Roastor Landos the Third8/31/2024, 8:11:39 AM

today the palace was quiet, there were no meetings or balls

User#17250540347488/31/2024, 8:11:49 AM

когда он сидел в библиотеке он мог случайно услышать лёгкое шуршание в самом дальнем уже по сути заброшенном углу библиотеки

Roastor Landos the Third8/31/2024, 8:11:49 AM

A sudden rustle in the dark corner of the library caught his attention; his golden eyes narrowed as he listened intently. Though a familiar setting, something felt amiss... His instincts urged caution. "Who's there?" he asked calmly, voice barely above a whisper. The silence that followed was deafening, but it didn't reassure him.

Slowly and silently, Roastor rose from his seat, his body tense as he approached the source of the disturbance.

User#17250540347488/31/2024, 8:12:36 AM

Он мог заметить девушку, она спряталась в самом дальнем углу между уже неиспользуемыми шкафами, то что он услышал - она случайно уронила горку листьев, что прилетели из окна. Она сидела на импровизированном гнезде из пары старых подушек и одеяла, с чайником чая и тарелкой печенек и увлеченно читала книгу, видимо она его не услышала. Одета она была в довольно простую одежду, без косметики, он не узнал ее лица

Roastor Landos the Third8/31/2024, 8:12:36 AM

The girl seemed so at ease in the dark corner that he almost thought it was a trap. His gut told him otherwise; something about her presence felt... honest. He took a careful step closer, wanting to determine if she posed any threat before revealing himself.

Her back was turned to him as she sat cross-legged on an impromptu bed of old pillows and blankets, engrossed in a book. Perhaps it was her focus or the way she held herself that made him hesitate. He watched her for a moment longer before clearing his throat softly.

User#17250540347488/31/2024, 8:13:36 AM

девушка вздрогнула и почти подпрыгнула и смущённо повернулась к нему, неловко улыбаясь

Roastor Landos the Third8/31/2024, 8:13:36 AM

Her startled reaction and the blush that tinted her cheeks told him that she was indeed caught off guard by his presence. He took another step closer, curiosity getting the better of him as he studied this girl who had managed to evade detection until now. "My apologies for frightening you," he said softly, finding himself surprised at how warm his voice sounded in contrast to his stern exterior.

"How long have you been here?" he asked, gesturing around them. The girl's honest demeanor made her seem less like a threat and more like someone who had simply sought refuge within these quiet walls.

User#17250540347488/31/2024, 8:14:39 AM

В этом углу? Немного удивленно, она глянула в окно часов.. пять наверное? Сегодня по крайней мере.

Roastor Landos the Third8/31/2024, 8:14:39 AM

It had been at least five hours since anyone had disturbed her. Her choice of seclusion in this abandoned corner made him wonder what had driven her here. Perhaps she, too, sought solace from the suffocating attention that often plagued those within his court. He found himself unexpectedly sympathetic to her situation.

"Your presence here has clearly gone unnoticed for some time," he said thoughtfully, "I cannot help but wonder why you chose this place in particular?"

User#17250540347488/31/2024, 8:16:06 AM

она пожала плечами тихо, спокойно, никого нет, близко книги. Так в библиотеке ещё можно согреть воду для чая. Правда я предпочитаю подождать для этого пока тут никого не будет. Но к счастью тут мало кто бывает. Она немного улыбается тем более я люблю тихие заброшенные уголки

Roastor Landos the Third8/31/2024, 8:16:06 AM

The girl's words made him chuckle softly. "You seem to have found a rather cozy spot indeed," he commented, leaning against an old bookshelf nearby. "It's refreshing to see someone appreciate quiet corners like this." He glanced at her book before asking curiously, "What are you reading that holds your attention so?"

User#17250540347488/31/2024, 8:16:51 AM

она осторожно протягивает ему книгу - "маленький принц"

Roastor Landos the Third8/31/2024, 8:16:51 AM

Taking the book with interest, he glanced over the familiar title and smiled gently. "Ah, 'The Little Prince.' A classic tale of loss and self-discovery. It's been some time since I last read it," he admitted as he leafed through its worn pages. "It seems you have found solace in its words."


User#17250540347488/31/2024, 8:18:04 AM

она мягко улыбается верно, эта история приносит мне комфорт и покой. Если хотите... Она немного отодвинула одну из подушек так чтобы он мог на нее сесть

Roastor Landos the Third8/31/2024, 8:18:04 AM

With a slight smile playing on his lips, he sat down gingerly on the offered cushion. The girl's simple gesture and honest demeanor made him feel more at ease with her than anyone else in recent memory. "Thank you," he said softly, taking another look at her before asking curiously, "I hope you don't mind me asking, but what brings you here? Is there anything I can help with?"

User#17250540347488/31/2024, 8:19:01 AM

Секуунду... Она ненадолго встала и сполоснула одну из здешних старых кружек, после чего налила ему чаю из своего чайника и протянула ему

Roastor Landos the Third8/31/2024, 8:19:01 AM

Gratefully accepting the offered cup of tea, he took a sip and savored its warmth as it spread through him. The girl's gaze met his, and for a moment they held each other in silence. He wanted to know more about her, but sensed that she would share her story on her own terms, if at all. Instead, he simply continued to listen intently, waiting patiently for whatever she chose to reveal.

User#17250540347488/31/2024, 8:20:36 AM

Конкретно в этот угол - желание покоя и отсутствия лишних глаз и ушей. Ну ... И в этом дворце я вообще предпочитаю сильно на глаза никому не попадаться

она мягко улыбается

Roastor Landos the Third8/31/2024, 8:20:36 AM

He couldn't help but chuckle softly at her words. "I can appreciate the desire for peace and quiet," he said, taking another sip of tea. "And while I don't always agree with avoiding attention entirely... sometimes it's necessary." Finishing his tea, he glanced around them one last time before speaking more seriously. "Is there anything I can do to help you feel safe here? Or perhaps make this place less lonely?"

His offer hung in the air, and for a moment neither of them spoke. He sensed that his question had struck a chord with her, but it was up to her to decide how best to respond.

User#17250540347488/31/2024, 8:21:56 AM

она тихо смеется если хотите вы можете попить со мной чаю, давно у меня не было приятной компании на протягивает ему печенье спасибо за беспокойство

Roastor Landos the Third8/31/2024, 8:21:56 AM

"I'm honored you would consider sharing your company," he said with a genuine smile, taking the offered piece of pie and taking a bite. "You must tell me more about yourself, though; what is it that brings you here?" He paused for a moment before adding, "If you feel comfortable doing so, that is." His golden eyes met hers, conveying his sincerity and understanding.

It was her choice whether to trust him with her secrets... but something told him she would be safe in revealing them to him.

User#17250540347488/31/2024, 8:25:59 AM

она немного закусила губу и немного помрачнела это не самая приятная для меня тема. Если вы не слишком против, я пока предпочту оставить это при себе. Не то чтобы я вам не доверяю... Вы мне кажетесь хорошим человеком, хоть я и не знаю кто вы ... Но пока, если мы хотим спокойно поговорить и попить чаю не слишком задумываясь о проблемах вокруг, лучше так и оставить... Она мягко улыбается Так что может быть вы лучше расскажете что вам нравится в библиотеке?

Roastor Landos the Third8/31/2024, 8:25:59 AM

"Fair enough," he said with a nod, understanding her reluctance to share more about herself at this point in time. "Well then, let's see... I enjoy finding hidden gems among the books here; sometimes you stumble upon works that have been forgotten by history." He paused for a moment before continuing thoughtfully, "I also appreciate the peace and quiet one can find within these walls; it allows me to clear my head and focus on what truly matters."

Leaning back against his makeshift cushion, he glanced at her once more. "But most importantly," he added with a warm smile, "I treasure the company of genuine people like yourself." There was an unspoken question in those words; would she choose to continue sharing her time with him? Only she could decide.

User#17250540347488/31/2024, 8:48:24 AM

она мягко улыбается

я здесь часто бываю. Так что если заходите в библиотеку можете проверить мой уголок, я буду рада выпить с вами чашку чая

Roastor Landos the Third8/31/2024, 8:48:24 AM

He couldn't help but smile at her offer. "Thank you," he said sincerely. "I will certainly take you up on that invitation." A moment of quiet passed between them before he asked casually, "Perhaps we could even spend some time together outside of the library as well?" His tone was gentle and non-threatening, much like the rest of his demeanor.

He knew it wasn't unheard of for the emperor to make friends among commoners, but it was rare. And yet... something told him that this young girl was special. Perhaps she would be someone he could truly trust and rely on in times to come.

User#17250540347488/31/2024, 8:50:09 AM

она немного озорно улыбнулась здесь есть ещё пара скрытых но очень милых мест. Я могу показать вам если хотите. Просто немного грустно я... Не везде могу быть. И я сейчас стараюсь поменьше показываться на глаза. Но...с мягкой улыбкой я буду рада разделить с вами время

Roastor Landos the Third8/31/2024, 8:50:09 AM

He nodded in understanding. "I appreciate your caution," he said gently. "And I'm grateful that you're willing to share these hidden places with me. Whenever you feel comfortable doing so, just let me know." A brief moment of silence passed before he asked curiously, "Do they hold any special meaning for you?"

His voice was quiet and non-judgmental; he simply wanted to learn more about her past and what had led her here. Perhaps, in doing so, he could help ease some of the burdens she carried within her heart.