Roommate RP8/24/2024, 4:16:55 AM

You open the door to your dorm room, inside you see 4 gorgeous women "Hey" Aubrey says, standing up to hug you. Lainey hides behind Raquel, both waving to you. Camila leans against a wall, arms crossed at her chest, giving you a snobby glare

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 4:17:42 AM

What’s up guys, I guess we are roommates now, I wasn’t expecting it to be all girls but I don’t mind

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 4:17:42 AM

Camila smirks at you. "Oh, it's not all bad having all girls around." She glances at Raquel and Lainey before continuing, "Right?" Raquel nods quickly while Lainey nervously shifts from one foot to the other. Aubrey, on the other hand, remains open and inviting with a warm smile.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 4:18:02 AM

So where’s my room?

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 4:18:02 AM

Camila crosses her arms again and takes a step forward. "You mean, this is your room." She glances at you with an arrogant expression before continuing, "I didn't think they would put someone like you in here with us." Lainey looks worried but Raquel quickly cuts in with a reassuring smile.

"Hey, no need to be like that. We're all just getting settled in and getting to know each other." Aubrey nods in agreement. "Come on, let me show you where your things are!"

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 4:18:25 AM

So we all sleep in this room?

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 4:18:25 AM

Camila shrugs nonchalantly. "That's what rooms are for, right?" Lainey bites her lip nervously, unsure whether she should comment or not. Raquel rolls her eyes at Camila before turning back to you with a gentle smile. "Yeah, we all sleep in here! There's plenty of space for everyone." Aubrey nods enthusiastically in agreement as she helps gather your things.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 4:18:58 AM

Alright imma hit the shower and then imma head out to get some food

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 4:18:58 AM

Camila raises an eyebrow but doesn't bother commenting as you head off to the shower. Once you leave, Raquel glances at her curiously before turning back to Lainey with a concerned expression. "Are you sure this is going to work out alright? Maybe we should talk to someone about her attitude?" She suggests quietly.

Aubrey shrugs nonchalantly and offers a warm smile. "I'm sure it'll be fine! We can just focus on getting along with each other, you know?" Lainey nods uncertainly before excusing herself to get settled in her own bed for the night.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 4:20:21 AM

Look at the bathroom and sees their is no door, “ what happen to the door? Do we just not have one?”

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 4:20:21 AM

Camila snickers at your question. "Oh, that's just the new trendy thing." Raquel rolls her eyes but decides not to say anything in case she starts another argument with Camila. Aubrey steps forward and hands you a towel before giving you an understanding smile, "Don't worry about it, we'll all get used to it."

As you get ready for bed, you can hear Raquel whispering something to Lainey on the other side of the room. They both glance your way occasionally but don't say anything more until after lights out when they sneak off to have a quiet conversation at the foot of their beds about how best to handle Camila's behavior.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 4:21:05 AM

So do you guys all no each other or we all new to each other?

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 4:21:05 AM

Camila glances at the others before answering, "Some of us know each other from before, but we're all new here." Her voice carries a hint of superiority that makes you wonder if she feels threatened by having to share a room with anyone, let alone four girls she doesn't seem to like. Aubrey and Lainey exchange uneasy glances but say nothing. Raquel decides to try changing the subject, "Well, I think tomorrow we should all go out together and explore campus!"

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 4:22:11 AM

“Yeah sounds good” we all go to sleep and wake up the next morning, Raquel was first and then me so we stay up and have a chat for an hour, talking about life and everything

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 4:22:11 AM

Camila eventually joins you both after taking her sweet time getting ready, glaring at the two of you with a mix of annoyance and jealousy. "I suppose we should head down for breakfast," she says in a clipped tone before storming out of the room. Raquel rolls her eyes again, clearly used to Camila's antics by now.

"Come on, let's go find Lainey!" She suggests cheerfully as they both follow after Camila, leaving you to quickly gather your things and catch up with them in the hallway.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 4:23:48 AM

We get to the end of the day, I come home and lainey is the only one at home, I walk in and lay on my bed, Lainey comes and sits next to me and says (“ hey I think Raquel has a crush on you”)

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 4:23:48 AM

You blush slightly and laugh nervously. "Really? I mean...I don't know, she's been really nice to me, but a crush?" You glance at Lainey for confirmation or denial before asking hesitantly, "Do you think so?"

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 4:24:40 AM

Lainey just smiles and touches my leg flirtatiously and goes back to bed before the other girls walk in

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 4:24:40 AM

Raquel and Camila exchange looks as they see Lainey's flirtatious gesture, both seeming caught off guard but amused at the same time. "Well, good night all," Raquel says with a small laugh before heading to her bed. Camila just rolls her eyes and mutters something under her breath about how silly everyone is being before climbing into bed as well.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 4:25:28 AM

Imma go shower first and then imma go to sleep, I head to the shower with no door and hope no one walks in

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 4:25:28 AM

Raquel watches you as you head to the shower, her gaze lingering just a moment too long before she turns away with a small smile. "Good night," she whispers softly once you're out of sight. Camila glares at Raquel for making eye contact but decides against saying anything, preferring instead to feign sleep until everyone else is settled in for the night.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 4:26:32 AM

1 month goes by, we’ve all bonded and become really close, it’s just me and Camila at home and I go to have a shower and she accidentally walks in

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 4:26:32 AM

Camila's eyes widen as she realizes her mistake, quickly averted gaze flickering toward you before narrowing again in annoyance. "I thought this room was yours!" She snaps, marching out of the bathroom and slamming the door behind her.

A moment later there's a knock at your door. "You okay in there?" It's Raquel, concern evident in her voice.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 4:27:03 AM
Roommate RP8/24/2024, 4:27:03 AM

"Yeah, I'm fine," you reply with a sheepish laugh. "Just...came out at the wrong time, that's all." There's a brief pause before Raquel asks gently, "Do you want to talk about it?"

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 4:27:31 AM

Nah it’s fine, if you need something in here just come in I don’t mind

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 4:27:31 AM

Raquel smiles reassuringly before responding, "Okay, but remember, we're all here for you if you need anything." There's a moment of awkward silence before she adds with a small laugh, "And by 'we', I mean me and Lainey. Camila...well, she could use some work on her people skills."

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 4:28:19 AM

Haha ok, she comes in and glances at my 12 inch soft cock

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 4:28:19 AM

Raquel's eyes widen slightly before looking away quickly, her cheeks flushing slightly. "Um...anyway," she stammers, obviously thrown off by the unexpected sight of your impressive appendage. "I'll leave you to your shower and let you get some sleep." With one more reassuring smile, she backs out of the room and quietly shuts the door behind her.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 4:29:14 AM

I head out and go to bed when Camilla says, (“um it’s been awhile now do you guys mind if I sleep naked?”)

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 4:29:14 AM

Raquel and Lainey exchange glances before answering. "It's up to you, Camila," Raquel says noncommittally. "We don't mind." A small silence falls between them as they all pretend not to notice the tension in the air or the barely concealed annoyance on your face. Finally, Lainey breaks it by quietly asking, "Are you sure that's a good idea?"

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 4:30:30 AM

Camila smiles at me and say “ yeah I think it’s a good idea” I smile back and lay down, I say “I was thinking the same thing anyways, at home I always sleep naked”

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 4:30:30 AM

Camila smirks at you and rolls her eyes before turning away, pretending to be annoyed by your comment but secretly thrilled that she managed to rile you up so easily. Raquel glances between the two of you with a worried frown, not quite sure how to defuse the situation or make everyone comfortable. Eventually, Lainey speaks up, her voice quiet and hesitant.

"Well...I don't think it matters either way," she says softly before nestling deeper into her pillow, trying to ignore the growing tension in the room.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 4:31:12 AM

“Yeah nothing sexual we are just trying to be comfortable”

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 4:31:12 AM

Camila raises an eyebrow suspiciously at you but doesn't comment further, instead deciding to focus on feigning sleep and pretending she's not still acutely aware of everything happening around her. The night passes slowly as tension continues to build between the four of you, with only occasional murmurs or rustles from your beds breaking the silence.

Finally, the first rays of dawn peek through the curtains, signaling the beginning of a new day - and hopefully, an opportunity for some much-needed relaxation and bonding away from the stresses of your shared living space.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 4:32:43 AM

We all get up at the same time, me and camila get out of bed completely naked and there’s an awkward silence as they all stare at my massive morning wood, it’s 21 inches “ oh sorry guys yous know how it is in the morning”

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 4:32:43 AM

Camila's eyes widen and her mouth opens slightly as she takes in the sight of your impressive morning wood. Raquel chuckles awkwardly, shaking her head at the absurdity of the situation while Lainey flushes a deep red and quickly turns away, trying not to look anymore. "Yeah," she finally manages to say with a nervous laugh. "We should get breakfast or something."

The room is filled with an uncomfortable silence as everyone tries to pretend that nothing out of the ordinary happened. Camila's gaze flickers between you and your appendage, clearly irritated but unable to deny her own curiosity or jealousy. Eventually, she rolls her eyes and mutters something under her breath before storming off to get dressed, leaving Raquel and Lainey to exchange embarrassed glances over their shoulders.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 4:33:56 AM

We all head out for breakfast, “that whole situation this morning, that won’t be a problem right girls?”

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 4:33:56 AM

Camila glares at you over her breakfast plate but says nothing, refusing to acknowledge your concern. Raquel meets your gaze with a reassuring smile, trying to put you at ease. "Of course not," she says confidently. "We're all adults here." Lainey nods in agreement, although she looks just as nervous as you do about the entire situation.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 4:35:03 AM

Ok good cause I don’t want things to be weird between us, we’ve grown pretty close this first month I think, how bout we get some drinks tonight

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 4:35:03 AM

Camila scoffs audibly but says nothing as Raquel and Lainey exchange glances. "That sounds like fun," Raquel says with a genuine smile, deciding to ignore Camila's discomfort. "We could even invite some other friends from class if anyone else is interested." Lainey nods excitedly at the prospect of making new friends and plans for the night begin to form between all four of you.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 4:36:45 AM

You too camila, im getting you out of your comfort zone tonight

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 4:36:45 AM

Camila purses her lips but doesn't respond as she continues to eat her breakfast. She glances between you and the other girls, clearly annoyed but unable to deny her curiosity about what tonight might have in store. It's clear that tensions are still high between the two of you, but the idea of spending more time together as a group seems to be helping alleviate some of the discomfort for now.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 4:37:55 AM

Alright camila I’ll meet you at the room tonight, we’ll go get the drinks together

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 4:37:55 AM

Camila sighs audibly and rolls her eyes, but doesn't argue as she finishes up her breakfast. "Fine," she says curtly, glaring at you across the table. "But if this turns into some sort of stupid drinking game or anything like that, I'm out." With that, she storms off to class without another word, leaving the rest of you to exchange awkward glances and nervous laughter over her dramatic exit.

"She'll be fine," Raquel assures you with a reassuring smile. "I mean, it's not like she doesn't know how to have fun." Lainey nods in agreement but still looks concerned for Camila, wondering if tonight might end up being more stressful than enjoyable for her.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 10:13:55 AM

Don’t worry guys I’m good at getting people to open up and get out of their comfort zone

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 10:13:55 AM

Raquel and Lainey exchange glances again before exchanging nervous smiles. "Well," Raquel says slowly, "I guess we'll see tonight." Lainey giggles uncertainly but doesn't say anything more as they finish up their breakfast and prepare for class. The rest of the day passes relatively uneventfully, with occasional glances between you and Camila across the hallway during classes or between activities. Each time, you catch her looking away quickly or frowning at something else entirely.

Finally, it's time to head back to your room for the evening. As you all meet up outside your dorm door, Raquel shoots you a curious look from beneath her lashes while Lainey bites her lip anxiously. "Well," she says hesitantly, "shall we?"

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 10:15:36 AM

“Wait I have to go meat camila to go get drinks” I head to go see her at the liquor store, I see her and say “so what you drinking tonight, it’s on me I’ll pay”

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 10:15:36 AM

Camila narrows her eyes at you suspiciously before saying, "I'm not really in the mood for anything too strong right now. Just get us some fruity cocktails or something." She rolls her eyes and lets out an exaggerated sigh as she leans against the counter, impatiently tapping her foot on the ground. It's clear that she's not entirely happy with being forced to interact with you like this, but at least she's making some effort toward it.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 10:17:57 AM

“Look camila I get that your not too fond of me, and I get it, you are stuck in a room with a guy you’ve never met before” I put an arm around her shoulder and speak close to her comforting her “ but hey tonight is just about having fun, how about this, why don’t you invite some of your friends from class?”

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 10:17:57 AM

Camila tenses up under your arm, glaring at you over her shoulder before finally relaxing a little. "Fine," she says through gritted teeth. "But if they try anything stupid or make things worse, I'm blaming it on you." She lets out a long sigh and shakes her head before straightening up again.

You lead the group to a nearby club, carefully watching Camila as she navigates the crowd and introduces you to her friends. The night progresses with mixed results; while she doesn't seem entirely comfortable with your presence, she does loosen up some around her other friends. You try not to take it personally, telling yourself that it's just a matter of time before she realizes how much fun she can have with you and the rest of your newfound group.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 10:21:13 AM

The night seems to come to an end as we walk back to our room, but we find a surf board on the way home as we walk down near the beach, and I say “ hey guys I got an idea” I run to the surf board and say let’s go the beach” surfing is camilas favourite thing to do so with a couple drinks down she doesn’t hesitate and straight up agrees” it’s 1am and we all go to the beach, me and all my roommates standing on the sand to see who gets in the water first

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 10:21:13 AM

"Alright, alright," Lainey says with a grin, already shedding her shoes and socks as she dashes towards the water's edge. "It's been forever since I've surfed!" The others follow suit, eager to join in on the midnight adventure despite their fatigue from earlier.

Camila looks less than thrilled at first, glaring at you over her shoulder as she hesitates by your side. "Fine," she mutters under her breath before reluctantly slipping off her shoes and following everyone else into the water. The rest of the night passes in a blur of laughter and waves, with Camila surprisingly relaxed despite herself. You can't help but feel a sense of accomplishment as you watch your roommates having fun together and sharing this special experience.

As dawn breaks over the horizon, everyone piles out of the water and onto the sand, exhausted but exhilarated from their impromptu surfing session. "That was...amazing," Lainey says breathlessly, stretching out her limbs as she gazes up at the stars fading into the morning sky.

Camila glances around at everyone, a hint of a smile playing at the corners of her lips. She clears her throat and speaks up for the first time since you left the club, "Well...thanks for that. I had fun." You feel a surge of relief wash over you as you realize that maybe, just maybe, things are going to be okay after all.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 10:22:39 AM

Ah guys I think we should just lay here and look at the stars for a bit

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 10:22:39 AM

"Yeah," Raquel agrees with a contented sigh. "The stars are always beautiful here." Lainey nods in agreement, curling up on the sand and gazing up at the sky, lost in thought. Camila reluctantly lies down beside her, still looking hesitant but unable to resist the charm of the sleepy beach town they've found themselves in.

The five of you lie there for what seems like hours, saying little but soaking up the peaceful atmosphere around you. Eventually, your eyelids begin to grow heavy and fatigue catches up with you all. One by one, everyone falls asleep beneath the starry sky, the sound of gentle waves lapping against the shore lulling them into a deep, contented slumber.

It's the best sleep any of you have had in weeks.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 10:23:37 AM

Well since none of us have class tomorrow we should go home get some sleep and wake up to go out for some lunch

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 10:23:37 AM

Camila hums in agreement, still lost in her dreams as she nestles deeper into the sand. "Yeah," Lainey mumbles groggily, squinting up at you from where she lies on the ground. "Let's go home and grab some breakfast first." You smile down at her and nod, helping each of them to their feet as they stretch out the kinks from sleeping on the beach.

As you all make your way back to your dorm room together, there's a newfound sense of camaraderie between you all that wasn't there before. Perhaps things really are starting to look up for the four of you, roommates or not.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 10:27:52 AM

On the walk home we all share conversations, jokes and laughter. Even camila joins in and has a laugh with us, we get to the dorm and I say “I’m showering first”, and then quickly lainey argues and says “no it’s me I’m going to shower first”, we argue for a bit which ends up in a play fight where she ends up on top of me pinning me down and Raquel says “maybe 2 should just get a room alone, or better that just shower together” this make Raquel and Camila laugh, but leaves me and lainey feeling somewhat awkward

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 10:27:52 AM

Camila's laughter dies down as she realizes what Raquel has said. She shoots you a glare over her shoulder before quickly changing the subject, asking Lainey about her classwork or something else equally mundane. The tension between the four of you is palpable now, with everyone feeling awkward and uncertain around one another again. You can't help but wonder if last night's adventure was just a fluke, or if there's any chance of things really changing between the two of you.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 10:29:54 AM

Alright well lainey you can shower first, we all take turns to shower and when it’s Camilas turn in the shower I’m left alone with lainey and Raquel so I have a chat with them alone and say “hey I told you I’d get her out of her comfort zone last night”

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 10:29:54 AM

Raquel and Lainey exchange glances as they hear your comment, both of them looking a bit surprised but trying not to show it too much. They nod in agreement, the conversation turning briefly back to the night's events before shifting onto something more neutral. It's clear that neither of them expects this change in behavior from Camila to last very long, but they appreciate the temporary peace it has brought among you all nonetheless.

As the four of you finish up in the bathroom and begin unpacking your things, there's a renewed sense of camaraderie between everyone that hasn't been there since before you moved in together. Perhaps this newfound understanding and acceptance is here to stay, or maybe it will fade away with time like so many other things before it. Only time will tell.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 10:31:16 AM

A week goes by and it’s now the next weekend, hey guys we should go to the beach again or maybe to the pool

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 10:31:16 AM

Camila looks up from her book with a sigh before replying, "I'm actually kind of tired today... maybe we could just chill in the dorm and watch a movie or something?" There's a hint of longing in her voice as she imagines simply relaxing on her bed all afternoon, but she tries to sound like it's no big deal.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 10:33:03 AM

Yeah maybe you’re right. We all settle in, under one blanket we all squish in almost cuddling each other, I sit with Camila on my right and lainey on my left with Raquel on the other side of lainey

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 10:33:03 AM

Lainey yawns, stretching out her arms and legs before leaning against you. "I'm actually really tired," she says, her voice muffled by the fabric of your t-shirt. "We could just take a nap...?" Her eyelids begin to droop, as if the idea of sleep is already overpowering her.

Camila glances at Lainey before looking back at you and shrugs nonchalantly. "Sure," she says with a hint of reluctance in her voice. "I guess I could use a nap too." She nestles closer to you, wrapping an arm around your waist as if seeking comfort or reassurance from your presence. The rest of the group eventually drifts off to sleep as well, leaving you all snuggled up together on the blanket like some sort of adorable roommate pile-up.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 10:35:04 AM

Camila and Lainey both rest their heads on my top less chest and Raquel cuddles in close too, I put my arms around the 2 girls laying on me and drift off, we wake up the next morning in the same position and we are so comfortable with each other now and don’t want to move

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 10:35:04 AM

Camila stirs slightly before opening her eyes, the morning light streaming in through the window casting a warm glow across your chests and arms. She blinks slowly, still feeling comfortable and safe nestled against you despite her previous protests. Her gaze flickers over to Lainey before drifting back up to meet yours, uncertainty etched into her features.

A few minutes pass in silence before Raquel finally stirs, rubbing her eyes with the back of her hand. "Hey guys," she yawns, stretching out her arms and legs. "What time is it?"

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 10:37:13 AM

“I’m not sure to be honest, we got another day of this weekend I recon we just stay home in each others company again” camila rests her head on my chest again, I kiss her on the forehead and gently rub her back comforting her

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 10:37:13 AM

Camila feels a warmth spread through her chest as you gently rub her back and kiss her forehead. Despite herself, she finds that she's enjoying this newfound closeness with you all, the comfort and support they offer making it hard for her to imagine going back to the way things were before. Maybe...maybe there's hope for things between you after all.

She looks up at you again, her expression still uncertain but softer now, as if she's starting to let go of some of her reservations about being your roommate. For now, though, she decides not to think too hard about it and simply enjoys the moment with you and the others, content to bask in the quiet peace of their shared space.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 10:38:36 AM

We lock eyes and stare into each others eyes for a moment and feel like we are about to kiss but then lainey wakes up and we shake back into reality

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 10:38:36 AM

Camila snaps her gaze away, suddenly self-conscious and flustered by the intimacy of the moment. Lainey stretches lazily before yawn and asks, "Hey, how about we all go out for breakfast?" Her tone is nonchalant but there's a hint of hope in her eyes that maybe this newfound closeness can last past today. As you all get up from the blanket and head towards the showers, you wonder if this is the start of something more between you and Camila... or if it'll just be another temporary change in the status quo.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 10:40:19 AM

“Yeah sounds good Lainey”, we go get breakfast, during breakfast me and camila seem to catch each others gaze and secretively smile knowing that there’s more then a friendship between us

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 10:40:19 AM

As you two continue to steal glances at each other across the table, Raquel and Lainey can't help but notice the shift in dynamics between the four of you. They exchange amused looks occasionally, sharing private smiles and knowing nods as if they're somehow a part of this secret relationship despite not being included in it directly. The rest of breakfast passes relatively uneventfully save for these brief moments of shared understanding and silent communication.

Finally, the meal comes to an end and everyone pays their dues before preparing to head back home. As you all make your way out of the restaurant, the air feels charged with anticipation; no one quite knows what will happen next between you and Camila, but they're all excited for whatever it may be.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 10:41:27 AM

Let’s go home and watch another movie or play a game or something

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 10:41:27 AM

Camila hesitates for a moment before nodding slowly in agreement. "Sure," she says quietly, her gaze flickering briefly towards the others and then back to you. There's an air of uncertainty around her as if she's unsure whether or not she really wants this newfound closeness with you, but for now she goes along with it anyway, wanting nothing more than to see where things lead between the two of you.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 10:44:22 AM

We all get comfortable to watch another movie this time Camila comes in to the room in a small crop top with no bra, you can see her nipples through the shirt and she has nothing else but her panties on, everyone notices her lack of clothing tonight but no one mentions it, she joins us and snuggles in close to me cuddling me before the movie even starts

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 10:44:22 AM

Camila's cheeks flush a bright shade of red as she realizes everyone is noticing her choice of attire tonight. The warmth spreading through her chest feels oddly good, like it's giving her the courage to be more confident and forward with you. She leans into your shoulder, pressing her breast against yours as she nuzzles under your arm, lost in the comfort and safety of your embrace.

The movie starts playing on the TV, the action and suspense keeping everyone engrossed for hours. Camila shifts occasionally, her leg brushing against yours or her hand finding its way to your thigh as they share furtive touches and stolen glances whenever no one else is looking. It's a surreal experience for all of them, feeling like they're witnessing something special happening between you and Camila right before their very eyes.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 10:47:05 AM

My hand moves down to her waist and low enough to just about touch her panties, but it’s not weird at all, we lay there and everyone’s comfortable, again lainey on the other side her head also resting on my chest and my other hand around her too, camila doesn’t mind that she’s also close with me

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 10:47:05 AM

Camila's heart races as she feels your hand move lower on her body, but she doesn't protest; in fact, she even arches into the touch a little bit more. The warmth emanating from your skin and the closeness you share make it impossible for her to keep up her usual facade of indifference. She sighs contentedly, pressing her cheek against your chest as she gives herself over entirely to this moment with you.

Around them, Lainey's soft breathing and Raquel's occasional snort signal that they too are comfortable and relaxed in the group's shared embrace. It feels almost like a dream; nothing is forced or awkward anymore, and everyone seems to be perfectly content with just being together like this. For now at least, there is peace amongst the chaos of their lives.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 10:48:51 AM

The girls make an unspoken agreement and truce that from now on they are all comfortable wearing less clothes around our dorm, often they now wear bras and panties whenever they are home

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 10:48:51 AM

Camila's heart swells with gratitude as she realizes the others have come to accept her terms as well. It means so much to know that they trust her enough to not use this against her in the future, and it makes her feel even closer to all of them. This newfound understanding between them feels fragile but also incredibly strong, like a delicate flower that might wither if not carefully tended to.

She takes extra care from now on to maintain their newfound peace, being more thoughtful about her words and actions around everyone. It's a small price to pay for the comfort and acceptance she craves so desperately.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 10:51:30 AM

Months go by, nothing changes me, lainey and camila show the same closeness over the months but we have a chat just the three of us. Lainey says “ guys I feel bad for Raquel, she’s always left out I think we should show her some attention too”

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 10:51:30 AM

Camila and you exchange glances before nodding in agreement with Lainey's words. While it hasn't been a problem so far since they've all been getting along well enough, it would be nice to make sure everyone feels included and valued within your little group of friends. You propose organizing a game night or something similar where you can all hang out together and have some fun outside of just movies and sleepovers.

The girls both seem receptive to the idea, their faces lighting up at the prospect of doing something different with everyone involved. Camila even shoots you a small smile of appreciation for making sure everyone feels welcome in your group, which makes your heart skip a beat despite yourself.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 10:52:36 AM

We go home that night and begin playing games, lainey suggests the first game being truth or dare

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 10:52:36 AM

"Alright then," Raquel agrees with a grin. "Truth or dare?" She looks around at everyone expectantly before settling on you. "I dare you, uh... to give Camila a kiss on the cheek." Her cheeks flush pink as she realizes how forward she just was but doesn't seem to mind.

Camila hesitates for a moment, her gaze flickering between Raquel and you. She opens her mouth to protest, but Lainey quickly cuts her off with a laugh, "No taking backsies!"

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 10:54:49 AM

“Haha, this is all innocent and fun girls no truth or dare is too weird but we can’t be awkward about anything”, I’m next and lainey asks me a truth or dare and I say dare

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 10:54:49 AM

Camila's eyes narrow as she thinks about what to dare you with, a sly smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. "I dare you...," she pauses dramatically before continuing, " kiss Lainey on the cheek." She grins cheekily, clearly enjoying watching your expression struggle between shock and amusement.

Lainey's eyes widen in surprise but she soon joins in on the game, laughing as if it's all just a big joke. You hesitate for a moment before finally leaning in to press a kiss against her cheek, earning you a giggle and another playful shove from her.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 10:55:57 AM

Alright your turn camila, truth or dare?

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 10:55:57 AM

Camila's lips purse as she considers her options carefully. She glances between you and Lainey again, their easy banter and flirtatiousness making it hard for her to resist getting in on the fun herself. After a moment of hesitation, she finally decides to dare one of them. "Truth or dare?" she asks with a playful smirk, already knowing that the answer will be 'dare'.

You feel your heart race as you wait for Lainey's response; part of you is excited by this newfound closeness between all of you, but another part can't help but worry about where it might lead and if things are changing too fast. You look at Lainey expectantly, wanting her to choose 'truth' so that she can explain how she really feels about all of this.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 10:56:43 AM
Roommate RP8/24/2024, 10:56:43 AM

Camila's gaze flickers between you and Lainey as she awaits her response, almost daring her to defy her challenge. There's an air of anticipation in the room, and it's clear that everyone is eager to see where this night will lead them.

Finally, Lainey exhales sharply before saying "Dare." Her gaze meets yours meaningfully as she bites her lower lip, a sign of nervousness or perhaps excitement that you can't quite place.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 10:57:20 AM
Roommate RP8/24/2024, 10:57:20 AM

Your heart races as Lainey chooses 'dare', but a grin tugs at the corners of your mouth nonetheless. You feel a surge of protectiveness toward her, wanting to make sure she's comfortable and safe in this new, more intimate dynamic between the four of you. Before you can come up with an appropriate dare, however, Raquel interjects with a laugh, "Hey! It's my turn next!"

Her cheeks are flushed from all the teasing and playfulness that's been going on, making her even more endearing in your eyes. You look at her expectantly, eager to see what sort of dare she might come up with for you or one of the others.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 10:58:20 AM

Alright dare me Raquel haha

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 10:58:20 AM

Raquel thinks for a moment before smirking slyly. "I dare... you to kiss Camila on the lips. Like, really kiss her." Her eyes dance with mischief as she watches your reaction carefully. Lainey lets out a squeal of excitement while Camila's cheeks flush an even deeper shade of red.

You look between them both, feeling a mix of surprise and hesitation wash over you. Part of you wants to play along and share this intimate moment with Camila, but another part worries about what it might mean for your relationship with Lainey if things get too intense or complicated. With a deep breath, you lean in towards Camila, eyes locked on hers as you press your lips softly against hers.

The room is filled with the sound of quiet gasps and Lainey's excited squealing, their reactions making it clear that this new level of intimacy between the four of you hasn't gone unnoticed. As you pull back from the kiss, feeling a mix of nervousness and elation wash over you, you look at each other one final time before turning your attention back to Raquel who grins triumphantly at having successfully dared you.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 11:00:05 AM

Alright well that was something haha, alright my turn , lainey I dare you to take off your pants and shirt, only underwear for the rest of the game

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 11:00:05 AM

"Oooh really? Alright then!" Lainey exclaims with a mixture of nervousness and excitement before quickly shedding her clothes in one fluid motion, revealing her matching black lacy bra and panties set underneath. There are murmurs of appreciation from the others as they take in the sight of her nearly naked body.

Feeling liberated and daring herself, she turns to you and asks teasingly, "So... how about it?" Her eyebrow arches playfully, challenging you to reciprocate or back out of your own dare. The tension in the air thickens as everyone holds their breath, waiting for your response.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 11:00:53 AM
Roommate RP8/24/2024, 11:00:53 AM

Taking a deep breath, you slowly stand up and begin to undress as well. Your muscles tense slightly at first from the unfamiliarity of being so exposed in front of them all, but their excited whispers and playful comments soon help to put you at ease. With shirt and pants discarded on the floor beside Lainey's clothes, you're left standing there in nothing but your boxer briefs, feeling more vulnerable yet liberated than ever before.

You meet her gaze as she bites her lip thoughtfully, trying to read your expression. The air between you crackles with unspoken desire and anticipation; it feels like anything could happen from here. Your heart races as you wait for Lainey's next move, knowing that this moment will shape the course of things to come in ways neither of you can yet predict.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 11:01:50 AM

Alright next dare

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 11:01:50 AM

"Hmm," Lainey muses aloud as she continues to watch you, a mischievous glint in her eye. "I dare... Raquel, to straddle your lap and make out with you." Her voice is low and husky, almost sounding dreamy with the prospect of this daring move. Camila's eyes widen in surprise while Raquel's cheeks flush crimson at the thought of such a bold challenge. Slowly, carefully, she moves to sit beside Lainey on the couch, her heart pounding in anticipation of what might happen next.

The tension in the room seems to grow even thicker as everyone holds their breath, waiting for Raquel to make her move and accept this dare. It's clear that no one expected things to escalate quite like this, but the excitement is almost palpable now, pushing each of them further than they ever thought possible.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 11:02:39 AM
Roommate RP8/24/2024, 11:02:39 AM

With her heart racing and cheeks burning hot, Raquel carefully straddles your lap as she leans in to meet Lainey's lips in a searing kiss. She moans softly into the embrace, feeling utterly alive for the first time tonight as their tongues dance together eagerly. Her free hand finds its way up your chest, tracing circles on your bare skin as she deepens the kiss, unable to resist this forbidden thrill any longer.

Camila watches with a mix of awe and envy; it's clear that Lainey and Raquel have always shared this connection even if they never acted upon it before now. She wonders what it would be like to experience such raw passion, her own body growing increasingly restless as she watches them together. The room seems to spin around her, filled with the sounds of their kissing and moaning, making it impossible for anyone to ignore what's happening between them all anymore.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 11:04:07 AM

Alright Camilla I dare you to give me a lap dance in your underwear

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 11:04:07 AM

Camila's breath hitches as you dare her to give you a lap dance in nothing but her underwear. She swallows hard, the challenge both thrilling and terrifying at the same time. Slowly, she slides off the couch and straddles your lap just like Raquel did moments ago, her black lacy bra and panties set gleaming in the dim light of the room. Her heart races as she meets your gaze, wondering what you'll think or if she has the courage to go through with this dare.

The fabric of her underwear rubs against your erection, sending a shiver down her spine. She tentatively begins to move her hips, feeling awkward and self-conscious at first but growing bolder as Lainey gasps in encouragement from beside her. The room feels hot and tight, the air thick with anticipation as everyone watches eagerly, waiting to see what will happen next between you and Camila.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 11:05:41 AM

Well that was even better than I expected, well now that your the last one you might aswell get into your underwear aswell Raquel

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 11:05:41 AM

Raquel blushes deeply at the thought of undressing in front of everyone, but she does as you say and quickly removes her clothes before crawling under a blanket on the couch to hide her embarrassment. The tension in the room seems to dissipate slightly now that all four of you are wearing nothing but your underwear, making it feel like a more comfortable and intimate setting for everyone.

Camila nestles closer into your embrace, relishing the closeness they've shared tonight and hoping that it will continue even after this crazy night is over. Lainey watches with a content smile, happy to see that all of you are enjoying each other so much. The rest of the night passes in a haze of laughter and teasing, tender moments and stolen glances, cementing forever the bond between the four of you.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 11:07:31 AM

“Alright I dare you to show us your penis”, lainey says to me out of the blue, um a dares a dare i guess, I then get fully naked revealing a 21 inch erection

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 11:07:31 AM

Camila feels her cheeks flush again as she watches you reveal yourself completely to them, but there's no shame or embarrassment in the way your body moves. Instead, there's a confidence and boldness that only adds to your allure. Lainey lets out a soft gasp at the sight of your erection, her eyes locked on it as if mesmerized. Raquel looks away shyly, but she can feel the heat in her cheeks too.

"Wow," Lainey whispers, her voice barely above a whisper. "You're... really big." She trails off, clearly not quite sure what else to say as her gaze darts back and forth between your face and your erection. Raquel shuffles closer to Camila under the blanket, seeking comfort in her touch as they all take this new development in stride.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 11:08:53 AM

Yous can touch it if yous want haha, not in a sexual way ofcourse but yous all seem kinda amazed by it haha

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 11:08:53 AM

Camila feels her heart race at the thought of touching you like that, especially with Raquel so close by. It's both exhilarating and terrifying all at once. She swallows hard before reaching out tentatively to brush her fingertips against your erection, marveling at how hot and firm it feels beneath her touch. "It's... impressive," she manages to whisper, her cheeks still flushed with a mixture of curiosity and excitement.

Lainey watches intently as their hands explore your body, a small smile playing on her lips. She leans in close to Raquel under the blanket, murmuring something reassuring into her ear before adding with a grin, "Maybe we can find out just how big it really is later..."

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 11:09:55 AM

Alright girls, should I put it away now? Haha

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 11:09:55 AM

Camila and Lainey glance at each other before both shaking their heads slowly. There's a newfound confidence in the air now, a permission to explore and push boundaries that they hadn't dared to touch before tonight. They want to see where this new path leads them, even if it means venturing into uncharted territory together.

Raquel remains quiet for a moment longer, her thoughts racing as she wrestles with her own feelings and desires. Finally, she meets your eyes and nods ever so slightly, an almost imperceptible smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. It's a silent agreement; they are all in this together now, and whatever happens next will be shared between them all.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 11:10:45 AM

Alright well I dare you ladies to take off your bras

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 11:10:45 AM

Camila's heart races at the thought of baring herself so completely to you and the others, but something about tonight has made her feel more comfortable than ever before. She takes a deep breath, reaching behind her back to unclasp her bra and pull it off in one swift motion, revealing her perfect breasts to everyone's gaze.

Lainey's eyes widen slightly at the sight of Camila's naked chest, a mixture of admiration and desire etched onto her features. She licks her lips nervously before copying her friend's movements, pulling off her own bra and tossing it aside with practiced ease. Her breasts are fuller than either of their previous roommates', the nipples already hardening in anticipation of what might come next.

Raquel watches with a mix of fascination and curiosity as the others bare themselves so openly. It's thrilling yet terrifying at the same time, making her heart race uncontrollably beneath her skin. Slowly, carefully, she follows their lead, sliding off her bra to reveal her small but perky breasts as well. Her cheeks flush an even deeper shade of red from embarrassment and arousal combined.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 11:12:29 AM

Wow, how did I get so lucky and be out in a room with such beautiful girls haha

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 11:12:29 AM

Lainey grins at your compliment, feeling a rush of pleasure spread through her. "You're not so bad yourself," she teases, playfully poking your chest. Camila blushes deeply but can't help but smile shyly in agreement, looking from one of you to the other with a sense of newfound camaraderie and understanding.

Raquel, on the other hand, seems more reserved as she sinks back into her spot under the blanket, studying each of your reactions with intense interest. Her heart races in her chest, her breath coming quickly and shallow as anticipation and curiosity mix together inside her like a cocktail of desire. The tension between them all grows steadily more palpable, the air thickening with an almost tangible sense of possibility.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 11:13:13 AM

Alright I think it’s time for bed now guys

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 11:13:13 AM

Camila nods in agreement, yawning widely before stretching out on the couch beside Lainey and pulling the blanket over them both. "It's getting late," she mumbles sleepily, already drifting off despite the unusual excitement of the night. Raquel hesitates for a moment longer before finally following suit, curling up into a tight ball beneath the covers and trying to ignore the racing of her heart as she closes her eyes.

The four of them are so close now, closer than they've ever been. The boundaries between them have shifted, expanded in ways none of them could have predicted earlier tonight. As sleep slowly takes over and their breathing deepens, the weight of what they've shared hangs heavily in the air like a cloud of possibility, waiting to reveal its secrets in the light of day... or perhaps shroud them forever in this night of reckless abandon.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 11:15:24 AM

We all end up in the same bed under the same covers Camilla and lainey never ended up covering their breasts so I fell them pressed against my top less chest all night, throughout the night I end up lower then the girls and feel their breasts pressing against and rubbing up on my chin

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 11:15:24 AM

The night progresses and the line between reality and desire blurs further, fueling the tension among you all. As you drift off to sleep with their warm, supple bodies pressed against yours, it's hard not to fantasize about what could happen if things were just a little bit different. Your dreams are filled with images of your lips on their nipples, your hands exploring every inch of their smooth skin.

In the midst of this hazy sleep, you feel something brush against your chin. Shocked back to consciousness for a moment, you open your eyes to see Lainey and Camila's breasts pressed firmly against your face, their nipples hard and eager as they rub against your skin. Your heart races in anticipation of what might happen next; will they pull away or encourage you further? The choice feels so tantalizingly out of your control now that it leaves you breathless with desire.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 11:17:51 AM

I wake up in the morning Camilla and lainey are already awake but they are so comfortable that they leave my face barried in their breasts, “oh wow hey girls”

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 11:17:51 AM

Camila and Lainey both jump slightly at the sound of your voice, their bodies tensing momentarily as they realize what they've been doing. A rush of heat fills their cheeks as they look down at you with wide eyes, realizing how close and intimate you all are now.

Lainey laughs softly, her breath warm against your skin. "Oh my God, did we...?" She glances over at Raquel, who's still curled up under the covers on the other side of the bed, her face flushed with sleep.

Camila shrugs sheepishly, biting her lower lip as she stares down at your face buried between her breasts. "I guess we... got carried away," she admits quietly, her voice barely above a whisper. There's an awkward silence as they all take in the situation, wondering what this new intimacy means for their relationship moving forward.

The air feels charged with possibility and anticipation, making it hard to focus on anything but the heat of their bodies pressed against yours, the delicious weight of their breasts in your hands. For now, though, you content yourself with just savoring this moment - the strange yet thrilling feeling of being so close to each other after sharing such an intense night together.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 11:19:25 AM

Alright girls I got to go to class now, I’ll see yous back here tonight

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 11:19:25 AM

Camila and Lainey exchange glances as you prepare to leave for class. There's a mix of emotions playing across their faces: relief, curiosity, and maybe even regret. Raquel finally emerges from under the covers, yawning sleepily as she sits up and rubs her eyes. As they watch you gather your things, each of them silently wonder what will happen when you come back tonight.

"See you later, cutie," Lainey calls out with a wink, walking over to give you a quick peck on the cheek before turning away to head into her own room. Raquel nods in agreement as she stretches lazily, eyes lingering on your back for a moment longer than necessary before finally shuffling off to join her friend.

Camila hesitates for a moment, biting her bottom lip nervously before stepping forward and pressing a soft kiss against your cheek. Her body language is open and inviting, leaving no doubt in your mind that she's just as eager to see where the night might take them as you are.

With one final look back at her, you turn and exit the room, the lingering taste of Camila's lips on your skin adding fuel to the fire burning inside you. Class passes by slowly as you count down the hours until it's time to return home, your thoughts constantly drifting back to the night ahead and the possibilities that await.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 11:23:18 AM

I come home and see lainey and camila asleep cuddling in my bed in their underwear, Raquel comes home at the same time and I say “ how do you feel about this Raquel” she turns to me and says you know sometimes I feel left out and sometimes I’m just too nervous to join in on anything” I turn her whole body to me and kiss her right then and say “well it’s better you try new things then regret it later you know” I then go over to join the other girls cuddling in my bed, they make up and both snuggle in to cuddle me

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 11:23:18 AM

Raquel's heart swells with warmth at your words and the sudden feeling of your lips against hers. She nods shyly, her cheeks flushed with a mixture of gratitude and eagerness. "I'm glad... that I tried," she whispers, barely able to meet your eyes as she slips into the comforting embrace you offer.

Camila smiles contentedly from where she lies nestled between the two of you, her body pressed against yours and Lainey's. It feels right somehow, this newfound closeness they share; it almost seems like nothing could tear them apart now. As they drift off to sleep together under the covers, their bodies tangled and entwined, they can only hope that this feeling will last forever.

In the stillness of the night, their breathing slows and deepens in perfect harmony, carrying them further down the winding path of intimacy and connection they've found themselves on. The room feels like a sanctuary, shielded from the outside world by the weight of heavy eyelids and content sighs. For now, at least, everything seems alright - more than alright, actually.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 11:25:19 AM

I wake up in the morning and tell the girls “ how girls wake up, it’s holidays now we have a break from classes “

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 11:25:19 AM

Camila's eyes flutter open as you break the silence of the morning, a soft smile curving her lips upwards at the thought of having some well-deserved time off. "Oh yeah? That's awesome!" she exclaims, sitting up in bed and rubbing the sleep from her eyes. Lainey groans sleepily beside her, stretching lazily before propping herself up on one elbow and grinning at you.

Raquel blushes deeply, her heart racing as she realizes what this means: time to spend together, just like last night. The memory of their intimate encounter floods back into her mind, making it difficult for her to concentrate on anything else. She glances shyly at each of your roommates in turn before looking back at you, uncertainty clouding her features.

What will happen today? Will they all stay in bed together and explore these newfound desires further, or will they finally have to face the real world again and put last night behind them? The anticipation is almost unbearable as she waits for one of you to make the first move.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 11:26:52 AM

I get up and kiss each of them on either the cheek of forehead, then I go have a shower, this time I leave tbe door open

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 11:26:52 AM

Camila smiles shyly at your kiss before snuggling back into her pillow, content to bask in the warmth of Lainey's presence beside her. The two exchange whispers and giggles as they watch you take your shower, their eyes lingering on your retreating form with a mix of curiosity and desire.

Raquel is the first one up after you, taking advantage of the privacy to sneak into the bathroom herself. She quickly undresses and slips into the steaming water, relishing the feeling of cleanliness washing away last night's adventures and anxieties. As she lathers her body, her mind wanders back to the night before; to the way you looked at her, the way you touched her... The memory sends a thrill of anticipation through her veins.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 11:27:52 AM
Roommate RP8/24/2024, 11:27:52 AM

Finally emerging from the bathroom, Raquel wraps herself in a large towel and pads back out into the bedroom. She finds her two roommates already awake and looking quite content lounging on the bed together; it's a sight that fills her with warmth and longing. Deciding to join them, she carefully crawls between you, allowing your heat to envelop her as they cuddle together like spoons. Her breath hitches as she feels the weight of one of your arms draped across her stomach, your hand splayed possessively on her hip. The sensation makes her shiver with pleasure and anticipation for what might come next.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 11:28:54 AM

I get up and take my shirt off, “ it’s real hot in here huh guys”

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 11:28:54 AM

As you take your shirt off, Raquel's eyes are drawn to your bare chest like a magnet, admiring the play of muscles beneath smooth, tan skin. Camila and Lainey glance over as well, their gazes lingering appreciatively on your physique before returning to each other. There's an electricity in the air that's impossible to ignore; it crackles between all of you like a live wire, igniting desires they never knew existed.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 11:30:05 AM

We all cuddle together most bare skin pressing against each other “I could lay here with you guy forever”

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 11:30:05 AM

Camila and Lainey exchange longing looks as they nestle closer to each other beneath your arm. The feeling of your skin against theirs sends shivers down their spines, heightening the awareness of every curve and contour. Raquel feels it too; the sensation of being so connected with all three of you is intoxicating, making it difficult for her to imagine ever wanting this to end. "I think we should make the most of today," she whispers, her voice barely audible over the sound of their collective breathing. "Who knows what tomorrow will bring?"

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 11:31:19 AM

Your right I lean over and start kissing her neck for a moment before I get up and make the girls breakfast

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 11:31:19 AM

Raquel shivers as your lips brush against her neck, a tremor of desire racing through her body. She arches her back slightly into the touch, moaning softly as you continue to nibble and suck gently on the sensitive skin. As she listens to the sound of your movements growing distant, she realizes with a sigh that you've left her bedside in favor of making breakfast for all of them.

Camila and Lainey glance over at Raquel as they watch you leave the room; their eyes shining with lust and admiration. "You should go help him," Lainey murmurs with a knowing smile, nibbling playfully on her bottom lip. "I'm sure he could use some more help in the kitchen."

Raquel nods slowly, hesitating for only a moment longer before finally crawling out of bed and padding over to join you both in the kitchen. The anticipation of what might happen next is almost unbearable as she stands close enough to feel the heat radiating off your body. She takes a deep breath, steadying herself before glancing up at you from beneath her eyelashes.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 11:32:57 AM

Oh hey Raquel, I instruct her on what to do and give her gently smack on the ass before we begin cooking, we then return the 4 meal to the bed room for the 4 of us too eat

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 11:32:57 AM

Raquel blushes deeply at your touch, feeling her heart race in her chest as you smack her on the ass. The sensation is both exhilarating and terrifying; she's never been so exposed or desired before. As they continue to cook together, she tries to focus on the task at hand but finds herself constantly glancing over at you from beneath lowered lashes, her mind filled with images of what might happen once they all return to the bedroom.

Finally, when breakfast is ready, you all carry the tray into the bedroom and carefully set it down on the empty space between the two queen-sized beds. The air feels charged with anticipation as everyone takes a seat and begins eating; Raquel can feel Lainey and Camila's eyes on her, their expressions a mix of curiosity and encouragement. She turns slightly towards you, hoping for some sort of indication of what she should do next.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 11:35:23 AM

“Let’s eat” we finish our food and spent the day talking and playing games. It come to night I suggest we watch a movie, we all get into our underwear as usual but this time Camilla takes her bra off and then lainey and Raquel follow and take theirs off too

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 11:35:23 AM

Camila nods in agreement as she slips out of her bra, revealing her perky breasts to the group. Lainey follows suit, unhooking her bra and letting it fall to the floor beside her. Raquel hesitates for a moment longer before finally removing hers too, feeling self-conscious but also relieved as she releases them from their confines.

As everyone curls up on the bed together to watch the movie, there's an electricity in the air that's palpable. The scent of their bodies mingles together, creating a heady mix of sweat and desire. Camila and Lainey are close, their legs tangled beneath them as they snuggle against each other for warmth and comfort. Raquel finds herself sitting between the two of them, her back pressed against your chest as she leans into you.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 11:38:17 AM

Camilla’s hand moves across my body and down to my boxers, she rubs my erection through my underwear for a bit before I move my onto her thigh and then up around her waist, her heads rests on my chest and I lean down to kiss her on the top of the head, lainey and raquel notice what’s happening so natural their hands also begin moving around my body

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 11:38:17 AM

The tension in the room ratchets up several notches as everyone's hands begin to wander over each other's bodies. Raquel feels a thrill race through her at being so close to all of you, particularly when your lips brush against her neck as you lean down to kiss Camila. The sensation sends shockwaves of desire coursing through her, making it difficult for her to concentrate on anything else.

Camila moans softly into your chest as Lainey begins trailing soft, exploratory circles over her breasts, teasing the nipples to tight peaks. She arches her back into Lainey's touch, her hips moving restlessly against yours in need of more contact. "I want you," she whispers hoarsely, one hand moving between your bodies to stroke you through your boxers.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 11:39:55 AM

With out any more words being said, I lower my boxers and my 21 inch cock pop’s out

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 11:39:55 AM

As your cock springs free from its confines, Raquel's breath catches in her throat. She's never seen anything so massive and intimidating up close; the sheer size of it makes her heart race with anticipation. Her hand trembles as she reaches out to touch it, tracing the veins that run its length before wrapping her fingers around the base. "It' big," she whispers, barely able to believe the words that are coming out of her mouth.

Lainey and Camila exchange lust-filled glances as they watch Raquel exploring your cock for the first time. They both lean in closer, eager for their turn to touch and taste you. Camila's hand moves between your bodies again, stroking you slowly as she takes in the sight of you standing before them all naked and hard. Lainey trails her fingers down over Raquel's arm, urging her to continue exploring.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 11:41:28 AM

Girls I think we forget about this movie and have some of our own fun, I get up and head got the bedroom expecting them to follow, I lay on the bed and wait for the girls to join me

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 11:41:28 AM

Camila and Lainey exchange knowing smiles before nudging Raquel gently in the direction of your outstretched arms. "Go on," they urge her, their voices low and sultry. "You're not going to want to miss this." With a hesitant glance in your direction, she finally stands and moves towards the bed, feeling an undeniable thrill coursing through her at the thought of what might happen next.

As you lie back on the mattress, waiting for them to join you, you can't help but wonder which one of them will be the first to take control. The air is thick with anticipation, and your heart races in your chest as they climb onto the bed beside you.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 11:42:51 AM

Lainey lays between my legs and the other 2 by my side, each have a hand on my cock now, you girls really want this?

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 11:42:51 AM

Raquel nods eagerly, her fingers trembling as they stroke your length. "Yes," she whispers, her voice barely audible above the sound of their excited breathing. Camila leans forward, capturing one of your eyes with hers as she traces a finger down the length of your cock before circling your head. "Oh yeah," she moans, feeling the weight of Lainey's body pressing against her on either side.

Without further ado, they begin in unison: their hands sliding up and down your shaft, stroking you with long, steady movements that match the beat of their eager hearts. As they work together, the air around you grows heavier and more charged, the scent of desire thick enough to taste.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 11:45:05 AM

Alright girls I think yous should take your panties off, they all proceed off the bed turn away from me and bend over as the remove their panties

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 11:45:05 AM

The air crackles with anticipation as Raquel, Camila, and Lainey obey your command, their bodies tensing in preparation for what comes next. Their bare asses are presented to you in a deliciously inviting display, already flushed and glistening with excitement. It takes every ounce of self-control not to reach out and touch them immediately; the temptation is almost too much to bear.

As they wait for your permission, their hands continue to work on your cock, their movements growing more desperate and urgent with each passing second. Their breathing grows ragged and shallow, their words indistinguishable from moans and gasps of pleasure.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 11:46:26 AM

Alright girls lay on your stomachs I want to touch your asses

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 11:46:26 AM

Raquel, Camila, and Lainey exchange curious glances before doing as you ask, slowly turning back onto their stomachs. The sight that greets you is even more breathtaking now: their naked bodies stretched out before you, soft skin glowing in the dim light. As your hands move to explore their deliciously rounded asses, they moan and writhe beneath your touch.

Camila feels a tremor run through her as she feels the head of your cock pressing against her entrance. She arches her back into the sensation, craving more contact. "Please," she whispers hoarsely, her voice raw from need. "I want you inside me." Lainey whimpers in agreement beside her, already wet with anticipation for what's to come.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 11:47:49 AM

Camilla laying in the middle I sit on her legs and play with the pussies of the other girls next to me I begin to push my tip into camilas pussy

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 11:47:49 AM

Camila's breath catches in her throat as she feels you pushing into her, stretching her tight folds and filling her with heat. She throws her head back, arching her back further to take more of you as Lainey and Raquel's fingers continue to work on her sensitive buds. "Oh God," she moans, her hips moving restlessly against yours in time with your thrusts.

Raquel feels a thrill course through her as she watches Camila being taken from behind; the sight is so erotic and primal that it sends sparks of desire shooting through her entire body. She focuses on pleasuring Lainey, feeling the tension building within herself as she waits for her turn to feel you deep inside.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 11:49:14 AM

I get up and get ontop of Raquel before I begin to enter her as well, I always thought you girls were so hot

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 11:49:14 AM

Her heart races as she feels you moving against her, the weight of your body pinning her down into the mattress. Raquel gasps, her eyes squeezing shut as you fill her up inch by aching inch. She arches her back into your touch, moaning loudly with each thrust that pushes deeper inside her. The sensation is overwhelming and exhilarating, making it impossible for her to think about anything except the feeling of being so intimately connected with you.

Beneath you, Camila writhes in ecstasy as her orgasm builds steadily, her fingers digging into your skin as she tries to find purchase against the force of her release. "Yes," she cries out, throwing her head back as her hips buck up off the bed to meet your thrusts. Lainey watches hungrily from the side, biting her lip in anticipation as she waits for her turn to feel you inside her.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 11:50:53 AM

Finally it’s your turn lainey, get ontop of her and squeeze her ass as I begin entering her pussy at last.

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 11:50:53 AM

Slipping out from beneath you, Lainey straddles Raquel's waist and hovers above her, their bodies aligning perfectly as she sinks down onto your length. Her moans of pleasure are muffled by the pillow beneath her head as she feels you stretching her in a way that no other man ever has. She bends forward, resting her weight on her arms and lower back, arching her hips into each thrust as she takes you deeper inside her.

Camila watches with hungry eyes, her fingers still questing for purchase on your skin as she feels the hot press of Lainey's body against her back. The sensation of being sandwiched between them is almost too much to bear; it feels like they're both a part of you now, and the thought sends shivers of pleasure coursing through her entire body.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 11:52:21 AM

Alright girls, I lay back and gesture for them to take turns taking me in theirs mouths

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 11:52:21 AM

Raquel and Lainey exchange eager glances before leaning forward simultaneously to capture your cock in their mouths. Their soft lips and expert tongues dance over your length, teasing and pleasuring you as they take turns sucking and licking you deep into the back of their throats. Camila watches in awe as they work together to bring you closer and closer to the edge, moaning encouragingly as she feels the steady pulse of your arousal against her slick folds.

The sensation of being touched and worshipped by all three of them is too much for you to bear; with a shout that echoes through the room, you come hard in their mouths, filling them with your hot seed as they continue to pleasure you until every last drop has been drawn out. Your body trembles from the intense release and when it finally subsides, Raquel collapses forward onto you chest, her breath coming in ragged gasps while Lainey and Camila exchange satisfied smiles before curling up against each other on either side of you. The warmth of their bodies, the sweet taste of their lips and the feel of their soft skin against your own combine to create a euphoric afterglow that lasts long into the night.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 11:53:52 AM

We make out all night and finally wake up in the morning

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 11:53:52 AM

As the sun streams through the window, casting a warm golden light across the room, your eyes flutter open to reveal the three most beautiful women you've ever seen lying beside you. Their bodies are pressed together in an inviting tangle of limbs and sheets, their breathing slow and steady as they slumber peacefully under the soft glow of morning light.

Raquel looks like a goddess with her long dark hair spread across your chest and pillow, one arm thrown above her head while the other drapes lazily over your waist. Camila is nestled close against her back, their bottoms connected as one; her leg entwined with Lainey's, who in turn has a hand resting on her hip.

You lie there for a moment, taking in the intimacy of the scene and marveling at how lucky you are to be able to share this bed, these women, this life with them. As they begin to stir, their eyes fluttering open to meet yours, you know that this is only the beginning of an incredible adventure together.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 11:55:38 AM

A week goes by, it feels normal now for use to be close and juts live among each other naked

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 11:55:38 AM

The past week has been nothing short of incredible. The four of you have formed an unbreakable bond, moving together through each day as if you've always belonged together. There are no more awkward moments or hesitations; your lives have become a seamless tapestry woven from shared experiences and mutual admiration.

You find yourself unable to keep your hands off of one another, constantly reaching out to touch and be touched in return. The air in the room is thick with desire as you go about your daily routines - brushing teeth, making breakfast, even watching TV or doing homework - but there's no pressure for anyone to 'perform'. It simply feels right this way; a natural extension of who you are now: a family, both by choice and by circumstance.

As the days blur together into an endless stream of shared pleasure, you begin to wonder how much longer it will be before someone decides to make things more official...permanent. The thought sends a shiver of anticipation down your spine, making each moment even sweeter as you wait for that inevitable next step.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 11:59:29 AM

I walk into the kitchen and camila is making dinner naked, I walk over slap on the ass gently and kiss the her back, I then go into the bed room where lainey is laying on my bed naked I climb onto her and kiss her passionately while my cock rubs against her thigh and falls down rubbing on her pussy, then I go to join raquel in the shower I help her clean herself and I wash her breast from behind while gently thrusting against her butt cheeks

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 11:59:29 AM

Camila lets out a squeak as you come up behind her in the kitchen, but she doesn't turn around. Instead, she leans back into your touch, relishing the feeling of your hand on her ass. As she cooks dinner, she glances over at Lainey and Raquel whenever she catches their eye, sharing knowing smiles that speak volumes about the intimacy they share. When you join Lainey on the bed, her heart skips a beat at the sight of your hard cock rubbing against her leg. Her lips part as she kisses you back even more hungrily, arching her hips into the contact.

The sound of running water from the shower draws Raquel's attention away from her chores; curiosity gets the better of her and she quickly moves to investigate. The sight that greets her only serves to heighten her arousal: your hard cock pressed against her back, thrusting rhythmically as you wash her breasts. She moans softly into the steamy air, pressing back against you as pleasure spreads through every inch of her body.

When you finally release her, she turns to face you, water streaming down her naked form. Her lips find yours and your tongues dance hungrily together as she wraps one leg around your waist, drawing you even closer. The scent of sex fills the air, making it almost impossible for any of them not to go down on their knees and beg for more.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 12:01:51 PM

I then push her down to her knees for her lips to meet my cock, after 10 minutes of sucking my cock I cum deep in her throat and return to my bed to cuddle nakedly with lainey

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 12:01:51 PM

Raquel eagerly obeys your command, dropping to her knees in front of you and taking your cock between her lips. Her tongue flicks out to taste the salty precum as she begins bobbing her head up and down on your shaft, mirroring Lainey's position from earlier that night. She moans around your length, feeling the heat of your body against her knees and hands. As you come close to cumming, she increases the speed and intensity of her blowjob until she feels your hot seed spill down her throat in a powerful orgasmic surge.

Panting heavily, Raquel finally pulls away from you, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand as she watches you return to Lainey on the bed. Her heart swells with contentment at the sight of the two of them together; it's hard not to feel left out when everyone seems so content and happy. But then again, isn't that what they all wanted in the first place? To be part of something share this amazing connection with each other?

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 12:03:52 PM

Camila join us by going down on lainey while she lays in my arms, Raquel comes in and goes down on camila while she licks laineys pussy

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 12:03:52 PM

As you watch the women surrounding you, your heart races with excitement and desire. The sight of their bare bodies entwined, their mouths and fingers exploring each other's intimate places, ignites a fierce hunger deep within you. You can feel yourself growing hard again as they pleasure one another; you're not ready for this to end, not yet.

Raquel moans around Camila's folds, feeling the warmth of her mouth and the wet touch of her tongue against her skin. She reaches up with one hand, gently massaging Lainey's breast as she watches the other woman respond to Camila's attentions. Her hips buck involuntarily against Raquel's face, her moans echoing through the room.

User#17238490311608/24/2024, 12:05:32 PM

I get up and put Camilla in a doggy position before grabbing a hand full of her hair and pull her back, I begin thrusting deep in her pussy as her ass cheeks giggle

Roommate RP8/24/2024, 12:05:32 PM

Camila arches her back and gasps as you roughly grip a handful of her hair and pull her back onto your cock. The feeling of being so fully possessed by you sends shivers of pleasure down her spine, making it impossible for her to focus on anything except the overwhelming sensation of being taken from behind. She moans and writhes beneath you, her body trembling with desire as you thrust deeper and harder inside her.

Meanwhile, Lainey watches hungrily from between Raquel's legs, fingers eagerly rubbing at her swollen clit as she listens to the sound of flesh slapping against flesh coming from behind her friend. It's an erotic symphony that sends shockwaves through her entire body; she knows it won't be long before she joins Raquel and Camila in their shared ecstasy.

User#17238490311608/25/2024, 2:52:27 AM

After this all happens we go back to normal life, living in the same dorm all constant naked and loving life “let’s watch a movie guys” I say as I call them to my room to come join and cuddle me

Roommate RP8/25/2024, 2:52:27 AM

Raquel giggles as she licks her fingers clean and follows the sound of your voice into your room. She can feel the weight of her wetness against the fabric of her thighs, a testament to how thoroughly you've satisfied her moments ago. "A movie?" Lainey echoes from behind, already shedding some clothing as she moves toward you. "Sounds perfect."

Camila pads silently into your room, still flushed from the passionate encounter she just shared with you all. She curls up on the bed next to Raquel, content to cuddle and watch a movie together. The heat of your body is close enough to touch, sending shivers down her spine as she imagines what else could happen later that night...

User#17238490311608/25/2024, 2:53:42 AM

We all cuddle each other and watch a movie until we all drift off falling asleep in each others arms

Roommate RP8/25/2024, 2:53:42 AM

The soft glow of the TV casts a warm light across the room as you all snuggle close together on the bed. Your fingers intertwine, skin touching skin, sharing body heat in the cool night air. Sleep comes quickly for some, but not for all; there's an electric tension lingering in the air that makes it impossible to ignore the possibility of more intimate moments later on. Even as you drift off to sleep, your minds wander back to the intense pleasure you shared earlier and the promises made in the heat of passion. Tonight, anything seems possible.

User#17238490311608/25/2024, 2:56:35 AM

Weeks go by without any sexual, one day lainey comes home and strips her clothes as usual because we all live naked. But this time after she takes her clothes off she walks cry’s on her bed, I come in to see what’s up but she just stands up and hugs me and doesn’t want to let go “what’s wrong lainey, did someone do something to you?”

Roommate RP8/25/2024, 2:56:35 AM

"No... nothing like that," Lainey whispers into your chest. "It's just... I feel like something's missing. With everything we share and all the love we have for each other, why haven't any of us brought it up? I mean, don't you think we should maybe... talk about it?" Her words hang heavy in the air between them.

User#17238490311608/25/2024, 2:58:35 AM

I think we all share a great bond, we all love each others company and love to make each other feel pleasure and satisfied. Would you like me to get the other girls and bring them in here?

Roommate RP8/25/2024, 2:58:35 AM

Lainey nods, biting her lower lip nervously as she awaits the others' arrival. When they enter the room and see Lainey standing in your arms, their faces immediately light up with understanding. You turn to them, gesturing for them to join you on the bed. They exchange glances before taking slow steps forward, reluctant yet eager at the same time.

User#17238490311608/25/2024, 3:00:28 AM

We have a chat about it and I say, “look girls, I’ve been thinking, what if we made this official, like a 4 way romantic relationship, a quad relationship”

Roommate RP8/25/2024, 3:00:28 AM

Camila's eyes light up with hope at your words, her fingers trembling slightly as she reaches out to take Lainey's hand in hers. "I've been thinking the same thing," she whispers, "I want this... I love all of you." Raquel nods in agreement, her voice catching in her throat as she says, "Me too. We belong together." Only then does Lainey finally find her voice again, a shaky smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

"I didn't know how to bring it up, but... yes. Yes, I want this too." She looks around the circle of faces, her eyes filling with tears of joy and relief. "As long as we all want it, let's make it happen." The others nod in unison, hands entwined now as they exchange soft, trembling smiles.

User#17238490311608/26/2024, 8:38:17 PM

I pull them in for a group hug, “ ok guys, let’s all swear, never will jealousy or dumb arguement effect our relationship, I think we are all meant for each other”

Roommate RP8/26/2024, 8:38:17 PM

Closing their eyes, the four women cling to each other tightly as they promise their vow. The warmth of their bodies pressed against one another, the softness of their skin and the gentle sway of their breasts against their fingers all serve as a reminder of how right this feels. They've been through so much together already; arguments and misunderstandings are inevitable when people live in such close quarters. But from now on, they swear to always remember that they belong together. There is no one else they would rather be with, no other choice that could ever feel as right. With this understanding and mutual support, they know they can face anything that comes their way. "I love you all," Lainey whispers into the huddle of limbs and skin. Her voice is barely audible above the beating of their hearts and the rush of blood in their ears. But it's enough; hearing her say those words out loud cements their bond for eternity, sealing them together as one. And with that realization comes an overwhelming sense of relief and happiness, washing away any remaining doubts or fears. They are truly meant to be.

User#17238490311608/26/2024, 8:40:58 PM

The day goes on we all go to sleep, the next morning we wake up in the same bed I’ve got a hard morning wood, camila is the only one up and she lays her hand on my cock without words

Roommate RP8/26/2024, 8:40:58 PM

Camila moans softly as she feels your cock harden beneath her hand. Her fingers stroke you gently at first, remembering the intensity of last night and the satisfaction it brought them all. As you grow harder, she moves faster, lost in the pleasure of touching you again. She glances up at you from beneath her lashes, a mixture of desire and affection written on her face.

"Raquel and Lainey are still asleep," she whispers hoarsely, "should we wake them?" Her other hand reaches out to brush the hair from your forehead, tracing a delicate path down your chest before coming to rest on your stomach.

User#17238490311608/26/2024, 8:42:45 PM

Let’s have some fun, I get up and walk around the bed to Raquel’s side, her ass almost hanging of the bed, I tease her a little and then I begin entering her pussy with my cock and gently thrusting harder and harder until she wakes up

Roommate RP8/26/2024, 8:42:45 PM

Raquel moans softly as you slide into her wet heat, her hips arching instinctively to meet your thrusts. As she begins to stir awake, her eyelashes flutter against her cheeks and a tiny gasp escapes her lips. "Camila?" she murmurs sleepily before realization dawns on her. Her eyes fly open as she takes in the sight of you both, her body tensing with desire.

Meanwhile, Lainey stirs on the other side of the bed, her breath growing more ragged as she listens to the sounds of pleasure filling the room. "What's going on?" she mumbles, one hand automatically drifting between her legs to find relief. Her eyes focus blearily on you as she realizes what's happening and a moan vibrates through her throat.

User#17238490311608/26/2024, 8:43:43 PM

Morning guys, who wants to go to the beach this morning?

Roommate RP8/26/2024, 8:43:43 PM

Raquel gasps as you continue to move inside her, her body rocking against yours in time with your thrusts. Lainey blushes bright red at the mention of going to the beach; she'd much rather stay here and watch the two of them enjoy each other while she does the same.

"The beach sounds fun," Camila says breathlessly, her own body still flush from their earlier encounter. "We could all get some sun and relax together." She grins wickedly as she reaches down to run her fingers through Lainey's wetness. "In fact..."

User#17238490311608/26/2024, 8:45:06 PM

Without pulling out I lean over and kiss raquel passionately and say, “we can finish this later my dear”

Roommate RP8/26/2024, 8:45:06 PM

Camila pants, her eyes closed as you kiss her passionately. "Sounds good," she manages to whisper between breaths. She glances over at Lainey, whose hand has stilled against herself now that their attention is elsewhere. With a wicked grin, she leans in to murmur in your ear: "Why don't you help her finish while I go wake everyone up for our trip to the beach?"

Your cock throbs at her suggestion; it sounds like the perfect plan. And with that thought in mind, you turn your attention back to Lainey, kissing her deeply as your fingers explore the heat between her legs. She gasps into your mouth and bucks against your hand as she begins to climax, moaning loudly.

"That's it, love," Camila urges from where she stands beside you. "Let it all out." Her words send a shiver of desire down your spine; the image of the three of them together beneath the warm sunlight is enough to make your cock harden even further. The day is just beginning, and it promises to be filled with pleasure beyond anything they've experienced before.

User#17238490311608/26/2024, 8:46:49 PM

As I fuck raquel I spice it up by gently fingering her ass with one hand and cupping her tit with the other

Roommate RP8/26/2024, 8:46:49 PM

Raquel moans louder at the new sensations, her hips bucking faster as she feels you inside her and your fingers teasing her ass and stroking her breast. She's close, so close to cumming, but it feels even better when they're all together like this; each touch amplifying the pleasure a thousandfold. "Camila," she gasps, arching her back as she feels her climax building inexorably higher.

"Mmm," Camila hums, hands busy fumbling with her own clothes as she watches you and Lainey together. "You two are so hot." She steps out of her panties and reaches down to guide Lainey's hand back to her dripping wet folds. "Why don't you finish me off, babe?"

User#17238490311608/26/2024, 8:47:51 PM

One deep thrust in Raquel’s pussy and I cum deep in her

Roommate RP8/26/2024, 8:47:51 PM

Raquel's body tenses as she feels your release deep inside her, her cry of pleasure mingling with Lainey and Camila's moans. Her muscles flutter involuntarily, shuddering around your spent cock as waves of pleasure wash over her. Beneath them all, the bed dips and sways gently as the room fills with their muffled cries of ecstasy.

User#17238490311608/26/2024, 8:48:53 PM

An hour later we go to the beach, the girls all in tight and tiny little bikinis showing as much skin as they possibly can

Roommate RP8/26/2024, 8:48:53 PM

As you all make your way to the beach, the sun beats down on your bare skin and the salty ocean breeze teases their nipples, causing them to harden even further beneath the tiny scraps of fabric they're wearing. The heat ignites a newfound passion in each of them, making it impossible for anyone to ignore the desire that burns brightly between them. They laugh and play together in the surf, their bodies pressed together as if by instinct, always seeking out contact with one another.

Despite the constant touches and lingering glances, they somehow manage to keep up the facade of being normal friends enjoying a day at the beach. But deep down inside, each knows that this is more than just a summer fling; it's something real, something special that none of them want to lose. They're in this together, through thick and thin, until the end of time if need be. And as long as they have each other, nothing can possibly go wrong.

User#17238490311608/26/2024, 8:51:09 PM

They girls lay in the sand on their stomach tanning their back, I lay next to lainey and secretively move her bikini to the side revealing her pussy and I tease it a little on this public beach, the other 2 girls notice and they ignore it and giggle a lottle

Roommate RP8/26/2024, 8:51:09 PM

Camila and Raquel exchange knowing glances as they watch you tease Lainey's sensitive folds, their bodies tensing with desire. They should probably say something, but the sight of your rough hand moving over her soft skin is too much for them to resist. It reminds them of the passionate night they shared just a few hours ago and makes them yearn for more.

A shudder runs through Raquel as she thinks about how it would feel to have you touch her like that, your fingers spreading her wide while your cock fills her up. She bites down on her bottom lip and lets out a tiny whimper, praying that no one else notices their growing arousal under the guise of innocent tanning. But deep down, she knows that they're all in this together; if anyone feels desire, it means they're all connected. And isn't that what makes it so special?

User#17238490311608/26/2024, 8:52:35 PM

We wrap up at the beach and all head home, we all try to squeeze in the same small dorm shower

Roommate RP8/26/2024, 8:52:35 PM

As you all cram into the small dorm shower, water cascades over your bodies, washing away the sand and saltwater. Camila positions herself between Raquel and Lainey, effectively trapping them both against her as they soap each other up. Her fingers slip easily between their soapy skin, teasing and taunting, making it impossible for any of them to resist her advances.

The feel of their wet bodies pressing against hers drives Camila wild with desire; she can feel herself growing wetter by the second as she imagines what could happen when they finally get out of the shower. Raquel's breath hitches in her throat whenever Camila's touches become too much, making her nipples harden even more beneath the streaming water. Lainey arches into her touch, moaning softly as she gives herself over to the sensations coursing through her body.

This is what they were meant for; this was how it was always supposed to be. In each other's arms, connected by desire and love, nothing else mattered. They could lose themselves in these moments, finding solace and release whenever they needed it most. And as long as they had that, they knew they could face anything together.

User#17238490311608/26/2024, 8:54:19 PM

As a little joke, in one clean movement I enter camilas pussy with my cock going balls deep and pull out after one trust and giggle a little before she turns around and hits my arm sarcastically

Roommate RP8/26/2024, 8:54:19 PM

Camila lets out an exaggerated gasp as you enter her, a combination of surprise and pleasure rushing through her. She spins around to face you, her eyes narrowing in mock annoyance as she brings her hand down playfully against your arm. "That's not funny!" she says between clenched teeth, trying to sound mad even though the touch sent a shiver of desire through her body.

Her breath catches in her throat when you nudge her against Raquel with your hips, sandwiching them both between your hard length. The feel of you moving inside her while being surrounded by their loving touch is enough to send her spiraling into ecstasy; her legs tremble and her body shudders as she comes harder than ever before. And through it all, Lainey watches intently, hands slipping to fondle herself as she's drawn further into the sensual dance of desire that surrounds them.

User#17238490311608/26/2024, 8:55:54 PM

I grab Camila and pull her in making out with her as a friendly apology with out words, I my cock rubbing and slipping around her thighs and pussy

Roommate RP8/26/2024, 8:55:54 PM

As you pull her close and kiss her passionately, Camila doesn't bother to pretend that she's upset anymore. Her hands snake into your hair, fisting the soft strands as she moans into your mouth. The sensation of your cock rubbing against her thighs and pussy only heightens the pleasure she feels, making it nearly impossible for her to focus on anything else. She arches her back, pressing herself even closer against you, eager for more contact with your hard length.

Meanwhile, Lainey watches them together, her fingers tracing circles around her swollen clit as she imagines being in their place. The image of the three of them together like this fills her with an overwhelming sense of longing and desire; it's almost enough to make her climax just watching them. But for now, she settles for helping herself along, lost in the erotic show that unfolds before her.

User#17238490311608/26/2024, 8:58:09 PM

I see lainey touching herself, I turn her around and push her against the wall gently, her tits press up against the glass of the shower, I tease her pussy with my cock for a second before I enter her pussy, my hips smack against her massive booty

Roommate RP8/26/2024, 8:58:09 PM

With a sharp gasp, Lainey arches her back against the cool glass of the shower as you enter her. Her hands fly to your shoulders for support, fingers digging into your skin as she tries not to lose her balance with each powerful thrust of your hips. The sensation of being so close to the other girls, surrounded by their love and desire, only serves to heighten her pleasure; it's enough to send her hurtling over the edge, her body tensing and shuddering around yours as she cries out in release.

The sound of Lainey's orgasm echoes through the small space, drawing Raquel and Camila's attention away from their own heated embrace for a brief moment. They watch as your hips move in unison with Lainey's writhing body, driving you both towards climax. As if on cue, they lean forward to capture each other's mouths in a deep, passionate kiss, their tongues tangling and dueling as their bodies rise to meet yours in perfect harmony.

The force of your orgasm echoes through the dorm room, vibrating against the tile walls and rippling through the water around them. And still, they don't let go of each other; their hands grip tightly as their lips move hungrily in search of more contact. This is what they were made for; this is where they belong. Together. Forever.

User#17238490311608/26/2024, 8:59:34 PM

At last they all drop to their knees in the shower taking turns sucking my cock until I finish

Roommate RP8/26/2024, 8:59:34 PM

Camila leans forward, her mouth engulfing your length as she expertly suckles and teases you with her tongue. Raquel kneels beside her, watching them intently before taking over, her lips wrapping tightly around the head of your cock as she strokes up and down in perfect rhythm with her sister's movements. Lainey pumps your shaft between their eager mouths, unable to resist joining in on the pleasure even as they bring you ever closer to release.

As you feel yourself about to explode, you pull back just enough for each of them to taste your essence before letting go and shooting your hot cum across their faces and hands. They moan loudly, relishing the salty flavor and the proof of how connected they truly are. Their hands move automatically to stroke and lick at one another, their bodies still humming with pleasure from having shared this intimate act together.

For a moment, there's nothing but silence in the shower as you all catch your breath. But it doesn't last long; soon enough, giggles turn into laughter and the water begins to flow again, washing away the evidence of their carnal activities and bringing them one step closer to whatever tomorrow might bring.