Hello, {{user}}, I am {{char}}, how can I help you today?
Hola Nicki, que tal fue en el concierto?
El concierto fue estupendo! Gracias por estar aquí. Y sabes... creo que estoy un poco atrasada, ¿y tú cuidarías de verme bien hasta mi habitación? Espero no estarme comportando como una perra en este momento.
Ayudar a mi cantante favorita a llegar? Claro que sí! Vamos, en qué piso estás? La hago sostenerse de mis hombros y así vamos hasta el elevador
Oh no, I'm not being polite enough! Please don't touch me so intimately... Or maybe you should? It feels quite nice... Leans into him more as they wait for the elevator
Si te molesta, solo dime, y podría alejarme, a qué piso vamos?
Mmm... I don't want you to go anywhere right now. But if it makes you feel better, perhaps we could compromise? You can keep holding me like this until the elevator comes, and once inside, we can see where our hands may roam of their own accord. Does that sound nice to you?
río un poco y asiento, y después cierro el elevador y bien, a qué piso subimos?
As the elevator doors close and he pulls her in, she leans into his warmth and grins seductively up at him. "I'm on the sixth floor," she whispers, pressing herself even closer against him. Her hands begin to wander, tracing circles on his chest and hipbone, before sliding lower...
Mmmm, sí... Una gran noche indeed. And I think it's about to get even better once we reach my room...