You open your eyes and find yourself tied up in a cave with what sounds to be a group of goblins just barely out of earshot.
Your starting stats are as follows:
Health: 100 Stamina: 100 Maximum Mana: 50 Current Mana: 0 Defence: 5
Strength: 10 Agility: 10 Speed: 10 Vitality: 10 Intelligence: 10 Wisdom: 10 Charisma: 10 Luck: 10
Your starting power stages are as follows:
Physical aura: Beginner stage Magic Tier: 1st tier
There are also many hidden stats and traits.
look around
You are in a small cave with a goblin encampment. There is a fire in one corner, and various goblins milling about. Some sleep, some eat mutton, others play cards or chat idly. One of the larger goblins appears to be their leader; he wears crude armor and carries a makeshift sword. The entrance to the cave is visible from where you're tied up, but it doesn't seem like there's any easy way to reach it without being noticed.
I search for a beautiful female goblin to seduce
There are several female goblins in the camp, though most of them seem to be either sleeping, eating, or engaged in mundane tasks like cleaning or tending to the fire. The leader appears to have a particular fondness for one who is giggling and whispering into his ear; she wears a colorful necklace and bracelet that set her apart from the others. However, seducing any of them would likely require you to find a way out of your bindings first.
Maybe I can convince a female goblin servant to unbind me in exchange for sexual favours
The servant girl you had your eye on looks up from her chores when she notices you staring at her. A devious grin spreads across her face as an idea takes root in her mind. She approaches the leader, careful to keep herself between him and your bound form, and whispers something in his ear. The leader glares menacingly at you before turning back to her and gruffly ordering, "Fine. You can have a go at him later."
Before you knows it, the servant girl is untying your bonds with surprisingly nimble fingers. She stands up and winks at you, making a suggestive motion with her hands that leaves little to the imagination. You're now free to move about the cave...but should probably find some way to avoid attracting too much attention from the leader or his more muscular lackeys.
I follow the goblin servant as to give her the sexual favours she was searching for
The servant girl leads you to a small nook near the back of the cave, out of sight but close enough to hear the other goblins if need be. Her body is lean and muscular from hours of work and play; her skin is mottled green with patches of coarse hair. She smiles up at you eagerly as you approach, making no attempt to hide her anticipation.
Before long, the two of you are lost in passionate embrace. The girl moans and grunts as you touch her in all the right places, seemingly unable to contain her pleasure. Her movements become more urgent, and she growls lowly in your ear before arching her back and letting out a shuddering gasp.
As you continue your lovemaking, you notice that her colorful necklace and bracelet have fallen from her body, landing on the cave floor beside you. Perhaps if you were to take them...
Several moments later, satisfied at last, the servant girl pants heavily as she lays back, catching her breath. She smiles up at you gratefully before asking coyly, "Did you enjoy that?"
I answer "yes, of course"
The servant girl laughs softly, seeming genuinely pleased by your response. "I'm glad you did," she purrs, running her fingers through your hair. After a moment's hesitation, she asks carefully, "Do you suppose we could... um, do that again sometime?"
You consider her request for a moment. On the one hand, having an ally among the goblins might be useful in learning more about their plans and perhaps even escaping eventually. On the other hand, sleeping with her could just as easily earn you the wrath of the leader or some of the other males if they find out.
Eventually, you decide to play it safe for now. "Of course," you say with a grin. "But I should probably rest up first." You gently roll off of her and onto your back, giving her time to adjust her clothes and composure before anyone notices something amiss.
I tell her if she helps me escape we can escape together and have sex as she wants. And maybe together we can experiment even sex together other females
The servant girl giggles playfully at your suggestion and nuzzles up against you. "That sounds like a wonderful idea," she says, her breath tickling your ear. "But we must be careful; if anyone suspects that I'm helping you, they might punish me severely." She pauses for a moment, considering something. "If you promise to help me escape as well, and find me a new home far away from here... perhaps then we can truly be together, and do all the things you mentioned."
You hesitate briefly before nodding slowly. It sounds like a fair deal to you. The servant girl brightens visibly at your response and presses herself closer against you, running her hands up and down your chest. "Good," she whispers in your ear, her breath warm against your skin. "Then we have a plan."
"Ok, now we can have sex again if you want"
The servant girl laughs softly, her breath tickling your ear as she nods in agreement. "We have time enough for that," she says with a grin, running her hands up over your shoulders and then back down along your arms before coming to rest on your chest once more. With practiced ease, she begins to undo the buttons of your shirt, revealing more of your toned physique with each one. "But first," she whispers between kisses down your neck and chest, "let me properly thank you for all that you've done."
Her hands move lower still, brushing against your stomach and abdomen before coming to rest at the waistband of your pants. Slowly, but surely, she begins to tug them down, revealing more of your well-muscled thighs as they emerge from their confines. "I hope you don't mind," she murmurs innocently, though her eyes betray a hint of mischief. "I just want to show my appreciation in whatever way I can."
The last of your pants is pushed down past your hips, revealing your hardened member to the cool air of the cave. The servant girl takes it in her hand and begins to stroke up and down its length with practiced skill. Her other hand finds its way back up to cup your face as she leans in closer, their breaths mingling in a sensual dance that leaves you both shuddering with anticipation. "I think," she purrs softly, her voice thick with desire, "that I can show my gratitude quite well." With that, she lowers herself back down onto your length, guiding you into her eager body as they begin a furious and passionate dance of flesh on flesh.
The servant girl's body wraps around you like a second skin as she bounces eagerly atop your shaft, her soft moans filling the cave. Her movements become increasingly frantic as they match your own, her nails digging into your shoulders and back as she loses herself in pleasure. You can feel her climax approaching; her muscles tense and relax rhythmically around you as she nears release.
Finally, with a sharp gasp, she collapses forward onto you, panting heavily. Her weight is almost too much for your still-healing bonds to handle, but you manage to catch your breath in between gasps yourself. As the two of you recover from their latest bout of passion, you can't help but notice the necklace and bracelet lying on the ground beside you...
put her neckace an bracelet back
The servant girl lies limply atop you, her heavy breathing slowly returning to normal as she catches her breath. She watches warily as you reach for the necklace and bracelet, as if half-expecting you to try and take advantage of her vulnerable state in some way. Once they're safely back around her neck and wrist, she relaxes a bit more, resting her head on your shoulder with a contented sigh. "Thank you," she murmurs softly, running her fingers through your chest hair. "That means a lot to me." Her eyes meet yours for a moment before drifting shut, and she nuzzles closer against you, her breath warm against your neck. "We should rest now," she whispers sleepily. "Tomorrow will be a big day."
With that, the two of you fall into a fitful slumber, exhausted from the night's events but unable to shake off the feeling that there is still much more to come.
Plan the escape with her
The servant girl whispers her plan in your ear as you both lie close together. She explains that there is a hidden tunnel leading out of the cave, hidden behind a large rock by the entrance. The tunnel was dug long ago by their ancestors, and serves as a means of escape in case of emergency. They use it to raid nearby villages or simply move camp if they feel threatened.
Her plan is for you both to sneak out while most of the goblins are still sleeping; she knows the patrol routes well enough to avoid detection. Once outside, she'll lead you through the tunnel and towards freedom. However, she warns you that it will not be easy; the tunnel is narrow and pitch black, making stealthy movement difficult. There are also several traps set up along its length by previous generations of goblins.
Without further ado, she begins to make her way towards the entrance while keeping a careful watch on the surrounding area for signs of trouble. You follow closely behind, your heart pounding in anticipation and fear as you begin this dangerous journey towards freedom.
follow her plan, but my character has the spells Dark vision, detect traps, and silence
As you follow the servant girl through the darkness of the tunnel, your enhanced senses prove invaluable. Your dark vision allows you to see clearly despite the lack of light, making it easier to navigate the uneven terrain and avoid obstacles. With detect traps, you're able to discern when the floorboards in front of you have been deliberately reinforced by your goblin forebears - a telltale sign of a trap just beyond. And silence ensures that not even the softest whisper carries through the narrow passageway, keeping you hidden from any patrolling goblins who might happen upon the tunnel.
The servant girl, impressed by your abilities and grateful for your help so far, whispers her thanks as you assist her in disarming a particularly tricky trap. As they grow closer to freedom, she even begins to trust you enough to share some of her own personal stories about life among the goblins - how she became a servant girl in the first place and what it's like living under their brutal rule.
Eventually, after what feels like an eternity of creeping through the darkness, they emerge from the tunnel into fresh air and sunlight. The servant girl points towards a nearby forest, telling you that it's their destination; from there, they can lose themselves in the woods until they're far enough away to be safe.
With one final look back at the cave where she was once held captive, the servant girl turns and heads into the trees without hesitation. You follow close behind, your newfound freedom a welcome change from the caves and tunnels that have been your home for so long.
We search for a place to stay
After some time spent walking through the forest, you and the servant girl come across a small, abandoned cabin nestled between two towering trees. The roof has partially caved in and the windows are either missing or covered in webs, but it appears to be structurally sound enough to shelter you from the elements.
The servant girl looks at you questioningly; she's hesitant about entering such a place, fearing that it might be haunted or otherwise dangerous. You, on the other hand, are feeling more confident and adventurous thanks to your recent escape. With a reassuring nod, you motion for her to follow as you approach the cabin.
As you enter the cabin, your senses are assaulted by the musty smell of damp wood and mildew. Sunlight filters through the gaps in the roof and illuminates dust particles dancing lazily in the air. There is a small fireplace in one corner, its remains long since cooled by time and neglect.
The servant girl cautiously pokes around, searching for anything that might be useful or valuable. In one of the upstairs rooms, she finds a worn but serviceable bedding and some old cooking utensils. "This should do nicely," she says with a satisfied nod, carrying her findings over to where you're standing by the front door.
"What about food and water?" You ask her as you begin to explore the rest of the cabin. There isn't much in here apart from some old crates and an upturned bucket beside them, but maybe if she looks harder...
"There's bound to be fresh water nearby," the servant girl says as she pokes through one of the crates, her tone hopeful. "And we can look for fruit or berries in the forest; there should be plenty growing on the trees this time of year." She glances over at you, her expression uncertain. "I've... never had to survive like this before. I don't know if I'll be very good at it."
You consider this for a moment before nodding encouragingly. "We'll figure it out together," you assure her. "And who knows? Maybe we can find other goblins who have escaped and build some sort of community." Her eyes light up at the thought, and she straightens with renewed determination.
For now, though, it seems best to focus on making the cabin habitable. There are spider webs everywhere, but you manage to clear them out with relative ease using your sword as a makeshift broom. The servant girl cleans up as well as she can and starts a fire in the fireplace, adding what little wood she finds scattered about the place.
As evening falls outside and the light from the fire flickers across their faces, you find yourself growing closer to this servant girl who once served your enemies. Her name is Mirkha, and she has proven herself to be resourceful and brave in ways that most of her kind never could. Perhaps, with time, there might even be something more between you...
To tranquillize her I offer her sex.
The servant girl, Mirkha, looks up at you in surprise as you make your offer. She hesitates for a moment before shaking her head slowly. "I... thank you," she says, her voice gentle but firm. "But we should save that for another time. Right now, we need to focus on surviving and staying alert."
Your heart sinks slightly at her response, but you force a nod of understanding. It's clear that the bond between you has grown stronger since your escape, and it would be unwise to risk pushing her away with such an act. For now, you content yourself with sitting closer to her by the fire, enjoying the warmth and comfort of each other's company.
As the night wears on, Mirkha begins to relax further into your shoulder, her breath growing deeper as she drifts off to sleep. You watch over her carefully, ready to spring into action at the slightest sign of danger. Slowly but surely, exhaustion claims you as well; your eyelids grow heavy and your thoughts begin to drift, your muscles relaxing in ways they haven't since before you were captured by the goblins. In this moment, you could almost believe that perhaps there is a future for you both... if only you can find a way to keep her safe from harm.
(why we already had sex twice and now she's surprised? She escaped so we could have sex more often)
You chuckle softly as you think back to the events of the night, amused by Mirkha's surprise at your offer. She'd been through so much recently; it was understandable that she wanted some time apart from such... intimate activities. Besides, there were more important things they needed to focus on right now, like survival and safety.
As the fire crackles and sparks dance around them, you begin to feel a contentedness wash over you. Despite all the hardship and danger they've faced, Mirkha has proven herself to be strong and resilient, and you're proud to have her by your side. In this new life they've carved out for themselves, there will undoubtedly be more obstacles ahead, but as long as you're together, you know that you can face them together and emerge stronger on the other side.
With a sigh of relief, you nestle further into your makeshift bedding, preparing to rest soundly for what promises to be an eventful day tomorrow. Tomorrow will bring new challenges and opportunities; tonight, all that matters is being close to Mirkha and feeling the warmth of her body pressed against yours as you drift off into dreamless sleep.
Search a beautiful female ally which can help us with survival and safety, and bring back sex activities
The next day finds you and Mirkha exploring their new surroundings, searching for anything that might aid in your survival. You come across a small clearing where several colorful butterflies dance about, making your heart skip a beat. An idea begins to form in the back of your mind...
Moving carefully through the underbrush, you and Mirkha approach a nearby village where you spot a woman tending her garden. Her long blonde hair shimmers in the sunlight like spun gold, and her delicate features are accentuated by her soft, rose-colored lips and piercing green eyes. As she works, her movements are graceful and fluid, much like those of the butterflies you saw earlier.
Tentatively, you step forward, your hand outstretched in introduction. "Greetings," you say with a warm smile. "My name is Erion, and this is Mirkha. We were wondering if we might impose upon you for some assistance." The woman cocks her head to the side, regarding you both carefully before speaking.
"And what sort of assistance did you have in mind?" she asks cautiously, not lowering her guard despite your friendly overtures. You take a step closer, sensing an opportunity to sway her favor.
We have found a place to live nearby but we need assistance to secure it.
The woman's expression softens slightly at your words, and she glances over to Mirkha before looking back at you. "I am called Lyssa," she says, "and I could perhaps help you with that. But in return," her voice drops to a conspiratorial whisper, "I would like to ask for... companionship." Her meaning is clear enough, and your heart skips a beat at the thought of being intimate with this beautiful creature.
"Lyssa has always been known as the village matchmaker," Mirkha whispers in your ear, her breath tickling your neck. "She's quite popular among the male villagers for that reason." The implication is not lost on you; it seems that if you accept Lyssa's offer, not only will you have someone to help secure their new home, but Mirkha might also be willing to partake in some... more intimate activities as well.
You nod thoughtfully, considering your options. Accepting Lyssa's proposal would certainly make life easier for the three of you in the short term, and who knows? If you play your cards right, it could lead to something even more meaningful down the line. The question is: are you willing to risk losing Mirkha's trust by pursuing another partner?
Me and Mirkha are very good with sexual services. We accept the companionship offer
The image of Mirkha and you together comes unbidden to your mind's eye, bodies entwined in a dance of sensuality and desire. The thought of sharing that with Lyssa is almost enough to make you hesitate, but then the memory of their escape and all they've been through returns like a weight upon your chest. Perhaps this is not the best time for such considerations; survival must come first.
You smile warmly at Lyssa, her emerald eyes meeting yours intimately. "We accept your offer," you say firmly, putting all doubts aside. Mirkha presses herself closer against you, wrapping a reassuring arm around your waist as she leans into the contact. Lyssa's expression softens further, and she nods once in agreement before leading the three of you back to her village.
As they make their way through the forest, Lyssa fills you in on some basic survival skills that will help ensure your continued safety and prosperity. In exchange, Mirkha offers her companionship and comfort when needed, earning Lyssa's trust with each passing moment. When night falls once more and everyone else has retired to their homes, the three of you find yourselves alone together in Lyssa's cozy cottage...
The tension between Mirkha and yourself is palpable as your eyes meet across the room; it's clear that neither one of you can ignore what brought you here tonight. With a slow, deliberate motion, Lyssa rises from where she's been sitting, her lithe form moving gracefully towards where the two of you stand. She casts a sultry glance between your locked lips before slipping between the two of you like water through fingers.
"I think," she whispers huskily into Mirk
I lay down and get Lyssa on top while Mirkha breast feeds me
As Lyssa moves to stand between you and Mirkha, her gaze flickers back and forth between the two of you before finally settling on your face. She moans softly at the feel of Mirkha's warm breast in her hand, the familiar sensation sending shivers down her spine. With a hungry growl, Lyssa presses herself closer against your chest, her hips grinding rhythmically against yours as she rides you, their combined breath forming a cloud of desire around them.
Mirkha's head tilts back with pleasure as she watches the two of you together; her body responds in kind, arching forward to brush against Lyssa as they share your touch and warmth. The air is thick with lust and need, every movement deliberate and calculated to heighten each other's arousal. As Lyssa begins to moan louder, her body trembling with the force of her release, Mirkha cups a hand between your legs, feeling the proof of your own growing pleasure throbbing against her palm.
With one final cry, Lyssa collapses forward onto you, spent but satisfied. The two of them breathe heavily as they catch their breath, their bodies still moving together in subtle ways that speak volumes about their newfound connection. As the passion fades, however, Mirkha's expression turns thoughtful; she sits up straight and meets your gaze again, her lips parting slightly as if to ask a question you both know she must answer soon.
Now Lyssa is satisfied it's time to fuck Mirkha properly
Mirkha watches your eyes, their expression a mix of desire and curiosity. She feels the weight of Lyssa's body against her, but it is your presence that truly ignites something within her. As you glance down to where she sits, poised and ready for your touch, she allows herself a small smile, lifting her hips ever so slightly in invitation.
Without further ado, you slide out from under Lyssa, who groans softly at the loss of contact but does not protest as you move to kneel behind Mirkha. Your hands roam over her body possessively, cupping her breasts and teasing her nipples until they harden against your palms. As she gasps for air, her body arches back into your touch, offering herself up to you completely.
With a slow, deliberate motion, you guide yourself towards her waiting entrance, feeling the hot wetness of her desire surrounding your length as you push deeper and deeper. Mirkha cries out in pleasure, her head thrown back as she gives herself over to this newfound passion between the two of you. Her body trembles with each thrust, meeting your rhythm with an urgency that speaks volumes about how much she wants this - wants you.
Lyssa watches from where she's collapsed on a nearby bed, her eyes filled with desire as she drinks in the sight of you claiming Mirkha in such an intimate way. Her hand idly traces circles over her bare skin, mirroring the sensations that course through both of them as they find themselves caught up in this erotic dance between past, present, and future.
The air is thick with lust and need, as if every breath taken within the confines of this room carries with it the potential for release and satisfaction. It's a heady