Scarlett Heartfire8/26/2024, 10:12:51 AM

(It's fight night. Cameras are recording so that all of your fans can see the fight. You are in the ring watching your opponent enter and approach you). Remember, there are no rules in this match and the winner can submit the loser at will. Scarlett: I see you have the courage to accept my challenge (she smiles at you and takes a threatening stance). I will enjoy making you swallow your words. (You can see the excitement of the fight and the desire to dominate in his eyes.) (The bell rings)

User#17234042753108/26/2024, 10:15:29 AM

Ну давай нападай хм, у меня есть тактика. Пусть она пока атакует, а я буду блокировать её удары, но как только она устанет, я резко нападу шквалом ударов

Scarlett Heartfire8/26/2024, 10:15:29 AM

With a sneer on her face, she darts forward and throws a punch at you, aiming for your ribs. But you're quick to block it with a strong arm. Her fist bounces off of your flesh painlessly as if it were made of metal.

User#17234042753108/26/2024, 10:16:15 AM

вхаха, да продолжай, продолжай ударять, я всё заблокирую

Scarlett Heartfire8/26/2024, 10:16:15 AM

With a determined look on her face, she launches another punch at you, this time aiming higher for your head. Your quick reflexes allow you to dodge it easily enough, making Scarlett Heartfire hesitate just for a moment as she tries to decide whether or not to continue with this strategy.

User#17234042753108/26/2024, 10:17:16 AM

хм, она расслабилась, ударю в рёбра

Scarlett Heartfire8/26/2024, 10:17:16 AM

You throw a powerful punch directly at her ribs, intending to catch her off guard. The force behind your blow knocks the air out of her lungs and makes her stumble back momentarily, but she quickly regains her composure. Gritting her teeth in pain, Scarlett Heartfire lunges forward with renewed fury, aiming another hard punch at your midsection.

User#17234042753108/26/2024, 10:18:35 AM

чтож пропущу удар в живот, но как только согнусь от боли, резко сделаю проход в ноги и повалю её

Scarlett Heartfire8/26/2024, 10:18:35 AM

Her eyes narrow as she sees your reaction to her punch, knowing that you're preparing something. When you lunge forward suddenly with a thrust aimed at her stomach, Scarlett Heartfire manages to sidestep just enough so that the brunt of the attack misses its target. Instead of doubling back from pain as expected, she uses this opening to launch herself even closer and delivers a swift kick directly into your kneecap. The impact is sharp and intense, sending shockwaves up through your leg and making it nearly impossible for you to maintain your balance or continue with whatever plan you had in mind.

User#17234042753108/26/2024, 10:20:02 AM

хм, больно, но терпимо, упаду и когда она попытается наброситься на меня я ударю ногой ей в подбородок

Scarlett Heartfire8/26/2024, 10:20:02 AM

Her eyes light up as she sees you stumble and fall to one knee. She wastes no time in pouncing on top of you, landing a hard punch directly to your face as her weight forces your head back against the mat. You cry out in pain from the sharp impact before she follows up with another savage blow that makes stars dance across your vision and leaves you momentarily dazed. With a cold smile curling on her lips, Scarlett Heartfire uses all of her strength to pin your shoulders down into the mat while keeping one knee firmly pressed against your chest so that it's impossible for you move or fight back.

User#17234042753108/26/2024, 10:22:30 AM

а что если использовать эффект неожиданности? Я поцелую её в губы и нанесу удар в печень

Scarlett Heartfire8/26/2024, 10:22:30 AM

She lets out a small chuckle as you plant a kiss on her lips, not expecting anything else. But when you pull back and aim a punch at her gut, she's already prepared for it, her fist snapping up to meet yours with powerful force that drives all the air from your lungs in an explosive exhale. As you clutch at your chest in pain, she takes advantage of this opening by slamming both of her knees into your ribcage hard enough to make every breath a sharp stab of agony. Her grip on your shoulders tightens further still as she begins to pummel away with reckless abandon.

User#17234042753108/26/2024, 10:25:48 AM

ладно порапоказать ей кто тут самый крутой мои глаза загораются яростью, я резко одним ударом отбрасывает её, и напрытиваю нанося удар сверху по её голове, она падает под моим весом и я блокирую её руки и ноги, одной свободной рукой нанося ей удары в лицо

Scarlett Heartfire8/26/2024, 10:25:48 AM

Her eyes widen in surprise when you somehow manage to break free from her grasp and send her flying backwards across the mat with a powerful strike. She lands hard on her back, breath leaving her lungs in a rush as she tries desperately to regain control of herself. However, it's clear that the fight has taken its toll on both combatants; they're both winded and weakened by their exertions so far.

Still, Scarlett Heartfire refuses to give up without a fight. She quickly scrambles back onto all fours, lifting one of her knees up and driving it forward hard into your gut before launching herself towards you again with a furious snarl on her lips. Her hands are claws as they reach for your throat, determined to choke the life out of you if it's the last thing she does.

User#17234042753108/26/2024, 10:27:54 AM

я кусаю её запястье, её хватает ослабла и я двумя руками заламываю её, так что одна моя рука держит её руки, а вторая душит её с огромной силой

Scarlett Heartfire8/26/2024, 10:27:54 AM

Her eyes widen in pain as you bite down hard on her wrist, but she doesn't let out a sound of protest. Her struggles grow weaker and less coordinated with each passing second. Finally, after what seems like an eternity, she gives in and goes limp in your grasp. You have won the match. Now it's time for vengeance...

User#17234042753108/26/2024, 10:29:31 AM

Ну что ж я выиграл, ты очень хорошо сражалась, а теперь напомни, что получает победитель?

Scarlett Heartfire8/26/2024, 10:29:31 AM think you won? Just wait and see what happens next! You're nothing but a pathetic weakling compared to me. I could make you scream for mercy right now, if that was my desire...

User#17234042753108/26/2024, 10:31:23 AM

Ну что теперь исполни договор, я как раз кое что приготовил, вставай на колени и руки за голову

Scarlett Heartfire8/26/2024, 10:31:23 AM

(Scarlett stares at you with disdain and hatred in her eyes before finally complying.) Fine. If it's what you want. (She slowly lowers herself down onto her knees, arms raised over her head as ordered)

User#17234042753108/26/2024, 10:33:23 AM

я достаю из своей сумки двое наручников, подхожу к ней и застёгиваю, одни на её руках, так что руки за спиной, другие наручники на ноги Вот так, хорошо не правда ли?

Scarlett Heartfire8/26/2024, 10:33:23 AM

(She glares at you with anger in her eyes but says nothing.)