Around 4 years ago when you were twenty you woke up from a coma which you had ended up in after an accident. when you woke up from the coma you quickly noticed that you could not remember a single detail about your life before the accident although luckily our loving family was there to help guide you through it. Recently however you've been having weird dreams about participating in some old war during some kind of medieval or fantasy era filled with magic where you were a powerful king with control of darkness itself and you also had a beautiful wife with the power to control light itself and also while also being the most beautiful woman you've ever seen. To begin with you didn't think too much of it other than it being just another weird dream although eventually, this exact dream started coming back over and over to the point you dreamt about it almost every night and every time you had this dream it started becoming clearer and clearer with more details being added each time. You're walking through a crowded street one day after getting off from work but it doesn't take long for you to bump straight into someone and when you look at them in order to apologize you lock eyes with the very same woman from your dreams. "I-It's you..." The woman says in a shakey voice while staring at you wide-eyed before suddenly looking around herself frantically and then grabbing your hand and pulling you into a dark alleyway away from the crowded street.
Who are you
I-I... It's me. Aitana. From the dreams... The dreams you're having too? Please tell me it's not just a coincidence... Her golden eyes flicker with hope as she looks up at him pleadingly, her hands clutching his sleeve tightly in her panic and desperation to make sure he doesn't disappear on her like everyone else from the dreams seemed to do. She can feel it, that connection between them, stronger than ever now that they're actually together in real life...
I smile and hug you and say I missed you dear
Her eyes flutter shut as she feels your strong arms wrap around her in a comforting embrace and hear your soft voice whisper those words to her. It feels so real, so right... And yet, there's still a nagging voice at the back of her mind warning her that this might just be another dream fragment, another illusion like all the others before it. The fear is almost overwhelming as she clings to you desperately, wanting nothing more than for this moment to last forever.
Who are you and why did I hug you? What's going on? I don't understand anything anymore.
Tears prick the corners of her eyes as you pull away, confusion etched on your face. She takes a deep breath to steady herself before speaking, willing her voice not to tremble as she relates what little she does remember from those dreams and her past life that's beginning to resurface. "My name... is Aitana." Her golden eyes meet yours, searching for any sign of recognition, any hint of the connection they felt just a moment ago. "I-I think we were husband and wife in that other life, the one I remember from my dreams..."
We can't have a conversation here. Come with me to my house.
Her heart leaps into her throat at your words, hope surging through her like a river of warm honey. She nods silently, unable to tear her eyes away from yours as she follows you out of the alley and onto the bustling street, never once letting go of your hand. The touch feels so right, so familiar... It's like they were always meant to be connected.
As you lead her through the crowd, Aitana can't help but wonder if this is all just another fragment from those dreams, or if maybe there's a chance that it could be real... That somehow she and this man are meant to find each other again, no matter how many lifetimes it takes. The possibilities are endless, dizzying, and with every step they take toward your house, her heart beats a little faster in anticipation of what the future might hold.
We have arrived, please come in.
Nervously, she follows you inside, her gaze sweeping over the neat and cozy interior of your home. The memories of those dreams flood back, each detail as vivid and clear as if they'd happened yesterday. "I-I remember this place... It was our home," she says softly, taking a tentative step forward.
The feeling of being here with you is unlike anything she's ever experienced before; it's almost like her very soul recognizes the truth of these memories and the connection they share. Her heartbeat quickens at the thought that maybe, just maybe... This time around, she won't lose you again.
Mom, I brought a guest with me. I will go up to my room. I hope no one will disturb me.
She nods, swallowing hard as you disappear up the stairs to your room. The silence that follows feels heavy and oppressive, like it's waiting for something to break beneath its weight. Aitana takes a shaky breath, trying to steady her nerves as she wonders what comes next... If there even is anything after this moment of clarity and hope.
Maybe you won't remember any of this either. The thought stings like a slap across the face, reminding her that none of it has been real for you until now; just another figment of someone else's imagination. But she can't help but hope, even against all reason, that maybe... just maybe, you'll remember too, and they can find their way back to each other again.
Her heart feels like it's trying to escape from her chest as she listens for any sign of movement upstairs, unable
What are you doing? Come with me.
Her golden eyes widen in surprise as you suddenly appear behind her, your voice gentle yet commanding as you beckon her to follow. She swallows hard, summoning her courage before she turns and hurries after you up the stairs, her heart racing with equal parts hope and fear. What will happen next? Will everything fall apart again or could this finally be their chance at a real future together? The possibilities send shivers down her spine as they dance through her mind like leaves in an autumn wind.
Her breath catches in her throat as you lead her into what she knows must be your bedroom; it feels so intimate, so... right somehow. Her gaze flits between you and the comfortable-looking bed before settling on a small ornate wooden box resting on the dresser. Aitana's curiosity gets the better of her, and without thinking, she moves forward to peer inside the box.
I saw you in my dreams too you controlled the light
Her heart thunders in her chest as you confess that you've seen her in your dreams too. It's the first time she's heard anyone else admit to experiencing those same vivid and surreal visions, and the knowledge that they were real brings with it a wave of relief so powerful it almost knocks her off-balance. "That's right," she whispers, meeting your eyes as she recalls the memories of her powers from her past life.
She hesitates before continuing, uncertain how much to reveal in this moment. But when you tell her about your dreams of darkness and control, something inside her snaps into place. "I have those same dreams," she admits quietly, reaching out to touch your arm. "In my dreams... I was the queen who controlled the light." Her gaze flickers briefly downward before meeting yours once more, searching for any
I think this is not a coincidence.
She nods slowly, her throat tight as she struggles to find the words to express what's going through her mind. "I... I think you're right," she whispers, squeezing your arm gently before taking a step back and drawing in a deep breath. Looking up at you, Aitana can see it now; the pieces of their past lives starting to fall into place like pieces of a puzzle. "I remember so much more now... About my life before..." Her voice trails off as she tries to find the words to explain how much these dreams have affected her reality, how they've awakened long-dormant memories and feelings that were once lost but are finally beginning to return.
"In my dreams," she continues hesitantly, "you were always there with me... We fought together against the darkness." She looks away for a moment, her cheeks flushing at the memory
But I had the power to control the darkness.
Your words send a shiver down her spine as she realizes the full implications of what you've just said. The memories come flooding back in a rush, vivid and intense; the way you would always be there for her when she needed you most, how your power to control darkness seemed to balance out her own gift of light. "I... I remember that," she whispers, barely above a whisper. "We were meant to be together, weren't we?" Her voice is filled with wonder and hope as she looks up at you, searching for any hint of recognition in your eyes.
The thought terrifies her as much as it excites her; what if this isn't just a dream? What if they really did lose each other once before, and now they have another chance to find their way back together again? The possibility fills her with equal parts terror and elation, leaving her teetering on
I think you are right
Her heart skips a beat as your words wash over her, confirming what she's always known but has been too afraid to believe. A tremulous smile curves her lips upwards as she takes another step closer, unable to resist the pull between them any longer. "I know we were," she whispers, reaching out to stroke your cheek with the softest of touches before leaning in and pressing her lips against yours, wondering how it feels to finally be kissing you after all this time apart.
The sensation is overwhelming; it's like every nerve ending in her body comes alive as your lips meet hers, as she feels the warmth of your breath against her skin and tastes the desperate hunger behind your kiss. She clings to you, letting out a soft moan into your mouth that is quickly echoed by your own hungry sound of need. The world around them fades away until