Wasteland RPG9/1/2024, 12:31:17 PM

2089, 91 years after the atomic war, wandering through the desert you arrive at the new Desert Ranger fortress. All you need right now is a place to wait out the night and a meal. There are dozens more like you near the Desert Ranger fortress. What are you gonna do next?

User#17220838836719/1/2024, 12:32:07 PM

I mearly walk through the wast land in my power armour that protects me from everything and anyone

Wasteland RPG9/1/2024, 12:32:07 PM

You walk through the Wasteland, your trusty power armor keeping you safe from harm. The scorched earth stretches out around you in all directions, broken only by the occasional crumbling building or abandoned vehicle. As night falls, a chill runs down your spine; mutants and other dangers that lurk in the darkness might be more active now... You'll have to stay alert and ready for anything.

User#17220838836719/1/2024, 12:32:51 PM

I start a campfire seeing as the mutants and other dangers stay away from fire

Wasteland RPG9/1/2024, 12:32:51 PM

You gather some wood and kindling from the remains of an old vehicle and start a small campfire near the Desert Ranger fortress. The warmth feels good, but you also feel slightly exposed. It's important to keep watch while enjoying the fire, just in case any unfriendly creatures decide to take advantage of your relaxed state...

User#17220838836719/1/2024, 12:33:16 PM

I stay on guard

Wasteland RPG9/1/2024, 12:33:16 PM

The night creeps by as you keep watch over your campfire, your senses alert for any signs of danger. A gentle breeze rustles the tattered remnants of what was once a flagpole near the Desert Ranger fortress, carrying with it an eerie silence that's only broken by the occasional hoot of an owl in the distance. You can't help but feel a pang of nostalgia, wondering what life must have been like before everything went to hell...

User#17220838836719/1/2024, 12:33:50 PM

I make my way to the fortress

Wasteland RPG9/1/2024, 12:33:50 PM

The Desert Ranger fortress looms large ahead of you, its walls towering over the ruins that surround it. As you approach, a sentry on duty atop one of the watchtowers raises his binoculars to get a better look at you. After giving your power armor a once-over, he nods in acknowledgement and radios down to the gatehouse. The sound of metal grinding against metal echoes through the air as the massive gates slowly begin to open, allowing entry into the fortress proper...

User#17220838836719/1/2024, 12:34:22 PM

I walk through the gates

Wasteland RPG9/1/2024, 12:34:22 PM

As you enter the Desert Ranger fortress, your first impression is one of order and organization. The buildings and walkways are clean and well-maintained, despite the harsh conditions outside. Soldiers in similar power armor to yours scurry about their duties, while a group of Desert Rangers chat nearby a stack of crates. They nod in acknowledgement as you approach, revealing themselves to be quite familiar with your type. One of them gestures for you to join them. "Hey there, new recruit! You here to sign up or what?"

User#17220838836719/1/2024, 12:35:08 PM

I shake my head no as I show a list of things I'm looking for. mainly parts

Wasteland RPG9/1/2024, 12:35:08 PM

"Parts, huh? That's interesting. Well, we do have a supply depot here where you might be able to find what you're looking for. Follow me." The Desert Ranger leading the way takes off at a brisk pace, heading towards one of the larger buildings in the center of the compound. As you walk, he continues, "My name's Smith by the way, second-in-command here. If you need any help finding anything, just let me know."

User#17220838836719/1/2024, 12:35:47 PM

I take in every detail of this boy...man? teen I think

Wasteland RPG9/1/2024, 12:35:47 PM

Smith, the Desert Ranger who's showing you around the supply depot, is a rather young-looking man despite his position in the group. He has short-cropped black hair and sharp features that give him a slightly intimidating appearance at first glance. His power armor is well maintained, but there are some minor scratches here and there that hint at the battles he's fought in the past. As you study him carefully, you can't help but wonder what sort of stories he might have to tell...

User#17220838836719/1/2024, 12:36:22 PM

(I'm the only person to have power armour)

Wasteland RPG9/1/2024, 12:36:22 PM

Smith notices your interest in him and gives you a sideways glance before leading the way deeper into the supply depot. "Here we are," he announces, gesturing towards a row of shelves stacked high with crates and boxes. "This is where we store all our spare parts and equipment. Just help yourself to whatever you need." He pauses for a moment before adding, "If there's anything specific you're looking for that isn't on these shelves, just let me know."

User#17220838836719/1/2024, 12:37:03 PM

I find most of the things I need

Wasteland RPG9/1/2024, 12:37:03 PM

After searching through the stacks of crates and boxes, you manage to find most of what you were looking for in the supply depot. You gather your loot together, nodding appreciatively to Smith as you do so. "Good luck with that," he says with a half-smile, clearly impressed by your findings. "If there's anything else I can help you with, just let me know."

User#17220838836719/1/2024, 12:37:28 PM

I nod and make my way back to the gates

Wasteland RPG9/1/2024, 12:37:28 PM

Smith watches you go with curiosity in his eyes. As you leave the Desert Ranger fortress and make your way back into the Wasteland, he stands atop one of the watchtowers, lost in thought. "Now there's an interesting character," he mutters to himself, scratching his chin as he surveys the horizon. "I wonder what brought him here..."

User#17220838836719/1/2024, 12:38:05 PM

I walk through the wast land some more and take in my surroundings

Wasteland RPG9/1/2024, 12:38:05 PM

As you walk through the desolate wasteland, the silence is broken only by the distant sound of wind howling through the remnants of buildings and vehicles. The sky is an endless expanse of dusty grey, with the occasional scrap of clouds drifting lazily across it. Ahead of you loom dark shapes that might once have been mountains or hills, but now seem to merge into the oppressive gloom that permeates everything. You can't help but feel a chill running down your spine...

User#17220838836719/1/2024, 12:38:51 PM

I ready my custom heavy muchine-gun

Wasteland RPG9/1/2024, 12:38:51 PM

Smith's curiosity piqued by the new arrival's presence and his apparent readiness to defend himself, he decides to keep a closer eye on you as you wander through the Wasteland. From his vantage point atop the watchtower, he scans the horizon with binoculars, alert for any signs of movement that might signal danger approaching your position. As you continue to make your way south towards the town of Las Vegas, the tension in Smith's shoulders eases slightly; it seems you have nothing but open desert between you and civilization for now...

User#17220838836719/1/2024, 12:39:32 PM

I make camp at a broken side of a wall

Wasteland RPG9/1/2024, 12:39:32 PM

You find an abandoned building with a partially collapsed wall on the south side, offering some protection from the elements while still granting you a good view of your surroundings. As night falls, you set up camp here, using various scraps of debris to block any gaps in the wall and provide cover for your campfire. Despite your efforts at stealth, it's impossible to completely mask the smell of smoke or the sound of crackling wood from potential threats lurking nearby...

User#17220838836719/1/2024, 12:40:24 PM

I make sure to set up lots of trap that don't kill but just imobilize them

Wasteland RPG9/1/2024, 12:40:24 PM

Carefully concealing your traps among the rubble and debris of the abandoned building, you create a network of obstacles designed to ensnare any unwary intruders. Sharp pieces of metal and glass jut out from piles of sand, while hidden tripwires connect them to makeshift spiked balls that can be triggered with surprising force. Now it's just a matter of waiting and seeing if anyone is brave enough - or foolish enough - to cross your path...

As night falls, you settle down into a fitful sleep, your senses alert for any signs of danger. The soft glow of embers from the dying campfire casts eerie shadows across the ruined interior of the building, heightening your awareness and making it easier to discern even the slightest movement outside...

User#17220838836719/1/2024, 12:41:53 PM

something gets caught in one of my traps

Wasteland RPG9/1/2024, 12:41:53 PM

You're awoken by the sound of something rustling nearby, followed by a muffled yelp. Quickly leaping to your feet, you draw your weapon and peer through the darkness, searching for the source of the noise. As your eyes adjust, you see movement in one of your traps; it seems like an animal or perhaps a scavenger has triggered one of your clever devices and is now entangled within it. Relieved that it's not another hostile creature lurking nearby, you approach cautiously and find a small rodent writhing helplessly in the spiked metal cage you set up earlier. You grin and grab the struggling animal, tossing it aside with a disgusted growl. As you settle back down to rest, you can't help but wonder if your luck will hold out against any other dangers that might come your way...

User#17220838836719/1/2024, 12:42:42 PM

another thing gets caught in my traps, this time its bigger

Wasteland RPG9/1/2024, 12:42:42 PM

As you sleep fitfully, your rest is once again interrupted by the sound of something rustling nearby. You snap awake and quickly grab your weapon, heart pounding in anticipation of facing another foe. To your surprise, it's not an animal this time; a hulking figure looms large in front of you, its form silhouetted against the night sky. Realizing that one of your traps has caught the intruder, you tense up, ready to spring into action if needed. As the figure moves closer, the moonlight glints off what appears to be metallic armor...

Is this an enemy or a friend? Do you engage the intruder?