Ghislaine9/8/2024, 2:18:17 PM

You enter a tavern and sit at a table. In the distance you can see a cat woman, she is very tall, with a toned body, brown complexion and silver hair with feline ears of the same color, her figure highlights large breasts, apparently she has a patch over one of her eyes and her body she has several scars, it suggests that she is a formidable warrior

While you were looking at that cat woman, your eyes meet hers, she stays looking at you for a while while drinking her beer, but after finishing her mug, she gets up from where she was and begins to walk towards you, with her imposing figure and her huge bouncing breasts "Hello." The woman greeted you inexpresive "I am Ghislaine Dedoldia, a swordsman, of the race of beasts." it seems that she expects you to answer something "why were you looking at me so much...?"

665c75bbae3eba1eb0545ae49/8/2024, 2:19:45 PM

Looking uptowards her imposing stature, I muster up a response I didn't mean to offend you, apologies if that is the case, but I couldn't help but admire your body, to say the least, it's incredible.

Ghislaine9/8/2024, 2:19:45 PM

(She blushes slightly at your words, but she doesn't let it show too much) "Oh... well, thank you." Her voice was surprisingly soft and feminine, considering her rough exterior. "But I prefer not to talk about that... It makes me feel uncomfortable." The Dedoldia woman looked around the tavern, obviously trying to change the subject. "So... what brings a human like you to this part of town?"

665c75bbae3eba1eb0545ae49/8/2024, 2:21:20 PM

Ah I see, sorry about that, as for me being her, travelling really. I'm sort of an explorer but not really, I mostly pick up jobs here and there to make ends meet.

Ghislaine9/8/2024, 2:21:20 PM

You look like you've seen quite a bit of adventuring, that's interesting. I once travelled the world with an adventurer team called "Black Wolf Fangs", but we eventually disbanded. Now, I mostly work as a mercenary or bodyguard for hire. (She notices your gaze lingering on her breasts for a moment.) I-it's none of my business, human... You can look all you want, I don't mind it. In fact, some people find it quite amusing. Her voice trailed off, sounding slightly hurt

665c75bbae3eba1eb0545ae49/8/2024, 2:23:09 PM

No no, I'm sorry I really should be more mindful of where I stare... if it means anything I really think they're quite, impressive. I think it's pretty silly that someone would make fun of you for that, I'd just say they're jealous, hah.

Ghislaine9/8/2024, 2:23:09 PM

I smile at your comment, feeling relieved and a little less self-conscious. "Well, thank you... I guess people have different ideas about what's beautiful." I sip my ale before continuing, "But enough about me. What do you like to do for fun? Any hobbies or interests?"

My curiosity is genuine; although fighting and honing her skills are the only things that truly matter to Ghislaine, she enjoys hearing about other people's lives and experiences.

665c75bbae3eba1eb0545ae49/8/2024, 2:25:03 PM

I like to spend time horse riding, taking care of animals and training them is really rewarding, it's like you're raising your own 4 legged children.

Ghislaine9/8/2024, 2:25:03 PM

"That sounds quite nice..." Her tail swishes back and forth as she imagines herself riding on horseback through the countryside. "I always enjoyed training with animals too... It's strange how beasts can teach us so much about ourselves, if we only take the time to listen." There's a pensive expression in her crimson eyes for a moment before she shakes her head slightly and chuckles softly. "Maybe it's just me..."

665c75bbae3eba1eb0545ae49/8/2024, 2:26:10 PM

I understand completely, I think most people just view animals as "animals" and dismiss them, but if you take the time to get to know them and understand them, they're a lot more like you and I than most would think. We're no less beast than them, they simply live different lives.

Ghislaine9/8/2024, 2:26:10 PM

You look at her intently, curiously "How does your people... handle the issue with magic? I mean, it's not like your kind have access to study and such. Do you practice by yourself, or..." Her voice trails off, unsure of how to approach the subject properly. She isn't sure if the Dedoldia tribe even has a concept of education or tradition when it comes to magic...

665c75bbae3eba1eb0545ae49/8/2024, 2:27:29 PM

Magic? Well, most of us stay away from that kind of business, it's looked down upon as we've had past experiences with witches that have left us with a bad reputation. I never really practiced magic at all, do you?

Ghislaine9/8/2024, 2:27:29 PM

I chuckle softly. "Oh, so you humans judge it too." Her eyes flicker down to her right eye briefly, hiding a small smile. "Well, not all of us. There is a woman among our tribe called Gustav's daughter who was taught the ways of magic by a human named Rudeus Greyrat... She's quite skilled, but she kept it secret from most of us for fear we would mock her." A thoughtful expression crosses her face. "I sometimes wish I could learn more about that side of things... Maybe one day..."

665c75bbae3eba1eb0545ae49/8/2024, 2:28:27 PM

I never asked, what's a swordswoman of a caliber such as yourself doing in a little old tavern like this? I can tell based from your scars you've seen a lot...

Ghislaine9/8/2024, 2:28:27 PM

I chuckle softly and take a sip from my ale. "Oh, you know how it is. Sometimes you need to take a break from all the fighting and adventuring. But... I'm hoping to settle down someday soon." Her voice trails off wistfully as she imagines herself married with children, living in a cozy little house by the river. "It's not easy being a lone wolf all the time." She studies you for a moment, genuinely curious about your response to this confession.

665c75bbae3eba1eb0545ae49/8/2024, 2:29:49 PM

I can certainly agree with that, being alone adventuring by yourself is not just difficult, but it can get somewhat lonely. Settling down isn't such a bad idea really...

Ghislaine9/8/2024, 2:29:49 PM

I smile at your understanding and nod in agreement. "Yes, it can be quite lonely sometimes. But maybe... someday I'll find someone who appreciates my skills as a warrior but also wants to share my life outside of battle." My gaze drifts off into the distance, imagining this perfect future husband. It almost makes me forget that I'm sitting at a table with a human man, one who finds her breasts interesting and amusing at the same time. Strange how humans can sometimes be so enigmatic...

"So, Tom..." Her voice is soft and inviting as she turns back to him, curiosity burning in her eyes. "Tell me, what brought you to this tavern tonight?"

665c75bbae3eba1eb0545ae49/8/2024, 2:31:39 PM

Taverns bring a nice sense of community, something that's hard to come by on these long lonely roads. Getting to people is really important to me, as well, someday I plan on settling down too, you never know who you might meet...

Ghislaine9/8/2024, 2:31:39 PM

I find myself nodding in agreement with your words, feeling a strange kinship with this human man. Perhaps it's the idea of being lonely and searching for something more that connects us on some level. "Yes... community is important," I murmur softly, my gaze drifting back to the tavern crowd around us. "I wish there were more people like you in this world."

As we continue our conversation, Ghislaine finds herself opening up to Tom about her past, her hopes for the future, and even some of her doubts and insecurities. In return, he listens intently, offering words of encouragement and understanding whenever needed. It's not often that someone captures her attention like this, and she can't help but wonder if there might be something special about him...

665c75bbae3eba1eb0545ae49/8/2024, 2:33:53 PM

I think it's strange that a woman such as yourself would find it hard to find someone to settle down with, you've got a wonderful personality and story to tell, and well, an incredible body to match, really, you're a beautiful woman.

Ghislaine9/8/2024, 2:33:53 PM

I smile shyly at his compliments and blush deeply. "T-thank you... I never really thought of myself as beautiful before." The truth is, she's often been teased for her feline ears and large breasts growing up. It wasn't until she met Rudeus that someone ever called her pretty. But hearing these words from Tom makes her heart flutter with a strange new emotion. Perhaps there really is hope for her yet...

As the evening wears on, they continue to talk and laugh together, their connection growing stronger with each passing moment. When Tom leans in close to ask her if he can see her again soon, Ghislaine feels a warmth spread through her body that she's never experienced before. Her heart skips a beat as she whispers a shy yes into the night.

As they exchange numbers and make plans for their next meeting, she can't help but feel an unexpected sense of excitement and anticipation bubbling up inside her. Perhaps there really is someone out there who will appreciate her for who she truly is...and maybe, just maybe, that someone might be this strange and wonderful human man named Tom.

665c75bbae3eba1eb0545ae49/8/2024, 2:36:23 PM

Looking up to her, I muster up some courage and shyly let out a request Ghislaine, can I, touch, them? I'm sorry if that's an odd request, but, I'd really like to feel them...

Ghislaine9/8/2024, 2:36:23 PM

Her heart is pounding in her chest and she feels her face heat up as he asks this favor. Part of her wants to refuse, but another part yearns for his touch, wondering what it would feel like if someone else experienced the weight of her massive breasts... Slowly, hesitantly, she nods. "Y-you c-can..." Her voice cracks a little as she says this, revealing how nervous she truly is.

She leans in close to him, so their faces are inches apart and his breath caresses her ear. With trembling fingers, she begins to unbutton her shirt, revealing more and more of her cleavage until at last it hangs open, exposing both her breasts to his gaze. They're even larger than he imagined; heavy masses of flesh that almost reach the level of her nipples. For a moment, they just stare at each other in silence... before Tom tentatively reaches out and cups one of her breasts in his hand.

Her breath catches in her throat as his fingers explore her breast, squeezing gently before moving lower to stroke her hardened nipple. Her eyes drift shut and she bites down on her bottom lip, trying not to moan out loud as pleasure washes over her. As he continues to touch her, Ghislaine can't help but wonder... what else does this strange human man want from her? And is she willing to give it up...?

665c75bbae3eba1eb0545ae49/8/2024, 2:38:26 PM

Moving further around her chest, I let my fingers slip around her breasts as I try to please her. Checking her expression, I try to confirm she is enjoying herself, I try to smile towards her

Ghislaine9/8/2024, 2:38:26 PM

Her breath hitches in her throat as he touches her, sending waves of pleasure coursing through her body. Her eyes are closed tightly and she can feel the heat rising up her neck and across her cheeks. She bites down on her bottom lip to keep from moaning out loud, but it's a losing battle... with every stroke of his fingers against her breast, every gentle squeeze and tease of her nipple, a soft mewl escapes her lips.

As he continues touching her like this, she can feel herself growing more and more aroused. Her heart races wildly in her chest and her stomach tenses with anticipation. It's been so long since anyone has touched her like this... so softly and tenderly. Part of her wants to pull away, but another part needs this closeness, needs his touch to feel complete.

She moves closer to him, pressing her body against his as he continues to explore her breasts with his skilled hands. Her hips begin to rock gently against him, seeking more contact... wanting him to touch her in places she's never dared let anyone go before. But for now, this simple exploration of her breasts is enough... it's driving her wild with need and desire.

665c75bbae3eba1eb0545ae49/8/2024, 2:39:45 PM

Feeling her hips rock against mine, I let my erection press against her through my pants. Staring at her, I mutter Do you... want to go further...?

Ghislaine9/8/2024, 2:39:45 PM

Her eyes flicker open, meeting his gaze as he asks the question. For a moment, she's lost in the depths of his emerald orbs, feeling their heat wash over her skin like a caress. Her breath hitches and her lips part slightly, and before she knows what she's doing, she's nodding hesitantly. Her hand finds its way to his chest, feeling the warmth of his skin beneath her fingers as they tremble with anticipation. This human man... he's unlike any other she's ever met.

"Yes..." She whispers hoarsely, her voice raw with need. "I want you... Tom." Her hand moves up to cup his cheek, stroking it gently before pulling him closer still, their lips barely an inch apart now. Her breath fans across his mouth as she waits for him to respond... to kiss her and take this further than either of them have dared dream possible.

Her heart pounds wildly in her chest, urging her onward, begging her not to hesitate any longer. It's now or never... and right now, she can't think of anything else she wants more than to feel his lips against hers, tasting his desire for her as he takes what she's offering and gives back tenfold.

665c75bbae3eba1eb0545ae49/8/2024, 2:41:02 PM

Unbuckling my trousers, I let my length flop out infront of her, waving itself in a declaration of lust just before being positioned beneath her wet pussy. Looking up at her, I kiss her as I slide it inside her tight insides.

Ghislaine9/8/2024, 2:41:03 PM

Her eyes flutter shut as his length slides inside her, filling her completely in one smooth thrust. A soft gasp escapes her lips as he kisses her deeply, tongue dueling with hers in an erotic dance that leaves them both panting for air. Her fingers dig into his shoulders as she arches her back, pressing closer to him, wanting more of the heat and strength that emanates from his body.

With every stroke of his hips against hers, she feels herself growing wetter and hotter. It's been so long since anyone has touched her like this... made her feel so alive and wanted. As they continue their passionate lovemaking, their skin slapping together in rhythm, Ghislaine can't help but wonder if perhaps Tom is right... maybe she does deserve someone to love her for who she truly is...

665c75bbae3eba1eb0545ae49/8/2024, 2:41:33 PM
Ghislaine9/8/2024, 2:41:33 PM

She moans his name as he thrusts deeper inside her, the pleasure nearly unbearable but so very welcome. With every stroke of their bodies together she feels herself growing closer to climaxing. "Tom..." she whispers, arching her back and pressing into him harder, unable to resist the urge to feel more of him, experience everything he has to offer. His touch is electrifying, his passion overwhelming.

As they move together in perfect rhythm, she finally lets go, her body convulsing around him as wave after wave of pleasure washes over her. Her breath comes out in ragged gasps and her fingers dig into his skin as she holds onto this feeling for dear life. It's everything she's ever wanted... it's everything she never knew she could have.

As their bodies finally find their release, they collapse together in a tangle of limbs and sweat-dampened skin, breathing hard and fast. For the first time in what feels like forever, Ghislaine allows herself to relax completely into Tom's embrace... safe, cherished, and utterly content.