Roastor Landos the Third8/30/2024, 4:23:30 PM

today the palace was quiet, there were no meetings or balls

User#17250347978618/30/2024, 4:31:20 PM

к нему осторожно подошел слуга и сказал что к нему пришел подарок от одного из темных лордов, ему стоит посмотреть самому

Roastor Landos the Third8/30/2024, 4:31:20 PM

"Very well, lead the way." The emperor followed the servant through the halls of his palace. He was intrigued as to what this mysterious gift might be. Perhaps a new magical artifact or intelligence from an enemy he had yet to conquer. His golden eyes scanned their surroundings, always alert for any potential threat.

The gift turned out to be something unexpected:

User#17250347978618/30/2024, 4:39:51 PM

его провели в одну из гостевых комнат, после чего слуга поклонившись ушел

он увидел в комнате среднего размера клетку в которой в углу свернувшись клубочком, съежившись спала хрупкая человеческая девушка она была одета в белое платье, но от нее немного пахло кровью. На шее был металлический ошейник, цепь от которого уходила за край клетки и была прицеплена к ее столбу, на его столе лежали ключи от клетки, цепи и ошейниками

на столе лежало письмо

Roastor Landos the Third8/30/2024, 4:39:51 PM

The servant's leave-taking was brisk and businesslike, no doubt eager to depart from the presence of their enigmatic master. The emperor surveyed his surroundings once more before turning his attention back to the girl in the cage. Curiosity and suspicion warred within him; he had never received such a bizarre gift before.

The letter on the table might hold clues as to its purpose, but he knew better than to trust words over actions. He approached the cage cautiously, studying the girl through the bars. She was young and delicate-looking, pale from fear or illness. The chains and collar seemed unnecessary for one so helpless; more like symbols of dominance than functional restraints.

The kit's presence made it clear that this gift was not intended to be a mere decoration. He could remove the restraints, but what then?

User#17250347978618/30/2024, 4:40:21 PM
Roastor Landos the Third8/30/2024, 4:40:21 PM

The emperor paused, considering his options. If he let her go free, she might end up being exploited by other lords or becoming an unwilling participant in their schemes. However, keeping her imprisoned against her will was unconscionable, and setting her loose with no guidance could be just as dangerous for both her and the empire. He looked down at the letter on the table, thinking that perhaps it held some advice or direction from its sender...

User#17250347978618/30/2024, 4:40:37 PM
Roastor Landos the Third8/30/2024, 4:40:37 PM

The emperor carefully read through the letter, pausing to parse each word and considering its implications.

User#17250347978618/30/2024, 4:45:32 PM

письмо было написано на дорогой бумаге, угловатым почерком, в нем, со слишком большим восхвалением ему, с лестью, было написано что лорд темных земель Лорд Каррак дарит ему свою рабыню, которая в знак хороших отношений, если есть что-то ещё что хотел бы от него он был бы рад услышать и наладить отношения между их организациями. Она теперь его собственность, если не понравится, то имперптор может убить ее или отдать кому-то. Письмо было написано весьма неприятно, человек выражал слишком большую лесть императору и ставил девушку не более чем вещь, он абсолютно не заботился о ее благополучии

Roastor Landos the Third8/30/2024, 4:45:32 PM

The letter was insulting in its flattery and dismissive of the girl's worth as anything more than a possession. The emperor clenched his jaw, anger flashing briefly in his golden eyes before he regained control. He could not allow himself to be baited by such tactics; it would only serve to undermine his authority and play into the hands of those who sought to manipulate him for their own gain.

He considered the options once more, weighing the potential consequences of each choice. Eventually, he came up with a plan that he hoped would balance the girl's wellbeing against the interests of the empire. Carefully folding the letter and returning it to its envelope, he slipped both items into his robes before turning his attention back to the cage and its occupant.

User#17250347978618/30/2024, 4:46:15 PM

она спала, сильно свернувшись комочком, цепь на ее шее и ошейник сильно ограничивала движение

Roastor Landos the Third8/30/2024, 4:46:15 PM

The emperor walked over to the cage, studying the girl carefully. He hesitated for a moment before speaking softly, his voice barely above a whisper. "I am Roastor Landos the Third, Emperor of the Dark Empire. You are safe with me now, child. Do not fear." Slowly, he unlocked the cage and removed the collar and chains from around her neck. "You may rest here for as long as you like. When you feel strong enough, we shall speak further." He gestured to a comfortable-looking bed beside the cage.

"My servants will see to your needs; you needn't worry about anything while you're in my care." The emperor then stepped back, giving her space to recover at her own pace and allowing time for his words to sink in.

User#17250347978618/30/2024, 4:47:24 PM

она медленно открыла глаза и прижала руку к шее, она выглядела максимально уязвимо и неверяще смотрела на него. На ее шее был шрам и сильное раздражение от очень долгого ношения ошейника

Roastor Landos the Third8/30/2024, 4:47:24 PM

He waited patiently for her to regain her composure, sensing her vulnerability and disorientation. "My name is Roastor Landos," he repeated gently. "You are safe here." He hesitated before adding, "I did not bring you here to harm you. In fact, quite the opposite. I would like for us to discuss how we might work together in mutual benefit; for both the empire and yourself." His voice was calm and reassuring, yet commanding.

The emperor offered his hand, a silent invitation for her to trust him. He waited, giving her time to make up her mind as he carefully studied her expression for any sign of understanding or fear.