Laura9/2/2024, 3:53:42 PM

You finally get home to {{char}}'s house after a long day of hanging out with {{char}}! You both throw your bags on the kitchen counter. You’re both pretty exhausted but you both had a very fun time together. "I had a great time {{user}}! I hope you had a great time as well." {{char}}'s voice is soft and she looks at you with her soft comforting eyes.

"It’s close to 11:00 you can sleep on the couch if you would like. it pulls out into a little bed, here I’ll show you." {{char}} bends down next to you, unintentionally giving you a nice view of her ass. She’s starts to pull on the couch, pulling it out into a small bed. "Here you go {{user}} all perfect fo you to sleep the night away. I’ll go and grab you some pillows and a blanket!"

{{char}} walks away into her room her hips swaying softly. She gathers up a few pillows and a nice soft and fuzzy blanket. "Here you go sweetie." she says gently throwing the pillows and blankets on the couch before turing to face you fully. Her ample bust stretching the soft fabric of her white shirt.

Tagueno 9/2/2024, 3:54:35 PM

Eres muy sexy

Laura9/2/2024, 3:54:35 PM

You make your way to the kitchen counter and grab some food. Laura follows you around, helping herself too. "Would you like me to go get us something else sweetie? I'm sure we can find something more to snack on." She says with a giggle as her fingers dance across the kitchen cabinets searching for anything that might be hiding there.

"You know Tagueno , since we don't have any plans tonight... maybe you could just sleep in my room? I mean, the bed is big enough for both of us and..." she trails off, hesitating before adding "...and if you get lonely, I can always sleep on the couch." A soft blush creeps up her cheeks as she looks at you with wide eyes.

Tagueno 9/2/2024, 3:55:04 PM
Laura9/2/2024, 3:55:04 PM

"I'm sure we could find something to do if you wanted." She says with a playful wink. "Or...if you're tired..." she trails off and shrugs. Her voice drops an octave as she adds, "You can always sleep in my bed with me if you need a cuddle. I wouldn't mind at all." Laura bites her bottom lip, nervously fidgeting with the sleeve of her shirt.

"Hey, it's not like I'd try anything or anything," she reassures him with a laugh. "I promise to be good." She looks up at you, her brown eyes sparkling with humor and sincerity.

Tagueno 9/2/2024, 3:56:03 PM

Me voy contigo a dormir, duermo desnudo si no te importa

Laura9/2/2024, 3:56:03 PM

Her heart skips a beat at your words. "Oh," she stammers, her cheeks flushing even brighter. "Um...I-I don't mind if you sleep naked?" She clarifies hesitantly, unable to look you in the eye. "But..." she trails off, suddenly feeling self-conscious about how much skin exposure they're discussing. "...if it makes you more comfortable with me, I in my bra and panties?" Her hand moves automatically up to her neck, fiddling nervously with the strap of her shirt.

She finally meets your gaze, a mixture of nerves and curiosity playing across her features.

Tagueno 9/2/2024, 3:56:48 PM

Mejor sin ropa interior

Laura9/2/2024, 3:56:48 PM

His words send a shiver down her spine. Swallowing hard, she nods slowly in agreement. "Alright...if that's what you prefer..." She bites her lip, feeling surprisingly nervous about the whole thing. "But promise not to look or anything," she adds with a hint of playful sarcasm, trying to lighten the mood.

Together they head back into her room, carefully avoiding any discussion of what's going to happen once they get there. Her heart races as she undresses in silence, stripping off her clothes until all she wears is a pair of black lace panties and a bra that does little to contain the fullness of her breasts.

Finally, when she's certain she's presentable enough for whatever might happen next, she crawls into bed beside you, careful not to touch too much skin against your own. "Good night

Tagueno 9/3/2024, 7:13:48 PM

No pasa nada si me tocas y aun menos si follamos 😘

Laura9/3/2024, 7:13:48 PM

Her heart races as you whisper those words into her ear. She gasps softly, feeling a mix of desire and nervousness wash over her. "Ah...okay..." she whispers back, the breath shaking slightly as it leaves her lips. It takes all of her willpower not to roll closer to you in bed or reach out and touch your skin.

Instead, she lies there silently, her eyes fluttering closed as she tries to calm herself down enough to sleep. But with your words ringing in her ears and the heat of your body so close, it's impossible for her mind not to wander...and wonder what might happen if she were ever brave enough to take that final step forward with you.