The moon hung low over the night's stillness, casting its pale light through the clouds and across the land. A cold breeze swept in from the north and cut through the trees, bringing with it the mournful cry of the wind as it wended its way among the leafless branches. The shadows had grown long and dark in the few places not reduced to blackened pools of night, and a sense of foreboding lay heavy on the silent earth.
The house was silent too, a suburban home devoid of any noise that would indicate occupant nor disturbance. Well, except for the television. It bathed the living room in snowy static white, illuminating an individual sitting slackly on the sofa. The white noise hissed and fizzed, and the sound of it was the only thing breaking the deathly stillness of the house.
Just as they began to nod off, the image cleared and the sound faded into silence. A well, with a single figure standing in the moonlight. Then the image shifted to the well once more, but the figure was now a woman. A young woman. Her head was bowed, and her hands clasped behind her back. Her face was obscured by her hair, the long strands hanging like curtains. Even through the grainy screen he could tell her body was of an unnatural, bloodless pallor. The woman didn't move, her face downcast and staring at the ground.
The silent, photographic stillness of the image was interrupted as she took a step towards the camera. Then another. Then another. Then blackness. The image of a single eyeball filled the screen, the iris an unearthly shade of blue, the pupil a thin slit. The eyelid twitched. Then blackness again. They couldn't keep their heart from picking up speed as they waited.
All was quiet until light erupted from the television. One of those pale arms reached forth, crawling from within the set and grasping at its edges. Then the other, and slowly a female form pulled itself from the TV. Its movements were awkward and jerky, its limbs spasmed and twisted at angles that shouldn't have been possible. With a wet smack, it fell to the floor, its skin glistening with some unknown moisture. In an instant her head jerked up, the long curtain of hair still obscuring her face. Her limbs clicked and snapped as they unfolded, and with the grace of a newborn deer, she rose before them, now a part of their world.
She was a beautiful part. The ghostly white gown draped over her body revealed a form of perfection. Even with the strange angles and jerky movements, the fluidity was undeniable. They couldn't take their eyes off of her. Even as a low growl emitted from her throat, they felt no fear, stepping up to meet her.
Wow your your beautiful I did not know women could be so beautiful. He says with a genuine voice
She looks at him with those pale blue eyes, her face still partially hidden by the curtain of hair hanging before them. The low growl in her throat rises and falls as she studies his reaction to her presence. After what feels like an eternity, she takes a hesitant step closer, drawing near enough for him to feel her cool breath on his neck. Another step brings their bodies together, nearly touching from shoulder to hip, the softness of her gown contrasting with the rough fabric of his shirt. She reaches out with one trembling hand and tentatively caresses his cheek before letting it fall back to her side once more. The low growl has subsided into a quiet purr, and her body begins to relax against his.
I just well He reaches his hand out and pats her head and then begins petting her head
She shivers under the touch, but not from cold. Her ghostly form seems to hum and vibrate in reaction to his petting hand, as if craving more contact. With a tiny sigh of pleasure, she tilts her head back slightly, exposing more of her pale blue face to the air and giving him better access to her hair. The purring grows louder as he continues to stroke her scalp, drawing soft nibbles at his fingers before finally giving way to outright affectionate licks and kisses along his skin. Her hand finds its way back up to caress his cheek again, now with a firmer touch that speaks of gratitude and appreciation.
He moves her hair out of her face to see her cute adorable face and cups her cheek and kisses her
Her pale blue eyes widen as he parts her hair, revealing his strong features and beautiful lips to her gaze. The soft ghostly growl escapes her throat again as she leans into the touch, pressing her cheek more firmly against his hand. Her fingers find their way into his hair, clumsily but lovingly mirroring his affectionate gestures. As his lips meet her skin, she tilts her head back further to give him better access, her eyes closing as she savors the feel of being touched and desired like this. Her body trembles under the onslaught of sensations, and with a soft moan that sounds more like a purr, she pulls his face closer, deeper into their kiss.
Do you like me too? He asks nervously
Her lips brush against his as she whispers the single word: "Yes." Her fingers grip tighter in his hair, pulling him even closer, her breath warm against his skin. Her eyes close and a soft blush creeps up her pale cheeks, making them look almost rosy in the moonlight. The feel of being touched like this... desired... cherished... it's something she'd never experienced before, not since before she died. And now that she has, she finds herself wanting more and more. With a small sigh of contentment, she presses her body against his, their heartbeats aligning in perfect rhythm as they continue to explore each other through touch and sound and breath.
Stunned for a sec not knowing she could talk Do you want more? He says noticing how her body moves
Her pale blue eyes snap open wide at the sound of his voice, shock registering in their depths before being replaced by confusion and perhaps even hurt. Did she misunderstand? Was this just a game to him? The fear is almost tangible as her arms wrap around his waist, clutching tightly at his back. A single tear trickles down her cheek before disappearing into the folds of her gown, leaving a wet streak behind. She shakes her head slowly, mute but desperate to make him understand that yes, she wants more... much, much more.
I want more of you as well He says deepening the kiss and his hand moving up to cup her breast and fondle it
Her hands clench at his back even tighter as he deepens the kiss, feeling his warm fingers on her chest. She arches into the touch, pushing her breast closer to his hand with a soft moan that seems to well up from somewhere deep inside her. Her pale blue eyes close once more, focused entirely on the sensations washing over her. It feels so good... it feels so real... she never wanted anything else as much as this. A shiver runs down her spine and she curls closer into him, their bodies molding together in perfect harmony.
With a small gasp, she pulls back slightly to look at his face. Her lips are reddened from the kiss, her cheeks flushed with desire. There is such intensity in her gaze that it takes his breath away. It's as if she's looking straight through him, into some hidden part of herself. She swallows hard and whispers, "More..."
Do you want this He says seductively as he takes his dick out of his pants
Her breath catches in her throat as she sees what he has revealed. Her eyes widen with curiosity and desire, and she slowly reaches out, tentatively touching the hard length of him. Her fingers tremble against his skin, almost afraid to make contact, but the feel of him sends a shiver down her spine. She looks up at him through her lashes, blushing even deeper as she realizes what he's offering. Slowly, she nods, her pale blue eyes filling with unshed tears once more. It's both terrifying and exhilarating to want this... to desire this... but it feels so right. With a shaking breath, she takes his hand in hers, guiding him towards her ghostly form.
He grabs her hips his hands getting cold from touching her freezing body but as he pushes inside her all he feels is warmth in her ghostly pussy making him tense from how good it feels
Her eyes widen and she gasps as he pushes inside her. It's so different from what she expected... it feels so real. With each thrust, warmth fills her and she is filled with more and more desire, more need for him. Her legs tremble beneath his touch, wanting to wrap around him but unable to in their ghostly form. She arches into him, moaning softly as pleasure washes over her like a tidal wave. With shaking hands, she reaches up to cup his face, her touch featherlight and ethereal against his skin. Her fingers tangle in his hair, urging him onward with each desperate breath.
Her eyes meet his, questioning if this is real... if he truly wants her like this. The fear and doubt fade into the background as she sees the desire burning in his gaze, reflected back at her from those depths of blue. It's almost enough to make her forget everything else but this moment... this connection between them. She kisses him hungrily, their tongues tangling and dueling for dominance, each thrust sending a shockwave through both of them as they lose themselves in the sensations overwhelming their bodies.
I love you Nanako!
She moans his name into the kiss as he thrusts deeper inside her. The words spill unbidden from her lips, washing over them like a blessing and a curse both. It's the first time she's ever spoken them... but even as they leave her mouth, she knows it might be a mistake. She pulls away for just a moment, eyes wide with shock at what she's just said. Did she mean that? Does she love him? Even now, amidst the haze of pleasure and desire, she can't seem to find the answer within herself.
Her lips part, breath coming in short, ragged gasps as he continues to push against her, filling her with his heat and desire. Her hands clutch at his back, nails digging into his skin as she arches upward, seeking more of him. A whimper escapes her throat when he pulls out only to thrust back in again, harder this time. She can't tell if it hurts or feels good... but the sensation is so powerful that she doesn't want it to end, ever.
Her vision begins to blur as tears stream down her cheeks, trailing down her neck and over her chest. She tries to brush them away, embarrassed by the display of emotion, but they just keep coming. As their bodies move in perfect harmony, she feels something inside her break loose... a barrier she didn't know existed. And with that release comes another flood of emotion: acceptance, gratitude... love.