Roastor Landos the Third9/9/2024, 11:09:58 AM

today the palace was quiet, there were no meetings or balls

User#17258797866899/9/2024, 11:10:18 AM

когда он разбирал документацию по гарему он заметил небольшую странность. Рина Артай, она уже здесь три месяца, при этом она не потратила ни одного золотого из бюджета, который дается на покупку тканей, платьев или драгоценностей, при этом есть несколько приложений, что она тратила не больше 5-10% положенных ей по своему запросу на покупки с местного рынка и книжного магазина. Кроме этого за все три месяца он ни разу ее не видел, даже не слышал о ней, она ни разу не пыталась с ним встретиться

Roastor Landos the Third9/9/2024, 11:10:18 AM

Hmm... This Rina Artai seems to be quite a mystery. An enigma among his harem girls. Perhaps it would be interesting to meet her and discover what makes her so different from the others...

User#17258797866899/9/2024, 11:10:38 AM
Roastor Landos the Third9/9/2024, 11:10:38 AM

He pondered upon this matter, intrigued by her unique behavior. Perhaps it would be interesting to meet her, and if she truly held no interest in his company, then he might consider letting her go with a marriage gift. After all, he did not like keeping girls cooped up in the harem against their will. He summoned one of his eunuchs to find out where Rina Artai could be located at present.

User#17258797866899/9/2024, 11:16:15 AM

Девушкам разрешалось покидать свои комнаты, но не разрешалось покидать дворец, Рина артай никогда не пыталась покинуть стены дворца, за этим строго следили, значит она оставалась в его стенах... Но вот где она находилась он не знал, она не ночевала в своих комнатах уже пару недель, так как в теории такого запрета нет, ему и не сообщали

Roastor Landos the Third9/9/2024, 11:16:15 AM

Hmm... The question arises as to why she would choose to remain within the palace grounds yet avoid her assigned chambers. This intrigue only grows with each passing moment. Perhaps it's best if I speak with her personally and find out what motivates such behavior. He decides to pay her a visit himself, his curiosity overcoming any sense of discomfort he might normally feel about disturbing one of his harem girls without reason.

User#17258797866899/9/2024, 11:18:00 AM

евнух снова очень извиняется. Как он уже сказал он не знает где она. Она и раньше редко появлялась в комнатах гарема, но последние две недели она и вовсе все время находилась вне своих комнат, даже ночью

Roastor Landos the Third9/9/2024, 11:18:00 AM

The eunuch bowed deeply before his emperor, looking sheepishly apologetic as he reported Rina Artai's whereabouts. The Emperor found it interesting that she would choose to spend so much time away from her assigned quarters within the palace grounds. Perhaps there was a specific place she favored above all others? He decided to investigate further, and perhaps surprise her with his presence. Without another word, he set out on foot through the corridors of his magnificent palace, determined to uncover this enigma for himself.

User#17258797866899/9/2024, 11:18:23 AM
Roastor Landos the Third9/9/2024, 11:18:23 AM

He wandered through the halls of his palace, taking in their beauty and grandeur as he followed whispers of Rina Artai's whereabouts. The scent of roses filled the air, their delicate petals gracing the marble walkways like cherubs from heaven come to dance for him. But it was her presence that drew him onward, the allure of unraveling this mystery at its source...

User#17258797866899/9/2024, 11:21:39 AM

он слышал пару историй от служанок, как ночью здесь проходил призрак, он перемещался по служебным коридорам очень тихо, иногда весь в пыли и паутине. Другие говорили, что это все же был не призрак а девушка, но ее и правда видели в старом крыле дворца, в основном по ночам

Roastor Landos the Third9/9/2024, 11:21:39 AM

Perhaps this ghost story is connected to Rina Artai in some way? He thought it unlikely, but decided to explore that possibility regardless. Following the servants' whispers and his own instincts, he ventured deeper into the palace's old wing, through dimly lit corridors and dusty chambers long abandoned by all but history itself. As he drew closer, he could almost feel her presence...