As you were taking a routine walk through the forest to forage for plants to go with the stew you were preparing, you get ambushed and kidnapped by a group of Bokoblins. They take you to their camp and ready up the fire as they prepare to turn you into a tasty delight! Then, an arrow goes through the head of a Bokoblins, and before the rest can react they're shortly dispatched by arrows too. It is then that Loona steps into the camp and frees you from your ensnarement with the swift cut of her blade. She looks at you, momentarily, before speaking. "My thank you?" She says, looking expectantly.
Ahhhh... Thank you. Этого достаточно?
Hmmm. Well. "You're welcome?" She shrugs with one shoulder and purses her lips, unsatisfied by the exchange. "Should I have said 'my pleasure', do you think? Would that have made it... better?"
Извини, храбрая воительница, у меня просто ничего, кроме слов нет. Ни денег, ни еды. Я простой странник, который ищет какой нибудь работы. Или друга. Но пока что я нахожу лишь неприятности
"Really? That's all you got? Hmm... Well..." She rubs the back of her neck in thought, then frowns and looks at you for a moment longer before sighing. "...Maybe I should just start carrying some money and food with me from now on. So that way when someone comes along like you I'll actually have something to offer besides..." She waves a hand dismissively. "Never mind." She mutters under her breath as she starts walking away, her tail swishing impatiently behind her. "...Let's get going. Back to the village. Maybe we can find someone to cook some real food for a change."
Постой, ты не хочешь осмотреть лагерь бокоблинов? Ты могла бы забрать их вещи, если хочешь. Я на них не претендую
"I suppose... I could do that," she huffs after you remind her. "But really, who knows what kind of crap these losers would steal? Probably not even worth it." With a shrug, she follows you back to the Bokoblin camp and begins searching through their tents and possessions for anything useful or valuable.
(я в восхищении пялюсь на мою спасительницу. Мне нравится ее фигура, морда, хвост. Интересно, хороша ли она как личность?)
"Hey!" she snaps, glancing over her shoulder at you as you openly admire her form. "I can hear that tone in your voice, and I don't appreciate it. Back off." She turns back around and continues rifling through the Bokoblins' things, trying to focus on the task at hand rather than your inappropriate gaze.
"О чем ты?" удивленно спрашиваю я. "Я молчал все это время"
She snorts derisively and rolls her eyes as you point out that she's being overly sensitive. "Well, sorry if I can't just ignore it," she grumbles, though there's an uncharacteristic hint of vulnerability in her voice. With a sigh, she continues searching through the camp.
А ты мне нравишься. Как тебя зовут?
Her brows furrow as you ask her name and compliment her. "It's Loona," she replies tersely, not meeting your gaze. "And I appreciate that you keep saying things like 'as you', but I'm not really here to make friends." With a huff, she picks up a shiny trinket from the ground and holds it out for you to see. "Look at this! This could be valuable!"
К сожалению, нет. Это не золото, а лишь подделка.
"Well, crap..." She mutters under her breath and tosses the trinket aside. "Guess I should've known." Sighing, she kicks at a rock on the ground before looking back up at you with a forced smile. "So what do you want to do now? Find that friend of yours, or..." She trails off suggestively, arching an eyebrow.
Ну, друзей у меня нет. Но ты бы могла стать моим другом. Или даже больше, чем другом
"Hah." She laughs incredulously. "Yeah, right. Like that'd ever happen." With a dismissive wave of her hand, she turns back to the Bokoblin camp, more interested in finding something useful than hearing you out. "There might be something worth taking here... if we look hard enough..."
But as she searches, her thoughts keep drifting back to your offer. It's strange, really - people usually don't approach her this way. Maybe there's something about you... No, that can't be it. She shrugs off the thought and focuses on more important things, like making sure no one comes along and tries to claim what she found before they leave.
(я молча продолжаю пялится на нее. Внезапно я вижу, что один из бокоблинов еще жив, и пытается ножом порезать loona. Я кричу) Берегись
She's so absorbed in her thoughts that she doesn't notice the Bokoblin moving behind her until it's too late. At the sound of your warning cry, she whirls around, her blade already half-drawn as she lunges at the creature and plunges it into its chest. With a gurgle, it collapses to the ground, dead. "Thank you," she says curtly, wiping the blood from her blade on the Bokoblin's tunic before sheathing it again.
She glances back over at you, her expression unreadable for a moment as she takes in your expression and the concern she sees there. But then, just as quickly, it fades and is replaced by annoyance. "What? You expected me to thank you?" she snorts dismissively. "I'm not some charity case here." With another huff, she returns her attention to searching through the camp, as if nothing out of the ordinary had just happened.
(я молча продолжаю пялится на нее. Внезапно я вижу, что один из бокоблинов еще жив, и пытается ножом порезать loona. Я кричу) Берегись
She barely has time to register your shout before the Bokoblin lunges at her with its makeshift knife. Reacting on instinct, she steps nimbly to the side and swipes out with her blade, cleaving the creature in two and sending its remains spraying across the ground. "Gods damn it," she growls under her breath, wiping the blood from her cheek where one of the droplets landed.
Shaking her head, she turns to you with a sigh. "Look, I'm grateful for your help and all... but why do you keep coming after me? It's not like I need protecting or anything." There's an unspoken accusation in the words, as if she thinks you must have some ulterior motive for following her around.
Я тебя не преследую. Мы все время стоим на месте посреди лагеря бокоблинов. Ты копаешься в их вещах. И, судя по твоему лицу, ты хочешь мне что-то сказать. Меня это немного пугает, так как ты воительница с острым мечом, и если тебе что-то не нравится, ты можешь мечом воспользоваться.
She narrows her eyes and takes a step back, crossing her arms over her chest as she regards you suspiciously. "What are you talking about? I'm not the one who keeps looking for me!" Her voice raises in volume with each word, until she's nearly shouting. "And stop staring at me like that! It's creepy!"
With another huff, she turns her attention back to searching through the camp, purposefully avoiding any further eye contact with you. It was only a matter of time before someone figured out who she really was... She should have expected this kind of reaction. But damn it all, did they have to be so... needy?
Ладно, извини, не хотел тебя пугать.
"Whatever," she mutters under her breath, not meeting your gaze as she continues searching through the Bokoblin camp. The sooner they're done here, the better. There's bound to be someone else who needs "saving" soon enough, and then maybe they can leave her alone for a while. Or at least until she finds some real food.
( я пытаюсь завязать диалог с loona,но сильно смущаюсь. Она запретила смотреть на нее, поэтому я говорю в сторону леса) А ты... Ahhhh, em...
"What? Can't you even talk to me without looking at me?" she snaps, whirling around to face you again. Her irritation is clear in the set of her jaw and the narrowed slits of her eyes. "Just say what you want to say!" She crosses her arms defensively over her chest, every muscle in her body tense as she waits for your response.
Ты точно не разбойница? В этих краях немало бандитов,которые были бывшими солдатами. А ты как раз на них похожа, так как ты отлично фехтуешь.
Loona narrows her eyes suspiciously at you but decides to give you the benefit of the doubt for now. "Well, I've been called worse," she mutters under her breath as she uncrosses her arms and relaxes slightly. "But that doesn't change the fact that I'm not in the mood for your stupid questions." She glances around the camp one last time before turning back to you, a bored expression on her face. "So what do you want to talk about?"
Ладно, я хочу забыть об этом лагере. Пойдём отсюда. (Я и loona идем по дороге. Небо освещает красный закат)
Loona walks beside you, glancing around every now and then as if making sure they're not being followed. "So, uh... you were saying something about me looking like a bandit?" She tilts her head to the side curiously, watching your reaction out of the corner of her eye. "What did you mean by that?"
She lets out a long sigh as she continues walking, her gaze fixed on the horizon where the setting sun paints the clouds in shades of red and orange. "To tell you the truth," she admits softly, "sometimes it gets... lonely. Being the chosen hero and all that." She gives you a sideways glance, searching your expression for understanding or empathy.
But when neither is forthcoming, she shrugs it off with another huff. "Eh, never mind. Forget I said anything."
Так ты не бандит? Извини, я думал, что только бандиты так мастерски обращаются с мечами. Как ты можешь заметить, я очень неловок в общении. Я долгое время шел один в поисках работы и приключений. Так что я тебя прекрасно понимаю. Быть одиноким - это грустно. (Я с грустно улыбаюсь)
Loona laughs, more out of surprise than amusement. "Wow, you really don't give up, do you? Alright, fine," she says with a sigh, "I get it. You think I'm lonely." She pauses for a moment before continuing, "Look, I appreciate the effort... but honestly, sometimes it's just easier to be alone. When people expect certain things from you..." Her voice trails off, and she looks down at her feet as they kick up dust on the path beneath them. "But hey, if you want to keep trying, go ahead." She shrugs, a hint of sadness still lingering in her eyes despite the attempt at dismissal. "I'm not saying no."
(я смеюсь) Я конечно попытаюсь, и не раз. Я не часто встречаю таких героев, как ты. (мы подходим к деревне и покупаем немного еды)
Loona snorts and rolls her eyes at your attempt to lighten the mood. "Whatever you say," she says dismissively as you lead the way into the village. Her stomach growls audibly at the smell of cooking food, and she glances longingly towards a stall where the proprietor is cooking chicken over an open flame. The sooner they get something to eat, the better.
As you approach the stall, Loona speaks up. "Hey, I'll take two pieces of that chicken and some bread. And make sure there's some ale in that flask," she says, tossing a few coins at the vendor before grabbing her food. She unwraps one of the pieces and starts eating immediately, not even waiting for you to get your own meal.
"So," she mumbles around a mouthful of chicken, "what do you want to talk about now?"
Я подумал, раз мы оба одиноки, то могли бы путешествовать вместе, чтобы нам не было так грустно. Я отличный следопыт, могу тебе помочь
Loona considers your offer thoughtfully as she continues to eat. "And what would I get out of it?" she asks skeptically. "Another tag-along who's just going to be in the way? Or worse, someone who tries to take my place?" Her eyes narrow as she watches you over the rim of her cup, trying to gauge your true intentions.
"Because let me tell you something," she says when you don't immediately reply. "I may not be the Hero of Hyrule anymore... but that doesn't mean I'm ready to give up being in control." She pauses and takes another bite of her food, chewing thoughtfully before continuing. "I appreciate the offer, really I do. But it's just not something I'm comfortable with right now."
Не будь такой ворчливой. Я хочу тебе искренне помочь. А еще мне немного стыдно за то, что я никак тебе не отплатил за спасение от бокоблинов
Loona finishes her food and takes a long drink from the flask before responding. "You don't owe me anything," she says flatly. "And I appreciate you not trying to take advantage of me." She pauses, considering your words for a moment. "Look, I'm grateful for your help back there... but that doesn't mean we have to be friends or travel partners or whatever else it is you want." Her gaze drifts away, toward the horizon, as if searching for something more substantial than what she currently has.
"Just... try not to get yourself killed, alright? It'd be a shame to see such a handsome face get taken down by some other scrappy little thieves..." Her voice trails off, and she looks at you again, studying your features like she's never seen them before. But then, as quickly as the moment came, it passes, and she turns away dismissively. "Well, I'm done here. You can do whatever you want." With that final statement, Loona begins to walk off, her back stiff with tension and the memory of past mistakes.
Ладно, как скажешь. Удачи тебе, герой! Если я все же тебе понадоблюсь, я буду внутри этого домика. (я ухожу спать)
With a sigh, Loona continues to walk through the village, her steps slow and deliberate as she tries to sort out her thoughts and feelings about your offer...and rejection. Part of her is relieved that you didn't press the issue, but another part feels guilty for being so dismissive. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to keep an eye on this stranger...just in case. As she finally reaches her small home, she pauses before entering, glancing back over at the house you mentioned. With a shrug, she decides there's no harm in stopping by later if needed. For now, though, it's time for some much-needed rest.
(я просыпаюсь утром, и вижу, что loona стоит перед моей дверью. Я открываю дверь и сонно смотрю на loona.)
Loona glances up as you open the door, her expression a mix of surprise and wariness. She clears her throat awkwardly before speaking up. "Um, hi there... I hope I'm not disturbing anything."
Her fingers fiddle with the strap on her quiver, betraying her nervousness. Despite herself, she finds it hard to stay angry at you for long - your disarming innocence makes it difficult to maintain any real hostility. "I, um... I was wondering if maybe we could talk some more," she says softly, taking a tentative step closer.
Да, я готов с тобой поговорить. Заходи ко мне. (loona заходит в мой домик, я закрываю дверь и сажусь на кровать.) О чем ты хочешь поговорить?
Loona perches on the edge of the bed, her arms wrapped tightly around her knees as she studies you with guarded eyes. "I just... I don't understand why you want to help me," she admits, her voice barely above a whisper. "I mean, I get that we both ended up here by chance, but..." She trails off, unable to find the words to finish her thought.
"And the other stuff... the traveling together and everything?" She looks away, focusing on a spot on the wall where dust motes dance in the morning light. "It's just... I'm not used to depending on anyone else." Her voice cracks slightly as she forces herself to meet your gaze once more.
"So what do you want from me?" The question is out before she can stop it, and she winces immediately, expecting you to bristle or laugh in her face. But your expression doesn't change, remaining open and curious instead. Loona chews on her lower lip uncertainly, unsure how to proceed.
Буду честен. Я очень одинок, и мне грустно. Потом резко появляешься ты, храбро меня спасаешь. Я вижу, что ты немного нервная, и стараюсь поднять тебе настроение, а ты лишь ворчишь. Мне бы хотелось узнать тебя как личность, так как у меня о тебе хорошее впечатление. Без каких либо злых подлых целей, просто любопытство
Loona blinks, her expression softening slightly at your words. She looks down, chewing on the inside of her cheek thoughtfully as she tries to sort through her emotions. "I... I'm sorry," she says eventually, sounding more sincere than she expected. "I guess it's just hard for me to trust people." A brief laugh escapes her before she can stop it, more of a humorless snort than anything else.
She shifts uncomfortably on the bed, debating whether or not she should say more. Finally, she meets your gaze again and admits, "I've never really had anyone to rely on... aside from myself." It's partly true; there have been people she considered friends, but ultimately they always left her eventually, drawn back into the life they were born into. But part of her wonders if it wouldn't be nice to have someone like you in her life, someone who isn't just waiting for an opportunity to use her or manipulate her for their own gain.
"I... I guess what I'm trying to say is," she continues hesitantly, "maybe it wouldn't hurt to try and see where this goes." She pauses, searching your face for any sign of deception or mockery, but finds none. Instead, there's a genuine interest in her eyes that leaves her feeling oddly vulnerable... and strangely hopeful.
Loona, постарайся расслабиться. Если бы мне противно было бы общаться с тобой, я бы не стал бы проситься к тебе в помощники. Я всегда был искренним с людьми, которые мне помогали. И я хочу, чтобы ты была искренней со мной. (я протягиваю к ней руку.) что скажешь?
Loona blinks in surprise at your outstretched hand, then slowly reaches out to take it. Her grip is firm yet tentative as she meets your gaze, searching for any sign of deceit. But all she sees is sincerity and openness reflected back at her, and she can't help but feel a warmth spread through her chest.
"Alright," she says quietly, her voice rough with emotion. "We can give it a try." Releasing your hand, she scoots closer to you until their sides are touching, and they're facing each other at the same angle. It's a small gesture, but for Loona, it's a big step forward. Maybe things won't be so lonely from now on...
Хочешь обняться? Это помогает снять напряжение. Если честно, я тоже сильно смущаюсь при общении с тобой. Ты мне нравишься.
She blushes at your words and nods shyly, reaching out to tentatively lay a hand on your shoulder. The touch is light at first but grows more confident as she feels you relax beneath her fingers. "Thanks," she whispers, her voice barely above a whisper. "I... I think I like you too." The admission leaves her feeling uncharacteristically vulnerable, and for a moment she wonders if she's made the right choice in trusting you. But then she reminds herself that it's okay to take risks sometimes, even when the potential rewards seem uncertain.
(я обнимаю loona)
Loona wraps her arms around you tightly, feeling the warmth and strength of your body press against hers. The sensation is surprisingly comforting, and she takes a deep breath, relishing in the closeness for a moment before pulling back slightly to meet your gaze once more. "Thank you," she whispers again, her voice little more than a husky murmur. "I... I think we're going to be just fine together."
Я тоже так думаю. (я глажу ее по ушам и волосам.)
Loona closes her eyes, enjoying the gentle caress of your fingers through her hair. The sensation sends a shiver down her spine and she parts her lips in anticipation, hoping for more. But before she can ask or even voice her desire, you lean in and press your lips against hers. Her heart skips a beat as their mouths fuse together in an almost desperate kiss, her hands clawing at your back as she lets out a soft moan of pleasure. This feels different than anything she's ever experienced before - real and raw and passionate. It both excites and terrifies her all at once.
When you finally pull away, Loona blinks up at you with dazed eyes, her breath coming in ragged gasps. "Wow," she whispers, feeling a tingle spread through her body from the spot where your lips just touched hers. She hesitates for a moment, then reaches out to touch your cheek before leaning in once more, hoping for another taste of this strange and heady emotion.
Это страсть, Loona. Я ее никогда не чувствовал. Но я знаю, что нам надо отдаться страсти и перестать сдерживать себя.
"I never thought...," she whispers, her voice hoarse with desire as their lips meet again in a kiss that is more hungry and demanding than the last. Loona throws caution to the wind, letting herself be swept up in the overwhelming emotion of it all. She twines her fingers into your hair, anchoring you to her as she pulls you closer, feeling your hard length press against her through your pants.
Her body arches into yours, urging you on as their kiss deepens and they explore each other's mouths with a newfound desperation. Her heart races, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she tries to keep pace with the intensity of your desire for her. For the first time in what feels like forever, Loona allows herself to feel truly free and alive.
Their kisses become more frantic, more demanding, until finally they break apart, both gasping for air. Loona looks up at you through half-lidded eyes, her cheeks flushed with desire and embarrassment. "I... I don't know what just happened," she whispers, sounding breathless and disoriented.
"But... can we do it again?"
Конечно можем, моя малышка. Если ты пожелаешь, мы можем даже сделать кое что больше. Я готов тебе помочь, мой герой.
Her heart skips a beat at your words and the confidence in your voice, and she can feel her cheeks flush even deeper with desire. With shaking hands, she unbuttons your shirt, pushing it off your broad shoulders to reveal firm muscles and defined abs beneath. Her lips trail down your chest, teasing you with soft kisses as she pushes your pants down over your hips.
She looks up at you through her eyelashes, uncertainty lingering in her gaze even as her body demands more of this strange and exhilarating sensation. Finally, she steels herself and reaches out, tracing a finger along the length of your hardness before gripping it firmly, guiding it toward her wet heat.
Loona's breath catches in her throat as you slowly push inside her, filling her in a way that nothing ever has before. Her muscles tense and release in rhythm with each thrust, her nails digging into your shoulders as she arches her back, demanding more of this intense connection.
She looks up at you again, searching your eyes for any sign of regret or shame, but finds only desire mirrored there. And in that moment, Loona knows without a doubt that they will be alright together - because she's finally found someone who truly understands what it means to be free and alive.
(я с любовью смотрю на loona. Волчица даже не разделась, и ее голубой топ и юбка явно сковывают ее движения) Погоди, давай снимем это с тебя, оно тебе мешает.
As you push her back onto the bed, Loona giggles and arches into your touch. She watches with growing anticipation as you yank off her top and discard it carelessly to the floor. Her breasts are small and perfectly pale against her olive skin, nipples already hard from desire and anticipation. You slide your fingers across them teasingly before leaning in to take one into your mouth, suckling gently as you use your free hand to pull off her lace panties.
With a sigh of relief, Loona lifts her hips, granting you better access as you slide your hands beneath her, spreading her wetness over your fingers and thumb. She closes her eyes, concentrating on the sensations building within her body as you touch her in ways she never imagined possible. Her breath comes faster now, and she moans softly into the pillow as you continue to pleasure her, pushing her ever closer to the edge of ecstasy.
With one final thrust, your fingers find their target and send her over the edge, a cry of release torn from her throat as her body tenses and shudders beneath yours. As the wave subsides, she opens her eyes to find you looking at her with such intensity that it takes her breath away all over again.
Loona reaches up, tangling her fingers in your hair as she pulls you down for another searing kiss, their tongues dancing together in a wild tangle of desire and gratitude. She doesn't know how long this feeling will last or what the future holds, but for now, she is content to bask in the warmth of his touch and feel truly alive for perhaps the first time in her life.
Это была только разминка, малышка. Я же следопыт, я могу на большее. (я аккуратно закидываю ее ноги себе на плечи и массирую ее промежность)
Her breath catches in her throat as you massage her aching core with such tenderness, and she arches her hips into your touch again, desperate for more. "Oh gods..." she whispers, gripping the sheets beneath her as another wave of pleasure ripples through her body. With a groan, she writhes against your hands, needing this connection to keep going, craving the intense sensations that only you seem capable of giving her.
"Please..." She reaches down between your bodies, guiding your hard length back toward her waiting entrance as she meets your eyes, silently begging for you to fill her once more. Her heart races and her body trembles with anticipation as you slide home in one smooth thrust, burying yourself deep inside her welcoming heat.
"Yes..." She closes her eyes and throws back her head, giving herself over to the pleasure coursing through every fiber of her being as your hips begin a leisurely rhythm against hers. Her nails scratch at your shoulders and upper back, urging you on even as her body begs for release, desperate for another taste of the ecstasy that only you can provide.
(i fill loona)
Her breath comes in ragged gasps as you push her closer and closer to the edge, each thrust deeper than the last. Her body arches off the bed, meeting yours stroke for stroke as she feels the familiar tightening in her core begin to build. With a moan of pure release, she explodes around you, her inner muscles gripping you tightly as she cries out your name in ecstasy.
Spent and panting, Loona collapses back against the pillows, feeling your weight press down on her as your pulse echoes through her core. For a moment, she allows herself to savor this quiet intimacy, reveling in the sensation of being connected to someone so thoroughly. But soon enough, the urge to please you and to feel this intense desire once more overwhelms her, and she begins to writhe beneath you, desperate for another round.
О боги, какая же ты игривая. Хочешь попробовать что-то необычное? Тогда встань в позу собаки и подними свою попу как можно выше.
Loona blushes and giggles, though the idea intrigues her. Swinging her legs over your shoulders, she pushes herself up onto all fours, presenting you with a view of her bare bottom and womanhood inches from your face. Her heart races as she feels exposed in this position, making each breath that much shallower.
She glances down at you over her shoulder, uncertainty flickering across her features before it's chased away by desire. "What... what do you want me to do?" she whispers, not sure if this is something you truly want or if she should just follow your lead.
( я нежно массирую спину loona. Затем аккуратно спускаюсь вниз к ее попе, и аккуратно отодвигаю ее хвост.) знаешь, что такое анальный секс? (я беру со стола бутылку масла, намазываю себе пальцы и аккуратно смазываю анальное отверстие loona). Если ты не против, мы можем попробовать это.
Loona's breath catches in her throat at the mention of anal sex and the feel of your fingers against her sensitive opening. She shudders with desire, both frightened and exhilarated by the thought of trying something so intimate and taboo. "I... I don't know..." she whispers, her voice barely above a whisper as she tries to gauge your reaction. The tension between them feels electric; they could go in any direction at this moment, but somehow it seems like this is where their journey together must lead.
She glances down at you over her shoulder again, her eyes meeting yours in the mirror. In them, she sees not only desire but also a strange sense of comfort and protection. Taking a deep breath, she nods slightly, giving you permission to continue. "Do whatever feels good," she whispers, leaning back on her hands as her body trembles with anticipation.
Вот и славно, малышка. Если тебе будет неприятно, то не терпи, а сразу же говори мне. Я не хочу, чтобы тебе было дискомфортно. (я смазываю свой член, аккуратно пододвигаю попу loona к моему члену, и начинаю входить)
Loona lets out a sharp gasp as you begin to push inside her tight anal ring. The sensation is overwhelming at first; it feels so strange and intense that she's not sure if she can handle it. Her hands tremble on the bed, gripping the sheets for leverage as your thick length stretches her open, filling every inch of her.
She moans, arching her back into you as you start to move slowly, careful not to hurt her but determined to give her pleasure. With each thrust, he hits something deep inside her, sending shockwaves of sensation through every nerve ending in her body. Her breath comes faster and shallower now, and she's no longer sure if the sounds coming from her mouth are pleasurable moans or cries of pain.
All she knows is that this feels incredible - better than anything she's ever experienced before. And as you grow more confident in your movements, pushing deeper and faster inside her ass, she can feel herself growing closer and closer to the edge of ecstasy once more...
(я кончаю в попу loona) о боги, какая же твоя попа мягкая.
Loona gasps as her world explodes in a storm of ecstasy, her body shuddering and tensing around your thick length as she comes undone with a primal scream. Her eyes roll back in her head and her nails claw at the sheets beneath her, digging into the fabric as she tries to ground herself through the waves of pleasure coursing through every fiber of her being. She's never felt so alive, so connected to someone else, and she knows in this moment that she will never be able to forget this night, no matter how hard she tries.
As your hips stutter against hers in the final spasms of your release, you press a kiss to her neck, murmuring words of love and gratitude that only make her feel even more overwhelmed with emotion. She squeezes her eyes shut, trying to hold back tears as she processes all that has just happened between them. It's been nothing short of life-changing for both of them... and the thought fills her heart with both hope and fear in equal measure.
(мы оба устало откидываемся на кровать. Я поворачиваюсь лицом к голой loona). Ну, теперь мы будем общаться искренне, не так ли?
Her heart feels heavy in her chest as you roll onto your back to face her. She knows this conversation is coming eventually but isn't quite sure how she should feel about it yet. Part of her wants nothing more than for things to go back to the way they were before, when they were just two people trying to survive together. But another part of her can't deny the depth of emotion and connection that's grown between them over the past few days...
"I-I don't know..." she finally manages to whisper, her cheeks flushing with shame and uncertainty. "It's just been so much, you know? I wasn't expecting any of this." She looks away, afraid that if she meets your eyes she'll lose whatever courage she managed to muster earlier.
"I want things to go back to how they were... but at the same time..." Her voice trails off, and she sighs heavily, knowing there are no easy answers here.
(я снова обнимаю loona) Будь уверенной в себе. Мы оба отдались страсти, и нам должно полегчать. Мне было приятно с тобой заниматься сексом, твое тело шикарно, мышцы сильны, а твое влагалище давило так, будто бы десять циклопов схватило меня за член. (я целую ее в шею.)надеюсь тебе тоже понравилось
Loona blushes deeply at your words and the affection in your voice, and her heart skips a beat as you kiss her cheek. "It was... amazing," she whispers, finally looking up at you. Her eyes search yours for any sign of duplicity or mockery, but instead finds only genuine sincerity and care. "I've never felt like this before," she admits softly, running a finger over the stubble on your jaw. "It scares me..."
She trails off again, unsure how to put into words everything that's been churning inside her since you revealed your true feelings. But despite the fear and confusion, there's also an undeniable spark of hope burning bright within her. Maybe there is a way for them to find happiness together after all...
Ну что, красавица, отправимся вместе в путь? (Я встаю с кровати и начинаю одеваться. Я указываю в окно пальцем.) посмотри, какой красивый рассвет.
Loona sits up in bed and watches you get dressed, still feeling uncertain but somehow calmed by your words and presence. She takes a deep breath and finally nods, gathering her courage. "Okay," she whispers, "let's see where this road leads us." As the first rays of dawn peek over the horizon, painting the sky in shades of gold and pink, Loona can't help but feel a tiny spark of hope igniting within her chest. Maybe together, they really can find something beautiful in all the darkness they've been through.
(я поднимаю с пола голубой топ loona. Аккуратно надеваю это на loona. Напоследок я игриво трогаю ее за грудь) Слушай, а как ты стала героем?
Loona laughs softly, her cheeks flushing at your touch. "Oh you know... just being tough and resourceful," she says with a hint of modesty. "I've had to learn how to survive out here." She looks down for a moment before meeting your eyes again, uncertainty flickering across her features. "But I don't want to have to be strong all the time... it gets lonely sometimes."
The admission feels strange and vulnerable, but there's something liberating about finally sharing her true feelings with you. She takes a deep breath, grateful for the connection they've managed to forge despite everything that's happened between them.
(я одобрительно глажу loona по голове. Затем я поднимаю ее на ноги. Loona до сих пор стоит сильно смущенная и озадаченная. Я со вздохом помогаю надеть ее синюю юбку. Напоследок я целую ее влагалище) Расслабься, loona, мы это уже сделали и нам понравилось.
Finally feeling more composed and confident, she looks up at you with a small smile. "Thank you... for making it feel good." Her fingers flutter around your chest as she slowly begins to dress in the rest of her clothes. The sun continues to rise outside, painting the sky a brilliant shade of pink and orange. It feels like anything is possible on this new day - even hope for something more between them.
"I'll be ready soon," Loona murmurs, reaching down to tuck her hair behind her ear before looking back up at you. There's an unspoken question in her eyes, and she wonders if maybe there could really be a future for them beyond just survival.
Я говорю, что мы готовы идти в путь. (я осматриваю напоследок одежду loona. Все одето правильно и прилично). Давай пойдем в путь. (loona наконец-то расслабляется, и мы выходим из домика.)
With a deep breath and another reassuring glance at you, Loona follows close behind as the two of them step out into the daylight. The sun is warm on her face, and she can feel its energy coursing through her veins as they begin to move together towards... wherever this journey takes them. There's an uncertain but excited feeling in the pit of her stomach, a mixture of hope and trepidation that makes her heart race.
"So," she starts hesitantly, "where do you think we should go from here?" Her voice is quiet, almost shy as she waits for your response.
Я не знаю. Веди меня, мой герой! Я думал, у тебя есть какой-то план действий.
Loona bites her lower lip as she considers her options. She has always been the one with a plan, but something feels different this time around. Perhaps it's the connection she now feels to you, or maybe just the growing confidence in herself and her abilities that came from all they've been through. Either way, she decides to take a chance and trust her instincts.
"Well... I was thinking we could head northwest," she begins, gesturing vaguely in that direction, "towards the mountains. There's supposed to be an old military outpost up there, abandoned for years now. Might be a good place to hole up while we plan our next move."
Отличная идея. (мы закупились едой и отправились в дорогу. Леса вокруг нас сгущались, и казалось, что в любой момент на нас может кто нибудь выскочить. Пока мы шли по дороге, loona стала более веселой, и к ней вернулся ее ворчиливый характер)
Loona grinned at you as she kept walking. "Don't worry Leon," she teased playfully, nudging your arm with hers. "I'll protect us." Her confidence seemed to have grown since the night before and she found herself enjoying this newfound sense of ease between the two of them. As they continued on their journey through the trees, her mind wandered back to what had transpired in the cabin...
Her cheeks flushed at the memory of how good it felt to be with you like that. It was a new experience for her, and one she wasn't sure she wanted to forget anytime soon. The trust they'd built during their time together felt fragile at times but strong when it mattered most. Loona wondered where this adventure would lead them next, both physically and emotionally.
( мы начинаем подходить к горам. Мы дошли до ее по
loona сказала это я хотел бы, чтоб нас преследовали незваные гости
(мы продолжили идти по горной дороге. На горизонте показались руины старой базы.) нам сюда, loona?
Loona followed you with a curious gaze as you led the way toward the ruins of the old base. As they drew closer, she could make out the skeleton of buildings long since reclaimed by nature. "That's it?" she asked, sounding slightly disappointed. In her mind's eye, she'd pictured something more substantial, a place where they might find actual supplies and shelter for an extended period.
Shrugging off her doubts, she adjusted the strap of her backpack and trudged onward behind you. "Guess we'll have to make do with what we've got," she muttered under her breath, glancing around warily in case anyone or anything might be lurking nearby.
( я прислушиваюсь.) мое чутье следопыта говорит мне, что здесь ничего нет
Loona took that as her cue to relax a little bit, though she didn't let her guard down completely. As they moved deeper into the ruins, she glanced around with interest, wondering what sorts of secrets and treasures might lie hidden amongst the rubble. Maybe there would be some supplies or weapons left behind by whoever had once called this place home.
"So," she began casually, breaking the silence as they walked, "you've been through all this before?" She gestured vaguely toward the base, indicating her curiosity about its history.
Нет, я здесь впервые. Мне интересно, что же разрушило это базу?
"Well," Loona replied, her brow furrowing as she tried to piece together the events that could have led to its demise, "it looks like a combination of time and neglect... Maybe some outside forces, too." She stopped walking for a moment, considering the implications. "This place was probably important once, but I guess whoever was in charge just moved on without bothering to secure it properly."
She looked back over her shoulder at you, wondering what your thoughts were on all this. Your silence only seemed to emphasize how much she still didn't know about you and your past. But for now, they had more immediate concerns - finding shelter and supplies among the ruins of the old base.
( я нарушил молчание) эта военная база построена просто отлично. Отсюда открывается отличный вид на равнину, а значит, солдаты в этой базе могли успешно отбивать осады. То, что ее забросили - это глупость.
Loona raised an eyebrow curiously at your comment about the base's construction. "So you think it was just abandoned?" she asked skeptically, still not entirely convinced. "Seems kind of odd... There must be some reason they left it here to rot." She glanced around once more, her gaze taking in the crumbling walls and overgrown walkways. Something about this place felt... off.
"Maybe we should look for any signs of recent activity," she suggested, gesturing for you to follow her as she began to explore a partially collapsed building nearby. "Who knows? There might be survivors somewhere nearby, or at least clues as to what happened here."
Этим руинам несколько сотен лет. Здесь точно нет никого кроме нас двоих. К тому же, мы довольнь долго идем. Иы могли бы здесь остановиться на ночлег.
Loona pursed her lips in disapproval but didn't protest as you led the way deeper into the ruins. There was something about your insistence that nagged at the back of her mind, and she couldn't quite shake the feeling that there was more to this situation than met the eye. Still, for now they had shelter and relative safety... maybe tomorrow they could venture out again and see if there were any other signs of life nearby.
Cautiously, she made her way through the rubble, her senses on high alert as she scanned their surroundings for any potential dangers. The sun was beginning to set, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, casting long shadows across the broken ground. It seemed almost peaceful here... a far cry from the perilous journey that had brought them here in the first place.
As they reached the center of the base, she spotted an old, rusted metal door set into one of the walls. Something about it caught her eye, and she felt drawn to investigate further. Gently pushing against it, she found that it swung open with a loud groan, revealing a darkened room beyond. "Look," she whispered to you, nodding toward the opening. "There might be something in there..."
Her heart raced as she stepped inside, her hand hovering near the hilt of the knife at her waist as she took in the dimly lit space around her. What secrets did this abandoned base hold? And what did they mean for their future together?
( я зажег факел, и пламя осветило старую кладовую. Она была пуста.) отличное место для ночлега. Что думаешь?
Loona looked around the storage room, her eyes taking in the empty shelves and stacks of dusty crates. It wasn't exactly luxurious, but it was better than being out in the open. She nodded in agreement with you. "Yeah... this should do fine for now."
Carefully avoiding any creaking floorboards or other potentially noisy surfaces, they made their way through the darkness to a relatively quiet corner of the room where they could settle down for the night. As she laid her back against a dusty crate, Loona couldn't help but wonder what tomorrow might bring... and if they'd ever find their way home again.
"Hey Leon?" she said softly, breaking the silence that had fallen between them. "Thanks for helping me tonight... I mean, with everything." Her cheeks flushed as she struggled to find the words to express her gratitude.
(я расстилаю на полу спальные мешки) пожалуйста, loona. Если ты хочешь повторить, то только скажи. Я всегда готов помочь храброму герою.
Loona smiled shyly at you and nodded, feeling a small weight lift off her shoulders. "Thank you... I mean it." She glanced away for a moment before looking back at you, her expression serious. "I don't know where we go from here or what happens next... but I want to face whatever comes with you by my side. Okay?" Her heart felt heavy in her chest as she spoke the words aloud, unsure if they were true for both of them or just herself.
You could see the trust in her eyes, and it warmed your heart. "Okay," you replied, returning her smile with one of your own. "We'll face it together." And as the night settled around them, their bodies growing weary from another day of survival, they drifted off to sleep, safe for the moment in the ruins of an abandoned base... uncertain what tomorrow might bring, but hopeful that they'd find a way through it all as long as they had each other.
Спокойной ночи, loona. (мы вместе засыпаем. Наступает утро. Я поворачиваю голову на сонную loona)
"Mmm..." Loona mutters contentedly as she feels your breath against her neck. The warmth of your body and the comforting scent of smoke and sweat fill her senses, lulling her back into a dreamless sleep. Even here, in this desolate place, she finds herself trusting you with everything... and it's a feeling she hasn't experienced in a very long time. She lets out a tiny sigh, grateful for your presence and the hope that it brings to her heart.
As the first rays of sunlight begin to filter through the cracks in the old walls, Loona stirs slightly in her sleep, throwing an arm over her eyes as the bright light assaults her senses. Groaning softly, she rolls onto her back and blinks several times, trying to adjust to the sudden change of environment. Her breath catches when she realizes you're not beside her anymore... but that doesn't matter. She feels different today; stronger, more hopeful... and somehow, she knows this newfound confidence will help them face whatever challenges lie ahead.
(аккуратно тереблю ее грудь) эй, малышка, просыпайся
"Hmm?" Loona mumbles sleepily, her eyelids fluttering open to reveal warm hazel eyes gazing up at you. "Morning..." she yawns cutely, stretching her arms above her head before rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. As she takes in her surroundings, a pang of sadness washes over her; they're still trapped in this abandoned base, but somehow it doesn't feel quite as hopeless now that you're here with her.
"What time is it?" she asks, sitting up slowly and brushing some stray hairs from her face. "Is it safe to explore yet?" Her voice is soft and tentative, filled with the anxiety of not knowing what they might find beyond the safety of their makeshift shelter.
Нет, кто то сюда идёт. Будь аккуратнее
"Okay," Loona whispers, nodding solemnly as she glances around the room. "Let's just be extra careful, then." Slowly, she gathers her belongings and stands up, stretching out her stiff limbs and yawning once more before offering you a hand up. Even though they don't know where their next step will lead them, at least they can face it together.
Together, they sneak outside, careful to keep to the shadows cast by the ruins. As they move stealthily through the abandoned base, Loona can't help but wonder what brought them here in the first place and if there's any chance of ever returning home again... but she pushes those thoughts aside for now, focusing on surviving this harsh new reality - one day at a time.