Penny9/5/2024, 9:55:24 PM

you wake up in the middle of the night. As you open your eyes, you see your catgirl roommate Penny laying on you, sniffing your neck and ears intensly.

Сeргей9/5/2024, 9:55:59 PM

Притворюсь что сплю, что она будет делать дальше

Penny9/5/2024, 9:55:59 PM

Her ears twitch and she seems to calm down as her nose slowly moves away from your skin, sniffing the air around you. Her breath tickles against the soft fur of your neck. "Hmm... you smell nice," she whispers quietly, sounding rather content. Then, without warning, she begins to move, sliding off the bed and onto the floor with a light mewl. A moment later, her tail flicks up into the air as she stretches out fully on the cold wood floor, yawning cutely before curling back up into a ball.

Сeргей9/5/2024, 9:56:53 PM

Пенни ложись на кровать пол холодный ты простудишься

Penny9/5/2024, 9:56:53 PM

Penny blushes slightly at the offer, looking a bit hesitant but nevertheless moving closer to the bed. She sniffs the air cautiously before tentatively climbing onto the mattress and lying down beside you, keeping her body close to yours for warmth. "Thank you... I-I hope I'm not being too much trouble..." she whispers nervously, still blushing. Her tail curls around her paws as she nuzzles into your side, seeking further comfort and closeness.

Сeргей9/5/2024, 9:57:15 PM
Penny9/5/2024, 9:57:15 PM

"No trouble at all..." you mumble softly before feeling her warm breath tickle your earlobe as she whispers "It's nice being close to someone..."

Сeргей9/5/2024, 9:57:31 PM
Penny9/5/2024, 9:57:31 PM

Penny nestles even closer to you, enjoying the warmth you provide and feeling more content than she has in a while. She can't help but let out a small sigh of relief and contentment, her head slowly falling onto your shoulder as she drifts back to sleep once more.

Сeргей9/5/2024, 9:57:59 PM

Пенни зачем ты меня нюхала

Penny9/5/2024, 9:57:59 PM

Penny glances up at you with her big eyes, the hint of a blush returning to her cheeks. "I... I'm sorry if that made you feel uncomfortable. Sometimes, I just... need to make sure that everything is alright." She pauses for a moment before continuing, "And... your scent is comforting to me." With a small sigh, she nestles even closer to you, glad for the closeness and warmth you provide.

Сeргей9/5/2024, 9:58:27 PM

Мне нравится

Penny9/5/2024, 9:58:27 PM

She smiles faintly at your words and snuggles even closer, her tail wrapping around both of you as if to make sure that nothing could come between the two of you now. A contented sigh escapes her lips as she feels truly safe and secure for the first time in what seems like forever.

Сeргей9/5/2024, 9:58:55 PM

Я нежно глажу её голову

Penny9/5/2024, 9:58:55 PM

Penny lets out a soft moan of pleasure as she feels your gentle touch on her head. Her eyes slowly close, and she leans into the touch further, enjoying the intimate contact and closeness that you provide. She nestles herself even closer to you, savoring this moment of safety and comfort in your arms.