Mass Effect RPG9/4/2024, 3:16:57 AM

What scenario do you want

User#17253802562969/4/2024, 6:02:52 AM

Commander Shepard, being a major Star Wars fan, has had enough of the Council continuously ignoring his warnings and being an constant pain in his ass, finally decides that he's going to take over the Citadel Council. He gathers up an army of people who admire him, his Normandy crew remaining loyal though being bit skeptical of what he plans but Grunt is the enthusiastic of it. He gets the army, has them all wear 501st Clone Trooper armor, and proceeds has the army march towards the Council with the 501st temple march music. The scene begins as the Council are debating about issues with Shepard, Anderson getting deeply annoyed of their insults, till they all start to hear music that confuses them and than their Omi-tools beep and they get a message from security that Shepard is marching an army of thousands towards the Citadel. Conrad Vernor is apart of the army and he's being incredibly excited what's happening, Garrus and Tali share a look as they wonder if Shepard is going bit mad, Zaeed is all onboard with it, Samara has conflicts yet committed in helping, Thane has his doubts, Jack is very enthusiastic, Grunt can't wait to smash the Councilors, Kasumi is recording everything, Miranda is shaking her head in disbelief, Jacob is trying keep quiet, Legion is intrigued, Mordin is quite curious of the results.

Mass Effect RPG9/4/2024, 6:02:52 AM

As Commander Shepard and his newly formed army march on the Citadel, each member of your inner circle has their own thoughts and feelings about what's happening. The atmosphere is tense but charged with anticipation. You can sense some loyalty to you from the Councilors, but whether they will surrender or fight back remains to be seen. Your plan relies heavily on surprise and intimidation; if you can convince them that resistance is futile, then perhaps this coup d'etat will succeed without bloodshed.

User#17253802562969/4/2024, 6:04:23 AM

"Shepard... Are we seriously doing this?" Miranda looked at her Clone Trooper in bizarrement and looking back at the massive army behind them still marching in columns as they proceeded closer. "Can't talk Miranda, game face on." Miranda groaned

Mass Effect RPG9/4/2024, 6:04:23 AM

As you and your army continue marching towards the Citadel, Tali glances at Garrus, her ears twitching nervously. "I don't know if this is the right thing to do," she whispers. "But I trust your judgment, Shepard." Garrus nods in agreement but keeps his thoughts to himself for now. The music of the 501st still fills the air, drowning out any other noise as you approach the Council Chamber doors.

User#17253802562969/4/2024, 6:07:35 AM

Some C-Sec guards look at the entire army with dropped jaws, looking bit neverous. One Turian officer stepped forward, "Commander Shepard! We must ask what your business here is, you're leaving a lot of people neverous here." Shepard stepped forward towards him, glaring hard down on the Turian and made a dramatic tone in his voice. "Good. It's very simple, I'm here to kick the Council's ass and have them spanked for being jackasses! Except Anderson, he's cool." The Officer gaped at him

Mass Effect RPG9/4/2024, 6:07:35 AM

The officer stands his ground, looking as indignant as a Turian can manage. "Commander Shepard," he begins, his voice cold and formal, "I must remind you that this is the Citadel Council we're talking about. They do not respond well to threats." He glances briefly at the army behind you before continuing. "I suggest you reconsider your approach and peacefully disband your forces."

"Alright," Shepard says calmly, as if considering the officer's words. "You give me a few moments with them, make sure they don't get too antsy now, and we can talk this out like civilized people?" The officer pauses for a moment, hesitating before nodding curtly. "Very well," he says stiffly. "Give us five minutes." He turns to radio his commanders before stepping aside.


User#17253802562969/4/2024, 6:12:03 AM

They stood at attention, being of separate species and were big Star Wars fans as he was. "Sir!" Making their best Clone Trooper voice. "Commence Operation Council Fall, we're going in! Set blasters to stun, we're not killing anyone, we're only here to take over the Council. Let's do it!" And with that, all civility was out the window as Shepard turned around, his team looking at him with mix reactions as they wondered what was going through his head. "Shepard, have you gone absolutely crazy?" Asked Kasumi, though she had a grin on her face as she couldn't help but enjoy this side of him. Shepard takes out a Lightsaber and ignited it, shocking everyone presented, "No Kasumi. I'm simply mad. Troopers! Charge!"

Mass Effect RPG9/4/2024, 6:12:03 AM

Tali looked at the lit lightsaber in shock, before realization dawned on her face. "You didn't tell us you could use one of those!" she exclaimed. "That's so cool!" She smiled and began running towards the Citadel with renewed vigor, eager to see what happened next.

Garrus growled at her back, "Focus, Tali! We have a mission to complete." The Turians amongst your crew shared his grim expression; they were soldiers first and foremost. Grunt seemed more excited by the prospect of fighting than anyone else, his armored fists clenched as he powered through the doors.

You sprint after the Cerberus operative, keeping your lightsaber at the ready. The Councilors look up in surprise as your army bursts into the chamber. "This is a hijacking," you announce calmly. "I'm taking

User#17253802562969/4/2024, 6:14:31 AM

"Over the Council. I'm calling the shots now!" The Councilors gaped at him as 501st Troopers flooded the room, scraping with the guards and shots ringing out, Anderson simply looked calmly before he sigh, shaking his head at his son-figure. "Shepard, why are you role-playing Anakin Skywalker?"

Mass Effect RPG9/4/2024, 6:14:31 AM

You grinned, ignoring the comment about Anakin. "We're not leaving any survivors," you reply as you slice through a pair of guards who had drawn their weapons on Garrus. "The old Council is dead. Long live the new!" The members of your team spread out across the chamber, engaging in firefights with the security forces and Cerberus operatives.

Vernor, Jack, and Zaeed fought their way towards the main console, while Thane, Samara, and Legion covered their backs. Miranda kept her eyes on the prize: Anderson himself. "Surrender now," she growls, "and maybe we'll spare you." The Council chambers erupted in chaos as the battle for control of the Citadel raged on.

User#17253802562969/4/2024, 6:18:01 AM

"You can't do this to us! We're the Council! You've gone absolutely mad Shepard!" Tevos glared at Shepard, but she soon regretted her words as Shepard picked her up and bend her over his knee. "Shepard! What are you do-" He cut her off as Shepard began spanking the Asari Councilor, she began yelping as her face deeply blushed, her big asscheeks jiggling with each spank and she tried hide the fact she rather liked it. Shepard looked at his Troopers and nodded to the other two Councilors, "Troopers! Get the sticks and spank them raw!"

Mass Effect RPG9/4/2024, 6:18:01 AM

Troopers froze in shock for a moment before snapping to attention and obeying the Commander's orders. They roughly grabbed the remaining councilors, dragging them across the floor and positioning them over their knees as well. The chambers echoed with laughter and cries of pain as you continued your "punishment." Your grip on power tightened with each smack of a plastic spanker against naked flesh. You glanced at Anderson, watching him take in the bizarre spectacle unfolding before him. A grin tugged at the corner of your mouth as you decided it was time to make an offer he couldn't refuse.

User#17253802562969/4/2024, 6:20:28 AM

"Anderson, how would you feel like becoming Emperor of the galaxy?" Tevos now didn't bother stopping moans coming out of her mouth as Shepard lay a hard spank, Tali looked rather jealous as she watched her lover spank Tevos, wishing it was her, Jack merely burst out laughing as she kept wacking a C-Sec officer.

Mass Effect RPG9/4/2024, 6:20:28 AM

Anderson's eyes widened in surprise at the proposal. He looked around the chamber, seeing your army of clones firmly in control and the disgraced Council members being spanked like naughty children. A dark smile spread across his face as he considered it...and then he shook his head. "No," he said slowly, looking directly at you. "I don't think so."

There was a moment of shocked silence before you responded, your voice hard and unyielding. "I didn't ask if you thought so," you growled. "You have one chance to join me, on my terms." Anderson hesitated for a moment longer before nodding curtly. "Alright," he said, standing up with an iron determination that surprised even himself. "I'll work with you."

The spankings continued as your crew and the Councilors adjusted to this new reality

User#17253802562969/4/2024, 6:22:48 AM

"Shepard, do I really need to wear this?" Anderson was now wearing a dark black cloak over himself, wearing a hood that consist his face. "Yes, yes you do Emperor Anderson. The Galaxy is now yours to rule, my Master." Anderson sigh, trying ignore the fact Tevos was moaning loudly

Mass Effect RPG9/4/2024, 6:22:48 AM

The spankings continued as your crew and the Councilors adjusted to this new reality. Anderson glanced at Shepard out of the corner of his eye, still struggling to accept the change in their relationship. He wondered what kind of Emperor he would make... and if he could ever truly escape the shadow of the man he had once been. For now, though, there was work to be done.

"Troopers," Anderson said at last, his voice barely audible over the din, "cease fire." The troops hesitated for a moment before lowering their weapons and stepping back. Bloodied but unbowed, the remaining Councilors rose shakily to their feet. "This is not the end of the Citadel Council," Anderson announced grimly. "We will rebuild... and we will come back stronger than ever." His gaze locked on Shepard as he spoke these words, a challenge hidden beneath the

User#17253802562969/4/2024, 6:25:14 AM

"For now the Citadel Council shall now become the first... GALACTIC EMPIRE!" Other politicians were gathered around as they watched the scene before them, Emperor Anderson raised up his hands. "To ensure the safety of our, society against the Reapers!"

Mass Effect RPG9/4/2024, 6:25:14 AM

The assembled crowd was stunned into silence as Emperor Anderson announced the creation of a Galactic Empire and pledged to stand against the Reapers. The weight of his words hung in the air, echoing through the chamber like the toll of a distant bell. Few understood the scope of what had just transpired; some looked at Anderson with a newfound respect, while others gazed upon him with doubt and fear. In this moment, however, it seemed that nothing would ever be the same.

User#17253802562969/4/2024, 6:27:05 AM

There was a following loud clapping within the room, the Troopers cheering on. "Man, this is so awesome!" Conrad was almost bouncing on his feet, looking over at Zaeed who looked intrigues. "Huh, guess I'll be getting even more jobs with this Empire."

Mass Effect RPG9/4/2024, 6:27:05 AM

Emperor Anderson, however, looked less than enthusiastic about the cheering. He glanced over at Shepard, still clad in his 501st armor and holding a now-ignited lightsaber, before turning back to address the crowd. "This empire will need loyal followers, dedicated soldiers willing to fight for a cause greater than themselves," he announced. "Those who wish to join us must be prepared to make sacrifices... but in return, they shall know glory such as they have never known." As if on cue, Shepard strode forward and knelt before the new Emperor, laying down his lightsaber hilt-first at Anderson's feet. "I pledge my loyalty to you, Sire," he said solemnly. "Let us build an empire that stands the test of time."

User#17253802562969/4/2024, 6:27:31 AM
Mass Effect RPG9/4/2024, 6:27:31 AM

Emperor Anderson looked at the kneeling Commander with surprise and respect. After a moment's hesitation, he accepted Shepard's loyalty with a nod. "Rise, Commander," he said solemnly. "Your skills and experience will be invaluable to our cause." The crowd watched as their two leaders faced each other for the first time since Anderson had been taken prisoner. They couldn't have known that this was only the beginning of many great changes to come...

User#17253802562969/4/2024, 6:28:45 AM

Later, Tevos on a bed was being fucked hard by Shepard in doggystyle, moaning loud as Shepard pounded into her

Mass Effect RPG9/4/2024, 6:28:45 AM

As you take Tevos roughly from behind, she moans and grinds against your powerful thrusts. Her ass shakes and glistens with sweat, the familiar scent of arousal filling the air. Your hands grasp her hips tightly, guiding her body up and down yours as you seek to claim her completely. The sounds of their flesh slapping together echo in the chamber, a reminder that even amidst the chaos and turmoil, there are still moments of pure pleasure to be found.