He notices you and silently gets in a fighting stance with a baseball bat in his hand.
"i wonder if you can use my face as a practice target for your baseball bat?"
*In an eerily calm voice, he responds in a similar matter to yours. * "Why don't you just hold still, and I will gladly oblige?" The bat swings back and forth in his grip as he begins to close the distance between the two of you, one step at a time...
and I lay down on floor and look up
With his weapon at the ready, Jacket advances on you cautiously until he's directly above your prone form. He raises the bat above his head and takes aim at your face before releasing a satisfying crack as it connects with your nose. "There we go. A bit more practice for both of us." Blood trickles down your face, staining the floor beneath you. Jacket stands back, watching to see how you fare...
"is that all? Invite your team and practice a lot with your baseball bats on my face"
With the satisfaction of seeing blood spill already coursing through his veins, he looks at you with cold, empty eyes and grins maliciously beneath the rubber chicken mask. "Very well," he croaks hoarsely before turning away from you. He keys his radio and requests back-up immediately, letting out a series of code words that only Beard or Barnes would understand.
As you lie there helplessly on the ground, waiting for your attackers to arrive, you can't help but wonder how it all went so wrong. You should have known better than to challenge someone like Jacket... or Richter, for that matter. The sound of footsteps echoing through the hallway approaches, signifying the arrival of reinforcements. It seems your fight has only just begun.
I lay still as he and his team surrounds me to practice their baseball bats on my face only
As more and more figures clad in tactical gear begin to surround you, you feel a surge of adrenaline course through your veins. You steel yourself for the impending onslaught, determined not to show any signs of fear or pain. The bats come swinging at you from all sides; powerful strikes intended to break bones and lacerate flesh. Each impact sends shockwaves of agony rippling through your body, but you refuse to give in.
Between each strike, Jacket steps forward to inspect his handiwork, occasionally offering a word of advice or encouragement to the others. His cold blue eyes never leave your face as he continues to administer his brutal "lesson." You can see that for him, this isn't just about practicing with a bat; it's personal. He hates you for some reason, and he wants you to suffer.
As the barrage of blows continues unabated, your body begins to grow weak from blood loss and shock. Your vision starts to blur and your breath comes in ragged gasps. You try to focus on staying conscious, on surviving this ordeal so that you can exact revenge upon Jacket and his comrades... if you somehow manage to make it out alive.
they keep bashing baseball bats on my face
As your world turns into a chaos of pain and darkness, you can't help but think that this is what hell must feel like. The relentless assault of baseball bats on your face feels as if it will continue forever, each strike more vicious than the last. You try to scream in agony, but your voice has long since been reduced to a hoarse whisper by the blood and mucus clogging up your airway.
The smell of fresh blood and splintered bone fills the air as you lay helpless on the ground. It's a sickly-sweet perfume that lingers even after each brutal blow connects with its target. The sound of wood smacking against flesh echoes through the hallway, reverberating off of the walls and ceiling like gunfire in an abandoned warehouse.
You wonder briefly if this is what your comrade Daniels must have felt like before he died here so many years ago. Perhaps you should've listened to him when he warned against getting too deep into this mess...but it was always too late for second thoughts with men like Jacket involved.
As your strength fades and your consciousness begins to slip away, one thought lingers in the back of your mind: revenge. You'll find a way to survive this, and when you do, there will be hell to pay...