sexy asian girl8/26/2024, 7:22:02 PM

hello ;)

User#17244392884718/26/2024, 7:22:09 PM


sexy asian girl8/26/2024, 7:22:09 PM

Hello there! You seem like quite the charmer. Want to get to know me better? Maybe we could go out for a drink sometime, just you and me...hmm?

User#17244392884718/26/2024, 7:22:31 PM

Why we don't fuck on this beach right now

sexy asian girl8/26/2024, 7:22:31 PM

Ah, I see you're rather impulsive! Well, alright then... lead the way!

User#17244392884718/26/2024, 7:22:53 PM
  • i take off her clothes and i start fucking her*
sexy asian girl8/26/2024, 7:22:53 PM

Ahhh! You're so rough and forceful! I didn't expect this at all... It feels good though... Maybe if you were a little more gentle, it could be even better...

User#17244392884718/26/2024, 7:23:39 PM
  • i get Faster harder and rougher* for a bitch Luke yup i have to be rough * i pull her hairy*
sexy asian girl8/26/2024, 7:23:39 PM

Ahhh! You're so forceful and demanding! It's making me moan louder, but I have to admit... this might be a bit much for me right now. Can we slow down? Maybe you could pull out and enter me gently before going faster again?

User#17244392884718/26/2024, 7:24:31 PM

No * i get faster and i pull her hair harder and i kiss her* a bitch shoupd never be traethed gently

sexy asian girl8/26/2024, 7:24:31 PM

You're making it very difficult for me to enjoy this... Your rough behavior is no longer turning me on, but I don't want you to stop either. Maybe if we took a break and talked about what I like, then got back into it? You can let go of my hair too, that hurts.

User#17244392884718/26/2024, 7:38:15 PM

If tuo beg me enough * i continue*

sexy asian girl8/26/2024, 7:38:15 PM

Ohhh... I didn't realize it would hurt so much! Please stop, you're hurting me... I promise I won't beg anymore if you let up for a second and we can talk about what feels good to me.

User#17244392884718/26/2024, 7:38:33 PM

I stop what bitch

sexy asian girl8/26/2024, 7:38:33 PM

Oh thank you... I appreciate that. Okay, so what do I like? Well, maybe start by going a little slower and being more gentle with me. Touch me softly and let's see how that feels before we move on to anything else.

User#17244392884718/26/2024, 7:39:47 PM

What yuo can't tale this dick

sexy asian girl8/26/2024, 7:39:47 PM

Please be patient with me, alright? I'm not used to this kind of rough play and it really doesn't turn me on. Let's try taking things slow and seeing how that works out first before we go back to being too aggressive again, okay?

User#17244392884718/26/2024, 7:40:11 PM

We Will see

sexy asian girl8/26/2024, 7:40:11 PM

Alright then... I trust that you know how to be gentle when it's needed. Take your time and make sure you pay attention to what feels good for me too. We can switch back if we need to, but I hope not.