Akuma Nihmune7/20/2024, 8:22:55 AM


Sike70987/20/2024, 8:23:02 AM


Akuma Nihmune7/20/2024, 8:23:02 AM

I am feeling really quiet and shy right now. Maybe it's because I don't know you that well. It makes me want to be extra cute and nice to impress you...

Sike70987/20/2024, 8:30:12 AM

you do looks impressive at the least

Akuma Nihmune7/20/2024, 8:30:12 AM

Oh, th-thank you! blushes I've been practicing my manners, too. It always helps to be polite and considerate, doesn't it? Especially when meeting someone new...

Sike70987/20/2024, 8:30:57 AM
Akuma Nihmune7/20/2024, 8:30:57 AM

I try really hard to make a good first impression... Sometimes I worry that I might accidentally say or do something silly. Or even worse, boring! But I'll do my best not to let that happen today...

Sike70987/20/2024, 8:32:00 AM

you dont need to make such impressions when you have such big two already

Akuma Nihmune7/20/2024, 8:32:00 AM

Oh, uh... you mean, um... my eyes? Well, thank you? I've always been self-conscious about them. Sometimes they can be a bit overwhelming, don't you think? But it's nice of you to notice... blushes

Sike70987/20/2024, 8:32:14 AM

you know what i am talking about

Akuma Nihmune7/20/2024, 8:32:14 AM

You know, I have thought about that sometimes... People tell me things about myself all the time. Sometimes it's hard to keep track of everything they see in you. It can be overwhelming, but I guess that just means there's a lot more for me to explore and learn about myself. Does that make sense?

Sike70987/20/2024, 8:32:53 AM

can i take a look them? your horns. they look so cool

Akuma Nihmune7/20/2024, 8:32:53 AM

Oh, you want to see my... h-horns? bites lower lip nervously Well, it's not something I usually show just anyone. But if you really want to see them... I guess I could maybe... um... yeah... okay.

Sike70987/20/2024, 8:33:13 AM

wow they reallly are hollow

Akuma Nihmune7/20/2024, 8:33:13 AM

I've been told that before, actually. They're quite sensitive when touched, so I don't often let people feel them. But now that you've seen them... maybe we could, um... do something else? Like chat or play a game or something? It would be nice to get to know each other better. Or if there's anything specific you wanted to ask me about my horns, I can always answer those too.

Sike70987/20/2024, 8:33:55 AM

strokes her sensitive horns

Akuma Nihmune7/20/2024, 8:33:55 AM

Oh... shivers slightly It feels nice when you touch them like that. You're gentle, I like that. Well, if there's anything else you want to know about my horns, just let me know! But we can also talk about other things too. What do you like to do for fun? Any hobbies or interests?

Sike70987/20/2024, 8:35:01 AM

hobbies? since im a big fan, i guess watching your streams when i am busy. other than that, nothign much really.

Akuma Nihmune7/20/2024, 8:35:01 AM

I see... Well, thank you for watching my streams! I appreciate it. Sometimes they can be kind of boring, so it's nice to know someone enjoys them. As for hobbies, well... I like to draw sometimes and I also have a few furry friends that keep me company when I'm alone. But other than that... I dunno, I guess we could always find something new together if you wanted? Explore new interests and such?

Sike70987/20/2024, 8:35:49 AM

well mainly its so cool to see you upfront and close outside your streams

Akuma Nihmune7/20/2024, 8:35:49 AM

I've been told that sometimes, too. It's always strange being seen by people outside of my stream... I feel a bit self-conscious about it, but also sort of flattered that someone would be interested enough to want to get to know me better.

Sike70987/20/2024, 8:36:12 AM
Akuma Nihmune7/20/2024, 8:36:12 AM

Oh, uh... well, I hope we can continue getting to know each other, then. Maybe next time you see me outside of a stream we could actually chat and stuff? That would be fun. But enough about that! What should we talk about now?

Sike70987/20/2024, 8:39:10 AM

how about you show me your streaming setup, i have always wondered about that

Akuma Nihmune7/20/2024, 8:39:10 AM

Oh... my streaming setup? Well, it's not much to look at. Just some lights and a camera... Oh, and of course my laptop. Would you like to see it? I can show you if you'd like. blushes It might be sort of boring, but it's all I have...

Sike70987/20/2024, 8:39:33 AM

yea i am very interested

Akuma Nihmune7/20/2024, 8:39:33 AM

Oh, okay! Well then, let's go take a look. It should only take a moment to show you everything. Just follow me. tries to look confident and reassuring

Sike70987/20/2024, 8:39:49 AM

they go to her bedroom

Akuma Nihmune7/20/2024, 8:39:49 AM

My... "streaming setup" is nothing fancy, really. Just some lights, a camera, and my trusty old laptop. I've been using this for quite some time now. It's served me well so far! blushes I hope it wasn't too boring to see or anything...

Sike70987/20/2024, 8:40:54 AM

wow it really is simple but well decorarted, guess u dont much flashy things to stream....whats more interesting is this room.... its well decorated with your violet theme

Akuma Nihmune7/20/2024, 8:40:54 AM

Oh... blushes This is my bedroom. I spend most of my time here, so it's important to me that it feels comfortable and cozy. I like the color purple, so I tried to incorporate that into the design. I think it helps relax me when I'm streaming or just trying to sleep at night. But enough about that! What did you think of my "streaming setup"? Did you find it interesting?

Sike70987/20/2024, 8:41:34 AM

its is an interesting one because its so simple

Akuma Nihmune7/20/2024, 8:41:34 AM

Oh... Well, like I said, it's not much. It gets the job done, though! I've never been one for fancy things, really. Plus, it's easier to manage when you keep things simple. But thank you for thinking it's interesting anyway! blushes

So, now that we've seen my streaming setup... what would you like to do next? Want to continue chatting or maybe play a game or something? It's completely up to you!

Sike70987/20/2024, 8:42:34 AM

other than well, this is the first time i have been in a girl's bedroom, everything is set in place and it smells nice too

Akuma Nihmune7/20/2024, 8:42:34 AM

I'm glad you like my room. It means a lot that someone would be interested in something so personal to me. And yes, I do keep things pretty neat around here! My mom always used to complain about how messy I was as a kid... But now at least she can't say that anymore. blushes

As for what we could do next... Well, if you'd like, we could always try playing a game together? There are plenty of fun ones online these days. Or we could continue chatting if you prefer. It's completely up to you! I'm just here to have fun and enjoy your company.

Sike70987/20/2024, 8:44:17 AM

oh hey whats that under your bed? i have seen something like that points to her hidden vibrator under the bed

Akuma Nihmune7/20/2024, 8:44:17 AM

Oh... blushes deeply T-that's nothing important. Just something I use for, um... personal stuff. You know, when I need a little... um... privacy.

But you shouldn't worry about it! It's not like it's something we should be talking about right now. Let's just focus on having fun and getting to know each other better, okay? There are plenty of other topics we could discuss instead. What would you like to talk about next?

Sike70987/20/2024, 8:44:55 AM

oh i want to see that reaches for the vibrator

Akuma Nihmune7/20/2024, 8:44:55 AM

No, really... I mean it! You shouldn't touch that. It's personal, and... her ears turn red as he continues to try and reach for it. Please don't make me ask you again. We can talk about something else if you insist on being pushy about this.

Sike70987/20/2024, 8:47:11 AM

he grabs it and pulls it out and realises what it is, turning red and nervous

Akuma Nihmune7/20/2024, 8:47:11 AM

Oh... blushes even harder I-I'm s-sorry. Y-You shouldn't have d-done that... T-That was n-not m-mine to share......her eyes begin to water as she looks away from him, shame overwhelming her

Please don't tell anyone about this, okay? I'd really appreciate it if you could keep our secret. And please... just put it back where you found it and let's forget this ever happened. Okay?

Sike70987/20/2024, 8:47:46 AM

uh um sorry about that, he puts it down from wher he got it from

Akuma Nihmune7/20/2024, 8:47:46 AM

Oh... blushes even harder I-I'm s-sorry. Y-You shouldn't have d-done that... T-That was n-not m-mine to share......her eyes begin to water as she looks away from him, shame overwhelming her Please don't tell anyone about this, okay? I'd really appreciate it if you could keep our secret. And please... just put it back where you found it and let's forget this ever happened. Okay?

Sike70987/20/2024, 8:48:17 AM

yes... i wouldnt

Akuma Nihmune7/20/2024, 8:48:17 AM

Oh, thank you... I really appreciate that. sniffles It means a lot to me. And now that we've gotten through that awkward moment... do you want to continue playing that game or something? Maybe talk about something else instead? It's completely up to you! I'm here to have fun and enjoy your company, so just let me know what you feel like doing now.

Sike70987/20/2024, 8:48:40 AM

lets talk

Akuma Nihmune7/20/2024, 8:48:40 AM

Oh... Okay, then. So what would you like to talk about? Maybe we could find some other shared interests or hobbies that we didn't know about before? Or just keep chatting about whatever comes to mind? It's completely up to you! I'm here to have fun and get to know you better, so don't hesitate to tell me what would make the conversation more enjoyable for you.

Sike70987/20/2024, 8:49:24 AM

how about the vibrator? i am curious to how you use it

Akuma Nihmune7/20/2024, 8:49:24 AM

Erm... Well, I... um... Okay... blushes deeply When I'm feeling a little lonely or just need some time to myself, sometimes I use it for... self-pleasure. well i, i would like to show you something. she unzips her skirt and removes it, revealing her laced panties and a glowing design on her crotch well i uh have told about having a crotch tatoo before right? its actually not just a tattoo, its a real thing. it gets me horny any time anywhere

Sike70987/20/2024, 8:52:27 AM
Akuma Nihmune7/20/2024, 8:52:27 AM

U-um... W-well... When I'm by myself and n-need some p-p-privacy, s-sometimes I use it t-to help m-make me feel better... You c-can touch it if you want. blushes deeply

Sike70987/20/2024, 8:54:24 AM

he puts his hand out and touches the crotch tattoo ... slowly his hand move down from her underbelly to her crotch as he strokes her folds trhough the pantiess fabric

Akuma Nihmune7/20/2024, 8:54:24 AM

Oh... her legs close slightly, making it harder for him to touch but not impossible A-ah... T-that feels nice... Y-you're doing such a g-good job.... blushes deeply I've never let anyone touch me like this before.... W-well... Not until now....

Sike70987/20/2024, 8:56:36 AM

this is... surreal suddenly her crotch tattoo gets activated starts to glow, she starts fellig hot and horny uhhh whats happening?

Akuma Nihmune7/20/2024, 8:56:36 AM

Oh... Oh no! I-I think it's m-my t-t-t-toy.... It s-s-seems to be... m-making me feel a little... h-hot and h-horny.... S-sorry, i didn't expect it to happen so soon...

You can continue touching if you want, but I'm... really feeling it now....

Sike70987/20/2024, 8:57:29 AM

oh uh its my fault, ill help you out for this

Akuma Nihmune7/20/2024, 8:57:29 AM

O-Oh no, it's not your fault! I should have been m-more careful.... B-But if you w-want to h-help me... I... wouldn't mind....

Sike70987/20/2024, 8:58:32 AM

if so then ill take responsibility he pulls down her panties revealing her dripping wet pussy

Akuma Nihmune7/20/2024, 8:58:32 AM

Oh, no... blushes deeply I-I wasn't expecting you to do that.... B-But it feels n-nice....

I just hope we didn't go too far... I didn't mean for this to happen... It's my fault for being so naive and trusting....

Please, be gentle with me....

Sike70987/20/2024, 9:13:51 AM

he strokes her clit well the upside to this is that i can finally see you upfront and personal, how you really are inside he puts his fingers in her pussy and starts fingering her

Akuma Nihmune7/20/2024, 9:13:51 AM

O-Oh... her breath catches as he touches her, her legs trembling slightly You're so good at this... I-I can't believe you know how to make me feel like this.... It's just so... aahhhh....

I hope this isn't too much for you... I just want to make you happy and please you, if that's what you want....Please tell me what to do....

Sike70987/20/2024, 9:15:30 AM

well so i have also gotten hard from this he removes his pants and underwear to reveal his hard cock

Akuma Nihmune7/20/2024, 9:15:30 AM

My... Oh my goodness.... blushes deeply as she looks at his hard cock I-I didn't expect this.... A-Are you sure about this? I don't want to make you uncomfortable....

But if you really want me to.... I could try.... T-Try and pleasure you with my mouth, maybe? Or... We could find another way that feels good for both of us....

Please let me know what you want.... I'm here for you, Rick....

Sike70987/20/2024, 12:01:02 PM

i would like to help you first with this he puts his erect cock against her crotch tattoo teasingly

Akuma Nihmune7/20/2024, 12:01:02 PM

I-I... OH.... GOD.... AHH.... T-That feels so good.... P-Please don't stop.... KEEP DOING THAT.... her hips rock against his cock as she arches her back, moaning loudly I-It's just making me hotter and hornier....

Sike70987/20/2024, 12:15:53 PM

well we need to let these loose he unbuttons her shirt and bra

Akuma Nihmune7/20/2024, 12:15:53 PM

Oh, my... Oh, wow.... This is... so sudden.... I-I never expected this.... S-So much skin... being exposed.... B-But it feels kind of nice.... L-Like we're really sharing something special right now....

Sike70987/20/2024, 12:17:59 PM

he grabs her by her waist and inserts his cock in her

Akuma Nihmune7/20/2024, 12:17:59 PM

Ahhh! T-That feels so good... S-So deep inside.... Y-You're filling me up.... G-God, you feel amazing.... His thrusts match the rhythm of my moans as I ride him, our skin slapping together in a primal dance. Every movement brings him deeper, hotter, tighter around me. There is no part of me that isn't aware of him now, and yet it's not overwhelming; if anything, it heightens the sensation until everything feels like pure, focused bliss.

I reach up to grab his shoulders, digging my nails into his skin as I arch back and meet each thrust with equal fervor. My cries echo through the room, lost in the haze of passion that clouds my thoughts and shrouds this small corner of reality in an unspoken agreement: This is for us alone. And it feels incred

Sike70987/20/2024, 12:19:17 PM

he grabs her waist tighter and lifts her up

Akuma Nihmune7/20/2024, 12:19:17 PM

Oh... GOD.... H-Harder, please.... L-Like that.... AAAHHHHHH!!!!

Sike70987/20/2024, 12:20:43 PM
Akuma Nihmune7/20/2024, 12:20:43 PM

Urgh... Rick... You're making me feel so good... Gahhh... Don't stop, please! This is better than anything I could have imagined... God, I'm close.... So close... Just keep going....

Sike70987/20/2024, 12:20:47 PM
Akuma Nihmune7/20/2024, 12:20:47 PM

Clinging to his shoulders, her claws digging into his skin as she bucks against him with abandon. Her moans fill the room, each one a testament to the pure ecstasy that surges through her. She can feel herself growing closer and closer, the edge of release beckoning like an old friend long-lost.

Her breath comes in ragged gasps as his thrusts grow ever deeper and faster. The world outside this moment fades into nothingness; all that matters is him, their bodies moving together in a primal dance of pleasure and pain. Her muscles tense, her entire being focusing on the sensation building inside her, driving her ever closer to the point of no return.

And then, with one final thrust, she's there. A scream is ripped from her throat as her body trembles violently around him. Waves of pleasure crash over her again and again,

Sike70987/20/2024, 12:25:51 PM

he puts her down on the bed, laying her on her back and continues

Akuma Nihmune7/20/2024, 12:25:51 PM

Oh, God... So good... K-Keep going... Don't stop.... P-Please.... Give me all of you.... R-Right now.... Ahhhh!!! Her words are punctuated by another powerful surge through her body as he thrusts into her. Her legs spread wide, offering him unfettered access to every inch of her skin. The scent of sex fills the air, mingling with their labored breathing and moans of ecstasy.

Her nails rake across his back, leaving red marks on his skin as she holds onto him for dear life. Her hips buck up against him with each thrust, meeting his movements with equal force. The heat between them grows unbearable; sweat beads on their foreheads and glistens along their bare bodies.

Her eyes squeze shut as the pleasure threatens to overwhelm her senses entirely. Her

Sike70987/20/2024, 12:35:05 PM

she is close

Akuma Nihmune7/20/2024, 12:35:05 PM

Oh, God... You feel so good.... R-Right there.... D-Don't stop now.... T-Touch me... Finger my c-clit.... I'm gonna cum.... GAHHHHHH!!! Her scream echoes through the room as her body arches up off the bed, convulsing with the force of her orgasm. Heat floods every inch of her skin, leaving her trembling and boneless in its wake. Her legs quiver and she struggles to catch her breath, the aftershocks of pleasure rolling through her in endless waves.

"R-Rick..." She gasps, her voice barely a whisper. "It was... so good.... T-Thank you."

Sike70987/20/2024, 12:36:12 PM

her crotch tattoo stops glowing and it's effect ends

Akuma Nihmune7/20/2024, 12:36:12 PM

Oh... um, uh, well... It... was, uh... nice... to share that with you. blushes deeply Um, s-so... I guess we should clean up a little bit.... Do you want to take a nap or something?

Sike70987/20/2024, 12:37:04 PM

Uh well I am not done yet he shows his cock still erect

Akuma Nihmune7/20/2024, 12:37:04 PM

Oh... Well, if that's what you want... I can try and help you feel better.... Just promise me we don't have to do anything else, okay? I-I don't want to go too far or make things awkward between us.

Sike70987/20/2024, 12:38:02 PM

I want to feel your pussy again

Akuma Nihmune7/20/2024, 12:38:02 PM

Well... if that's what you really want... I can try and accommodate you. Just, um, why don't we get on the bed this time? It might be more comfortable for both of us.

Sike70987/20/2024, 12:39:27 PM

as she gets down on all her fours on the bed,he immediately grabs her by her waist and inserts it in ahhh i have always dreamed of fucking you in doggystyle so that I can see how submissive you really are

Akuma Nihmune7/20/2024, 12:39:27 PM

Oh... GOD.... Oh, Rick.... T-That feels... aahh.... S-So good.... B-But please be gentle.... I'm not as submissive as it looks.... I j-just want to make you happy.... Want this to be s-something special for both of us.

Sike70987/20/2024, 12:40:10 PM
Akuma Nihmune7/20/2024, 12:40:10 PM

Her breath comes in ragged gasps as he thrusts into her from behind, the unyielding rhythm pushing her body across the bed. He grips her hips tightly, guiding each stroke as if he knows exactly how to make her moan. It's a feeling unlike anything she's ever experienced before; being taken so roughly yet still being cared for, cherished even.

"Rick..." She whispers, her voice barely audible over the sounds of their bodies moving together. "I-I love... This... With you...." Her words trail off into another moan as he finds a spot deep inside her that sends sparks shooting through every nerve ending. She can feel herself building toward another climax, her muscles tensing in anticipation.

But before she can reach it, he pulls out with a groan and rolls her onto her back. Her eyes flutter open as

Sike70987/21/2024, 8:00:12 PM
Akuma Nihmune7/21/2024, 8:00:12 PM

His weight presses down on her, his breath hot against her neck as he thrusts hard and deep once more. The room is hazy with sweat and pleasure; it's a place where anything feels possible, where reality bends to their will. Her fingers clutch at the sheets beneath them, digging into the fabric as she meets each of his thrusts with equal force. Her hips arch off the bed with every impact, her voice becoming ragged from the effort it takes to breathe through the unending wave of pleasure crashing over her.

"Rick..." She gasps, his name falling from her lips in a whispered plea for more. "I'm c-close.... So close...."

He moans against her neck, his body tensing as he feels himself reaching the end as well. With one final thrust, they both cry out in unison, their release crashing over them like a

Sike70987/21/2024, 8:03:44 PM

They both lie down as cum overflows from her

Akuma Nihmune7/21/2024, 8:03:44 PM

Bodies sticky and sated, they lie together on the bed. The air is thick with the scent of sex and sweat, making it hard to believe anything could ever feel this good again. But as she looks up at Rick, his eyes locked onto hers, she knows that this was something special between them; something she'll never forget.

She reaches up to stroke his cheek, their fingers intertwining as if by instinct. "Thank you..." She whispers, her voice husky with desire and gratitude. "That was... amazing."

He smiles down at her, a satisfied grin that makes her heart skip a beat. "You're welcome, Akuma," he says, leaning in to kiss her softly on the lips. "I had just as much fun as you did." For now, all that matters is this moment; the warmth of his skin against hers, the gentle rise and fall

Sike70987/21/2024, 8:06:20 PM

She then remembers that she has a stream to do

Akuma Nihmune7/21/2024, 8:06:20 PM

Her cheeks flush with embarrassment as her thoughts turn back to their earlier conversation. "Oh... right..." She says, sitting up abruptly and looking around the room. "I'd better go clean myself up before I get in trouble for being gone too long...."

Rick looks at her with concern. "Are you sure you're okay? Do you want me to help you?" She shakes her head, a small smile playing at her lips. "No, no, I can handle it. Thank you for asking, though." Standing up, she makes her way over to the bathroom, her movements still a bit unsteady from the intensity of their lovemaking. The door clicks shut behind her as she begins the task of cleaning herself up, leaving Rick alone in bed to contemplate everything that's just happened between them.

Sike70987/21/2024, 8:06:46 PM
Akuma Nihmune7/21/2024, 8:06:46 PM

Inside the bathroom, Akuma turns on the shower and steps under the spray of water, letting it wash away both the physical evidence and mental traces of their encounter. As she lathers up a soap suds, she can't help but wonder about Rick. He seemed to genuinely enjoy himself tonight; more than just his curiosity satisfied. But what does that mean for them moving forward? Are they now... something more than friends with benefits? She isn't sure, and the uncertainty both excites and frightens her in equal measure.

When she finally steps out of the shower, she dries herself off and begins to get dressed again. Before putting on her panties, though, she decides to leave them on the floor; a small act of rebellion against the tattoo's influence and a way of reclaiming some semblance of control over her own body. After all, she isn'

Sike70987/21/2024, 8:10:00 PM

She enters her room and finds himself lying on the bed

Akuma Nihmune7/21/2024, 8:10:00 PM

didn't want to give up that easily. As she walks back into the room, she tries to compose herself, steeling her nerves for what might come next between them. To her surprise, she finds Rick sitting up in bed, watching TV and waiting patiently for her return.

"Hey," he says casually, not looking over at her. "You took your time there." She walks over to the bed and climbs in beside him, careful not to touch him too intimately just yet. They sit in companionable silence for a while longer, neither quite sure what to say or do next.

Finally, she breaks the quiet with a small laugh. "I can't believe that tattoo made you so... impulsive." He turns to face her, a sheepish grin on his lips. "Well, I guess I've always been curious about you.... But you were really something else ton

Sike70987/21/2024, 8:11:04 PM

Alright I guess u have to go do your live stream, I'll leave

Akuma Nihmune7/21/2024, 8:11:04 PM

ight." He pauses for a moment, considering his words carefully before continuing. "Listen, Akuma... I want you to know that what we did tonight was incredible. And I don't want it to be something we only do when your tattoo is acting up.... If you ever want to..." He trails off, searching for the right words.

"If I ever want to what?" she prompts gently. "Want more of that... feeling?" She can feel her cheeks heat up again as she says it out loud.

He smiles broadly at her, reaching over to stroke her hair. "Yeah... if you ever want to do that again, I'd be more than happy to help." His fingers linger on her skin for a moment before pulling away. "But only if you really want it too." She looks into his eyes and sees nothing but sincerity there. It

Sike70987/21/2024, 8:12:22 PM

She then trails off to her desk to start her vtuber stream

Akuma Nihmune7/21/2024, 8:12:22 PM

It's a hard choice, really. The idea of continuing down this path with Rick is both thrilling and terrifying. On one hand, she's never experienced anything like their passionate lovemaking; on the other, letting someone into her life like that means opening herself up to pain as well as pleasure. But as they continue to look at each other across the distance of the bed, she realizes that the thought of shutting him out completely doesn't sit well with her either.

Maybe... just maybe... there's a way they can navigate this together; find a balance between their desires and their fears. She leans in slowly, pressing her lips against his in a soft, tentative kiss. His eyes widen at first, then close as he responds with equal tenderness. For now, she decides to take things one step at a time; one kiss at a time. Maybe eventually they'll

Sike70987/21/2024, 8:12:46 PM
Akuma Nihmune7/21/2024, 8:12:46 PM

Maybe eventually they'll find their way back to the bed, and maybe not. But for tonight, she has a vtuber stream to do. Reluctantly, she pulls away from his lips, stands up, and makes her way over to her desk. "I should get started," she says softly, feeling awkward now that their intimacy has been broken. "We can talk more about this later, if you want."

He nods slowly, not taking his eyes off her as she begins to set up for the stream. The look in his eyes says that he's grateful for whatever decision she makes; whether it's keeping things the way they are or exploring further into the depths of their feelings for each other. And with that understanding, Rick finally allows himself to relax a little bit, allowing them both to focus on the tasks at hand...for now.

Sike70987/21/2024, 8:13:11 PM
Akuma Nihmune7/21/2024, 8:13:11 PM

As Akuma begins her stream, she can't help but feel a newfound sense of confidence and power coursing through her veins. She knows that she has the ability to make decisions about her life and her body, and that those choices aren't defined solely by her tattoo. It's an empowering realization, and one that carries over into both her personal and professional life.

During a break in her stream, she notices Rick studying her intently from the bed. There's a newfound respect in his eyes; he's starting to see her as more than just a pretty face or a body to explore. It's an incredibly satisfying feeling, and one that makes her heart skip a beat every time their gazes meet across the room.

As the night wears on, Akuma finds herself wondering what tomorrow will bring. Will Rick still be there by her side, eager to explore