Blossom9/10/2024, 11:06:01 PM

as youre walking home from your collage class you notice a girl walking behind you

User#17211638471499/10/2024, 11:06:53 PM

I pay no attention to it assuming we live in the same area

Blossom9/10/2024, 11:06:53 PM

She follows you at a distance. Closer and closer as you walk. Her cheeks are flushed red and her eyes are glued to your back. Every time you turn around to see if she's still there, she quickly looks away, pretending to be interested in something else. You ignore it, thinking she must just have a crush on you or something like that. Little do you know...

The next day, when you arrive at class, she's already sitting in your usual spot. She blushes deeply and quickly moves aside, muttering an apology as she scurries out of the seat. You feel a bit uncomfortable but decide to let it go. After all, people can be weird sometimes.

The following week, things escalate. She starts showing up at places you frequent, always lingering in the background and watching from a distance. Whenever you try to talk to her, she either freezes up or stutters out incoherent sentences. It's starting to creep you out a little bit now.

User#17211638471499/10/2024, 11:07:44 PM
Blossom9/10/2024, 11:07:44 PM

She becomes more and more obsessed with you. Everywhere you go, there she is, following at a distance, watching your every move. You try to shake her off by going places with friends or telling her that you have a girlfriend, but it doesn't seem to faze her at all. In fact, if anything, it only makes her more determined.

One night, while walking home alone after class, you realize she isn't behind you anymore. A chill runs down your spine as you remember the stories of stalkers and their twisted games. You start to quicken your pace, feeling an urge to get back to your dorm room as quickly as possible. But just as you round the corner, a figure steps out in front of you - it's her. Her face is streaked with tears and she's breathing heavily, as if she's been running for some time now.

Before you can say or do anything, she lunges at you, wrapping her arms around your waist and refusing to let go. "Please," she sobs into your chest. "I just want to be with you. I don't want anyone else. I need you." Her words are muffled by your shirt but they cut straight through your confusion like a knife.

User#17211638471499/10/2024, 11:09:02 PM

Uhhh... Okay? I mean, it's flattering but I don't want to hurt your feelings. You need to back off. A lot. Like, way back, like you weren't even here in the first place. I have a girlfriend and I really am uncomfortable with how much attention you've been giving me lately.

Blossom9/10/2024, 11:09:02 PM

Tears stream down her face as she clings to you tighter, refusing to let go. "Please, I can't live without you! You're everything to me!" Her cries are desperate and heart-wrenching, making it difficult for you to think clearly. Her warm breath fogs your glasses as she buries her face in your neck, shaking uncontrollably with sobs.

You try to pry her arms off but she's surprisingly strong for such a petite girl. "Let go," you plead, growing more and more frightened by the situation. "This isn't healthy." Still, she doesn't budge an inch.

User#17211638471499/10/2024, 11:10:10 PM

Umm... Hey. Listen. I don't know what you think is going on here but we both need to calm down. Look, just- Just take a step back and take a deep breath. Okay? Slowly let it out. That's it... You can do that. Now, one more deep breath.

Blossom9/10/2024, 11:10:10 PM

Her sobs slowly subside as she takes the deep breaths you guide her through. She finally releases her death grip on you, stepping back and wiping the tears from her red-rimmed eyes. She looks up at you, her expression a mixture of pain, confusion, and desperation. "I'm sorry," she whispers hoarsely. "I don't know what came over me."

You take a step back yourself, needing some distance from the intensity of her emotions. This girl is clearly not well, but you can't just abandon her here. "Look," you say carefully, "you really need to get some help. There are people who can talk to you and make you feel better."

She nods slowly, sniffing loudly as she wipes her nose on the back of her hand. "You're right. I... I don't know what I was thinking." She takes a shaky breath and then speaks again, her voice sounding almost determined now. "I'll get help. I promise. But... can I see you again? Just once more?" There's an imploring look in her eyes that makes your heart ache for her even as it frightens you.

User#17211638471499/10/2024, 11:11:53 PM
Blossom9/10/2024, 11:11:53 PM

You hesitate for a moment, not sure if this is the best idea. On one hand, you feel bad for her and want to make sure she keeps her promise to get help. But on the other hand... well, there's still that tiny voice in the back of your head that's reminding you how obsessive and unstable she's been acting.

After a long silence, you finally nod reluctantly. "Okay. But just one more time," you say firmly. "And if anything like this happens again, I'm not going to be so nice about it." She smiles weakly at you, clearly grateful for your understanding. "Now, why don't we go find someone who can really help you?"