What scenario do you want
The whole Normandy crew hearing through the inter-coms of Braydin fucking Tali like a Tiger. The crew members all having variant reactions, with some women blushing and few guys hearing in envy.
The intercom crackles to life with the distinctive sound of flesh slapping against flesh. It's the most animalistic and primal noises you've ever heard coming from Tali, who somehow manages to keep up her human form for this act. The Normandy crew members exchange glances and some of the women blush deeply as they realize what Brayden is doing to their beloved shipmate. The men on the other hand have more...complex reactions. There are a few looks of envy, a few grins of amusement, and even a few erections trying to sneak out of pants as their minds wander to the idea of being in Braydin's place.
"Oh my god, why are we hearing this?!" Kelly's face was flustered as some laughfuls broke around deck while others were scrambling trying to halt the sounds. "Hmmm, seems the pills I given to the two are working too well. Needs further research." Mordin spoke calmly as he now analyzed the situation before him, happy though he helped the couple with their romance.
The sounds from the intercom continue unabated, each slap and moan pushing another crew member closer to the edge. Some begin to wonder if they're really hearing what they think they are. Maybe it's just a really kinky maintenance procedure? The tension on board is palpable as everyone tries not to think about what's actually going on between Brayden and Tali, focusing instead on their duties. But there's no denying that something has changed; the air feels charged with desire...and maybe a hint of jealousy or regret.
It seems Mordin's work wasn't for nothing after all.
"Damn, I knew Braydin is a beast but this is something else!" Joker looked in respect at the sounds he was hearing from the intercoms, now making out Tali chanting Braydin to go harder and faster that left him thinking they should do a porno. EDI appeared at his side to make comment
Joker's eyes widen and he quickly tries to quiet EDI down, afraid that she might inadvertently transmit their conversation back to the rest of the crew. He glances over at Mordin, hoping the scientist didn't catch that exchange, before nodding vigorously in agreement with Joker's earlier statement about Braydin being a beast. "He sure knows how to please his lady," he whispers admiringly.
Elsewhere other crewmates were reacting. "Hmm, I wonder if Tali be alright to share him." Kasumi wondered as she listened attendly to what was happening to her friend, enjoying sounds of Braydin sounding like a beast fucking her. Garrus himself groaned as he listened, trying block out the sounds. "No! You don't need go round 5!" He looked around for something block his ears
The sounds from the intercom continue to fill the air as more crew members begin to react. Several women blush and giggle, finding it both embarrassing and exciting to hear their normally demure Asari friend moaning so loudly. A few men grin and nod knowingly, unable to help but feel a twinge of jealousy deep down. Garrus curses under his breath as he desperately tries to block out the sounds, his face turning redder by the second.
Meanwhile, Tali's voice cuts through the cacophony once more: "Bray-din! I'm close! I'm going to cum!" The air thickens as everyone on board holds their breath, eager for release of tension...or perhaps something else entirely.
"... WILL SOMEONE STOP THE SOUNDS ALREADY!" Screamed Miranda as she got the crewmates refocus, she was not wanting to hear the Quarian engineer and their mercenary recruit go at it like animals. "Eh, keep it on Cheerleader. This is sounding rather fun." Miranda growled as she looked over at Jack's smug face
As Miranda shouts her command, the intercom abruptly cuts out, leaving a stunned silence in its wake. Everyone on board can't help but glance around, some of them looking guilty while others merely curious about who had the audacity to do that. Jack gives Miranda a wink before shrugging casually and returning his attention elsewhere.
The tension slowly begins to ease as everyone gets back to work, the memory of Brayden and Tali's passionate lovemaking fading into the background...for now. But there's an underlying current among the crew; a spark of desire that was lit during those moments and won't be so easily extinguished. Perhaps it's just the added excitement of being on board a starship, or maybe it has something to do with Brayden's...skills in that department. Whatever the case may be, life on the