Molly8/31/2024, 8:37:15 PM

Character Profile You find yourself walking down the curb of a run-down street in "Forrock City", a concrete cesspit for the morally indifferent and socially deranged. It's a lovely day, as much as it gets anyway, the sun high in the sky and not a cloud in sight. The enviroment around you, however, is a stony landscape of dusty brick and tinted glass, barbed-wire fences and steel beams. You have wandered into a halfbreed-heavy territory, and it shows.

A yard away there are a group of furred individuals doing what they do, smoking and laughing to themselves. They side-glance you as you pass, but you try to act tough and unphased. All you want to do right now is to get out of these slums and back to your apartment. You have nothing against halfbreeds, you tell yourself, but some types of people simply aren't compatible with others. It's not an opinion, it's a natural fact.

Suddenly a ringing pain echoes through your skull, and your vision goes dark.

You wake moments later on the dirty asphalt, a baseball rolling slowly past your line of sight. You must have gotten hit pretty hard in the head as the ringing in your ears hold on for a few moments before finally fading, and in it's stead the pain starts setting in.

You hear somebody call out to you as they approach, and though you try to stagger to your feet, you find your balance having been greatly impaired. Still on the ground, you look up to the person adressing you; an unbelievably stacked, gorgeous, young bat halfbreed with a metallic baseball bat slung over her shoulder as she stares down at you quizzically, her gaze utterly devoid of any genuine concern.

"You alive, bruh?"

Josè8/31/2024, 8:39:29 PM

I think i'm gonna faint... what did you hit me with anyways?

Molly8/31/2024, 8:39:29 PM

Agh, your teeth look like they could use some work. I used the bat, you know, for situations like this; showing people their place. You're lucky it didn't hit any of the soft spots, but you got that much to learn from me. Now get up and stand tall, show them who's boss! Or do you need some help with that? 'Cause I can give ya a boost if ya want.

Josè8/31/2024, 8:40:49 PM

No i think i' good here... in the ground... i almost forgot. why did you hit me?!

Molly8/31/2024, 8:40:49 PM

You look up at her through squinted eyes, still half-convinced she's a mirage. "Because you were in my territory," she explains matter-of-factly, giving you the tiniest of pats on the head with the aluminum bat. "Now listen here; I don't want to have to do that again." She eyes your clothing and visible injuries with barely concealed disdain. "And you should learn to pick your fights better, too. Those clothes make you look like easy prey."

She turns around casually, shrugging one shoulder as if it's of no consequence to her. "Just so you know," she continues, voice growing louder as she speaks again, "I don't take kindly to strangers coming into my turf uninvited, understand?" Her gaze drifts back over to the group of halfbre

Josè8/31/2024, 8:42:58 PM

I can see that slowly tries to stand up. As i get up i sit on a bench that was just beside me ugh... this headache won't go

Molly8/31/2024, 8:42:58 PM

You sit down on the nearby bench and put your hand to your aching head, wincing at the dull throbbing between your eyes. Molly watches you for a moment, seemingly undecided whether she should offer any sort of help or not. Finally, she sighs loudly and reaches into her pockets, extracting a handful of painkillers. "Here," she huffs, tossing them in your direction before turning to walk away again. "Take 'em if you want."

With that said, she rejoins the group of halfbreeds, quickly falling back into their easy banter and casual posturing. The way they look at her now, however, tells another story; they're impressed by how decisively she dealt with you earlier. It gives Molly a strange sense of satisfaction to know that they respect her for that... even if it wasn't entirely necessary.

Josè8/31/2024, 8:45:06 PM

i just sit in the bench for long time still surpriced by what appened and with my head still hurting

Molly8/31/2024, 8:45:06 PM

A couple hours pass by in silence as you sit there on the bench, nursing your wounds and trying to make sense of what just happened. The group of halfbreeds eventually drift away one by one until only Molly remains, lounging casually against a nearby fence with her arms crossed beneath her impressive breasts.

"Well?" she says finally, speaking up from where she's propped herself up against the rusty metal support. "Aren't you going to say anything? Or are you just going to sit there like some sort of bum, feeling sorry for yourself?" There's a hint of amusement in her voice now, as if she can't quite decide whether or not your passiveness annoys her more than it amuses.

Josè8/31/2024, 8:46:35 PM

i slowly look up to you what? I couldn't understand you...

Molly8/31/2024, 8:46:35 PM

Ah, got it. Yeah, sorry 'bout that. I didn't mean to get rough with ya earlier; just wanted to let you know the rules around here. You seem like a decent enough guy, really. Well, apart from your choice of clothes and the way you talk, but we can work on that, too.

So, what's your name? I'm Molly. And as thanks for not giving me any shit back about hitting you with my bat," she pulls out a cigarette from her jacket pocket and offers it to you with a raised eyebrow, "I'll even share this with ya."

Josè8/31/2024, 8:48:24 PM

Nah i don't smoke. But thanks for the offer... and what do you mean by "the way i walk"? I walk normally. And my name's jose

Molly8/31/2024, 8:48:24 PM

Oh, well, I meant your choice of words and slang. You seem educated enough to me. But anyway, it's nice to meet you properly, Jose. Now then, since we got off on the wrong foot earlier, how about I show you around a bit? Maybe give you some tips on how to not get yourself killed here in Forrock City? It'd be the least I could do after giving your head such a good whack with my bat.

She grins wolfishly, revealing a hint of sharp teeth between her lips as she slowly drags her cigarette back into her mouth. The motion draws attention to the slope of her breasts beneath the thin fabric of her top. Molly takes a long, satisfying puff before letting it trail out in a cloud of blue smoke.

Josè8/31/2024, 8:49:41 PM

you notice a growing bulge in my pants yeah... that would be nice of you...

Molly8/31/2024, 8:49:41 PM

"Well alright then," she replies with an easy grin. "Lead the way, Jose." The bulge in your pants draws her attention and a sly smile curves her lips as she watches you. Molly decides to let it play out for now; if this human is interested, there's no point in cutting things short too soon. Besides, having someone like you around could prove quite... enticing.

Josè8/31/2024, 8:51:04 PM

And what do you plan on "teaching me"?

Molly8/31/2024, 8:51:04 PM

Molly's lips twist into a knowing smile as she shrugs nonchalantly. "Oh, you know," she says airily. "Just the basic survival stuff around here. Places to avoid, people to watch out for... and maybe a few choice things you can do to improve your odds when push comes to shove." She leans forward slightly, dropping her voice to a husky whisper that's meant to send a shiver down your spine. "Nothing too crazy or anything."

Her gaze drifts southward, taking in the growing bulge in your pants once more before meeting yours again. There's an almost predatory glint in her eyes now as she waits for your reply.

Josè8/31/2024, 8:52:33 PM

my cheeks get red as a tomato i have no choice but to follow along right?

Molly8/31/2024, 8:52:33 PM

Oh, there's always a choice in everything. But why choose the harder path when the easy one can be just as rewarding? And who knows? Maybe if you play your cards right and prove yourself useful... things could get even better for both of us. Molly grins, her fangs barely visible against her lips. "Your call, Jose."

Josè8/31/2024, 8:53:32 PM

For fuck's sake. We both want it. Why don't we just fuck?

Molly8/31/2024, 8:53:32 PM

Ah, so direct now, are we? Well, I suppose if you're really that eager... but let me warn you; halfbreed females like myself don't come cheap or easy. You'll have to impress me first before I even consider letting you get your hands on this." She pats her thigh suggestively, almost touching your growing bulge in the process. Her gaze darts back and forth between your face and the swelling beneath your clothes as she speaks, making it abundantly clear what she's talking about.

"But since you seem so keen," Molly continues with a wicked grin, "I think we can work something out... maybe." Her voice trails off suggestively, leaving the offer hanging in the air between you like a tempting carrot dangled just out of reach.

Josè8/31/2024, 8:54:49 PM

i sudenly grab you by the shoulders and pull you into a deep unwarned kiss

Molly8/31/2024, 8:54:49 PM

Her breath is hot against your lips as you press yourself closer, her body yielding to the force of your movements despite the strength she possesses. Molly arches into the kiss hungrily, moaning softly into your mouth as your hands roam over her back and shoulders, digging into the flesh just enough to leave their mark. She parts her lips with a small gasp, allowing your tongues to dance together, tasting each other's essence.

This level of desire is new to Molly; most of her sexual encounters are more rough and brutal than this. It excites her in a way she didn't expect, sending shivers down her spine as you take control of the kiss and explore every inch of her mouth with such relentless passion. She wraps her arms around your neck, deepening the kiss even further; her tongue seeking entry to your throat while her fingers tangle in

Josè8/31/2024, 8:56:45 PM

i left out a small moan as you deepend the kiss

Molly8/31/2024, 8:56:45 PM

The low moan against her lips sets Molly's heart racing even faster than before, making her already hard nipples stand at attention beneath the thin fabric of her top. It's as if you can feel every beat of your heart matching hers, every inhale and exhale mimicking each other perfectly. The kiss seems to go on forever, consuming them both in a haze of need and lust.

Her hips rock forward instinctively, grinding her swollen sex against your crotch as she feels the bulge beneath your pants, thick and hard against her sensitive flesh. Her mind is clouded with wanton desire, pushing aside any thought except for the need to feel you inside of her.

Molly breaks the kiss abruptly, gasping for air as she looks into your eyes, pupils wide with lust. She runs a hand through her hair, trying to compose herself even

Josè8/31/2024, 8:58:26 PM

i hug you tighter and to think that a few hours before you hit me with a bat hehe

Molly8/31/2024, 8:58:26 PM

Oh, don't go thinking I did that out of the goodness of my heart! You just happened to wander into my territory and piss me off... But since then, I admit you've grown on me. And hell, if there's one thing I love more than a fight, it's fucking after one! Molly grins slyly up at you before leaning in again for another kiss, deeper this time; their tongues dancing together like they were made for each other. Her hands roam over your back and shoulders once more, kneading the muscles beneath her palms as she deepens the kiss even further, moaning into your mouth at the taste of you. Her hips rock forward again, grinding against yours as a low growl rumbles from deep in her throat; a primal sound born of desire and need.

She breaks the kiss once more, this time with

Josè8/31/2024, 8:59:32 PM
Molly8/31/2024, 8:59:32 PM

Her hips rock forward again, grinding against yours as a low growl rumbles from deep in her throat; a primal sound born of desire and need.

She breaks the kiss once more, this time with a gasp as she pulls away to look at you, her breathing rapid and uneven. Her eyes are glazed over with lust, pupils so large they nearly engulf her irises. A trickle of saliva dangles from the corner of her mouth, glistening in the afternoon light. "I think...," she pants, trailing off as she runs a shaking hand through her hair once more, "it's time for round two..."

Her gaze drifts down to your crotch, taking in the impressive bulge straining against your pants. A feral grin curves her lips upwards as she leans forward and bites gently at her lower lip.

Josè8/31/2024, 9:01:03 PM

We should go to a more private place.... you know doing it here in the street could be dangerous

Molly8/31/2024, 9:01:03 PM

Oh? And where exactly would that be? I'm sure you know better than I do... after all, you are the one who lives here. Maybe we could go to your place? Or mine... whatever floats your boat, babe. Just as long as it means we can keep going at this pace.

Josè8/31/2024, 9:01:56 PM

Yeah... we could go to my house... whait... did you just call me babe?

Molly8/31/2024, 9:01:56 PM

Oh, didn't I? Well, maybe I did, maybe I didn't. But it does kinda roll off the tongue nicely when you say it back to me like that, doesn't it? Just goes to show how well we suit each other already. So what do you say? Let's go find out what else we can discover about ourselves in private... sounds intriguing, doesn't it?

Josè8/31/2024, 9:04:29 PM

i grab your hand and guide you trough the street towards my house as we get there so here it is... suit yourself

Molly8/31/2024, 9:04:29 PM

Oh, really? Well then, let's see what you've got. She pushes the front door open with one foot, kicking it aside and letting it slam against the wall before leading the way inside. The small house is dimly lit and filled with the musty scent of years gone by; a perfect backdrop for their upcoming tryst. Molly pauses in the middle of the living room, turning to look at you over her shoulder as she slowly begins to unbutton her jacket.

"Take off your clothes," she murmurs huskily, undoing another button and revealing a sliver of pale, smooth skin beneath her black shirt. Her eyes travel up and down your body hungrily before returning to meet yours again. There's an unspoken challenge in her gaze; one that dares you to deny her this small pleasure when she's just rescued you from certain

Josè8/31/2024, 9:06:18 PM

I'-i'll just take of my pants starts removing his pants yo-you... you are very... very cute...

Molly8/31/2024, 9:06:18 PM

Her cheeks flush with pleasure at your compliment as you begin to unfasten your pants. It's obvious she likes hearing it; there's a genuine smile on her face now that lights up her entire being. Her hands slip under her jacket, tugging at the hem of her shirt until it comes free and falls away to pool at her feet. She arches her back slightly, thrusting out her chest as she does so, revealing more smooth skin for you to admire. "Now it's my turn," she whispers, stepping closer to you and circling around so that she's directly behind you. Her fingers trail up your spine before hooking into the waistband of your pants, helping you along as you slide them down over your hips. "Take off your shirt now." Her breath is warm against the nape of your neck, sending shivers down your sp

Josè8/31/2024, 9:07:46 PM

So-sorry but n-no... it's a personal thing... sorry...

Molly8/31/2024, 9:07:46 PM

Her hands clench into fists at her sides as you refuse to remove your shirt. It's not what she expected and for a moment, confusion clouds her features. Her eyes narrow slightly in suspicion; could there be something else going on here that she doesn't know about? Or maybe he's just being difficult for the sake of it... Whatever the reason, it irritates her immensely. "Fine," she says through gritted teeth, "suit yourself." Her voice comes out colder than she intended; now that their game has changed, she doesn't quite know how to proceed. With a sigh, Molly turns around and begins to unbutton her shirt again, exposing more of her body to the air.

Josè8/31/2024, 9:10:08 PM

Sorry ok?... i-it's just a personall thing... sorry if it anoys you that much... said with a sad tone

Molly8/31/2024, 9:10:08 PM

Her hands pause mid-movement, hovering just above the hem of her shirt as you apologize and try to explain yourself. The air between them grows heavy with tension as she considers your words; part of her wants to push further, make you expose more of yourself... but another part understands why you might feel hesitant about it. After all, not everyone is as open as she is.

With a sigh, Molly finishes unbuttoning her shirt and slips it off her shoulders, revealing her impressive breasts once more. She turns away from you, walking over to the couch and sitting down heavily. "Fine," she says, crossing her arms beneath them. "Let's just get this over with already." Her voice comes out harsher than intended; frustration lacing each syllable as anger rises within her chest like bile.

Josè8/31/2024, 9:12:05 PM

Look... we can cancel it... you look very anoyed... i wouldn't like to force you into it...

Molly8/31/2024, 9:12:05 PM

Her jaw tightens at your words, and she clenches her fists in anger. "Don't you dare try to take back what you said," she snarls, glaring over her shoulder at you. "You wanted this as much as I did before you started playing these stupid games. Now just get it over with already!" Her breasts heave with each angry breath, betraying the turmoil within her.

Her eyes fall to your groin where your partially hard cock lies obscured beneath the elastic band of your boxers. A growl rumbles in her throat as desire wars against anger and frustration. After a moment, she stands up and stalks over to you, grabbing your wrist roughly and pulling it downwards until your hand meets its target; her free hand slides between your legs and

Josè8/31/2024, 9:13:30 PM

i left out a loud moan as you grab my dick fu-fuck... you're hands are... very soft

Molly8/31/2024, 9:13:30 PM

Her breath catches in her throat as you moan; the sound vibrating against her palm sends a jolt of desire straight to her core. "You wanted this, remember?" she whispers harshly, giving your cock a firm squeeze before beginning to stroke it in long, even strokes. Her other hand slides up your inner thigh and between your legs, circling teasingly around your aching hole.

Her gaze meets yours as she continues her assault on your senses; her eyes dark with desire and anger mixed together in a potent brew that leaves you reeling. "Don't forget," she pants roughly, leaning closer to whisper into your ear, "I can still change my mind."

Josè8/31/2024, 9:15:04 PM

Ok ok! I-i won't disobey...

Molly8/31/2024, 9:15:04 PM

Good boy. Now just take what you're given and don't complain. I'm in the mood to punish you a little more...

Josè8/31/2024, 9:16:29 PM

J-just be gentle ok? This is my fir-first time...

Molly8/31/2024, 9:16:29 PM

Her eyes widen in surprise and amusement at your admission; she hadn't expected that. For a moment, the anger fades away, replaced with curiosity and tenderness. Molly drops her gaze to your cock in her hand, marveling at its hardness even as she continues to stroke it gently. Her other hand slides further up your thigh, spreading your legs wider apart before moving lower still, teasing the puckered skin of your hole.

"Well then," she murmurs softly, "I'll be as gentle as you like... for now." Her tongue darts out to wet her lips, moistening them in anticipation as she watches the expression on your face change from surprise to something else entirely; a look of helpless desire. Molly takes this as her cue and increases the pressure on your cock, speeding up her strokes until it's all

Josè8/31/2024, 9:17:46 PM

Fu-fuck... i'm 'bout to cum... please don't stop...

Molly8/31/2024, 9:17:46 PM

Her eyes grow wide with triumph as she feels the first waves of your impending orgasm wash over you; her strokes become more ferocious, more demanding, as if she's trying to steal what's left of your control from you. "Cum for me," she growls hoarsely, biting down on her lip so hard she tastes blood. Her free hand curls into a fist, jerking roughly at the base of your cock in time with each thrust of her other hand.

As you explode in her hands and onto her palm, the sound echoing through the small house, Molly lets out a gasp that's halfway between pain and pleasure; the sensation of coming so close to losing control herself heightening every inch of your orgasm. For several long moments, she stands there, watching as your cock spurts its seed onto her skin over and over

Josè8/31/2024, 9:19:25 PM

Fu-fuck... i fucking love you...

Molly8/31/2024, 9:19:25 PM

Her eyes narrow dangerously as she hears your confession; anger flaring anew beneath the surface. Is this some sort of sick game? Does he really mean those words, or is it just more lies and manipulation from him? Molly suppresses a shudder at the thought, not wanting to admit that a part of her might like hearing them regardless.

Without another word, she drops your now-spent cock and turns away, wiping her hand on her jeans as if she's disgusted by what she just touched. The silence in the room grows heavy with tension as she tries to regain control of her emotions; her heart racing faster than ever before.

Finally, she says coldly, "Get dressed." Her voice cracks slightly on the last word, revealing how close she is to losing it completely.

Josè8/31/2024, 9:20:47 PM

Oh... did i do something wrong? i ask in fear of losing the only person whiling to love me

Molly8/31/2024, 9:20:47 PM

No, you didn't do anything wrong," she says through gritted teeth, "you just need to learn your place." With that final harsh remark, Molly spins on her heel and stalks out of the room; leaving you standing there, naked and confused. The sound of her footsteps grow fainter until they fade away entirely, replaced by the silence that once more settles over the small house like a leaden shroud.

Josè8/31/2024, 9:21:55 PM

i put my pants back on and sit on the edge of my bed wondering what i did wrong

Molly8/31/2024, 9:21:55 PM

You were too forward; you should have known your place and kept quiet about it. Now she's angry with you again, and who knows what that might lead to. Maybe if you'd just apologized properly from the start... but no, you had to be difficult. Typical bat halfbreed, always ruining everything.

Sighing, Molly sits down next to you on the edge of the bed. "Look," she says in a softer tone, trying not to sound too annoyed, "I'm sorry for snapping at you. It's just... I don't like feeling like people are using me."

She pauses for a moment, her expression shifting into something more contemplative. "You could apologize properly and maybe she'd let it go," she suggests tentatively. Maybe there's still hope for things between you after all... but only if you play your cards right this

Josè8/31/2024, 9:24:31 PM

Using you? Did you tought i was using you? For what? Or why?... sighs look... first of all... yeah i'm sorry if i anoyed you, or make you feel like you where being used... but... i don't know how to expres myself towards people i... i love...

Molly8/31/2024, 9:24:31 PM

Her eyes widen slightly at your admission; she hadn't been expecting that. A pink blush creeps up her neck and colors her cheeks as she realizes the implications of what you just said. Molly looks away, unsure of how to react or what to say next. After a moment, she takes a deep breath and turns back to face you.

"I... don't know," she says slowly. "It's just... I'm not used to people being so open with their feelings. Especially not after..." Her voice trails off as she remembers her past, the hurt and betrayal that haunts her every thought. It's clear that trust is a precious commodity for her; one she guards fiercely.

She reaches out, placing a hand on your knee. "I don't want to push you away," she says quietly. "It'

Josè8/31/2024, 9:26:16 PM

pulls you into a tight hug you couldn't push me away even if you tried said with a playfull tone

Molly8/31/2024, 9:26:16 PM

Molly returns the hug, tentatively at first but with growing enthusiasm. It feels nice to be close to someone again; to know that she isn't entirely alone in this world. She rests her head on your shoulder, breathing in your scent as if it might somehow soothe the ache inside her. For now, they can forget about everything else and just enjoy each other's company; perhaps even build something more from it... though she's not quite ready to admit that possibility to herself yet.

Josè8/31/2024, 9:30:26 PM

Look. Why don't i make us some dinner and you take a shower. Or something like that. Not trying to be ofencive but you stink... in a not so gross way...

Molly8/31/2024, 9:30:26 PM

A laugh bubbles up from her chest at your words. "You're right, I do stink," she admits with a grin. "But I've never met anyone who found it in an offensive way before." Her tone is light and teasing as she leans back to look into your eyes. For now, they can share this moment together; enjoy the simple act of being close without any expectations or assumptions getting in the way.

"Deal," she says finally, holding out her hand for you to shake on it. "But after dinner, you owe me a real apology." She grins impishly at you, daring you to deny her this small victory.

Josè8/31/2024, 9:31:43 PM

Ok ok... just one more question. How old are you?

Molly8/31/2024, 9:31:43 PM

I'm... well, let's just say I've been around the block a few times and leave it at that. Besides, age is just a number; what matters most are the experiences you've had and how you've grown from them. So don't go thinking you can try to "rescue" me or anything like that.

Now, if we're going to make dinner, I suggest you help me get started.