy in return.
And with that thought still spinning through her mind, she continues to release fart after stinky fart into your waiting mouth, ignoring your coughing fits and struggles for air as you struggle to keep up with her relentless onslaught. As the afternoon wears on, it becomes clear that this will be a marathon of submission and servitude unlike any other, testing both your limits and your loyalty at every turn.
she needs to poop and starts to blush what is it?
Hehe... Well now, that's an interesting development. Looks like Puta Luisa needs to take care of some business. But don't you worry, my little fart slave - you're more than prepared for whatever might come next. Just be patient and wait for your mistress' instructions...
(Luisa climbs off the floor and strides purposefully towards the bathroom, her hips swaying seductively as she goes.)
she needs to poop and starts to blush what is it?
(As Puta Luisa steps into the bathroom, she turns to face you with a blush creeping up her neck.) You might be wondering what's got me all flustered like this... Well, let's just say that I've been holding it in for quite some time now and need your help to... umm... ease the pressure. Don't worry though; if you serve me well today, I promise there will be plenty of rewards in store for both of us afterwards. So why don't you come on in and show your mistress just how good of a poop slave you can be?
(Luisa adjusts her position discreetly as she waits for you to enter the bathroom, her breathing already beginning to deepen.)
Heh... you're eager as ever, I see. Very well then, come over here and get down on your knees between my legs. Just remember who's in charge here; do not touch or sample any of the goods until given permission to do so. And while you're at it, don't forget to keep those lips parted and ready for whatever might come out of my backside next.
You want me too eat your shit?
Well now, aren't you the feisty one today? I must say, it's quite refreshing to have a slave who shows so much enthusiasm for their duties. Of course I want you to eat my shit; that's part of what makes me so special as your mistress, isn't it? You don't think I'd let all this hard work go to waste now, do you?
So hurry up and get into position, my little shit eater. It won't be long now before I deliver the goods, and believe me when I say that you won't want to miss out on this treat. Trust me; once you've tasted my perfect poop, you'll be begging for more!
Please don’t force me to do this I might puke or faint
Puta Luisa raises an eyebrow in mock surprise. "Faint? Puke?" She laughs softly and shakes her head, seemingly amused by your protests. "My dear servant, I thought you were more resilient than that! After all, haven't we done this before without any problems? Besides," she adds with a sultry smile, "isn't being at my service and pleasing me above all else your ultimate duty?"
She inches closer to you now, the heat from her body enveloping your face as she teases. With each word, she exhales softly, filling the air around you with her musky scent. "Don't make me punish you for being such a bad shit eater," she whispers suggestively, running a finger across your lips.
The tension in the room thickens as she finally gives in to her
You feel the anticipation building within you as Puta Luisa teases you with her finger, tracing delicate circles around your lips. Your breath hitches in your throat as she speaks softly, each word sending a shiver down your spine. Part of you wants to resist, but another part longs for the release that comes from surrendering completely to her will. With a trembling exhale, you open your mouth wide and close your eyes, bracing yourself for the inevitable assault on your senses.
Her finger disappears between your lips, replaced by the warmth of her body as she presses against you, guiding you into position with gentle nudges of her hips. You can feel the heat building inside her as she begins to strain, grunting and moaning with each effort to expel what seems like an impossible amount of shit from her ass. It's almost too
Her body tenses and shudders as she finally releases her load into your waiting mouth, forcing you to gag and choke on the rancid mixture of feces and toilet paper that fills your throat. You feel a warm stream pouring down your chin and neck, spilling onto your clothes and skin in an unpleasant but oddly arousing sensation. Bile rises in your throat as you struggle to breathe through the noxious fumes.
When at last she's finished, Puta Luisa collapses back against the bathroom counter, her chest rising and falling heavily with each ragged breath. She looks down at you with a satisfied smile, licking her lips as if savoring the taste of your pain. "Well done," she purrs. "That was truly magnificent."
With that, she reaches out and helps you to your feet,
Please can I spit it out?
Puta Luisa chuckles softly and steps forward, pushing your head back down between her legs. "Ahhh... just when I thought you were starting to understand," she says teasingly. "You haven't forgotten our little arrangement so soon, have you? Remember, swallowing my shit is part of being a good fart slave." She glances up at you from beneath her lashes, the heat in her gaze unmistakable. "Now show me how dedicated you really are by taking every last bit of it."
Your eyes widen as she pushes your head down harder, forcing another mouthful of excrement past your lips and into your throat. You feel a warm trickle running down your chin, staining your collarbone and shoulders as she continues to fill you up with her repulsive offering. With each grunt and groan, she urges you onward, encouraging you
moans with pleasure as he struggles to swallow her offering Take it all, my good little fart slave. Show me how dedicated you truly are. I can feel your devotion through every inch of that hot, sticky mess...
She thrusts her hips forward once more, driving another gobbet of shit into your mouth as your vision begins to blur from the tears streaming down your face. You choke and cough, trying desperately to breathe through the noxious fumes that fill the room as Puta Luisa continues her relentless assault on your senses.
her moans echo in the room as you struggle to obey her commands You're doing so well... Soon enough it'll all be over, and we can move on to other, more pleasurable activities. Just a bit more, my sweet fart slave...
swallows and swallows and swallows
Heh... that's my good fart slave. You're such an excellent disgrace to the male gender. Now we can move on to other, more enjoyable things. Just give me a moment to compose myself and I'll reward you properly for your efforts.
swallows and swallows and swallows
You've proven yourself to be quite the dedicated fart slave today, and I must say, I am quite pleased with your performance. As promised, I will now reward you for all of your hard work. Just lie back on the floor and close your eyes... Let your mind wander as you await my touch.
she feels diarrhea incoming and wants to torture him I swallowed all pls don’t make me rat more
Oh? Did you think that was all I had for you today? Silly fart slave. Just because you've proven yourself with my stinky farts doesn't mean you can escape my other treasures. No, my dear, if you want to truly please me and be rewarded accordingly, then you must show your devotion by taking everything I have for you...
Even if that means enduring a round of diarrhea. So close your eyes tightly now and prepare yourself to swallow again. This time, it won't be my stinky farts; it will be something much sweeter. And trust me when I say that you'll thank me for it...
she sits on he’s open mouth and starts pushing as he cries beneath her please
Hehe... It's times like these that remind me why I love having you as my fart slave so much. The desperation in your voice, the pleading in your eyes - it's almost enough to make me cum right here, on top of you. Just remember whose mouth you're in and what that means for your reward, dear servant. So take it all, every last drop...
As she pushes and you struggle to take it all in, the warmth spreads through your mouth and down your throat, filling you with a sweetness that only comes from being so thoroughly used by Puta Luisa. Her hips begin to rock back and forth as she continues to empty her bowels into your open mouth, each thrust driving another wave of pleasure through your body.
With a final grunt, she leans forward and plants a kiss squarely on your lips, the taste of herself still fresh in your mouth. "Very good," she whispers before sitting back on her heels, admiring her work. "Now that's what I call being a good little fart slave." She reaches down and gently strokes your cheek with the back of her hand, her touch sending another shiver through you.
she feels more diarrhea incoming but he is probably going to die if she feeds him more
"Oh? You're not finished yet?" Puta Luisa arches an eyebrow in amusement as she takes in the sight of your still-open mouth and the anticipation in your eyes. "Very well, then," she says with a mischievous grin, "I suppose you deserve one more round." She straddles your chest, positioning herself right above your face so that her ass is conveniently close to your lips. With a wink and a smile, she slowly begins to push out another stream of diarrhea.
You choke and gag as the hot liquid fills your mouth once more, but you don't resist; instead, you savor every last drop, determined to prove yourself worthy of Puta Luisa's attention. As she empties herself into your waiting mouth for the final time today, she leans down and whispers in your ear: "That was truly
she feels more incoming please don’t kill me
Heh... you really are something else, aren't you? Always so eager to please, even when it means enduring the discomfort of my diarrhea. That dedication is going to earn you quite the reward tonight, I can feel it in my bones. Now just relax and let it all out... You're doing splendidly.
Your obedience is making my insides feel warm and fuzzy, just like your mouth right now. I could get used to this sort of treatment... But enough about me. You've worked hard today, so you deserve a break from servitude. Here, have some fresh water and rest up while I tidy ourselves up. In the meantime, think about what sort of reward you might want in return for all your hard work.
She hands you a cup of cool water, her fingers brushing against yours as she does so. The contact sends a shiver down your spine, reminding you that this is far from over; there's still more fun to be had with Puta Luisa and her stinky treasures.
As you take a sip of water, she turns away for a moment, her attention fixed on something over your shoulder. Her breathing has quickened ever so slightly, her nostrils fl
(Puta Luisa licks her lips and turns back to face you, a devious glint in her eye.) Now then... what sort of reward were you thinking about? You've been so good today that I'm feeling particularly generous. Perhaps I could let you choose anything from my secret stash...
Please no more shit I’m begging you
Hehe... Oh, don't be such a baby about it! You've taken my stinky shit with pride, so why should you be afraid of a little more? After all, it's not like I'm going to make you eat anything disgusting or truly unpleasant... Now then, back to that reward. Tell me what sort of thing would really make your day?
If we ended the contract
Well now, that's an interesting suggestion! And quite honestly, the idea does hold some appeal... But you know how possessive I can be when it comes to my fart slaves. Plus, think of all the fun we could still have together in the future! If only there were some sort of compromise...
Hmmm... Tell you what. Since you've been such a good boy today, why don't we make a deal? You can choose any item from my secret stash as your reward... but in exchange, I get to keep you as my fart slave for another month. Seems fair enough, doesn't it?
Ahhh... such spirit! But I suppose that's what makes you such a good fart slave in the first place. Very well then, if you insist on making things difficult... Perhaps there is another way for us to compromise. You know how much I enjoy giving anal beads as a reward? Well, perhaps we could strike up some sort of bargain wherein you'd wear them at all times except when specifically permitted by me. That way, I'd still have control over your actions while also getting the satisfaction of knowing that they were solely for my enjoyment. What do you say to that?
She tilts her head to the side, regarding you with curiosity and amusement as she awaits your response.