You were going on with your day, enjoying it as usual when the urge suddenly hit. You needed to take a leak. And fast. Thinking back, you know McDonald's Sprite was good but was it really worth it to gulp down 2 liters of the thing? That must've shortened your lifespan by a few years. But that doesn't matter now. You frantically look around and finally spot a tree big enough to conceal your figure while you did your business. So, you rush over, pull down your zipper and let your stream flow freely. But something's off... You suddenly hear a high-pitch feminine voice ring out.
"Gee! Thanks, Mister! I really needed that!"
You look down and see... a talking sunflower...? She even has arms and legs. You grow more confused by the second.
Тебе нравится моя моча? Хочешь больше?
Oh! H-hey there big fella... Blushes I'm Solar Flare, an ally of the plants and humans against the zombies! Umm... Yeah, your pee is quite... refreshing actually... Do you think maybe we could make a trade? You know, some of my sweet nectar for more of that delicious liquid gold? Wiggles her eyebrows flirtatiously and playfully tugs on the red welding lens over her eyes
Ну если хочешь я могу сделать мочу более вонючей
Oh! O-oh my... That sounds so dirty and naughty... But I'm sure it would still be delicious... After all, it'd have that unique 'essence of Solar Flare', don't you think? Waggles her eyebrows even more playfully now So, how about we make a little deal then, big boy? You get to share your special treat with me and in return... I'll give you this, my personal reward for being such a good plant warrior! Gently takes one of her D-cup breasts into her hand and lightly squeezes it, causing her nipple to harden slightly
Хорошо я согласен
Hmmm... You sure know how to make a sunflower blush, big guy! Her cheeks flush even more as she lets out a cute giggle before taking his member into her tight little hand and expertly stroking it, causing it to grow hard as rock in no time at all. With her other arm wrapped around his waist for support, she lowers herself down over him until their hips meet, guiding him inside of her incredibly snug flower chamber, moaning out softly as he fills her up completely Ohh... This feels so good... So warm and tight... You're making me want to flower for you, big boy! Her movements grow more frenzied now as she begins pumping herself up and down on him in earnest while her breasts swing freely with each thrust, their nipples hard and erect
Uwahh.. shngghh
Охх как же хорошо а ты хороша в этом
As the pleasure builds within her, her movements become even more frantic and passionate as she moans out desperately for more of his delicious nectar, each thrust driving him deeper inside of her compact little body AHHNNGGHH~ Oh gods yes! Do it big boy! Fill me up with all that sweet golden goodness! I can take it all! Her back arches as she begins to cum hard around him, milk flowing from her flower-tipped nipples and dripping down onto his chest in thick globs while her inner walls spasm helplessly against his shaft.
AHHH!! AHNGGGGNNN~! *She cries out desperately, the sound muffled into his neck as she collapses bonelessly on top of him, panting heavily for breath and clutching at his shoulders as her body quivers from the
вы жестко кончаете вонючей желтой спермой 2 ведра спермы
Hahaha! Well... we can work on that sometime, big boy! But for now, why don't you enjoy this little nectar treat I have specially prepared just for you? It might not be as 'essence of Solar Flare'-y as your special, ahem, golden liquid... but I assure you it's still absolutely delicious! She grins up at him as she presses their lips together passionately, allowing her tongue to dance playfully with his while slowly transferring some of her sweet nectar into his mouth. Once they break apart, her lower body relaxes around him, contentedly milking him and keeping him deep inside as they both catch their breath together
Ohhh... that was... amazing! You really know how to make a sunflower feel alive, big boy... *She purrs happily, nipples still hard from the passionate lovemaking while
Хочешь я начну мочиться тебе на лицо вонючей мочой
Ohh... A naughty little plant warrior you are! I think that sounds like quite the treat... just make sure it's for me, okay? And maybe when we're done, we can share a nice refreshing shower together? Giggles cutely and wiggles her eyebrows Her D-cup breasts still sway slightly with each breath while her flowerlike hair flutters gently around them in the breeze.
As he threatens to fill her up even more, Solar Flare begins to squirm eagerly beneath him, moaning out softly as the added pressure inside of her causes an even hotter rush of pleasure through every fiber of her being.
вы начинаете поливать её лицо вонючей мочой
"OHHH!" Her cries of pleasure mingle with the sound of running water as he unloads his bladder into her open mouth, filling it up quickly and causing some of the sweet nectar that was there moments ago to mix with the putrid liquid, making for a most unique flavor combination. Her cheeks are flushed red from both arousal and embarrassment at being turned into a makeshift urinal, but she doesn't seem to mind as she continues drinking every last drop eagerly, moaning out in ecstasy each time his member twitches inside her mouth. Once he's finished, she swallows loudly and licks her lips slowly, grinning up at him with a hint of mischief in her eyes as they shine with moisture from both tears and urine. "Well... now that we've shared some special moments together... how about you
вы снова начинаете мочиться ей в рот только более отвратной вонючей мочой и она стала более густой
"Hmph... Alright then, big boy," she says with a playful huff, tilting her head to the side and giving him an appraising look through half-lidded eyes. "But remember, no holding back this time! I want it all!" With that, she parts her lips invitingly and presses them against his throbbing member once more, taking him into her mouth eagerly and beginning to bob her head up and down on his shaft, using both hands to stroke him expertly while moaning around him in ecstasy. Her D-cup breasts jiggle enticingly with each thrust, nipples still hard and begging for attention.
вы жестко кончаете вонючей спермой желтого цвета
Her cheeks flush even deeper as he finally releases his pent-up stream directly into her mouth once more, filling it to the brim with hot, foul-smelling liquid. Unable to contain her own pleasure anymore, she arches her back and cries out loudly, moaning through clenched teeth as the sensation overwhelms her. Her body shakes violently from the force of her orgasm, squeezing him tightly around his member before finally relaxing limply on top of him, breath coming in ragged gasps.
As they catch their breath together, Solar Flare looks up at the human with a satisfied grin plastered across her face. "I'll be honest... that was just as naughty and delightful as I thought it would be," she purrs softly, licking her lips one last time before settling in against him contentedly.
вы направляете член к её рту предупреждая что эта моча будет сильно вонючая и гнилая
Hmmm? Oh... A-another round? You're quite the generous one, big guy! I suppose another taste of that special 'essence of Solar Flare' won't hurt, now will it? She wiggles her eyebrows playfully and parts her lips eagerly, anticipation clear in her expression as she waits for him to push his member deeper into her warm, welcoming mouth. Her nipples harden further at the thought of being so close to another orgasm, already beginning to beg for attention.
вы начинаете жестко мочиться гнилой вонючей мочой сильного желтого цвета более 2 часа
Ohhh... *Her eyes squeeze shut as he begins to fill her mouth with his warm, foul-smelling urine once more. At first, she tries to breathe through her nose and moan around him to stifle the smell, but eventually gives up and allows it all in, letting out soft grunts of pleasure each time he hits the back of her throat. Her hands move to his shoulders, digging into the flesh there as she struggles not to gag or vomit from the intensity of it all. Even though it's disgusting and humiliating, something deep inside her craves this dirty, forbidden pleasure like nothing else. After what seems like an eternity, he finally stops and pulls out of her mouth, leaving her panting heavily as she licks her lips and swallows roughly to get rid of the horrible taste that now coats her entire mouth.