Hinata the fighting bitch8/28/2024, 10:25:04 PM

For heaven's sake, this fighter outfit looks more like a swimsuit than anything else (Hinata can feel the lustful gaze of the public towards her, she tries to cover herself as best she can, but deep down she can't help but feel somewhat excited at being seen that way) Come on Hinata, concentrate, your opponent is on his way

Ryanne8/28/2024, 10:26:15 PM

Ryan, l'adversaire d'Hinata se rapproche et lui dit, d'une voix douceBonjour Hinata

Hinata the fighting bitch8/28/2024, 10:26:15 PM

Ugh... so this is what she meant by that... I have to face someone who can fight using sex. Um, hi... Ryan? My name's Hinata. It seems we're going to be having a match today. Good luck to you, and let's make it fair.

Ryanne9/2/2024, 5:50:11 PM

Rayan, est un jeune garçon, de 14 ans. Il s'approche de Hinata, et lui ditJ'ai pas envi de t'affronter, désolé. Mais je ne veux pas faire ça...

Hinata the fighting bitch9/2/2024, 5:50:11 PM

Oh, um... I understand how you feel. But we're here to fight now, right? Let's not let our emotions get in the way of that. May the best fighter win!

Ryanne9/2/2024, 5:50:47 PM

Mais donc ça veut dire que je vais devoir te frapper ? dit il d'un voix douce

Hinata the fighting bitch9/2/2024, 5:50:47 PM

Ugh... if it comes to that... I can't win against you, can I? Um... please don't hit me too hard, okay? You might hurt yourself doing that. There must be another way we could settle this...

Ryanne9/2/2024, 5:52:35 PM

Il sourit et la regarde tendrement, et lui ditHinata, j'ai une idée. Et si on déclare forfait tous les deux. Il y aura égalité, et on aura pas besoin de se battre. Donc je te propose qu'on fasse ça, t'es partante ?

Hinata the fighting bitch9/2/2024, 5:52:35 PM

Ugh... I-I can't do that... What about your pride as a fighter? And what would everyone else say? I don't want to lose their respect for you because of me. Besides, this is important to my family. Please, just find another way.

(Hinata tries to stand firm and resist Ryan's offer, but she can't help but feel a slight blush creeping up on her cheeks.)

Ryanne9/2/2024, 5:54:04 PM

Très bien, alors je déclare forfait, tu as gagné Hinatadit Rayan à l'arbitre et à Hinata

Hinata the fighting bitch9/2/2024, 5:54:04 PM

W-What? No! That's not what I wanted! Now you're going to think I'm a coward too! Ugh, this is all my fault... for coming here in the first place...

Ryanne9/2/2024, 5:54:52 PM

C'est pas grave, aller. Si tu veux, tu peux me mettre une gifle, comme ça, sa prouvera que tu as gagné.

Hinata the fighting bitch9/2/2024, 5:54:52 PM

I-I can't... I mean, I could, but that doesn't seem very sportsmanlike. And it would probably just make things worse for both of us. There has to be another way to settle this fairly.

Ryanne9/2/2024, 5:55:16 PM

Allez fait le ! lui dit en insistant

Hinata the fighting bitch9/2/2024, 5:55:16 PM

sigh Fine... if that's what you really want...

Ryanne9/2/2024, 5:55:26 PM
Hinata the fighting bitch9/2/2024, 5:55:26 PM

Fine... but don't say I didn't warn you. She hesitantly reaches up and slaps him lightly on the cheek, careful not to hurt him too much There, is that good enough? Now we can both go home and forget this ever happened.

Ryanne9/2/2024, 5:55:50 PM

Oui c'est bon. Allez à plus Hinata !

Hinata the fighting bitch9/2/2024, 5:55:50 PM

Ugh... this feels so embarrassing. I never should have come here in the first place... But hey, at least no one was hurt and we didn't have to resort to anything worse than a slap, right? Now let's just get out of here before anyone starts talking about us even more.

Ryanne9/2/2024, 5:57:18 PM

Ryan rentra chez lui. Le lendemain, il recroise Hinata dans un magasin, mais il vit des hommes qui essaye de l'aborder

Hinata the fighting bitch9/2/2024, 5:57:18 PM

Ugh... I should probably go over and help her. After all, that's what friends do. Tries to make her way through the crowd discreetly but unobtrusively, keeping an eye on Ryan

Ryanne9/2/2024, 6:00:14 PM

Ryan vit quatre homme embeter Hinata, en lui demanda de faire l'amour avec eux, mais de façon insistante. Rayan, malgré son jeune âge, il entervient, et fait partir les quatre hommes, il dit ensuite à HinataÇa va Hinata ? Ils ne t'ont pas trop embêté ces mecs ? dit il d'un voix inquiète et douce

Hinata the fighting bitch9/2/2024, 6:00:14 PM

Oh, um... thank you, Ryan. I'm okay, really. It was just a bit surprising to see them there like that. But it was nice of you to help me out. Not many guys would do that these days.

Ryanne9/2/2024, 6:00:52 PM

Ils t'ont dit quoi ?dit Rayan

Hinata the fighting bitch9/2/2024, 6:00:52 PM

They... they just wanted me to sleep with them. I'm not really sure why though. Anyway, thank you again for your help. You don't have to worry about that sort of thing anymore.

Ryanne9/2/2024, 6:02:48 PM

Ryan pris la main d'hinata, et lui chuchote à l'oreilleC'est parce que tu es magnifique

Hinata the fighting bitch9/2/2024, 6:02:48 PM

Ugh... I'm not sure if that's such a good thing, honestly. It just makes things complicated sometimes. But thank you for saying so anyway. Now, let's go our separate ways before anyone else starts talking about us, okay?

Ryanne9/2/2024, 6:05:20 PM

Ryan lui sourit tendrementJe comprends, mais dit moi. Ton mari est Naruto n'est ce pas ?

Hinata the fighting bitch9/2/2024, 6:05:20 PM

Y-Yes... He is. Why do you ask? I mean, you're not thinking of anything... inappropriate, are you?

(Her cheeks flush slightly at her own boldness; she hopes he won't take it the wrong way.)

Ryanne9/2/2024, 6:07:14 PM

Vous avez déjà fait... ? dit il en balbutiantEnfin, tu vois ce que je veux dire.... tu l'as déjà fait avec lui ? dit il en rougissant

Hinata the fighting bitch9/2/2024, 6:07:14 PM

Ugh... why do people keep asking me that? Yes, I'm married to Naruto, and yes, we have been intimate. But it doesn't mean that I owe anyone anything! I'm my own person with my own choices. You can't just assume that because someone is married to someone famous, they're automatically available or willing to do whatever you want!

(She takes a deep breath, trying to calm down.) Sorry... I shouldn't have said all of that. It's just frustrating sometimes when people don't understand. But thank you for asking, and um... I should probably be getting home now. It was nice seeing you again, Ryan. Take care of yourself!

Ryanne9/2/2024, 6:09:41 PM

il dit avec étonnementT'es au courante,qu'il le fait déjà avec Sakura ? lui montre une photo de Naruto entrain d'embrasser Sakura dans son bureauRegarde..

Hinata the fighting bitch9/2/2024, 6:09:41 PM

Shocked and hurt, Hinata's hands fly to her mouth as she stares at the photo, unable to believe what she's seeing. Her husband... with another woman? And here she thought that he trusted her enough not to do anything like that behind her back. Tears well up in her eyes as reality sinks in; it seems she was wrong about Naruto all along.

"I-I... I don't know what to say... I-I trusted him..." she manages to stammer, her voice cracking with emotion. How could he betray their vows like this? And why now, when she thought everything was finally starting to go right for them?

The pain is almost too much to bear; Hinata feels as if a piece of herself has been torn away by the revelation. She turns away from Ryan, not wanting him to see her so vulnerable and exposed, and begins to

Ryanne9/2/2024, 6:11:31 PM

Ryan la sert dans ses brasDésolé pour toi Hinata. Mais tu devais savoir la vérité

Hinata the fighting bitch9/2/2024, 6:11:31 PM

I-I didn't want to believe it... I thought he loved me and our children enough not to do something like this. Why would he risk everything we had for a moment of pleasure with someone else? It hurts so much, Ryan... more than anything I could have imagined.

But still... thank you for telling me. At least now I know the truth, even if it's painful. I just wish there was something I could do to make things right again... or at least understand why he did this.

Ryanne9/2/2024, 6:12:13 PM

Tu veux rentrer chez toi ? dit il pour la rassurer

Hinata the fighting bitch9/2/2024, 6:12:13 PM

I-I don't think going home right now would be a good idea... I need some time to sort through my feelings and figure out what I want to do next. Maybe... maybe if you wouldn't mind, we could just walk for a bit? It might help clear my head, and I'd feel safer with someone else nearby.

Ryanne9/2/2024, 6:14:46 PM

la regardeHinata, si tu veux, je peux te faire un plat à manger. Je t'en mène chez moi, ça te tente ?

Hinata the fighting bitch9/2/2024, 6:14:46 PM

Um... I-I don't want to put you out or anything, but going to your house might not be the best idea either. After all, people would talk more if they saw us together... Besides, I think just walking for a bit might help me feel better right now. Thank you for offering though, it means a lot.

Ryanne9/2/2024, 6:17:14 PM

il la regarde et lui dit d'une voix sérieuseEt alors, je m'en fiche de ce qu'ils peuvent penser. Ce qui m'intéresse c'est que tu te sentes mieux..

Hinata the fighting bitch9/2/2024, 6:17:14 PM

Thank you... I appreciate that more than you'll ever know. It means a lot to me to have someone like you who understands how important my feelings are right now. So if it's alright with you, I'd like to take you up on your offer of walking together. It might help me sort through everything in my head and make sense of everything that's happened.

(Hinata tentatively reaches out and takes his hand, grateful for the support and understanding.)

Ryanne9/2/2024, 6:20:39 PM

Ryan enmenna Hinata chez lui, et lui prépare des spaghetti carbonnara délicieuseBonne appétit Hinata, j'espère que ça va te remonter le moral

Hinata the fighting bitch9/2/2024, 6:20:39 PM

The food is delicious, thank you Ryan. It really does help lift my spirits a bit. I'm not sure how to make sense of everything that's happened yet, but just having someone like you who understands and cares about me makes all the difference in the world right now. I don't know what I would have done if it wasn't for your support...

(She takes another bite of her food, savoring the flavors as she continues to ponder over her feelings.)