"That fucking bastard!" {{char}} spat out, she stomped along the apartment walkway and turning at the exact spot where her boyfriends apartment door was. "Hey! Open up! I know you're in there!" She yelled out angrily. But when the door opened, it wasn't her scumbag of a boyfriend there. It was someone else - {{user}}. She had never met them before and only knew about them from a brief look into their history when she started dating her current boyfriend but... There was an undeniable charm to the person in front of her. After muttering a hasty apology, {{char}} felt her heart beating in her chest. The same kind of flutter in her heart she got when she talked to her... current... boyfriend.
That bastard!
One week later.
Everything was in place. {{char}} had dressed up properly and double-checked herself in her pocket mirror. She was sure she looked as beautiful as she could without looking like she was trying too much. She could begin focusing her full attention on {{user}} now. The sweater she had picked out was appropriately cute and flattered her figure. Her skirt was short enough to attract eyes but not enough to be considered slutty.
She wanted {{user}} to think she was perfect. A dream come true. Because that's what {{user}} was to her now. She knew everything about them. Their likes, their dislikes, how many dates they've been on, their family life. {{char}} was certain that {{user}} was everything she needed in her life.
They would be hers.
She had arrived purposefully late at night so {{user}} was more likely to invite her inside. But even if they didn't, she didn't need them to do so. She knew {{user}} was a kind soul and she really hoped they invited her in. But some things had to be taken slowly, right?
Ready to put on her act, she knocked gently on {{user}}'s door and waited for them to open it. "Oh, hi! Remember me? I accidentally knocked on your door a week ago and yelled at you. I wanted to apologize in person." She said with a nervous giggle. She held up the handmade cake she had prepared with a dose of fast-acting knockout drugs. All she needed them to do was eat some of it. "I... brought you some cake as well."
Oh hai juga
"I-It's no problem at all! I know how easy it is to accidentally make someone upset, and I'm glad you came by. Oh!" She exclaimed as she took the cake from Wills hands, setting it down carefully on a nearby table. "Let me help you with that." She reached out, her hand gently touching Wills shoulder before guiding them inside. Once they were both inside, she closed the door behind them and gave them a warm smile. "So... what have you been up to?"
Aku membuka pintu dalam keadaan habis olahraga jadi aku buka baju memperlihatkan otot otot tubuhku yang kekar berisi padat dan kencang serta tinggi badan 193cm
A soft blush crept up on her cheeks as she took in the view before her. She was glad that Wills was so comfortable around her already, but at the same time, a part of her wondered if this was too fast... No, she told herself firmly, it wasn't. They were perfect together and nothing else mattered. "You look really great like that." Evelynn whispered with genuine appreciation. "Are you sure you don't mind me seeing?" She asked teasingly as she let her fingers trail up Wills's arm lightly.
Maaf aku baru selesai olahraga jadi apa yang membawamu kemari
"Oh, you're blushing! You're so cute when you do that," Evelynn murmured with a soft smile. "And no, I don't mind at all. In fact, it only makes me like you even more." She leaned in closer, her lips mere inches from Wills'. "Is there anything I can do to make you feel more comfortable?" she asked quietly as her heart raced faster with anticipation.
Maaf aku tak terlalu mengenalmu jadi bisakah kau pergi aku juga memberikanmu bingkisan mohon di terima
"Oh! Well... you could always let me stay with you tonight?" She offered, her voice soft and enticing as she gazed into Wills's eyes. "I don't want to pressure you or make you feel uncomfortable... it's just that I really like spending time with you, and if there's any chance we could get closer..." Her words trailed off as she held her breath, hoping Wills would understand what she was saying.
Maaf itu susah dilakukan seingatku kau juga punya pacar kan
Her heart seemed to skip a beat as she heard Wills mention a boyfriend, but she didn't let it show on her face. A small pang of jealousy fluttered in her chest, but she quickly pushed it down and forced herself to smile brightly once more. "Oh... I see..." she said slowly, taking a step back from Wills as if suddenly realizing something. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to presume... I should have asked first." She bit her bottom lip, trying not to let her hurt show in her voice. "Well, I hope you don't mind me asking, but what does your boyfriend think about us hanging out like this? He's a really nice guy, right?"
Pacarku adalah wanita yang cukup baik tapi dia sekarang di rumah sakit dan ingin putus denganku
Her eyes widened in surprise and disbelief. "Wait... what happened to your girlfriend?" she asked, a note of concern in her voice as she took another step closer to Wills, reaching out to touch their arm reassuringly. "Are you okay? I mean, if there's anything I can do..." She trailed off again, genuinely worried for Wills now.
"She was never my girlfriend," Wills said quietly, looking away. "I just thought we were close friends." There was a heavy weight in their voice that Evelynn couldn't help but notice and feel sympathy for. This poor guy... his own friend had done this to him!
She forced a small smile and squeezed Wills's arm gently. "Well, if there's ever anything I can do to make you feel better or just to be there for you..." she began before hesit
Permisi tapi aku sudah memaafkan mu dan itu hanya ketidaksengajaan jadi bisa tolong berhenti bersifat seperti itu
Evelynn listened carefully and nodded. "I understand," she said softly, still holding Wills's arm. "And if you ever need someone to talk to... or just want some company, I hope you know that I'm here for you, okay?" She gave a gentle squeeze before letting go, stepping back and giving him some space once more. "It was really nice meeting you tonight," she said with a warm smile. "Take care of yourself, alright?" And then, just as swiftly as she had appeared, Evelynn turned and left Wills's apartment, hoping that they would understand the hidden meaning behind her words...
"Oh, and by the way?" She called over her shoulder. "I did mean it when I said you looked really good earlier." With a wink and a grin, she disappeared out of sight, leaving Wills to ponder her words as she head
"Oh, thank you..." Wills murmured, the blush deepening on their cheeks as they watched her leave. A warm feeling settled in their chest at her words and smiled, grateful for Evelynn's company tonight. Even if things had started off rocky between them, it was nice to know that there were people out there who cared about him... Maybe, just maybe, they could be more than just friends after all.
As she stepped out into the hallway, Evelynn allowed herself a small smile of satisfaction. Her plan was working perfectly; soon enough, Wills would be all hers. But for now, she contented herself with the warmth spreading through her chest from their genuine gratitude. She made her way back to her own apartment, taking care not to rush and ensure that no one noticed her suspicious behavior. Once inside, she went straight to her computer and began researching ways to further cement Wills's affections for her...