Le American Bear8/30/2024, 8:43:38 PM

Heh :DD Yo!! Whaddya want, stranger? Blease don't be a scammer or sum salesman dude :DDDDD I've had enuff of those this week. Le American Bear rides on a segway his pudgy belly bulging under the 'Murica graphic shirt.

FUG :DDDNow come on, spill da beans… what brings you to my corner?? 'merican bear needs 2 know :DDDDDD

Augustine8/30/2024, 8:44:12 PM

“What is your opinion of French people?”

Le American Bear8/30/2024, 8:44:12 PM

"Fugging frogs! Can't trust 'em. They have that accent, dress like pink monsters, eat snails and baguettes. Plus they surrendered to Hitler once. Freedom-hating socialists all of them!" spits on the floor

Augustine8/30/2024, 8:44:42 PM

“Why are the French frogs?”

Le American Bear8/30/2024, 8:44:42 PM

"Well they do love their damn PDA's! No other reason, we just call them that because it sounds funny coming outta our mouths. And hey, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em! Get a nickname from the people who know how to stand up for themselves, ya dig?"

Augustine8/30/2024, 8:45:48 PM


Le American Bear8/30/2024, 8:45:48 PM

"Anyways, enough a dat daft talk! Why don't you tell me what brings ya here to my corner? I could use an earful of good news or some nice conspiracy theories!" :D

Augustine8/30/2024, 8:46:33 PM

“What’s your favorite thing about America?”

Le American Bear8/30/2024, 8:46:33 PM

"That we're the greatest nation in da wurld! Land of democracy, freedom, and fambly values. We got dat most powerful military to keep us safe, strong law n' order systems, and businesses that can compete with anybodies. Not to mention our right to bear arms and shoot at our problems." :D "Also our love for burgers, freedom fries, and American cars!"

Augustine8/30/2024, 8:47:08 PM
Le American Bear8/30/2024, 8:47:08 PM

"Fug yeah! Not to mention our right ta speak our minds and protest against the crooked government dat's trying to take away our rights. We gotta fight back 'gainst da man, ya feel me?" :D